-.-.--'" __ - v - -"""'"""""'"ml_ _ . . .1 mm of the no do to maul; tho event and i agreement or by arbitration what the land '(V'ovhrnors of rb'raites and other Ti,iiii'iri'i,si2i l would cost. In consequence of the. award yet. l mm wore im lied to be present. it whuld be i l baring been completed last rits,""',".',!]',',' bill , a. iitting thing for Ontario. as another Wuy of l thihwh was then introduced was wit t raw" celebrating this Jubilee younto have u. gather- l lhe . . ing of the some kind, and he ho ocd they might . AWARDS.V'.ERR NOW' COMPLETED. have an opening' equal to that which took place l with the exception." th roud,wh;eh theConrt of l on the other side oi the line. He hoped that 1 Appeal had decided that they could ,hhh I the 1iovernorGcucral unal the Lieutenant- l exTtopriate under the terms oi. the Act. l he , Hovernor of Ontario would be present, and it ( whole of the proceedings were in charge of the g would give him great satisfaction ifevery meln- I commissioners. They were men pf great bust- l ber of this House would attend. 'rt He hoped to E use ability and good tustehund had devoted meet the leader of the Opposition there and g themselves" to the work with great zel.. .He shake hands with him cordially l would. have been utterly hopeless of bringing Ih. 'iiriitirrrih'iCU.'i1iiir, 'the stream? I the matter to its present position without the (1 fm inter.) d . bTr l services which these gentlemen had gratuitmm- . 11"h' M; Mowat concluded by moving that 1 1y given. It was to them really that tty! credit the Hdusu L10 into (-mnmittee on the resolutions. 2 wm due of the matter having reached its pre- Mr sirikijirinii' said although this matter i sent condition, It was proposed that the had Li; before the housebefore, the Province l money we not committed to it. Jud in b the re- l, Show" IW. RAISED BY DEBENTURER . hurt of the commissioners theg higteii'tion was ll charged on the revenues of the Park with a . to establish this pm without laying any bar. guarantee by the Province. There was MO 1 down 2riid, lhdxdnce Bat there were not {pound for doubting that the revenues would "mug!" facts before the House to show the h amply suilicieng to pay all expenses, to PV ' member; that there, was a fair. chance of this the interest on the debentures and to provide M ectation bein ' realised In the first place, " sinkingjund. The debentures would ox. it' {in ex outed a) ihvole an expenditure of tend over forty yeurs. The Park would be 3500 006 hof which tir.290 000 was t,he estimated perfectly free, and charges would be made cc, t Cf ii',,.,'. m) 2r'ii"C', he espropriateil. Bat only where guides were needed or where ex- it; in" {Willi diet 34% 000 wdnld be the cost penditure Was required for mechanical ap- of t"); ro Ky.'t : "ind .yct oulv S"26,000 Was plitutces, such as inclined planes. It was cal. ; 2lii/eri 1:0 lilit'),t0:£1l estimate: As he (Mr. _ culntcd that a. small charge, Shy fifty cents "S . 'iiiriiii'i') Ciiaiiii; the locality all the pro- n maximum, to those who used these advau. - crt between 1h: mud uiid the river was the tages would be Butiicient. On the American . lit-0'3"!" ot' the (hi-ow".- In that "he he could side a small charge was made for the I get-Int) 'i/cf.,,,', lin'thc purchase of HUXllC of the same purpose. Assuming that 250,000 ore )('l't 'i (is eciullv that of Mr. Mockiin and people visited the Falls annually, it would be 'lil.? D-Ii'iu .. p'l'ho Attorney-General estimated necessary for only a third of that number to r 'ti'/rfici1, 50 cents would be sufficient to pay this small charge in order to uil'ord sth- ii'iii, ti p ornamen- lint there were not facts cicnt revenue. The attractions on the Cuua. 'c,rCri"ii'iii'ic,"i'"tr, enable members to judge than side were. much greater than on the other. I Ci' that and he threw the rewonsilsiliry "mm The report of the New York Commissioners i ' m't'i'e'i'dii o , mute lie thouaht $500,000 loo referred to that matter and pointed out, the '- if!" 1 rung) ir, chucndetl 'iii' this scheme if advantages, of the Canadian side over the l t"i'/,'hi,i'ii1r,' was h; be responsible for the ex- American sside l and when the drawbacks I 'iii/iii/i.' 1iTii, renal-d to the name, while Were removed from the Canadian side they I iii-it yielding to the l'ri'vniicr in his, loyalty and might fairly expect l ISITOI A devotion tdtlie sovereign, he would have been A LAKHEP. NUMBER or . ' t. -.. .. . . . 'ed would have no there than on the American side. There was lldiiiicfd 'tl',?,.,?,?,",::",?.:),";,"; which the park lillllSli no reason to doubt that the revenue would he . alwa W L,' known MIN!!!" the vcoitle-Niagrtvra suilicient. The award for the land would . [34"133i,1'.h He did JJt "PPM" the bill. amount to $400,000; the second head of ex- . "iii/ Tri: MUWAT said he had not given penises would be the cogt4 of the arbitrators, the estimates of expenditure upon the improve- and the third would be the cost of the works - month thinlzinw they could best be given in that would have to, be constructed. It was ('unmiittec of in: Whole. The margin over proposed nut to make the. place h (lower garden, Cost of land was n. large one, but the Americans, but to retain in a state of naturu.w.ha.t Iva? in thou h tncv had no larger park than was Pro" that condition now, to remove _unaiglyly.build: posefl for this side, were preparing for an ex- ings, aud lo' plairting to r.ts,turc the tsitetsof penditure ofF400,000, at thereto irisi100,000a these buildings as far as possible to your. Should the House feel richer at some A "ATL' Oh NA'IIV'I'H' . . ' . . . lore mi rht be Niven to be went in and to remove all. obstructions which would tl),),,,':":.':,':.)',,'): was [how pro-hosed. lle jdstilicd 1 prevent People going out and enjoying the the expenditure of the money on the rcsponsi- : sights. They promised to'eull the park the l: bility of the Province on the ground that the , Queen Victoria kingara lull: Park. He be. i very same inilueuccs which would make this a licved that he spoke the Ieelmga ot the House I rniitable enterprise for a private compuny and the country when he said that they loved t {1qu tend to prevent the Province front their Queen more than they loved these old ' Gulli'rin loss upon it. His idea was at Indian narnes,yylthut.the occasionof t.httiitie.tlt I lir'itl 'd have a company manage the anniversary of her reign Was one winch ought S anim- subject to Provincial regulation 'and in- i to be marked and could be very ilttingly l spection but it seemed if acom any could dot marked in this way. Th" locality was one ht t it; the l'iiovincc could do it without loss and I interest to the whole world. 'l hey were about with advantasre to the people. The Opposition V l to consecrate the park to the whole world, but ' press had canodcmned the Government for not i i esliecially to " , 'r, . . , going rapidly enough in this matter, and advo. ' mm. hum" f "Who" in 'TI' IN Iriutp.. t cated the expenditure out of the public reveuuu k When the American. Park WM opened "I? 3 and at the expense of the Province wholly. thought tt 3 titting thing to have a great tpst The resolution was carried, and the House h . I' went into Committee of the Whole upon the , resolutions. , i