The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[Presentation of Bills to Amend the Municipal Act], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 2

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This was not surprising. his motion quite firiled to meet the nitration. The reporters did not want to be admitted to prayers. It Was desired simply to break down the absurd rule that visitors should be excluded from tho allpries until after the opening of the goals. The reporters and the general public probably do no: cure any more about thgyrnygrs than do the member; themsplvos. Pan-ans AND PRIVILEGE5 ..--The Home will not admit the public until after they have said their prayers. Mr. Gmhun did not get a. secondor for " motion. Mr. hiowat thought it would be unwise to pus the motion because sotmstimeaquotions of privilege arose that had to be considered in secret. That is just the reason why the public should be admitted. The members of the Ati. Iembly are elected to do the public business and to do it in a. public way, and they have norighy to any privilege against their mastery. Besides, it is'donbtful it there has been in half It century a question of privilege that has trot been given to the preu and the public the meyent the doors were opened. . Mr. Meredith properly. objected to the motion in the form in which it was presented, but he could we no reason why the public should be kept out except when some question of _privilege was to be considered. The whole matter is of no great importance. The Home simply adheres to an absurd cus- tom that has come down from the day: of o. lolutilm. The public are slightly inconveni- enced: the Assembly plays at dignity on a baby 13min. MR. Bu"!!! is asking for n remrnoof all Orders in Council with respoct to the ilwest. ments of sinking funds oi municipalitics'uuder tho Municipal Act. THE COMMISSION Busxxnss ..-Mr. Mowat explained, in answer to Mr. Meredith, that permanent ottieeri, of the Government serving upon commissions are simply paid their ex- penses. This heads off the hunt for a griev- ance in this direction. It has happened before that Mr. Meredith has gone gunning for ex- travagance uni has bagged economy. Tm: No BONUS BiLrc--Tltoro is a strong feel. tng in the Home in favor of Mr. Buliour's ball to take away from tho municipalities the power to gum. bonuses for tmuu1factor'uu. Mr. Balfour is also receiving generous lup- port from the pron all over the Province, and from many municipal bodies. The bill my entry. It is felt that the great evil of the system "tucked is in the competition of rival towns for mere ca.isittsyututtini.t, industries. S eutati% bouns-ségkernmwnm . . rl . push the mum. en the d f: .sr other? an tho municipalities push on. _ Tl! Qvcr.s erouu, no, PAitr-.,--Mr. Harcourt is asking for information as to the mun: paid for land expropriated for Niagara Wlis Park purpoues; n detailed statement of Ut 'none expended by the Uovermneut other than for the purchase of land t and the names " all parties appointed to any ottice in connec. m with the park. A Hum SCHOOL Tnoczsm ' Education w" interviewed Mr. Bnlfour's may be the remedy. Liatowel furnishes a good ex banning power may be abused. syyiyce furniture factory t The Hon furniture factory there w v 000 not long ago to non-nu it as total "cute. I s removal to Formerly Iajtstoweigave 1 Liberal . . I n . . tt and tho sinful: In this factory "cantata; dggldyd as to political faith TBS 1?arrstaTes:--it, Treasurer will make his nut week. ASSEMBLY NOTES. is GXpected tinaucial "an the only effectivo t--'l'U A hy n. I. txatnphs how tho g Assembly. Minister of deputation cted the Itutement VOICES or" Tire. Niuur..-.Tltore is a wonder. ful similarity in the voices of Speaker Baxter and Mr. Mcredith, but atiii you could tell Mr. Meredith', from Mr. Baxter's in the duck with your eyes shut if the Opposition leader Were using his on a. political topic. A Ftrcrrtve:-ar. Graham had the notion , that Mr. O'Connor, of South Bruce, Was to 7 second his motion to admit the public to the galleries in time for the opening of tho House. But when Mr. Gmium rose Mr. O'Connor estrsped from the Chamber. He must have had at very urgent call. It is only tho wicked that flee when no man pursued). Very likely Mr. O'Connor iast rushed in to hear prayers and then had to leave to keep an engngcmeut. AN Acumen; HATE ..---Mr. G. B. Smith has introduaeda bill to provide that in townships for works of local improvement assessment: may be by an acreage rate in lieu oi a {mango rate, and that where the owneru of real prop- erty lmve constructed works which might have been constructed by tho local mmicipality as local improvements, tho Council may agree to acquire the some, and the purchase money may be raised as for local iutproveniauts upon the real property honoured. PROTECI'ION ron Piusrruts :--Petitiot" will be presented to the Assembly in favor of im- posing a lmwkera' or poddlers' license upon ail canvasncrs for job printing who do not reside in the municipality in which the work is solicited. It is claimed that the business of country offiews is seriously infected by canvas- Iers for city job'uinents. The desire is simply that the agents for the job printing ot1icos shall he placed on the same footing an peddle" of can. dry "goods and other cmumodi. ties. Sam: or rm: Nnaw Mrs ..--.hir. Richard Carke, tho new Liberal member for East Northumberland, was about the Home for . short thne, hut he was not introduced to the Speaker and did not take his seat. U: course member for ( Tm: PREMIER. USWELL ..--Mr. Mowat mu unable, owing to a very severe cold. to proceed with the motions standing in his name on the order pa p:r. ngosod dt Mr. 'SilverWood', was}: of the Oakwood High School Board l Inspector Ruazin and Mums. Cameron, Lownsborough, King and Rogers. They were introduced by Mr. Cram, M, PI'.," Mr. Fell. M. PP. The trouble u, in the tirat place, that tho Township Coun. cil of Mariposa passed A bill relating to certain debentures for the erection ol a. new High school and did not pay the. money, and in the second lace, that certain members of the County tlt',','; of Victoria are opposod to the continuance of the High school. The deputa- tion thought that the school had proupcreal "tticieatly to warrant its continuance, and they asked for the opinion oi the Minister on this point. Mr. Ross said that the 'ichool had done good work and had jttstifivd its establish- ment, and that it was more largely attended than many High schools that were tnaiatained by County Councils. ', everybody South Bruce i'?r,t'f,l,7i:'l,2lP, acquainted with Kiowa that he w P, h the would u -- __-.. "Nb""'"'""' _... ""5 "PH" municipalities of the power of taxing the products of labor and as will com- pal tlunn to lrsvy all taxes on land values. - By yr."iiuiiirL1i?o,,, the same In body, for an nmendm ant to the Line Ff sothat whorethe terminal points of ortgtt between adjacent farms are known the may be straightened, notwithstanding that for ten yearn they may have d from the original lines. And Mr. ltobillard presented petition ing admit 100 signatures, which declu the present system of taxation tends tn restrict building operations and ' movement of agricultural land; that a land values exclusive of ian rovement: prevent tho withholding of Ema from I yoyld encourage every branch of pro industry; and asking for such leglslu will deprive municinunnu -r AL FOUR OF A Krsn:-rotsr nad . halt per , cent. of the Assembly is Clarke. There In four specimens of that very fine brand of ' legislator. The» nre '---Clarke, of Eu: 1 Wellington l Clarke, of But Northumberland, , and the two Clarke: of Toronto. By Mr. Fem.-kroa, the Council of Emily Township, for legislation that will permit actions to be brought to recover lends don; the boundary lines of farms notwithstanding the lapse of ten year: since adverse possession was had, and to mcrem to twenty years tho limit of time within which such actions may be taken. . By Mr. 1huekL-Frotn tho County Coaneilof Bruce, asking for a grant for the improvement of rmuls in the Bruce Peninsula . By Mr. Nuiranrom the County Cottneil of Elsi". for a. Ipeciul form of by-law to be used by municipalities in issuing debentures for puyicpyn/rrovenieta Wxsrzn :-Amou were the following : l run on Mt upgrade for five lots nth" , absent from prayeru. A VtgrtoR..-. Mr. R. Ferguson, of N Listowel Banner, was among the viliton to the press gallery. Mr. Fugusou runs one of the best weeklies in the West. He is likewise a trusted and active member of the Liberal party of Perth. MAKINU MAcrsrr.arEs v-Col. Clarke bu ia. troduced his bill to amend the Municipal Act, which provides that the head ofevery Corneiland thoReeve, Deputy-Reeve and Second Deputy. Reeve of every town, township and incorpom. ed village should be justices of the peace for the whole county or union of counties, and tint Aldermen in cities shall be justices oi them for such cities. POLICE Mautsrrthrtrs z-Mr. Phelps' bill to amend the Act retpccting police mtitit. trates provides that under the Canada, Tm. perance Act the salaries of police magi-gm" in counties with a populitiou of 6,000 and not less than 4,000 shall be 8700 per 311mm, and in countinu where the population in more thut 6,000 shall be 8800 per anuum. "N signatures. which declare tint 'i'r".',ttr.u of taxation tends greatly hmm'PQ Operations and the im. of "gricultuhu land; that a tax on 'ey.lrtsitre of ian rovements would , Withholding of fund from use and urttgts every branch of Productive and atking for such legislation as a mnni...'.'_lt.3 " _ . -Amoug the petitions presented ' illard presentqu petitions betr- Ian! to the Line Fence Act inal points of original line: In! are known these lines I notwithstanding the Inc! they may have deviated the. "fm' Ttinieipal l ot mew. ' Liberal 'Y-Geuenl resolution , tu, h.

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