eag ts + _----'-*:;--WJ' ':::':3'_ w5 '.".;5"'7' e .-'i m E 3 y g4. *¥ ;-,,:t'-.( fM' '".';g & * _ 'fi:.% 93 f m ARIU LE GISL ATU RE' commmission of the peace. Carried. | '/ 5 The House adjourned at 4. 35 o'clock. V Wiriderimes itoeseinraneteates h e Atimait Sixth Parliament, Second NOTICES OF MoOTION. o 3 Mr. Leys--Bill ,to amend the Municipal Session. Act. f hermnnmnnmaoas ANtlr. Leys--Bill to amend the Assessment Ct. (By Our Own Reporter.) Mr. Leys--Bill to amend the Registry Act. February 2, 1388. pa?d,xc:)'counor--mll to amend the Munici-- The Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. Mr. Clano --Bill to amend the Regi PETITIONS. Act. * ebsts Among the petitions presented were the fol-- Mr. Lee!----(_)l'del' of the House--For a re. lowing :-- turn of all estimates of expenses of license : , f Ccomimissioners approved by the Provincial -- By Mr, Bishop--From a large numbor_of Secretary for the years 1885--87 and 1887--83 cit:zens, praying that laws be passed to provide including the salary and expenses of the police' for the mutual insurance of live stock on the magistrates, same basis as fire insurance is now carried on, Mr. Harcourt--Order of the House--For a By Mr. Chancey--From the County Council return showing: (1) Number of persons com. of Keut, praying for the exemption of farm mitted to gao! in each county in the Province stock from assessment ; also praying for legisla-- under Division Court process during 1887. (2) tion that will promote the making of roads. ? 'The number of these who remained in gaol for By Mr. Stratton--From the Town Council a period exceeding one month. (3) The num-- of Peterboro', praying for the equal assess. ber of these against whom the judgment recov. ment of vacant and improved land in towns. ered was for an amount less than ten dollars. , By Mr. Harcourt--From the County Coun-- Mr. Meredith----On Monday next--Order of } cil of Haldimand, praying for increased grants the House for @ return showing what progress | to High and Public schools, also for the elec-- or other estimates havre been issued iu favor of | tion by the people of shoriffs and other officers the contractors for the new Parliament and | whose salaries are paid in whole or in part by departmental buildings and the amount ex.-- fees, and for the appointment by County pouded to date on account of such builaings. Councils of police magistrates and other Mr. Graham--Resolution--That _ in the | ofticers who are paid by County Councils. opinion of this House it is desirable that the { By Mr. Fell --From the Town Council of reporters of the press be allowed to accupy the | Lindsay, praying for amendments to the press galleries during the reading of prayers | Frontage Tax Law so as to make all property by the Speaker. I benefited by such works as sewers assessable anemmmememmmmmesoomnsmmnmnsnmenemmememmunes in proportion to the benefit received. By Hon. Mr. Ross--From the County Coun-- cil of Huron, praying that Scott Act counties be relieved of two--thirds the cost of enforce-- ment or have power to check expenditures by the license commissioners. By Mr. Stewart--From the County Council of Duilerin, praying for the exemption of farm stock from assessment. By Mr. Ferguson--From the County Coun-- cil of Kent, to authorise the assessimnent of s lands benetited ky works under the Ditches aud Watercourses Act, for payment for the * same. PRIVATE BILLS. § The foilowing private bills were read the first tiime :-- To amend the Act incorporating Trinity Medical School--Mr. Widdifield. To authorise the Town of Almonte to issue _ certain debentures--Mr. Hilliard. Respecting the debenture debt of the Vil-- lage of Brussels--Mr. (Giibson (Hiuron). MUNICIPAL FIRE INSURANCKE. | Mr. SNIDER presented a bill respecting | municipal tire insurauce, which was read the | first time. MUNICIPAL ACT. I | .. Mr. STEWART presented a bill to amend | the Mumnicipal Act, which was read the first | | time, |__ _ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. | Hon. Mr. MOWAT presented a bill respect. | ' ing the Department of Agricuiture and other | industries, which was read the first time. * ARBITRATION WITH QUEBEC. _| «. Hon. Mr. MOWAT presented a bill respect. ing arbitrations with the Province of Quebec, which was read the first time. ¢ REMOVAL FROM OFF1CE. «--,Mr. WOOD (Brant) moved for papers relat-- ing to the removal of B. B. Milier, of Wiarton, froim the office of clerk of the Division Court and issuer of marriage licenses and from the t¥