ONTARIO LECSLATVAL l 1 .\ Sixth Parliament, Second: _ l Session. \ /\/ { (By Our Own Reporter.) | " | Jan. 30, 1888, | ; The Speaker took the chair nt three o'clock, | COnsoLIDpaTED sTapUTES _ | Hon. Mr. MOWAT presented a bill re| | | specting the Revised Statutes of Ontario. | ;i Mr, MEREDMTH askod when the copies of| !! the Revised Statutes would be in the hands of | |: the public. 'Whese statutes had been in fores | || since the 3'st December, and it was hardly ad.| 2{ visable to leave the peoule without meaus o' E| knowing the laws to which they were held ae' | countable, | (| -- Hon. Mr. MOWAT explained that it was | l expected when the proclamation was issus{| that the statutes would be realy at the date ', named. 'The delay was not in the statute| I theinselvos, but in the tables aocompanying them. 'The work on these, however, had Legu finishe:d, and the complete volumes, he ey.| pected, would be out in a few days. In the _ meantime hbe had given instructions that & copy of the statutes without the tables should | be placed in the hands of every member, which | would be done to--day. | PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS--REPORTS. -- | Hon. A. S. HARDY laid on the table a | number of documents, among them being the reports of the Iuspector of Prisons and Asy.| lums on the Belleville Asylum for the Ded an 4 Dumb and the Brantford Asyium for the B.ind. The Houre adjourned at 3.20 o'clock. NOTICES 0F MOTION, Mr. Suider--On Wednesday next, bill re lpcctin&munic\pul fire insurance. Mr. Lees (Lauark)--Bill to amend the Ge eral Road Companies Act.