NT ARIU LE GISL ATURE | NOTICES OF MOTION. & Mr. Wood (Brant)--On Thursday next-- mE Order of the House for copies of all Orders in 'I"' t S d [ Council, palporann]«i c'a-xi?spon;h;l'l'co wuc}:iug j i econ the removal of B. Miller, of Wiarton, from Sixth Par lan'!en 4 | the offices of Clerk of the Division Court, | Session. issuer of marriage licenses, and from the Com-- mission of the Peace. o e e ol g n Mr. Wood (Brant)--On Friday next--Bill to s3 (By Our Own Reporter.) | amend the Municipal Act. o Jau. 31, 1888. ' Mr. Stewart--On Thursday next--Bill to 3 g. Vb Di y amend the Municipal Act. The Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. Mr. Gibson (Hamilton)--Bill to amend the * sSTANDING COMMITTEES. Division Court Act. f Hon. Mr. FRASER preseuted the report of e n n e mm en _ the Special Committee to strike Standing Com-- ! mittees, which was carried with slight amend-- | 'ment, constituting the committees as follows;-- | ' PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS. } \--_Mr. Harcourt, _ chairman ; the Attorney-l \General, Messrs. _ Armstrong, Ballantyne, | Blezard, E. F. Clarke (Torouto), Conmse, | \Craig, Creighton, Cruess, Dack, Dryden, | \Evaunturel, Fraser, Freuch, Gibson (Hamilton), \Gilmour, Graham, Leys (Torouto), Mack, | Meacham, Meredith, Metcalfe, Miller, Monk, Morgan, Morin, Murray, McAndrew, McMa-- e | hon, Rayside, Rorke, Snider, Stewart, Waters F } PRINTIXG. |__Mr. Balfour, chairman _ Messrs. Bishop, Blezard, Clancy, Clarke , E. F. (Toronto), \ Creighton, Dack, French, Gould, McLaughlin, \Pacaud, Ross (Middlesex), Stratton, Wood (Hastings). | rPCOBLIC Accouxre, Mr. Clarke(Wellington), chairman ; Messr®s. Awrey, Balfour, Ballantyne, Clancy, Clarke, H. E. (Toronto), Creighton, French, Harcourt, Hardy, McLaughlin, Meredith, Morin, Kerns, |O'Connor, Ross (Huron), Waters, Wood (Hastings). | RAILWAYS. \__Mr. Pardee, chairman ; Messrs. Allan, Arm-- strong, Awrey, Balfour, Bailantyne, Biggar, Bishop, Blezard, Blyth, Bronson, Chisholm, Clarke, E. E. (Toronto), Clarke, H. E. (To-- ronmto), Clarke (Wellington), Conmes, Craig, Creighton, Cruess, Drury, Dryden, Evanturel, Fell, Ferguson, Field, Fraser, Freemman, Gar-- : son, Gibson (Hamiltou), Gibson (Hurom), Gil-- mour, Gould, Guthrie, Hammell, Harsourt, ' Hess, Hilliard, Ingram, Kerns, Lees (Lanark), / * Leys (Toronto), Mack, Marter, Master, Mea-- cham, Meredith, _ Metcalfe, Miller, Monk, Morgan, Morin, Murray, McKay, McLaugh-- lin, McMahon, Nairn, O'Comnor, Ostrom, Phelps, Preston, Rayside, Robillard, Ross | (Huron), Suider, Stewart, Stratton, Tooley, | Widdifield, Wilmot, Wood (Brant), Wood ; (Hastings), Wylie. STANDING ORDERS. Mr. Widdifield, chairman ; Messta. Allan, Armstrong, Bigzar, Bishop, Biyth, Chisholm, l Craig, Dack, Dreury, Feil, Ferguson, Field, : Freeman, French, Gilmour, Gould, Hammel!, Hudson, Kerns, Lees (Lanark), Lyon, Master, Metcalfe, Moak, Murray, McAndrew, McKay, O'Connor, Pacaud, Phelps, Preston, Rayside, Rorke, Smith, Soider, Sprague, Stratton, Tooley, Wilmot, Wood (Brunt). MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE, Mr. Ross (Huron), chairman ; Messrs. Allan, Baifour, Biggar, Bishop, Blyth, Bron-- son, Clancy, Clarke, E. F. (Toronto), Conmee, Creighton, Drury, Dryden, Field, Frasor, Garson, Gibson (Huron), Gilmour, Graham, Guthric, Hardy, Hess, Hudson, Ingram, Lees (Lanark), Lyon, Mack, Marter, Master, Mere-- dith, Miller, Monk, Morgan, Morin, McKay, Nairn, O'Connor, Ostrow, Phelps, Preston, Robillard, Smnith, Sprague, Stratton, Tooley, Waters, Wood (Brant), Wood (Mastings), Wylie. PRIVATE BILLS. Mr.(iibson (Hamilton),chairman; Messrs. A w-- rey, Balfour, Blezard, lirousou.(}hisholm.ljlaucy. H. E. Clarke (Toronto), E. F. Clarke (Toron-- | to), Clarke (Wellington), Craig, Creighton, Cruess, Dack, Drury, Dryden, Evanturel, Fer-- guson, Field, Fraser, Freeman, Garson, Glib. son (Huron), Graham, (iuthrie, Hammell, Har-- court, Hardy, Hess, Hilliard, HMudson, Ingram, Lees (Lanark), Leys (Toronto), Lyon, Marter, Master, Meacham, Meredith, Miller, Monk, Morgan, Morin, Murray, MceAndrew, Mc-- Mahon, Nairn, O Connor, Ustrom, Pacaud, re Phelps, Preston, Robillard, Rorke, Smith Snider, Sprague, Stewart, Tooley, Waters' Widdifield, \Q'ilmut, Wood (Hastings), \V_ylie: RETURNS, Mr. MEREDITH called the attention of the Government to certain motions for returns moved last session and not yet filled, The House adjourne'l at 3.20 o'clock.