The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[Provinces Budget at the Close of the Year], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 1

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A "Mhec \» e I Je _2 L1 1O 0 9 ic ds PE T s HBO c uoi P ONTARIQ LECBLATURE |mrasman h + ; e P e P o e e en ts . 1 1 T 7 : GISLATURE eaping up a debt by imillions and millions ai{ | . re , | ' a | leaving posterty to pay for gttfld m.'&"'on' aud |¢ v% r ' 3i 8 po on t d y TIk RE(:Elm. ( pplause,)| . _ x 7 P 3. a c lXth Parllamentr Second t::euc:ttléliatago tho' receipts from Algo r : y * , ns ) 5 the actual s mA 1 SeSSIOI'I. $15,247. This increase is tlinaecclpta were < the year before last makin : result of § *--7» x3« collection of these taxes "dg EE'","W",!or the 'l (Ry Our Own Reporter.) l{lelgts fo;- prompt payment. we';:';"'g induce» 4 during the last ye e received : *' February 14, 1988. that statute, 3'38): 0?)8. u:' '}::R:hi" operation of f The Speaker took the chair at three u'ciock, ;'ecelpts of previous yenrs. Wol;::.::" ne f ASSERSSMENT AUCT aoc & 9f 246.000 Far iecutes wa have o resty 1| Mr. QGCONNOnR [ 8 265,000. For licenses we hay PSE air. NNOR presented a bill t $202,455, agai j iave received is the Asto o amend Thi 455, against an estimate of $192 h $ 4 ssessment Act, which was read the first is surplus is accounted for by the f 000 s ' time. -;_0"10 {)ggmeutu on licenses were eI alclt frg | » & i y&l. roin 1886 and came into t ce af rous: | f l ROAD COMPANIES ACT. Froim the Education Dopar}:em::'texue IQf d ie b Mr. MONK prosented a bill to amend the ceived $24,807, against an est.imnu,e lave re-- | CGeneral R t amkagat f The cause of this falli { of $38,000, | -- y ral Road Comp at whii s falling off in th 5 + | panies Act, which was read | t! Ed i in the receipts l the first time. f fl::u 1,;. ucmf"" Department "'"i """'" o rg * reference _ to LC .. > h MUNICIPAL ACT. 7° of the Public ACovubiie . cbuers mu | @l ta in w $ * 1ere H l \IMI:' .N-'}IRN presented a bill to amend the Model :cl:;:l:"nn:lnirl:l:"l ¥e b o oanie u:f Municipal Ac ic a s i o ooo e has g a > l pal Act, which was read the tirst time. n Ebe recceipts from the supemf\er::x:cia]umg <f i | PRIVATE BILLS. erg'_fund from $18,095 in 1806 0 Bi.s90 it » | _ The following private bill 1887, while the outliny in co ' 31.4'33.1:: ¥ private bills were presented | superannuated nnection with ) ;| and read the first time:-- Act of ?i;és mdfii'en was #58,205, 'The n s k * tC e s Wi no 4 i X | $ To authorise the trustees of the Toronto ;npe this. out, but i':lm.t.i'xbe eventually | Burying Ground to sell certai or a number _ of meantime rtain us J 2s 0 cars o 4 I Metcalfe. MNp--SL "fm be '60'5"1:11911 w'i'th auuwcxpfr(;'."""' i q of some $50,000 a year nditure o cor ; * year, 1 ma ' n s § is 'lfirm certm'n r{nortqugel made by the a legacy left to the present )('.;2:" that this is $ 'l."nnlens of Christ churech, HMamilton-- hon. gentlemen opposite and the?rl.!ncnt by !| Mr. Gibson (..@milton). §lbl¢.s superiu&cmleut, T io. nekt itlf irrespon * THE BUBDCGE msltlt}mona, from which we ln:l-n is public B. 2 BUDGET. 8'34.0}1. as against an estimate ;,f"&gf)cccwe'l. f h Hon. A. M. $:088, on rising to make hi shortage of $14,000. It is almost in Pos T , | financial statement as Treasurer, was recei iig | to estimate accurately from yea t C ear thy , | with loud cheers, HMe said : --<My¢ : received | receipts from institutions, as v r to year the s | In presenting to the House the ofi";l-'c;;'r,-- tlne}recuipts of a number of yc::! c(f)ref,uemly . || ment and estimates : ri ut state. | gether. _ From ca % me in to-- oedure seamg 'to 3 a cer tain order of pro-- | §g27,262, as ag casual revenue we received | neted o hare been established.and , 404, apgainst an estimate of $30,000 g || the ;i;gn)::::n:: most proper and desirable under ! MUXIOIPAL IXDERTEDNESs C ts noees, viz., fir cMaArC Pharh o oo m 1 House the reuuipiu 0{. ull:t l(') lu.y before !he | {,l(:'r\l 'to the municipai loan fand, it will them, wi h , year, comparing | reinembered that in 1386 % y 1+ WW witd , when necessary, with the estimat 6 | settlement was i » < ! stated that a t'hu \ tlmwl of the previous year; next to ? k ; Cobourg for a s E"'_u,;ress with the Town of e expenditure in the same t an eview € settiemeunt of the debt i + : A I s tow . 1e ue t | pl-.cmg beifore the House a l:lt::x.e'r.nftcrwnxdg | "'-;\'vu d::'b the _ Province, "iunel)-" 0 ':':: e lt'lumu-lal position of the lrovinces nltwtllllte f' th? | §42,768 °::':'"';e' She: Lwonte ceate" migk r ie year, aud finally presenti C040 O ' cas." 1 iding over twenty years,. ' x , || for the present yca{' lunde:-mt'}',li t::t- proposals :'e';sz'\luoft 1 C?lpslm""md "'.'"ig'é to nt'l'.: i propose to follow t imates. I al of the Town Council to . P -- [I counre that settled order of sary by--law, At a pass the neces. | €C , and to endeave r oi pro-- | ioh ¥ad t the close of the y f s ' HMHouse as briefly as l'°l3)ili;letot|l'.'y before the ] :,';'lgétm.du).' made an offer to the (;03::: the y Province in th: e e affaire of the _¥ J|003 in cash, in full iment ith rat form. First, t "° 7 Govern settlement, and the _ || tnke the receipts of the , then, I will | i inenut agreed to accept this, subjes ; || doing so, as I say, make pa;st year, and in lllc approval of the Legislature; fud "_':-:()" fe } { where they vary from our a few comparisons t.wr.eture, placed this sum of é25 009 i 1ave, || way we are able to give ?:lT;les. In this '0"\"1"1"'\10'1' 'the year. * in _ SA i :z st':hlo!el members _ who do. ll'll:)lt)llc and )"r l'ltl)\l'\kh\[ "l---\t\'as the amount paid? study closel care . ROSS--Yes, | W > Alen" Amranl--ap .o general ide; y the accounts for themselve a settlemeut with S e have also agreed to -- l idea of what have bee § & | settled 1 St. Catharines for : y uperations for the past year ;}_ the financial re L e bal:u'we due by thit municipalit au ;\1',, Have Feceived "A6: 'the subsidy irst, then, we l.:\'c agreed to accept from St P'(_ "_;'. i e' | ;'a'lu}.% amount as in Previouz allowance the | ::L:' ;'lehc'nturcs to the amount of $4 .85'0.31';:&' . i $279 ?181721080; f(:rf interest on ci;:tr:" :';::,euly; p;-r°ce(:|: m(c){'}.:;tx:l?hd bearing interes: at "uel | & ' nd for !i i n t o6 N rdinary recei r o n h | | $25,745 72. ---- 'The l::irteu on investments amounted in all to 8'3.12L_'> "g)lt; :'t')'r Navigas 1 e of revenue fr a itemn i' that mated receipts of w "5' . 'balns. CBP i R rom -- Crow at | j hnd . $2,780,125 , || estimate -- for last -- year n ~Jands; ~ ur | hatfe ressived $35355,086 ' more _ t? in o & [| li\qlu: we have received $1,113 14;.'" T§153,000, ;':t"""'""- fl'l'his. of course, inch"(?::: t;. f l."o'r"t(;.t: tht: result of the timber mlehl|s ex;:eg. wl;:)umio'l $399,958 received from the £:mhe: c that sale w A ast fall. | ; ; _ dec ucting thi e K * Heducted frof e received $309,958, whici $54.372 less than o received last year leaves 8713 n the whole amount of , WMCBH} 1| rosoi .% ian we estimated. Then certain | i i F 135,184 as the ordina of receipts, ' recelpts outside of ordinary receipt is 1 s || the Crown Lands Depart: ry receipts from | ;| this statement, _ But ther ced iiramm | Our estimate for this was s:,'.'gétoégr last year. debentures, which are mer':l:r: the ('lr!\l:m;.' +|| of'(lmul:y'receipu were som; 3"34 . S0 that ong | . 0t moneys péil 'in by the .mwr;e'l_u\'egt.ment' . || we anticipated. _ The C $44,000 less than whoim loans have alr latly Lest nicipalities to i [| Lands _ is _ greatly e Commissioner of Grown || '"Y°®UnCNtS ainou ecudly been made ; lhesere-l » 1| t + a ® amnoulint Ril 970 u> | upon the resuit of to be congratulated ; |CS"Y",C"!" the -- c ony §$50270.. Thoere s , || sur the 1 & the year rauway t , || sure that hon. m sale, and I a amounting to $247,08% ay certincal® | of tI embers _ o n a to $247,0982, renewals of which e se 1e llon}se regret exceodi l" both sides forty years at $£12,503 no on rold on * of qwiall -- || missioncer is not hnere. to r ngly that the Com-- tenders invited !(;;-\1; '-'.) io eCrg lgs_u'::!, t t | L'l"{'i'f".he is entitled (Ap;l?""' )'hO honor to : Allotted to the lligh\';'.': l eres, 1 AQP'\. T e differences of opini use.) 'There 1 Assurance C ghest tenderer, the Norll aud the terms pimnion as to the ti m*y + 41 \ IC:! oimpany. who bought at less t 1 s upon whic e time when / }--that is to say, 819 25 M id C nanv m :i'f'"ltl' be placed Dpo:lldt.l our timber lands | 18Xt itsin is £1"i'?fi'-?U o "\'".h s100. The iink the succoss 1e market. i ings, sate of $123,2311, new Paruament build, pipbelnlin w Hhci se baagie de e t w0 00. 0 t mc ] is Aivpemnee ces the auINOAIY med % risdom x 8 8t eyi. . the Houso th iast sessio nfor 3 ;}ll" result has been h?;h'l':fi ,&?';lmllsioner n;:l Act u.'u i:;{',:lr:tx lun«h:r ldlw ce o onl plause.) 1 dare say y satistactory sale of enders had been asked for for the to the old famili ay that this saie will ei (Ap. . Sale of a portion of the ols' « iliar objecti will give ri the tender {f 1 e asylum lands : that upon cur capital jection that we are li FIS@ (| --,, , rfor block A had heeu mecopted * % | +' an re livin #4,100 L * u. mecopted A | :\33 uo lclan vepeat lh(i ype:erl'ldo bn0t see hoy% | uxuf(.' «ll)::dituc"i"'"hl the temers for blockt B we should set asid ile objection t nod becuuse they wore too 10% revetine to ba inves( o our whole territ Piat Since the fant O ASYLUAL AbAate terity. 1 o ted for the benef orial se then we again ri s 4 D"'rtin;enun thliz connection I think"fm of pos-- ' cepted a ten lur",' 'l "'ll\':n;'.j 1wxmers. and a* ont y ask the j & 1 ma p 2C ac Y x block B(12 acres) at $5,100 terity done for us v'tl:w"'ou' **What hnys".y | ?»:a;' :kt're, and for block C (20 nc:'csj at 3500 t.--lm"l 1 think I ""'y(':fiplnu" and mmh!;::' || 'l'l'lllfl;";i '" x "l?o received from the :ir'a;u': sol"' these gentlemen wh:>0 l:.k, ,"How is it) ' land 23 na'l-lwu.\' Company $8,.420 for a strip of min:e;x'llously that theyc u:t\'plon posterity i the snule"r'::g ;ur';:-hlu»h they agreed to p¥ e revenue of ject to * H>~ Ap rate as the highest tender. ?l:::otl;:ep"rp"tes of theth;ro}\:::: ino; for (:;:: (i ers !'L MEREDITH--Who were the purcha+ s y see nozh' s e--how j " I * fr t ing obje DW is it Mr. 38 iends elsewhere, by oxgr::l:::,l:_.l: in their "' and thi{B::('\Sh' A. B. Lee bought block B and follv, 'i'l'he terms of sal ecurities Company block C e were one--fourthdown, balanc#

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