The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[Presentation of Bills to Amend the Municipal Act], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 1

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h e * C esteemaniias. 00 ( 20 2C0 ONTARIO LECISLATURE ; | .. yetroms or mones, . ) a i Mr. Waters--Wednesday next--Bill to '_' l an:;;xd t'h':dMuzicipal Act. { f s 80-- nesday next--Bill to amend the Sixth Parliament, Second | | Assessment Act. . % Mr. Leys--Wednesday next--Bill respect. | Session. ' iuilhin receipts. ya | r. Evanturel--Monday next--Order of the secoemmemmmmmeemess.. {__| House for a statement showing the various + (By Our Own Reporter.) sums expended in the last five years for coloni-- February 6, 1888. ::.uon purpos:;s; the counties in which they ere spent ; th 8 | The Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. ' reipec:pi:roly u:' t;'::';::g';;n :E.";:'o::"l:'.? ¢ MUNICIPAL ACT. formed ; also the amount, if any, spent since Bills to amend the Municipal Act wore pre-- (éoufedentlon in the counties of Prescott, _ | sented by Mr. Wood (Brant) and Mr. Garson, 'i::'i::i,l'p(::,;':g::ry , Stormont and Dundas for _ | and were read a first time. } Mr. Monk--Wednesday next--Inquiry of S MORE SHARP PRACTICKE. | the Government whether the attention of the _ _| _ Mr. FRENCH rose to move the following | étwruefy-gen&fl has been called to the de-- _ _ | resolution, of which he had given notice:-- :;::r:: :mt' f .1m$'i'i°8:rg.3:,tlifi '?;::' °5f;7° Gil-- fi, drdoer of the House for a return from each (2) Whother it is proposed t,opint,r(;duce. any | _ | registrar of deeds in Ontario, showing the num-- legislation to validate titles which according | .é : ber of instruments registered against lands, '°':1h"""1:'-'i";l';" "9'{9"'"""-1 | . s % Ms. Creighton-- s i J which have been imnade for the pur-- of Ministryg wh ethore(&z'%g%o,%t D(I):::lx:::xy; --_--| pose of procuring credit on the mloof' goods, or bonds, belonging to the Province. were dis-- _ _; whereby a purchaser of goods merely repre-- posed of pursuant to the advertisement calling _ ; sonts that he owas certain lands. for tenders, and if so at what rate, if not § | -- Mon, Mr.dMOWAT pointt:ld f"[ that this sold the highost bid offered for them., _ --_| return would inyoive a great deal of exponse, Mr. Wood (Hastings)--Select t _ _| and that the object desired could probably llw consider aud ll'eporc 8") 17 . the i':lufllil:il::; oto} """('i' directly arrived at l'h tlh' mover would existing legislation for the formation and ;'"' him a copy of any suc _ °°"m°"=:b"fi'" carrying on of the operations of companies for -- | ferred to which had been brought to lais, the manufacture of cheese aud butter and to EFrench's) notice. Or if the mover had. ©BY | _ consider and report as to the best ineans to be' j ::':::{j:g""""' he might bring in & bill on adopted to secure the delivery by the patrons | -- Mr. FRENCH said the object of bringing |-- O fUC) ©oOmpanies of pure and unadulterated up the motion was moerely to have the matter $ commmmmeemencommuncunmmurmmemenrm -- | discussed. _ As to briuging in a bill, if he did so no doubt it would be appro-- _] priated by the Governmeut aud the Gov-- erument would take credit for it. The \ . _| documents referred to were of a character to |__| make the debt for an agricultural implement a |-- y lien on the purchaser's land, the purchaser signing it wituout any knowledge of its effect, | He would send one of these documents to the Attorney--General. He would be glad to in-- troduce a bill but for the point he had named. Hon. Mr. MOW A'T--It the hou, geutleman will introduce a good bill I wili support it. After some further discussion the motion was allowed to stand. NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS. AMr. MEREDTH rose to move & resolution calling for statements showing the expendi-- tures upon the new Parliamens Buildings up . to date, Mon. Mr. FRASER said the Public Ac-- counts, which would be down in a very few days, would give this informmation, uniess it was wanted in detail. | Mr. MISREDITH suggested that perhaps the Mivister could give the total of expendi-- ture up to date at ouce, Hou. Mr. FRASER said thas up to date . ] the sums paid amounuted in alil to $160,075 44. The motion was allowed to stand in the meantime. PRESS AND PRAYERS. k On the order of the day for Mr. Graham's * | motiva in favor of admitting the newspape: reporters to the chamber during prayers, Mr. MEKEDITH--Perhaps the Govern-- ment would take charge of this resolution, (Laughter. ) Mr. FRENCH --Perhaps it would hbe well to amend it so us to make it *"* compelled " in stead of 'allowed" to occupy the gallery during prayers. (Renewed laughter.) The House adjourned at 3. 35 o'clock. Tnigy sinh invmmncenterrmrenmnny | #

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