of nationality among Canadians Since t they should not hesitate to set apart a portion ¢ L""gmg in of this b?ll he had héz'trd 'ho(-b w of ¥h° public (]qnxallx in order to endow the that the CGovernment were not di W _1."0' @I, _ various universities,. -- He was preptu'wl to sup-- take a step which appeared to ;'liltlutc lll!t:'(l 19 | port any measure which tended to the general metrically opposed to what fllL'"l l\ch:'o)L ;]f"' benefit of the Province, but he thought there outing s in t Tille aitie Actorced to a memer.| * e se i n seni dugtisatign af the alleging that the Government \\'oul(lLr """t""r public ful'uls in educational institutions in To-- charter' _ giving _ university powers i'()'"f 4& | youto. The 1;'!'05um,.:schcmc seemed to have other denominational L'Ull(~éc. He &np: 'f"('l been thoruggln'.y considered, and one which the of -- the bill now -- before the ']H (n'(_-' Minister of Education believed to be in the but he did uot see how 1'.0 (')ual"l, interests pf the Province. Jl'(: hoped that his approve of this intended action of the (-'u(\('::-;l. anticipations would be realised, He would ment--that is, if the rumor he referred t« have some further criticisins to olfer when they woere true. 0 | eame to consider the bill in detail. A Dr. M'LAUGHLIN said he had: scarcel ] o Mr. (JII%.\'()N (Hamilton) said that che had | ever listened to a speech more admirable xyx § listened with the greatest pleasure to the ex-- every way than thac delivered that evening by | tx."""""'l:f."'mu speech of the Minister of Educa. the Minister of Education. He took up .::lhg, tion. The Minister had, during the pass few question of the expenses of the Uni\'crsitx)' pro«-- t Inbldia. en :+ 1e Et)m.l"%. esd s fessoriate as they would appear under the ; wilOLE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM federated system, showing that the salaries of in the \\'u,::k of revision, nnp:'m'c'n_u::'.t and the professors, supposing them to range from b}lnpl.ltlvutlun. Mow ht Mader . on plasing §$2,500 to $3,700, with salaries of ©1,500 to Lnfllu;'rl'xcr education of the country on a more lecturers, which is much lower than the salaries sutisfactory basis. 1t was not nesccstary| to paid in the United States universities would dwell on the advantages of higher education. 1 alone amount to $46,000. The suluric:') of the It was true that, whatever our university sys-- members of the stafl of University ('u"m:c tem was, we would find the effects in the pri-- would amount to about -'.'27,000. The 3"('1x<';'jztl 'll}ur)' and :;n_'cu:s'.'i:n'.')' (L'pu,l"tmcuts of education. management of the institution at present costs They were interwoven. ll'l(T one acted and re-- ¢ $ed amuniiy, anduin Hs fedurated" formt -- Sohiihe Pom ns ceecaniacy A¥Stein s n i old oogt as lesst $1,000 more, or . $20,000 in wasaie sboointe messeeny that aiileith and it all. Thus the » was an absolute necessity that while our High 4 CGRANXD TOTAL OFP THE EXPEXNSES and common» schools were advancing, tlicre C of the federated university would be about ?!"mh} Aiso be N omtte Iv"-]"""'h"' educAlleais j $935,000, as against an ('\i;lillg endowment of The P apre m lAul'unLu Elx}-.wmu'.x had .'w'"" $65,000. 'The Minister of Education had mc'utx-)'tfc\l e ""\.1""'"'": e of T o univers named a higher figure, but there were charges c To 1rhacnk aras the Senate of Toronto Univer-- | on that amount which he would hot fo tae sity ** touk stu%'k, and Qfmml that now, l)\l[ \\'hit']l ]:luli'r'llt the ('Inh\\; ment (l(."-" . rie U l:"".llv'"l.:t\.'r $ y to §65,000. 'Thus there would have to be pro \\a.s wryt mn(:hr\\'(":tlu r than '1t shm.:ul hbe. ll\o- vided by the Government from some source or thiug was thereby implied against those other the sum of $28,000. . Me approved css omatican doing ... the Wwork of heartily of the scheme of federation, and hoped ;')": llH!l:lltlL)'n. ?U ndsa) To d the funds for the carrying out of the scheme | .-'.cl'.m(n'c o ccvince '.h:m' he old 'th(' )('lh}z'xu'..: contained in the bill before thein Wwould be services ;'r'er:uru'.,v:l by the venerable President forthcoming. of the college,. 'The position had been taken §ie. o2 ¢" HIBLD poimied [ dut "BHSE! Spmnons that they, dol c o ide? nouk 1 Shiete" 'Wwere & large ninber" of"" de-- ':--::nntu,usy l.h;«L they, doing similar work to nominational [ universitics in the United Juf'.m.no Lm\.x'-r.\'n:,', ;7'1'1."1\1(1 also have their States, fand he did _ not think --there P d considered. 'That arguniont SA Cl should be anything done by the Ontario :,l()g{(r:xl 9NC« '\1'»'"(""'.',\"'l"'.u'h"'"""','"""..L' ths Government that would tend to suppress or Ur«{vulcg o mm l'l*]u-'nsmle'!m' the, Provincl d- obliterate similar _ institutions in this | + nlv'erslt..y Hpvgnean thu.t ons q '!"" 5!\\!_\' d Province. He could not approve of | .l.c.lro\'lAncg't(_) seo &ha't' it was EILLI.H'\'LH'lLu_,'l in the _ principle _ of ivdorutiun,1 «s he| ilgine of eisiency. Phe Provincial Univer. had told his constituents _ during the | :','l'v c d"";lr,u.'d froin appealing. to those late campaign,. Me would not, however, con-- | ?.Ol.?l}.({'\,.hif" .'"',;!"h ".-:m d""'"-""m:.mm'! Un sider the bill in detail now, but would reserve | 1'-L"'l.dtb P . o ald-- .'.hu_\'cxy en ainvay t them for the time when the bill was in com--| -"""."" io "til-t.:'"'"w'{ institution prevented WMittce. it from being aided Dr. CHAMBERLAIN said he thought it! Hy did not thick _ +\ Widaian en would be a good thing for the University if s Hd_ not Hhick MMere "wise any . ie lt..\,'()lHi; be independent of State aid, but ; I s ; + : s tad ; friends for whose opinion he had great respect linood of fingen s:ecoulng I1LO the federavion had told him that the institution must have wbpriasent J nero M ARAO 1008 he DSNeFO4 1 such aid or it could not exist. fle still thought, ; it Queen's should be placed at auy it fair | however, that it would hbe a good thi'.l{:: it 'll.'l'l\:l,""";:",,.I'y esns O what they . wele some wealthy philanthropist would ixcifi is Ref.A As They all w "i'l.lfil.\.'.c'l fo Ruegil®. | along. His money could scarcely go to a It hudl donge exgellent worl ; i6 was nOWs ce r1 worthier object. He approved of the in'iln-in'.c ts :L?'"" head, doing capital work : and it would o of federation, but the Government had yo) | COHHHUP to do good work,. Its was another assurance that the other universities would 13':"': S M S e iA '""'. Chamberlain had done, | come into the scheme. Queen's and other that because Queen's hal done good work it universities were doing similar work to should receive Etate: aid. | He thought the | that done by -- the Toronto University. question of the State giving aid to denomina-- | Me thought that if the Provincial University tional universities had been | were aided, the . Loxt! AGO SETTLED | CLAIMS OF OTHER UNIVERSITIES i;'?~f'l" as this House was concerned. _ As to | which were duillb' good work should not be ]1'11\11)', 1° MAse Coue 1b lm',l refused to j('ill in | everlooked. Then the question arose, what the fedoration scheme, but he thought that | was to be the amount of the endowment, and institution would 1","1'")' perceive that it had a | how was it to be obtained. HMe supposed that great '."'"l to gain and very little to lose in | . an endowment of less than $100,000 a year | going into the schetre. They were all | would not be sufficient. He thought that | heartily glad that Victoria, in spite of the | y | difficulty in the way, had seen fit to go into |