ue w * oincfraptorencrs »* r ratepayers, and uhqulcl N EGI LATUR not There were several points :| on which the legislation which had emanated $ ' from this Houmsl wasf said ti;) be unfair to the w22z !| Protestant people of this Province. It was +.; ols o !| said that the voluntary principle was de-- Sixth --Parlianmneut ------ First F parted from in the regulation declaring how | a Y | ratepayers o 3eCSS1O11. ®} SHOULD BE ASSESSED ' | fmi se[lajz}ratto t'al;(l:' foi- }'\lxbl_ic schools. If the (By Our Own Reporters.) lo.,lrlo)'-i(:lejfi(:uc(l'liner;'sto(;i':: tv?l?o '\'v,:'ergzl::x?a:: * Moxpay, April 18. '| school supporters, then it was most fair and i TIHIE LONDONX HOSPITAL. rc:xAsm'm.blg. Another question that had a.risgn Mr. MEREDITH introduc s was whethor the landlord or the tenant paid -- Mr. ME iE )'1'1 H introduced a bill regard-- | the school rates, and which of theim had the ing the regulation of the Hospital in London. right to say how the taxes should be applied. The proposition was that the general manage-- © {" tl":l lt'rqvlu;ce Ithgl tc."";'t was declared to ment of the hospital shall be x iave that right, _ in anitoba exactly the o mexcuos . P t snt vested in a Board posite rule prevailed. He thought it would Eo ( of Trustees consisting of the Mayor and four !| a fair arrangement if the tenant were presuam. other officers, who shall beas follows :--One to | ed to be the taxpayer, but the n be appointed by the Government, one by the ; LaT DLORD : AND TENACT | County Council of Middlesex and two by the | W°"C allowed by their own agreement to make | City Council of London,. The elected repre-- | different arrangement, Another point was | sentatives will retire each year. No medical the regulation which allowed the election of | | man in actual practice is eligible as a member | SCPSTAC school representatives on the High | | of the Board. i School Board. That could be defended upon | By the unanimous consent of the House the }| "° logical principle,. It was a privilege giv . the ] e privilege given | Dill was read a first time. X to no other religious body in the Province. It THIRD READINGS. r :':: s.;ndlt'rh:tt.cLx&:x;umcipal.:ounlcillwlllerc there \ _ The following bills were read the third ti moug (nt a" Ihomen Catholle rou cthe TX poiscd 1-- k ime (ll{l::;?}::i?m;'lplr;s::-fla Roman Catholic on the -- To incorporate the Western Fair Associa-- fon. Mr. FRASE i F f \ tio'i!. --Mr. Meredith, stnt{::;'. tl::t l ll\'{(;}lixl;'lR(?;:(ll\otl?a: ll::.(imfi oX pe o amend the Act incorporating the Sand-- inted in 'Ir (r i other wi;-lln & Windsor Passenger Railwfy Company. 'l:(l,'::::d n ATrepSobe AADCRYHE S SEME --Mr. Balfour. | .\l s SDT i Mr. A § _ Mr. MERED i i For the protection of infant children.--The | must let it be unIdleg;,o:'ln:Tl'l l*"!ng' .saul y Attorney--General. } education the State m:x's';v u;):hlfl g'atiter s I IX COMMITTEE. |, eupreme. They ought not to lla.veua::\&teltz C The following bills were re--committed and ; hght this battle in the Province of 6nurio. 1 amended :-- Whatever the voice of any particular Church To authorise the Corporation of the City of might be it must be established that the State I I'.undou to borrow certain moneys for Public | was absolutely surreme in matters of educa-- ' School purposes. --Mr. Meredith, | tion. It must follow that the State must see Respecting the guardianship of minors.-- | to the text--books used in the schools. He p | had Mr. Hardy. , ino doubt as to the good intentions of the Legis-- THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. | y oo oeeco e aiAtons thty id rovided in Hon. . W. ROSS moved the third reading * by them had be;e?nnvef y Pl:l"mll))lcs o ind of the bill to amend the Act respecting the that those had yfoo 'ous info srapuige! Education Department. Now, as :o lis 106 ~Deoft pite in fODPACMOE: 1 Mr. .\ll'I.R'l'll)lTH said it was not fitting that -- * TIE LANGUAGE OUEsTIOX se d the 9"Pos:',mn should omit to refer to some . There should 'hehn.o 'difl'c'reflL P'b'f"O§' i E matters which had been extensively discussed | members of the House th I',';,(l3 & I-gpl"'l(:n inow. } during the late campaign,. _ An attempt was : age should be the lang 2e ol mghs.)n la.ngu- | n'mde dunpg that campaign to impute to the He wanted publicl 't lb:"ge i thache hed uo Conservative party a position of hostility to sympathy w[;tl t A 0'( o Whgted to Sn "d the Roman Catholic people and to the Roman n.,-in\xbor'ivm li ngse . o with anoge ho Catholic (.'hurch: Me repudiated that charge, ad:ocnted b(\n rion'zl:lr(;c' / Wl%h those _who as he l.md repudiated it before. _ But he was , and powers gua oo o ((!lrcnce with the rights not going to be prevented from criticising the E con.»titutionbl') ?Pu:i' t.hex.n iet is d ravag! ] acts of the Lcfiislzl.turc on account of any such where those'ri ?l t')el'«id P oob ihbiggle | ery. _ It would be a most unfortunate thing if, ! lish languag hh' id be The imadare sf uin in the discussion of public questions, th; \ m:'hoo" gzlabe ol Fevowla ap !angu:xge of the mouths of our public men ties \\:R'ch"],'!'gh lie would admit that in locali-- "--* SWBULD 58 SUzLED, 5o the m;' ,;z:_whtwaa the prevailing language and he did not propose that any muzzle should | ment wm;lvd b F4 J'/fi(Jf t'hc ons peturnt io be placed upon his mouth,. While he regretted | ceptional pr C haicg ed in making certain ex-- th:}t it hagl been found necessary to establish in | to text bp (I:' c o feor l.umtauons in regand ; this Province a system of Separate schools, he relipious i(l)xost& t('Jon'cernmg the question of ; did not believe this Legislature could interfere suidbthe mblr'uc fmign af h unan, aine with the matter. . All--they had to do was to| that at l(}u o ic opinion of Ontario demanded see that fair Pl:'y and equal rights were ac-- (,'hrist.ia.'lits shthe'dfuudamental fo the paoke corded to all. 'The principle upon which Separ-- | schools y ,{ o('lld =m C oRi o hhe ablle lto.schqols were granted, after a long and | recent ;am n{fxoo poils rootks i uns ejan ts . "A ho acrimonrious discussionywas the voluntary prin--| tions pre alredgll: ""i'rdnu_g the Book of Selec. ( ciple. _ It was said to be unfair that Roman| He woul(}l, not Arg Muustpr Of' Ponbiest Catholie parents should be called upon to| would he sa enbel'hflponuducugs;on of it mor support a school system of which their con--| feelings It); u::yl:"mg e oofail surbody's sciencies did not approve. He contended ngs. r1ad been argued by the Education . that principle showed the principle of vo(l,unttl;:t "f""" unent ourad OPS, L uk of Sclections to € y| which he referred were substituted for the