The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[Municipal Sinking Funds], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 2

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' 'Ill 3" ' w m . " ' . C%N r -- -, Mttt I' Own"? . W "rm, - , . . . . " mg on " "iir,itsluti?r) on - ' F", _ "'. _ nu a. t r piat cog". ttll "at the biLUhould be Mr. ".ATEPS "T, C . Mr "Pt" read JI,",',,: of a bill to mad awed we "aiii m " " _ 'e FT.' c2N ' mitt... IRENQH [.030 "fiend tune. explained that its ob? Assessment Atst IN thi' iieiiiile l ' . "um. I, , ' A. ooouiuler . "We that the poll tax to . jeets Were '.' He r . F " '2P, . 1 . ommittee on the bill should be tl ff'l,'li cases iii I tam" statuta 1 ft aloolish the tl Ir. IN ooo (Hastings) _ '""' M , , atrt Tear -le ecral . ' "I o ri . . " a or . lis nteatr t "P" --, .' 1 tl",; J r. MklREDI'. .. b . g comm t . p oeido that h m "Wain . - ure would int od . "ed tet I . P on it P d Punk}, . u tstion of Btu: t e Bum the diftiealti . r ttce In tl r that I . . . ut U, ' pat so to tl . ttte tuba paid fo . . '05 Whichlr d " tow ' _ folio tall ll: . mo fartue l te oversee . r tsho I r this a made h tmhi a - of R ric ° candidate _ " ex . " oi high a d be aid city over the] . . t ems." ml * Hon 'lf, culture. (I a s tor the Pen. ' pended for th . Ways, and b pau lie tho h . oeB1 mlprov esielti , , 2 . . _ - lighter H ' tt llnpro y the ug t it would Onlent . tt I Hom, l t". MOU AT " l k.' Walled th t . Velneut of m the c . ' be bane Cinema l a tttW. (Re --on both . o a " was . the roa . quity of the o" r to de e tl. : I Mr. Mtr,y,1','pi(rey),u1'i) sides of the l, 51:11:31" 'Ill",',', young J,',',,,u',2i," to impose (ft i11tc.""l,"d1't/' Coaneit for the ',i,','it'i1gt,iri' ' . l _- v F , . . . O a _ , . . II ovorhere. u. We are all . . , Mr 'i . Pitymgtor them, paid taxeain. . A r. PHELPS o g of. , 'i, cht hiO'vAiitul laughter ) autdidates i a Jd), _),ia'it/'1',l.r,1,'e laid th toglrd and lodging l tshould be (,',iu'g,'g,',f the bill and th ' u; Nc' . ona , e . at, te 5 . UI h 3WD a . 011 I , s l", (t matter suggested thc thing poll tax .. 1g ter.) , ' tt wag M l ' Show l tat " a. lat . no damn. I . ' and that . was . , . a bud . ' . "Kllltim. " be bro ' er time M for tts theral " lhc bill ' - bip, the. . ught up cv,d . Mr PH , reveal. tttit been "as read th " . special 00 I li01 CI. of the bill y u-( m the ". [LLPS M/ I , , ferred to the M . . 9 Second ti , a 1 Thi mmittee l should draft (Hastinga)o , . . 'EES and M A anieipai Com . me and . 11, 1'ugge . . . " Ho pppsed the re a l - c. wool, "In nuttee. re. i Order of . HI 'ttton "'11! "COO . tl. A. M, Ross . il'? of the no" ' .. , STICKS Oh' , , 9 l business Was calle Ipted and the next bill Iva' perhaps u If?" ft"' promofel. 0ft". Mr.CLARKla'(W . THE PEACE, f 1 Ton I u. opinion in "Em {1 tle m advance f tlt.e readingoihis bill ollington) "loved , . Mr. 141.17; (L A: ROADS. max The Jifil'li'it ol-IIthc repeal :',/Q',.e,1,1t He said that III 'm,-?.:'?,:?.,?,?),?"',)??'.??,'),,':, second lug of 17' "MPH mow} - reiievincrs , . Ire ad don "'3 poll bill r -." . 48 session he l . tltepeac ii Us bill ' m tho seem 1 g small moo: . -r e a great dc . . p ovidiug tl ' . lad intr "d ce. ' I Road C to Q, m rend. Seemed . . "as flow . . calin shin f' . "h all mom G' 'uced " on: my. ' "end tl , ' only fair ' "Kano . "I Council sl muers ik length 1 ties An: il . Io t',unernl Other tum; tltt u, and It Th; ' . 3 should be . , . of To . . up", it . e "Dome b ' , tate' tthould 'Y' who ' id I ..iict hill men wi I Jt1st1ees of tl Wit.. Much I . but i, in some hum to tl contrib pa'.' Ho ot u t t the ap _ . le peve. A made tl I a tone " . . m rcveIut um thi: " Up )03' . proval oi th: ...(._ I I V _ . t Ol v ' woul eai um . . J small 1 I than b a l 1 (l l romarks ' . ttt greater t) Utt'e JI he no I, . " muntcl ali 'tt eader. of tit , ' ttt Was 0 "he" . IL, Wi iruuu1ihle in h pm: of l . hill t hum, howcv . pt Hy. Ihere , H t e Goverurntu ppostrll , I o as uuderat t e reporter . "3 . n fto to the M . . or. In allcwi c. (Mr. Clark ' st, and could " We! l "lemme-s tood to any rm. A gallery tts othn - . unicipal C _ . ' 'Ing tho lie lif . e) had beeul nut . I ' ~. . _ ' he w. -- " ivatnrog . Amman. . . 6 now t oilg tum - pass. l I me I' were tukmn .. ' t . h»: glad the Mr hp ' . mum be m ' 'e, where _ lo f _ 0 have le o.glt In _ nderr tl . a MSW ls an "Ito . . . - . . h;\(.l_,'[.' ur . . J" ,us'vleret't l a where he . arned to t k t Imb- ' ' take pa .. ttS measur . t'e,qt ttt this and Mr W er, , I spoke tlt f . l th: . could getn 1 a. e thel I . rt ot th . - . {916 m... ' . A Ma's , . 2'"w m ., . att introJn o mm ali with the tons; e respovsibility ot' y,),',',"-",) to llrgml tptitust it b replied to the IIIIIItIhe bill I have it d-fce the same ar t1'lpat'uu, I Co _. off the an I . 'lout.:,' awa 'l'h bi . . Fl"Mitts , of . . e oated . "3am , "Hula, It . ouldera ot m. C y 0 ill w" rend , his friends , Seeing that and . of one hund PFOVIJed that on the . V ,."""ty to the Mmticipai C) ty soyond time and r L to Suit tl ci .fouml it tno ~80 many rr appoint am ':irtll vatepuyers the C ",plicutio l v ottttntttee. rMerred Modify it ll? viewt', We had Eelnocrn'b , _ 1' l rat _ _'ouacil g, 1,'t.rC'lrt; TLN . . e pro _ . ecide _ , Secouu In 1 ' .or and the ' . . tall . yi'1'S UN Pp , . of a Conn il posed now ti ' * sl to be ' y if 0. third . I county judge ' Mr. STF'V tr A 'dS0Nrlles _ p, nct and ever I It. every l, ' _ appointed . " necessary" . a of ' bi ot ALI moved ' "' . I ceeve should . y Ueve . em . ' . , , _ the ' . l be a . and b ernonu Co . by the Li . te shall v.b.ili to alllet 1 . u tseeou,l . damned t "mice of eputy. unctl T iuutcnat -(' provide ' tut the ll ..'. . readite hat the . . the pe; , y to decid . hese tl tt ityV. . Jed mm, wl ' . uiueiual a not . . __ JuStlces f due. P e tho b . "or an cm 0 . "KIM-c , we a who ' ,. Act. it , so distributed 0 the pea... .e " Parts of nu . . mums ot the t . . PI"crml F s shall be my . . "(I dies in l ot the ' as to meet tl (.'e Were ' tutct li I nunlut 1al . "N the C _ Ll ("'ng k gaol tiO _ people a 1 . le co J. . ' buy u pa tt'.cs tl , , I. tttes or T ounty t . _ In on tl MY a IM ttt H n nvesne A ' b p the mad .. m-shud be t . judg count Mim- tcr le torsler of I .'"8 not enounh "my loealiti ttce ' not agree wi s. h the Cor, , axed to .é'e' Ot' two ju; tir: "ey 'or the ' ', oi tho . iS oi them M les tlure 'ith the uute Conn il In ' I " , Me:- of the . count I magistrate . " 0."eove value of , " road con ". Ct can. l.'. till WlUi ,._ ' u. 17011.0(; y the l: b b S preferred r, 11mm t Um. . umu ( F F . . "Arr '6 not T . ay y II')).!',,';',,,,'".,',,', if??? to ho 'PIT/IU",' to the WISH: :Ilumcipni t'c,vns/,i'i"tt",.sl, tttne and "pone , l office "here"ndtb 1?itj'l2ri'i,1'fie.? hquex'mko t pal Ac ' " e place . . , tttother . . "1 '05)"! h. . Cpl. '4 (I i Whe ey cou'. . .ol th . , '/h/i'nceti, tl At one titue iyr',ft,"i Elie NIunici. IIIIII; ot M. bill 1 ',l III.IuI)t;IzInm-cd the second l ' "ME: 11281, was Reeve 0:! rawml the; " ' t , 1:1ch ' he i,;,,,. I' 'non ti ' . 1 Hem . ' . . Wed Me ... . . ' _ hut new road co'n . rv m the at»... t of t . . m, Mm ',' l de ' , " he "Hang . I now tho . Puma; wcreccic tion t", I ne Int! " tt nap"; Act I swung to t'ettti , Was for n - In with v . roads I l ' cc'MIttN I'IU n ".'U'ibl', l _ III.I I 9 "(3111,01 [h I I . . iuhilli: - .. Itt the fr. . . tany C p,, I, 6 . on. the intervcnti coyhl "c mm], "min; ot tho ' 3". :'Mi'ini- :tlu, oprlliiw l " "ht-$111.- dutv. he h 'P' of the moan." , gamma. Last Se ton ot these 011;": War Th ',t,':iii':oilii'i.i,ii,'i','iv,'iti',i/,t Hiram vi' the fUAIlIn-t mime M f tic iyl Rimmed 11., It": by i pecial con . . ar the u. _ . , e If ork cf tl: . . C "mm- "lined u ., I .4 a ol the _.. muting . . "mace . t re was " hun '.red ... ' if? Hymn»: t: . ol tlie pan, l'he P pem e WI , _ V investigated on this , . a t re b I 1,1),13.' f .' n', 'HdAlfv IS I ' the [Jen . teevett I , . "5.12,". . the u . " sulricct hi We: .. , ", ' . Ji 31: Irv' .. . N' to "Lhc- , . 't tnactis" 1t ' te irclie, cart " I report with q egttott fuliv _ ' " ""h' _ l 1_'. ti. s'. w... ,'-'" '.lrr t'.'. In. t _, , 'bill way tP, a t ex He t . :"'r'o "Fe , " re.ol ti ." and New: t., . "'u'lJf'n' T V . 1 [ ' -' -' et Lu- i "I Hwetfn . _ ..' rusted tirc l , the Htuvre ", utionuh u I rd .1 'trl ' ' rba_s ".in'..r . , Mr ' avot with 1 " 'V ti "N "Ne 1'his bi Ic'tt "as PM" '1 "mm. l ' b ""'-I~f I III _ puma MN I I .. I. IX'IH 1.11 f . 4b l tlie Hcuse u.,- resolution I All "as b: " 1 -.c\ I)... I . l F,", w .' IIII.II l, _ "up; " .. l I fault wi t _ - . ts'. ored tl ' . " . ' tr . ' . t St', F ah'e.i ll'mr .' "Jim tt , ' 'lil ', ' ,'.t . U.s48 "Ilse " t ttit We cut i . bs L bill a -1 2 tiite bl" w as nut. ctmte , l a 1 that H.131 I: I. .., Ah- F tratc u( "C. of a _irt .; il Ia ', . A" Jet' e r,' .. Jun... at "It . I "', .. " L\n:;p,IcL . 43. (Rue Oi , . "i/rl promoters (.011 f "" It W,"., as I" ati tli/tt l .. )) "Id" il,,., ", , 1 l i, Mr. MF.P, J ,I I!" may:- di c . I u d make it l wood "9 It": ll I'., .... tr, 'JS' :'riplst I L"l ,', Ul rl . 'd'aDlTII--.1"h '/,1/)1"i11,'il,l In the Home tl',',, N: the" looked to ' wouid arise . I. V: l'., u": t; , .' "I; H". " I?" to he heard from a "Attorneygem l , elects On '.' co U33" to f - tm k l . a m (nut: ' '.e _ m; 's Aii, I. tou. If . k onthisbi t m . e . .'. . ne met _ iuthrt l, . " L mg an 'V? b tl, l"'Y l t . ., r. Mo HY," , , m ill. ' "lumen: to provision att'st ,A hung . short o-' , . _ eeurato st ' li c. . ; " l --ua . ' I . thing. I b 1orised tue c, l at, tl " .- Dunc} which . theme": 1' l irhl Was; 'r'Id rried. 1l T-r u'elgentures tce "WHCV . 'ov. I le c','t;t. I uu would] . ., i . . It" the Rec . 1.rsu2ute ' , = to i . . to pur .. ' . I to . v T . the yen m twsh'abl i i'r, IF?" T second tt . ' J" Council "' iitsued itat'8 the I "'hiinu ,; . r. lie th Fl ' -L\.b(.H'U - , Inc. 5 foe ti by th I ' ot' . l 1:105 it: lrsr, I. ought that . ti T ., . L(.H PO , t this Wcr I ue our,/liac . . . \ ("URIV [I A the tW/dr "-3.. ft mont', lv . In Iv hf In} to . W op. i'i",i's' ' . e objoced - . ' I, ot tri r I , .I ' l . , i of the , . . . ll I) Mrrtet 1 Willi amend ti . -'.' T. . _ u t ' Oau3. pu A" A , x. ' tlitlitic ' . nant "Jan le A. - . 11:31:." Was ttterc4y SeXericm-'m Le struck out! 31 ,",),t,)'trlCl',1." /.(ie"'t/yii1i,oir' "a???" fshould be , True: 'iif;i,'it",i't'ti:"i'r1iij:,' 'll)"),',',:'..?,,'-,", the HN would r "We and ' ' I . ile In! Wt . te 0 great . . . . . "twitch V whshn' p lion U 'iii [WP-er to have; . tlte pm. 1, rcfcated to ti yas "ml asp . ' ttrt- l ttttto. " wus re , . fhol' . . " . . OWAT C, L," tlie "has ' ., 't ts' lic' Muuei:r 1 C ".' cond "Inc and '1 Ti eau tlie sec q Jestxon to . said that , , l. stav.d. _ ALARIE , I, 't R Ummittee tl ie House a." 'd000g appeared so": readily: of {1m ll I no ol,. H Mr PH ? ur POLICE M IGI 1 " "Jilin"!!! at ti. 50 o'clock oujtsct of tl e a .itir "News: F, tt? MIL "huh I bill (i; i,, LI'IN monl the . I STRATE& i NC'" , -t. ----- l . . of con-so WI: 1?f,ft,n of thc thl'l""".V out tho l' m'tgisltuh [-H'Vidcs that {Hesucolnd Funding of m l Mr W. ' His or 'lOTloV J Ut luv "I " I the r.,' , t ""109 i: ' In ari . ' , -' . Jim-3, .: i . . :Olnnnttee' Jlo we?" to ho munillm'mi J,,yad-,', " be tf/OO ': Y,cott Act, 'l1'/11 oi thce l thu Ms.uiA.rscl l ("Jay next-Bi" ' . tri to the 's'cr:itrr,r,cid that it sif,f,',"/fL.'r'l/' l 3"" 4u.0)0 In. [new the J",',',').'),:") sludi l . 'Mr. i'i'i1u':,"/'-Cr/,tt '0 amend I 2di,tlti opinions of Ill Coumrit'so, ill ""3"? 3 "h: 'ni. "UK. Ja' 3.4.30 t'h'T' it ')'l,1,')'1"1T'll is _ "31.; in,,uraud, CIII'IIAl ti', nuurnd the Act - lo ",3ch Thu road at cotutrtittce might If I popul ctiGtt may Is 5500 "Tum ;'.J'000' I A Mr. 1iurson I,P_\-1:-:5. A respect I we - "In" 't iec; it: I l . C, I q tt. C " Y L' -". - 'l'leldV n t' _ make to appear before I; n L"', shou'ul he al. "~11" Kit-LLM l'il , e ot I t r',.,',?,!',,"":".:?,,' ccmcti, .ext'I-IHM arucnd h Ruy re re v ne Comm Fr, tat tt Wcutlti . optponed t . [ 0 "New; ti . . ry can: Ll i , _ .rv, L ttw Ill-rv I' scnttuons I" , ttee and l Miami tl he Lu] a . ' . , teMcuici al I ".0: an, 'r.. I". M 1 my t'not'.ght new I - 'tto Cumin-1f u m Woven; oi t'h lgumg I h\"" Co:muae ("'1'th {MIL ' it'U, L..'. l ' r. i FRFDI . tit crtics,ad sul v My Council e 'icotr I t e "WNW --. 'd rlu'ayt . . T . 4 J . . . . " ' - at -..'1 "sh teh' -l's; . I hearing of the LIE-1d 33-14 he hoped t lat l, lion U 'tfill? police "lzlgiblrztzo Pay Ibtt in. pal Act. t lr.ll tootcetrd . ' ttr , ' . . . ' ' , . F_ -'--------------- a]? "ERIN, so as to rC?lnpach would (1.31". l must be "1?ch I 2'1 .'itid a WW st ASSEMB - "i'/'.."lllfl to :i',ofit,11 3"" R bill being LC"; l to the C',,),',')',.")',.:,)" to justify adv my"!!! ca" LY NOTES ; I'. 1lUWA't' . lest} relies of b: l in!" salary "'1 It." _ so I'CCC'Xtiv. . . Optimum Ti ' - ' . the heari aaid there . . oarlrariuu, FtN . T btyd0. . F pvased fixin " "WWII: ) . ' tng of th " tkN 220 1.0.1" ' I'H' bill . . g the h . t l s'H'.V/Or'. . _ I the bill fro I tt compauio , ion Why Wttr' withd . 3rd dav for tl '.riEItv-.It Wp, I , m heinu, y ('3 SUCH)" . . no) - rawu. - te 'cter; I . u! .1 I "'t,.o,,"l,yi,f,ivr, 'tttg/it,',.'".,','), all? Swain!!!) 3.33:: i man had "Shim-'5 said that the h ll rum, opcned he Wm 'llc,l,'Cf: My," the _ le n. wasroad m "I u 'ne hea i the p, . ' "mt .isitch on. gentl vicur bv _ o ' I gut with 1 J". a "I . u. n . .CCCSg't F" t . a ood . e. ' . . 2 isattali . '03 an: to the Muuicipal Com 9mm time and ref Maury n .Y on I"yitt;,' Jd y. _Lase showjn..l trom will. CSN lion ot county-tow . I e. FIRF "er"th erred the do? articularly hi vim mfdglstratcnlar a; I "W l - & M. lhcn the Hov, n "mm" 1 ES '. , , . ttuty had -\,. 5, V oFthe g I 'itit min-n ., 1se sp.ta tri vcrsst' " Mr. McKAY mc . v;UAPEH. i "i the Act, ttau/tcl',',",') from the Ji'/t'.i,y,t,',,1 l po'ii 1- Sag-'1' m" "W13 f 'H ' ram: 1 a. bill for the re n of! the Second I . 'yu would i,')',)', no "cum. if the I D orcement I , .,', P.1:cgtrs1'/ate'1, src', . '_ "Cm pr/l In. Public b . " vevmon of turs' reudiug of "16('01 . ,'"'"it his intl . ton. gentl . l We pc'zce .n, ".'"g iumis ics '., 7 -." a fi uildingo. He, t'L't . ("fidelity bv tir . t'."ett Inn; Council th new., to bear a i C . as» sstrrctit wy Aut' . " ticcs 'ul, re which d 'nan ed tl '. L'ilt . , 'r,t . (l . ' o salur a upon t ottuty Co; u' 31:: l)iv: 4 . ' . eatrov d he Hou ' h I nau:ehtor , ' y would l . am, aud l . . . ' '.S.'vgl1 an], "Gently and I . e 0. hotel . he ol . at tlone, I P . .) line h m tn- tte'. I . 1er Ma oet. , ." Ba', , . t _ A u o arn' a . FM" .. tp Persons do" IIIEZII mat although ('qucleh l tuct that, $1132, IxIn drawing 1"l,, J:,',',"?,":') ,1"? lune solid hm"). . , Eng,; 1.1;. t fwfIcsc/qm. Tho ',t'.,rr","1vr, there were "I el'ut.N ' "Illicit out of th,. Rh: oountUs were. ton .to tho Ti 'tiq, however, was but 1 . I injured and (r - yit WM that "I "Hams I whose, works I vt, the miczistr making so he nsoruettt th " t 1e begiv.uinr, oi . _ haul been J,i21' young man lost l f"").' Wctud I "Why haw . I. thew 'ieii1%',ii"'c'i, rate.", throuurh begui'.cu' . e House rose Mr M .. t wouldf NJ cred thatasystvt: lf life. It The} _ ysunvlerpari. mm" "I we v. I ' iuto tho rc'c o.' . . oivat Ra's L animus the de Pitt of tire or. uh "as witl Fe m the .Niuin ... L 11.101"qu M : guests and the entra Warm", of d. f V Lilpm TOW Nslil . ldraqu p I 1 Mn ctruutry poured ', . all" and to be noted . nce of buruh '.'au tiile I - ' 1' LI) , o m ation like . u we r" ' i, . [ ' . ' . ., . r F L (U. ._s I United 'si1ttteh,troaviiUi' Jyt'"i'1"t'i,l',uti,itt JU,', _ HAP} Shirt" 'il/ee", 1MPltoVEyir:?iTs itttellisrcuw" march"; And "mu oi qui "c tire Th . uue1 for J" ttt thc " nil t , ' "vlnir tl ' , .. 't . "'. ' .. ro cast l . _ I u" . e bill provid . 63mm, 1n t tl . . o mneml tl It second ' . more ol tlt . P ty Shine tn' . T of ropes oro . l td for esca Case Of l m. tt was i it3 Munic: al reading of ward _ e '".g'" oi intra ' t "Hr"; Hon. o Mlgwlz;tmrw.ys_ ite by means argument SyL'IISImltcd to ie1'tthAtciyeei2tliti:',t.l I 12m 'tll))"')',)':",)' .hc. lh :',avr,.'l.rc'.t'c.? and of m; . . . A Ini ttt i .. " 0 t . e OCi . bi "5' itb'C' a . . trc l tlt'" tt i, 1_', , $11!?" ttit,', one ly it? the object of the "Onlqtmxdls l"'"Wed '1v1'l'itri', llllluicipnl'i'tim'. county town "ills/it."' m") be "$1":ka "'t"; .- e u mo: . ' (lie; . l r0 :., . $1 ti; Its. W; R . . '..' cm. l F b . H he i ctiificttlty iu 'i'h,l'l'2,"1y),": 11c,"e't/,""d'1" one 'i :10 cost of tilt" as [a "10mm; frontage tttt 1 I)n"-°::m" co Ire a Iutft"v" {may 'rl.' R Oil." ' . I ' m ' "Us " ro JO I ' Wot' . atuMmsi I . 'l 'laV ttrilli . OWt "f'I, _ escape', but if tl g a proper 3 . real 1 I tred ther . " C0,"! ., 3lllg for if , . ' " on") t. In? "my" . " rovi . ystetn of tir ttlent , "More t ... lacked l I ' "H"H luck. ty " l" In! I . . , _" A 110., tomui suital p 9'01"! of . . Lo On u. 1 . ' U cut!. . . t wa v T . up. li: ._-, -. "pp) w _ VT . ale so . this bill . uh . 'ttSIS of an (iorige tl . s ctud I'm . " .'. t "Mule A , , . . " " substituted f, methluz b Were "owed th vrCzl-gc le Manh- r.. H "We r, . ' "" "H" us', _.. F ' , "' thug etter sl ' tt l 9 be; ", . those l ss. tttl rent _ _ h ittVe Ca '11 T , V.' .. r"'. I'he bill _ n. lould be J Je an; tclit fro ands wl . _ ') 80.1 . it ['u. and q: , t .v _ . , c-sse . . ttt . l ticl lit; 'F'E' would W . .. 'slr'.'. W- AM. to a sDecial I? ressd. " second time - received. Hi1 "'9'"ng to"?! id"p"/'Cl'l,r'/t' I cllery "We! '.- say tt ho ""re d}: Fn - committee u y " and refer h good e believe . m buneti The .'. .. I" atwr Ir, d 31.11", red one 11 tl t tl " . rival I r y, Meter I aod of M I th l and would ttt the bi in} "I du lsut (Brant), Gibson (ll Wu" ll. bl. (Wu-k. "jars. "'0 louse. In . roceive the ull Was "R'. otherulrcr0 tuurnHIr, SKIC|I""'1~ ' l sud Mateulie.. amilton), atifiii, ul), nod I' u Intel's, he Said by? to olrjectiu approval of N Inch on top 4f ti ..' a a. cam THE POLI , , _ slim "Mme t'. thebiu "3 hv Mr - "mam , he mul . ' d " . MK AND - could g oito 'r . could . " r. r' . ' TIP. lloyal '1' ritulstt from tl . - _ ST r , Pr l u so u . I omou, st. , be , (Nesta _ . em ll M ' [a _ i'A'l u TE LABOR I but he ng'lfwfontrol of "ISL'IIEISh ends if salts" kept lci,',l',te",t", and! 5:13;] 1?!!2'5)" LIL-c. ' . . might b glit that th owohip C P Mt . . ' own in a c . k" h, Ihere :Em- I . c. leit wi at wa aouncll . Ot ty In. other au 1 . _ ..' . ith the T a u. mat ' ' w . 013 au h , . I, tallied to urn ow . ter e ind In te.wr . "tll an , . , / ttship C01 . that San IU") quart". ' d Umn mm me tueil and " tttue It ol the C. , ed to be" 1 T no or two of tl a "up?" it's the Patience (ruled for the it SWIM"; seem' Mr on her native lean 5 biood of munuuwnt. They '

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