-ti' . "P. T ' f"""'" T _ . -FP5T'l ,.v._ ; MI...'.', l - . , . _ l " . -L. _ T u m, A- cd " i" '" - l "Tate and unadulterated milk.. sud committee . ~ ,r i (l LEE h ATUBIE i to becomposed as follows v-M-. Awrey, JIT, 3M: 50mm"? Proiesy.r of Agriculture FT _ l i i Ballsnguo, Druryi Bishop, Clancy, Dryden, (ye worto' (Burma tppyl iit.tlt.yiematdii." itt re. _ -- wa.-...--.-------- I Fell, ralism, aminell, Miller. Blazerd, tieat "chem haliymou tt Association was the . R , . . I Waters, McKay. Lees and the mover. _', 'l'il'l'/'l'd?l, itidal Jim" to. atlopt this "Him. . i Sixth Parl lament, Second , lIf?! t,iht,'1lh ad intended fto introduce a i securing for the /.t1'1.i2".fl'1ttt,. rl1tsll'iyty,:,y, , F . I l or e or her protection o c loose and i ' " ' , ' . C' "ts of mil. ' i . Session. btttttuetoriem, but he had received lettersi tt,1vvt','ict'tpci'e fee.' Of the ""5024: vii proposing so many amendments to the bill that large farms 'l,'5 "animus; 2:23" Vm'lng , ; is had decided to place the matter in the form years a, o he " 1 l . aml "Mauve ll l _ (By Our Own Reporter.) of a motion. The industry had now assumed ferior giio BU fel', am the Iycotltict Witt in. _ ', Februarv 8, 1888. great importance. The Government already they UG t1ueg'iteee,.'t1rt 'l,:::', Interested than _ 3 The Btprtaker took the chair at three o'clock. yryuéSQOAliear , the Balaton: and \Vestern I tiou's plans. The result n',t"ivrl',r'"i, :lf'iGSbcia- i .g , . , , or in us socia ions. iese associations . ' . I', 'r". a 's'ssoi:iu.l. T . MUNICIPAL ACT. llo'l done great good, but he thought .)d,',1l,% fornud, and "(Jill Ayi. they liail .3". to amend the Municipal Act were pre: they "quiriid Additional assistance In l 'Ill' le or an i","trycvor to cuiry out the work "ted by Messrs. Bronson and back, and 1887 there were in Ontario. 800 l ter they tsured 'fr a second to be sent to were read the first time. cheese factories with 43,000 patrons, and 270,- 1:513:33] srwt,t..l'ird Wag on his u'rly. At . PRIVATE BILLS. 00.0. cowe, yield.iug.650MlNt?.t? pounds of milk, world "I: Choexrbrmltiifr "largest in the: The foilowing private bills were presented Which w.attm.sde PP 66,500,000 pounds oi iiiTia' to twenty shillin s a"? acid for "mi Id read the first time c--. cheese, bringing in the market $7,000,000. than before. The factorgof th "a" red dearer Reepqctinir the Methodist Church it An. f,"J2'ul,'fitd't', in'g,,ttl, InI 1ieue??sile, land told him air. 'll'l1rc'ttytutCt'lt1e Port. , 'qt..---., r. Widdifuhl. o ( !" u . " rout "'btttM a, tttt rotn ot W" had a rent rol . - Fit' 'u,t.ut WT? incorporate tho Town oi Stayuer---Mr. 213310-2136 "you? 'eve.?0,e,l,0g,T"li', oi the mom ',d/heedecuii'grI,eijj?':' io. ' nun a, oWever, su is real: . . '. _ ' arms To extend the limits oi the Citv of Ottawa Brit.aie with 60,000,000 pounds Pg" ch-, as tt,'l2it,l2,y2/tre,tu., It? may" tlist the! Bid to rearrange the wards "thereof-Mr. against 143,000,000 pounds of cheese sent l rent was tho im n ved "if e to My mm" Bronson.' from all other countries. He attributed these product under ml; 11l'1 qua ity of the dairy Renewing . certain "mama," made be. results to the high quality of Canadian cheese, I ceived. Reve.rtinar to 'Jubtwi' they ly) re, "out the Town of Lindsay, the Midland Rail~ as tomere.i with the cheeseof other countries, Canada Mr BuliZnt J,"' state in atin". in , Bay Compaq and the Grand Trunk Railway and :32; tact "a? (iMndisn Juli?" had not instances of'thc 'l'il1.'o1'l,",n'et1' in 83:11:11"le ot%MbtV--i r. Leys. roac seams ig stun or . o regretted duet ' . . . Pm- . To incorporate the Central Canada Exhibi. when: thtttht.p"etiee of Midterm": milk fj',etu'h'u,h1iiS1ett.io"H,,u the "pew?" tion A.saoeutietur; Bronson. was increasing all over the country.. The fac. with what had been said a, '10'3'?f'*i hem" To incorporate tho Petorborotpg0 Cheniuug tones were conducted very economically. The the most im ortant br 'h f l "l 'mgyit./s,r i, Latte Railway Comwuiy---Nr. Leys. . farmers usually formed themselves into aatoci- mun; 'd','.?':",) Unto?!" O tiyyo,iy. m tlus . Relating to the Toronto General Hoapittd-- i "ioy. for this purpose, aud the stuary of the For it \orhin ' wot lie Tll' Specially .tuUpted _ Ir. boys. president was not usually more than 8100 a the pbgit'ion of the 'l1f,,'d 'UTI,? unprom I DITCHES AND WATERC0UR%ils. {:grpog'goff";figz'ificfiafit'fifxfifg':"if: this great industrv. He cordially 06:35:33 r . y 8. . ' _ n.'tt,,Ne/y2rcrr'ge,t, 112o,Tittd,tse, trest This" in prosecuting those who adul. ""/re,t1:ti?,':,chg.1ct.eersn read the first time. , "ill,'; 'l' 'st w w . The House tuljourucd Ji 4 ' 'l "l. . . . s . ROSA' Inc at Dr:d. THE N0RT1""vi1Ri2,?.ih'N""Ps BUSH with agree with Mr. won id, Jfttott,'oh"/I', 11"ePPeePeerdee.er"tteeeyryee - I - , '. ' t is subject. The daiv industr was the Mr. CRUEss asked whether it is the inten. most important industry in ytlie counytry, our tion of the Government to place in the csti. "ports under this head exceeding those of mates of the present session a sum of money to wheat and other grains. We had not hitherto purchase gross send for distribution, orothcr- heard any complaints of the unsatisfactory 'i..' for the purpose of seeding the burned working of tho law and he lied supposed that ,. laud. in the northern townships. l the dairy associations would have made such I .Iron. A. M. ROSS said representations had I complaints if they thought it necessary. The , . been made to the Government last summer l Government, however, would be willing to do tl that immediate relief would be necessary toi everything which came within the limits of . sreveut great suffering. An officer of the the jurisdiction of the House in the Way of i ' town Lands Department had been sent to ex. preventing frauds. The Dairymen's Associa- wr V" amine into the facts and report. The report :ion had done excellent work and no doubt i, showed that there would not be any immediate mul been largely instrumental in raising the , _ ' suffering requiring Government relief. it had standard of Untario cheese, and he expected the ' been represented that great lsenetit would arise i new Creamer Atooeiation would do as much ' , to the people it the Government would furnish for butter. Td', Government would cheerfull" seed for seeding down tho burned lands, on the l Decode to the motion. , u. assumption that it might prevent the spread l Mr. BALLANTYNE said he had been con- ' of fires. But those experienced in such mat. Inocted with this in tuitry since its iut.roduc tern were not of that opinion. Therefore no , tion. both in manufacturing and dc'iliii' a fi action in the direction suggested was taken. 'Migllt be supposed to know so l li 1'n u The Government wiisiuf . i,,, . l . . . . .. tttet Hug a mu: aimed that application cheese maputtseturittg. Miik as was w ll of.a similar charnctor was made to some of the hliovm, Was the most sensitive ini -lo k e Councils of the district, but the response Wu. and it w" Decca"), titat all ""9" down. I not favorable. be done to secure a su I , "I " a mum Mr. MONK asked whe l . , . 7 pp" ot pure, unadul. nor the attention of .terated milk. it was true as -' . the Attorney-General had been called to the that the product had iin rbv l LI' .saitl, decision of the Chancellor in the case of re itsnecusly With this inmroiiei a ' ll', mm" Gilchrist and Island ll, Ontario Reports, 537. Worse than carelessness on "non: tad arisen Whether it is proposed to introduce auv legis- "pplying the milk To me ." Pt" of those lution to validate titles which, according' to .oodinilk ttl)h1lll1c.iati'2di"/i'1t.lliett:,",1v':'t',y,t that decision, are invalid. footed. a... Western Daif u w-m' he w" f'"" Hon. Mr. MOWAT said his attention had Uadopted as e'ial s hymns Association, tot been called to the matter until this notice "my into 'tti')1'.t,T'tti'ei, Jdieie,iit,,l1,ti/' motion appeared. The point decided Wasi tore the best in ' Il?, ad appointed hat where the mortgagee had power to sell ', lo io Visit the '/1) ).v.,.1es.? "two" we.re without notifying the mortgagor, that power I tion totim cite 'i11e1t',',:1',r,i, not only "We , did not vest in the assigns of the mortgagee. i us as to ti in??? or, but tlsoto make This was an arbitrary power and one which I e oct tl . will"; Inga atu.i impl.ermpu a. Legislature should not perpetuate. If in. i Paint". 'ee rought in. . Home the dividuuls chose to give such authority in cases , _ s piouurable to test tt m N." of their own property they were at liberty to l , do so. The hon. member seemed to content. plate a law which would adect not only cases yet to arise but also post transactions. There was no warranty in the circumstances to l justify ex poet fecto legislation, which should ' not be passed except in extraordinary cases. GRANTS FOR COLONISATION. , Mr. EVANTUREL moved for a return I showing the amount expended in the last five years fitr.rhyuutti.e purposes; the counties and districts P which the money was spent . l the amount given to each county res 'eiGiir,' _ .ttsl the nature of the work performed.) Also. the amount. if any, spent for similar pur on; since Confederation in the Counties of gree- cott, Russell, (flengarry. Stormout and Dun. a... The motion was carried. CHEESE AND BUTTER. ' ,3 Mr. WOOD (1GUittge) moved that , ', oommitteo be appointed to consider and r1233 i . " m the euficiency of existing legigluiun for i v "formation and carrying on of the operation _ . 'of companies for the manufacture of cheese and i t hitter. Andplso to consider and report u a ' ~. "tte but moans to u adopted to new. this; ' " by the patrons of such eompanhm of