the _ company. In 'to OA qnos-- tion _ he ssyid he hm not mbq 'for theso -- mon. _A question was raised as | to the difficulty of-- getting -- employees | of the (Grand Trunk Railway Company to tes-- tify acainst the plan. 'The chairman said they could only judge from the testimony before them, and they should be able to get at all the facts by examining the witnesses. ~Mr. A. W. Wright said that he and Mr. Jury represented | a number of men who did not care to come for. ward and testify. -- The committeo adjourned until 10 o'clock on Thursday ( MUNICIPAL COMMITTEER. The main business of this Committee was | the discussion of Mr. Waters' bill, which cov-- ered an elaborate system of arranging the re-- sponsibility for the care of bridges between | the counties and municipalities, _ 'There was | a lively discussion on the bill, resulting in ex-- | tensive changes, being in effect a reverting to the system in vogue up to last year, under'lt which counties erect and maintain bridges ' over streams crossing or forming the ~ boundary lines between two municipalities and all bridges over 100 feet long within townships t and villages. --Other bills were brought up,but owing to the absence of the promoters, or for some other reason, consideration of them was 4 postponed. | NOTICES 6F MOTION, I Mr. Sprague~--Monday next--Bill to amend | the Assessment Act. Mr. Evanturel--Inquiry of the Ministry whether it is the intertion of the Government trtake ocecasion of the Jubilae year to help in , completing the memorial column or shaft com-- | menced in 1884 for the purpose of marking the exact site of the old French fort or trading post established in Toronto in 1749, and taken since into eustody by the Mayor of 'Toronto in the name of the city ; also if they futend to mark by a stone or other means the precious histori-- cal spot of this Province for the benefit of the rising gencration,