Sir. GIBSON (Huron) igtWtiltt'tT llllll two ion of 1885 the teach. l letters pointing out thin very ilitbsattr. He Tt'eu'g"r',at gt,'h"te attention of the thought they should hasten elowly. " v.1" to this subjoet--ttut desirability of M r. M h'itEiW1'H said he was eatiniicd that Pill" LI', and attention to theee arguments on behalf of the tenants Were c "n t run LAWN or "mun. i made by landlords. Such arguments from A to t book on this trabjssot had been reputed attett a quarter were open to susprcron. He d x the direction of the Board of 'lf/Ill,' " feared that this bill would breed a system of "in "desire of the Dcpartlmnt. which had agreements which would deprive the tenants "°ven of great benefit, giving the teacher- ot the whaling" of the law. t1,'v"lt'ee,',ldi'L' information. But this book WM l Hon. Mc. FRASER said that tho hon. gen- T too seientitie . character to be used in l tleman surely did not pronoue to deprive the lib Public schools, and another text book i landlord of the right fo take. treuurity for the i T, le 59 technical nature -hed been prepar. ) nymcnt of ret:. buppose instead of a small l ml ir the use of the [twill in the 1 house the building rented was a valuable Public schools. Similar instruction to mi. t store, it would not be he to prtm-Qnt a. chnt- , was "he" in seventeen States of :1" Union i tel mort e or some q or M.'euvt y. " .. . _ h wn b t e re rte ' Mr. ':,'fl,l5."d'iru'f,'ll contended that men were ii sthtjt:,"gle,hti1'iul,tptt',',' ITI, y ublio pad. : I ' . . . . . . of the ochoomw y g F. p . . I often deirauded into Signing waters of their in ina in favor of the system. ll ith such in- rights. A chatted mortgage could not the pre- " stguction the youth of the Province would not vented, and no fo.rmal, an instrument would 5' in future fall into drinking habits without ' probably mg be signcdao readily as tho small . having some knowledge of what the results: i slips which might readily be provided, and he .1 would be. He ointed out the had efreeta, not I , "tarnished would be in the hands of every " only indirectly lint directly, of alcoholism "I": i lan or _ . '" . . . li. ' Ir, wn h the records of " rancy an _ Ile. 0'C0NN0it said that if a few lines in 33:15:32: rig theii t, and urged that tghis system tUleaae or asmall agreement could. suspend of instruction would tend to minimise thin the operation In any "mull" ca" tt would i vil Another provision of the bill was to be much better not to have the Act at all. , e Ibli;h . ' Mr. WOOD (Hastings) tid that the tenant .eetu rm: 1rt.NDF.RtTARTr.'g school. SYSTEM would in Bottte cases he injured by the Few? of the Province. It would provide against any sity put upon landlords to demand rent tn at . l ersull not authorised to do so setting himse i YancQ, an c.ould see no reason why the tenant i Br herself up as a kindergarten" and receivin should not give security by agreement. . 1 p t public moneys for instruction of that kind. , Hon. Mr. MUWdll said the obieetion in: the eystem was worth trying ituhould be test- raitisrul. full)": Jinnah ':i1t""r1l,t22',,t"ii,gto,f, .1 ed under the anepicea ofthe" Education Depart. t p? on . u is pom , c: . 1 _ ' , . ' . . hat wa contracting the-manure out oi tho advantages "1:33 1',haeol?ntttst,i (tutt', 'gd ht on); of It tet It'd', 'I'2i 1S"td,', 'at/gut'.' 2ll a fuir test given. He looked for do best whic e thong t l no eon . '., h be establishment of the kinder- ered. He suggested that the bill should not I "it": 211mm as part oi the system of the f _ irovince. . be passe-l by the committee until there had The bill was read the second time. lutn :urthcr l Hunt-HEW to '-~mi'lcr it, ' DRAINAGE LOANS. f ','., f: _ti.','tt :' l.'-" 5? rtaportc-'l progress "" Hon. A. M. ROSS moved the second read. aclsrri in" 1- to m 'tpair:. l ing of the bill respecting interest on drainage THE lIlll'CATlON DEPARTMENT. l ioanato municipalities. Carried. "on. G. W. ROSS, moving the second read. PUBLIC SCHOOLS BILL. ing oi the bill respecting the Fclueation by House again in Committee on the bill to pertinent, explained that the measure. thoudh amend the Act respecting Public seltooU. wally short, dealt twith three very important Some "iscussion,took place on the clause al. subjects Although ll" Itopleof the Province lowing an appeal from the ratepayers of a were gent-rally etiglget.l Mt agriculture and school district to the municipal council in re. univcysli.s interested m the suCcetis d that lation to raising tundu for the erection of a porno", no adcquutc'mcnus had ever been pro- school-house, or a dwelling for the teacher, or ' vided tor u general diffusion of knowledge on the purchase of a site. M 1.. Meredith objected i the tsubject, Under regulations Pant! some . to -the clause as giving too arbitrary I tune uis'0. the. teoclicr Wa8 .authorisod to R"' _ tt power to the municipal councils. f ",yuuctiotts in the shape ot lectures on bride) . Hon. Mr. Ross said that the council i atternoons trig oibjects would exercise its judgment in the matter. It . m "in"; To ACtrucULTcRE. . might be that although the ratepayers voted Taking a Mep icrward, th textbook I,'tt1i,'gi ' down the Proposition to expend momma. a prepared :so, that those teachers m the harm . majority of those who were really interested in 1 39'1"?!" WW" have the advantage of, 1ttstrttCo educational matters might be in favor of the tion in it and the benefit of syt,ternutisyrd and ' ex "uuliture _ I correct information on the question. In future T li12 section was allowed to stand and the F I the students in the Normal schools would be _ coinmittct row turl reported ii/uTiiil. i taught agri.iultyre on much the same basis an Hon. o. MUWAT will that it was pro sod l the 1.",',ti,'.'l)y:t,: iti.t.,ly' Agricultural Lillie-go 'lti that win n the Home ndéourns on Thurstm' it now '"."ie vn.. "'0 p".olue fat Untrno . , should adjourn until 'luesday. lie thou ht every interest in promoting a love at term life the mi u fair! . count that when 1'iii,' in instilling in the minds of the. young a they Ile/s',', m y Cr h tl t a iii _knowledgsc,i the rwoslitiottt, under which the J _ , ts t Ne:' i. m t , l ' . ... .t ' . ll ould be ttite sutlment to fiuish ) rest results to the a Ticulturist can be aclum . " .. 1 . n . _ t the business. le pro IOSCd also that they ad. ed. It no: hoped that th.- hook would fully . . . . i g .. . , . . " . . . , . . 1 ;ouin at tux to-day. t was iinully decided , cot er th- points it inch could be most advan tl at tl ll , h ' 'd . t t Th , I tageonsiy dealt with, and the use of it, l: l" ." "l: " lil",',','. ' ("f met I', wo 1'r; "lt I he was stttietierl, would do good and meets lil', 2"" "' {Gull}: " our, l' M501" * obit} . l i , with the approval of the people at large. An} ti 1lr'lih'l: , rs to reac I their emu of. other point of tho bill true that it made pro. "glib fit tsy. di d I paratiun tor the nyutlemntic instruction of tho e ouee a Jourue at 6 p.rn. pupils attending the. Common schools in the -------.-.. f i infects of alcohol and narcotics on the human