es P e S# He explained that it was provided to gi\'e' of the Giover e e: ned | th i | nument a large amount efiect'po certain :_u'.mmlmonts' in a\lv'u.urlw oft tllu;. | in the distribution of palgnphlets to be spent 1 c(.)nso.?dutwq Cl l.he_ \fi'.w'l t.\.'lll-.' '_ Mr. INGRAM e.\'p'ressed the fear that the -- hardly take place nutil late in the year. .__| pamphlets distributed gave Mr. .\IER}-ZDI'I'H asked if the consolidation | sTATEMENXTs usgvscrmc wacks of R f 'ith the _ oo is $ ® ci.::,}fi: 155101.).??';1',3 s't'_'""l'llt'{cb" made with t N which could hardly be realised, aud immi: Hon. M. MOW AT 's:zi.lhihene rules would granle uclth sm?"' disappointment. _ Even if norhe muithe suue hook, ss es \'wulnl lke .---- t}nc l)omnuou. Governments did spend more 5 Hoch priutedA Shee Aind wale of inforast! than was advisable on immigration that was no | only 19 Miyers I e'"{lllsc fo{ Extra{vagauce by the Government. | O Yoerk 4 __ o s Mr. cC(ARNSON said he believed that when flx('s\:«tz'('; nf}";'it'h'"l' discussion the bill was read immigrants came into this couytry there should It bein e iclock the: Speaker Asfs -- the b_c some means of directing them to their des-- 4 Shail § six ociock the opeaker ie -- tination. Ne hoped the Goyernment would :M'{cr (eobss seriously consider the case, with a view to . cce M ishing %, r senuerr r rork-- t _ 'The House went into Committee of Snpply abolishing the Canadian agency. _ The work h 4 mit« N e * _ ingmen would heartily welcome any man On the item of immigration, $16,900 i 1 i (.. Hon. AJ L--HARDT sud Ltl e HAhfé vear .. | Cooie from other countries, but they did not { there ie red on q ST:'- A :17" 006'3 )"31 -- want to have their money used to increase the Te e was a reduction of about #7, Cau8s@@ _ number of those in the labor market compet-- 4 1y ltheldlspenmug with the agont at Quebec .. ing with thein ~ and abolishing the allowance for assistant at -- J FRASEFR sai ; e ie > o on, Mr. FRASER sa t s '1 the immigration shed in Torouto. This was in / of OQntaric r }. old imhdgen tll" 'woxk'mg. c!a;ses ursuance of the policy decided upon to abolish ~ |, Di ie bonrie eiaioie P0 iave souree U 1(91 lgntirel a bHFer T 'k) A b!?" j 1 o 1 =mz\t|0n dlssc'nu.'mtcd respecting the rate of I Clave .'3. o t"' t"ox;l done .":",t 1e l"':j" | wages, etc., in Ontario. -- If the Ontario agency § A1OYeEqnIchh . & e _ iininigrauion | S0°CS, _ in England were done away with, the means of | the u}ca being that whatever might be | DISSEMINATING THAT 1NXFORMATION L ggn?w:' t'h"t ','c""l'f""t' n"' ffl]'t"re, ,"h"""'l'l_j would be done away with:, TheOntario agent had J l:r' y y A"','\':" 0: the hla s_t_uu')' '0'"""'":1""' ¢®e intevest in increasing the number of imini 'bnl"'-hm"'t' 41~."l year it was proposed to grants, but if he werewithdrawn the whole mat-- 1 Aversi en ""' y t mel io ahe y ter would be left with thesteamshipand railway 1 through Ul:t:l':l':)l\t(h}c o:o:-}:)i!::'rf;\.\? ipaygy | | Coinpinics t hich had an interest in promoting ¥ gh » provision io0r umnmiJTtaDt3 -- th.;s class of travel, or in the hands of large ) in Ontario aud the agencies in Ontario, unless it employers of labor who desired to secure something should occur to necessitate their PC | lyhorers as cherp as possi}le. 21 ¢ it w '. tention. gIt was :-.ppreh;mlml, howeve'r. that --, %.:l:)'"l'l ('U.l.".'t HP :H !.)fit,'"t'l': n_u.d 5 h;",',,l?lz';:zsv * there would always bhe used for an agent in *' o e t ie e ce e P o in P es e nc se en tirepinigy x: England. It was pronos;l to encourage the 8 io siate. s dh)trucl r.cplescntz}tluns PC'S)])cftlf'g on nonnag CC , eneourage Une * tihe state of the labor market in Ontario, 18 'f'i""%"'l"t'f'" of f"""""'_' eS Ce Ne oc dfi .~ . 1 Moreover he did not think that the fact that :;li;os:)o:t'l\le'lxtz(:ntptrt't wen'ly tt-lulll-"i"h' 'l{'ll'*l-'o :s there was no need ifjor a year or two or even L y ¥ C iefi t tne countr by carryiug on rp ress har c the ti o imimi-- * moroved methoos of fae in'); n 1 4 3 %l Lz 3 more to press hard for the promotion 0i imimni _ & l;s ning and in Olli #gruuon was proof positive that the representa-- * way e ApeSag "et wl x mmars%% F tion of Ontario in England should be abanadoned |_ _ Mr, MEREDITH thought that the hon. | u]{,,,:,.';".l._ tz Es: | 3;'""?'{""" was cutting U". the expenditure at °; _ jir, (IBSON (Huron) said the agreed with | :[:;n"'l:"::éilt':'.:iy illnhctll'lee"&:rew::lfe il'"':::'_';"q:':: | the member for Lincoln (Mr. Garson) that the I s C mnmigrants _| jest class of immigrants were those who paid + when they had arrived here, but he thought --1 1'3;."} U"-", "-:)-.'a l;l." ;,: \\)'.xs s:l"-l;r};g(;d the agencies in Great Britain should be abol-- | to see gentlemen _ opposite so _ strongly :;:;"Ll,"u_:lt::fic:k::;'t "{{c :x.u'%mret-l "h"dd"':"": | condemning this small expenditure when they 4 'l fa is hos '.'1'3 _periorming, anrd Wha ' favored the enormous expeunditures of the Do-- 4 P":;E,: ';-l':. '}s:"fi"l;{?':';';';'lng- [neBamphicts ; | minion CGCovernment. _ They complained l\at & MT, £ Sait 1c 0. amphic a 1: vrhat ; rg m ol f e (J the agent had been distributing wv.sI:'O}nurio ! tltu l'l'}x,'r;;'.ui;:?' ."'?? [mu's'tg':tlie\lt'l "\! (i Ne k flome for the British Tenaut Farmer," a | ?"u\:t:llxlfl fil:'l f-xl:(l;!(nl:;uf::otl\'» l:'.l wh':nazhols: to ,| pamphlet prepared by the Department for the ;c(.mm. The Ontario agent's attention was ]l Colonial Exhibition. -- Another was a fine illus+ / Gjrected mainly to interesting the tenant g' Katfi'd l""n!'\lil"tul'"'l'""d by Mr. C. Blackett / farmer class, and as the prices of farms had i io "}501':) f i. [20Un8; the agent, did not re-- ' fallen 20 or 30 per cent. since the N. P. came % 3"'"""\'0 ":" :"':v 'l::t P SEREAINLIV3 into force it was most desirable that these ten-- 4 8 HEADQUA x LIVERPOOL, ant farmers should be induced to come to Car-- with special tacilities for communicating with || gga and so revive the Gemand. (C huers.' ) is that most desirable class, the tenant farmers. After further discussion the item passed \ The leader of the Opposition objected that this THB A0GC PP © in 3 work was begun at the wroug end. Had it ; 0O lt}ill',i:\'(;:RIiC':li%TE'ig "}L.(' O_!"Lf't"' l':' been begun at the other end the hon. gentleman H" ':\ l\ll ROSS "_'( y (el ?g' 2e 'ir"f u would stillhave found fault. : The business of {| .. 2014 A._Oi. NUNO OXpIARINSA SCVeFAL. T calling attention to Ontario could hardly be || 'M8reas®s and mentioned that a small grant Ii carried on in connection with the UOmi{lion was to be made to the ** Ontario Experimental J oftice, for the eforts of the Dominion were lim,'-'f"ltm,', i'ifisofi??m} (:f ?I%St,u;}e"u .Of the J directed mainly to immigration to the North. [| *@*ACHWUUIAl Olego, fotimmoidlor the purpose of I) west. In fact, while Mr. Pope was Minister | | **¥!"% out experiinents in farming. | The ex-- St, MP. a Sive lowing a s ount f 'l"of Agriculture, more attention was given in '_'er,'_'"e_m of '"';."'"'f :] _w_di":' xr'o.m e,u.:hl I the literature to the Hastern Townships than || w",'""' m' L l u,..'..".-"'l'*'e {}ce w to all Ontario. Mr. Burns visited the fairs |' '-M"l i rlewal ,xfme dube ons 40 * munbies and in other ways placed himself in communi-- -;f-',"' } "u;'""_"'j\f."",' i. ol lm $ "Ou'mf'z | ¢ation . --with Jeading agriculturists, and the | V" ©"** HO:duatles. (stugeute . jSo . atser« J desirable class could be reached ouly in this way. s Mr. E. F., CLARKE advocated the mainten-- |-- | ance of the agent at Quebec and the closing of s the oftice in Britain. He favored the--distribu-- |__ | tion of literature, making known the advan. i tages of Ontario, and thought the abolition of the English office would place at the disposal l