The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[Mercer Estate and the Rights of Wives], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 1

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Soxth LE tid Shame. _ ' ing of e nt ttnd the bi ssi ' S "a lets ill -- IOt0 ec .Gre el'a .fes (fry tt I: _ . ond' ot nd, a Per," aqpnIctin _ , ' fix . is l ' ti I _, c 1 1110 will "In t on l mu Mg "I. un 0 he s wn 1- - hstt " Pro tartio "" Ott strati cillsr ' YI ""003. 1ti11y icpurt on"?! oi ved 3M1. "to: 'd2, l" prob 3.1"". CE Wléi' . . Ho i'llp. l hm]. tl [cc-b1 cr.) Qt,',,',,!,",'] ":1"mix,id'eWmIlIElhtedhetIflrio.t Freak: tukzIst [i,i,i,!:fii.j!iiiiil!) T V ' It n. " . :\' n III 'tlite I ttor ay t trati . e, " nd "he wl . ttod' i __. N Pro II . Du - Ll v LIV ch: . y 16 M ed . ttul ton l- whe 1estt 1iel krd, " li ex vin . o d In . ltr', atr . . 1 to ou at t ex tuu ttet ere " te l 30 'tlass pres ce. - F peo otl Ht Pi ar, t t. Mir, "lo and he pe sth " ' or s rot n: age a ssed _' T', "I tra . Ilo AN hve . the Pr. the lttt "ttMe eg Pro, the wo ted 'uv ttle practi pl . ' . on by . hf. w . A NL' eu' t ' ctie 1'ttw "to . Thi rtutt 'ate uld . Is of tl tnet ical can! ', the - his J a A I' JCI' . clock t rut. hnpi abili as oloni us ed h on oth not wa 16 It of "e Ire t 1 cl . 26 . If n U tttt . Y. - . i tttlt re "V. . a " ial , mat er a 8"c be 'tor, tntt . . thi plut hat' r At n. 01.0 rd Ned nte g pt' . dr the Co tee 6 trttl 358 th oeh the Ist tll . L th m of . day rtl 'Cr . ti t r-l) rant olmt 0.0II val "far 1"". a eau , fo 0 "a ope ipali tuesti lee" [ _ e th oi " Li In _ tat 0a . rovi od r"' or gaui .agt enc ,3. ppoi nrb-rth' me, d h hes ioni ' I " e Pr da ole C thi tl ssimi inci ll t l Hidl ee cl tl Int it Is . 9'3 . ' 0 . w I; De mot'S rori tttt lite ottt . " '01) "1.1. ial (n a ett ngtl tnon n, tat .atl reti arbi tt 1 wev €133.11 of 1 fs'7f Huh my nant tcilt p: for t co Cot my ce." In." tug. be tittt and] on w oitrati lad} " tl lu. cu 'rru cr, d C to ,1888 .Go w. "so inci nelu . dere part of "Rho" "so "ctr tad ' hieh ton 'ee,'.,i , ' wad ml, vvia n , , wai vert I that onc't "ll Stott ttce of admi "t M tttle. lcine Rive ha, "as t h, " " f a ttttd ed . Lox-LI 1 aivi tot' . th lrrc aegis t at _ at it tini 8 r. N .unst .115 n a d pr Itter . tl I t arm ' In. "li attd altt lug a t tsA ntl slat "l it Qu . , B. Ugg MFIP, ttt by olesei -""i relv e. .; erl . h ind Ire, at thc " he ct tsl egis Urea g w obe Th ltf best. " '.rlo tt re . thi 'nsto ous! I) H F or .1 D' oi ue I L 'lue tttttit ttll Pr tall "in an. "Ha. "e C 8 , n 1011 d a" alitv ' an. tt. 'rid,'.,',",' , T mu th I ' ".". "grit . nthe Yof "In go . ovit gui Ott. ould gree ul'lu'c'; ttt H was 33-" ottr -l"h 'cen exp, tti e 1' ""3 , tttio dt t y into lees into ti . to "ltl uraei an mad id "in, ops', ait " 5 owt F.: ' _ ll f _ 0 th reci part for "to tor o " . thu " trati In t pe t 0 fr that il w ...d ttty led th 1 10f Ctttt " U e 0 pvo of "e b co ce 1: lg tet c ton his hat om la. "W111 1 ned that "ay . Ba . on , DD ogui .Cnto th V nue t 0 prop Id lure. . B "In th tite " Se . 0 tl . ol - rtue ' ue .I or _ Mt "1. 0 Ei pro The tice ose t ed at tter a I 0 as "pee ut n " as ' Nov I e, wi "n,-c l Propo h -) parrni 'hupi . (Hun d., "I c, M) IItl "at . that the St was retubo IppoIII ym tl "ll; ted, a utchl tate "In," to dit I ll, thee cet towel)" lug le ',t.'//llti'"'ilt ul thug". "We; wa there lreas 'rt,t,t),it, hott si, I: "I nd (2.11 oi ' 1 , .", l u 'Nec' ad ' es Sim sicl . re . d . it s w ure er ', S H.firf 'the tattc a, ' v th ' 89- "In, nt in: " gt' Illa ti8 gar .10 ecid h) a as '.r . my," a", - "l ceai sth tdn ted " a "no ort acl 411.1 r 1 wi .41: d ed ' wa que . no .dt ti " t "use _at " it er abl We He . M . 0 vi "In ed . egi illit 1g ottl to 5 sti thi uat Uit' _ it',,',':,? ern Wa "at e t asc " 1 r. give yet u isla . 1" t . otti, t... glad on "g 'tti a :,- , ity We 'stu ive hat . '1 h; i " ME 8C' "lb sih tio " o ceedi 'ue ke tl of M to Imc'. .- p ai wl . lit oil '3 "a t u, ad tl of J,Ith' (lulu a I . tturi it r In gel I. We 1 [a . "PU . 'lr:. In , D ticl sho ght cos', tull tttt tl J) F ity _ sill to e- mo gly .ltl.. tnu tun w. 1h. - r Ut 'I ul . a _ Cl " u " If, io co . a an tt ki u'tne r. . , r,".':? '2rg',tir, ci'?..')'],'::,',',.,':), thou rthe tr:iiiel,t.1i),' 2iii:,s?t,, o1. /ii/ my th a ol' "t H" its . xi '- ' M v d . or a] sue it l 0 l . coll IO ' I e vi l; lt ' . "I at All" "I" "t scl n" , be r.l? . tl "He he f It ts . . on HI . " n r L. wi , le . "mi do tlyf his Stl 1 ttlil "I ey th I Rh "(W l tte th tn "on . M "In gu of t tttt w. _ I ttbt ron ts k "tt nsti . on" tut " to kid Dit' ' ur )y th " Pt t h r. 1 "" e. I he Cl I .\ r I h I . 1tu ; ted U tl et H U)" .. ot he wa eh MJii ho , "d . h tel" g I lh tlnst cor ow,' " l tttrt t it?! th 0 a s. gate to M . g. . Stt ad tity' mew I on ' ,.1 .re the .reg hnle Mr l ' " U tl 1 Th. P appl liG'p-' We unt mini ttl. ho oqu jlUd (Ru hat. tttttt l Ho. .. 1901u . tae pony" of . Mu ' tit "l ' e bi rovi Y tt 54101. . rk. y jt tstr n ha esti ared to" eed [rauc- tio cts W i "no. tt redit ated l I ill tttce , the h ldge II. wagt d be ani hi , tsai Itrt H MFll "was ere JU, h te in h, I . , AINT was . g of Te at th in. whi had enh n thi 18 o jd tlm to H otL - tCE cu "3 r "t I "h ' tv. ' . rh' . read C; rrit f Ae ich ut eld il5 t pini tl ous M CR . arrie ePr IC' 1 L"In ' "a i.NAN the "mail orie tt si crew had y of and natt lou an F0 edo r. l Efyt' tl. 65011 tad 'Qitit n. (j - Ch' Sec a. 'as 101111?" it of ch. the an Cl'. that tie6. sed th Ili" . Al ted uo t d he bi . Mt d 0 , "'le weli 1 I C tl arse - D ttwa At th qu . l rat VAT E . 0-. nu My " l' t l ti ill ID 'ns r heh' ot omi . rd In Ill').?. euczne alghi,s, l: au (I) :'IIIIVAC AIN I 11ttrt'l {ff-Sheet? I 'llof'llghp'rhw' Si, V:Kriniofirmgui-Zvincetqhe 'lll,1'tl' gratify?"- . . . ' . ' b ' ' . _ . _ ' slim: the (ty, of"? writ-1. i",? ..rrh", : neglect: w'?,',, 3110111131 the TIL the I M) wo l "mfg: su1"°'~'e5.' hudth° Ili, to ",ii':':'.'r,',iirllt,",,,' "a. t for t ppli ant 'ieI . C tat upri to as! lush taint . ecoI 'r:s and e ei .685" - Itiiett rope " L' be tr, v; I 'liril, dat 'u'0 icati hwy "but; ouucil. this aati pon" Supp rtshi ands ena Id re L" tl his ithor . H,. t to atedl shy " Cue V e b eu t di Olt ' 188 tit-ti ll, 'tac tent on its yf. "Ce 4W r tei Pref to Ity,') do . y - arden' ttit y S be trclt . ot "t 8, ... 19', ep- Pot" ctor p bu the .WH At ot wi tsei up ugh. ere tue gi . It. ask rt' eu. liJ'at tii?,t.y,l 'iiiiiti'ii,li 'UT)": 'c?il', j,r,'je." iile'iii.lit,ri,i'i! I,', 'trl," " 1tie,Cyl, 'iijjjj,liij,'ii.i ti,et 'id',',', i'iisiiiii,ii'i,iitii.i,'i' l tft/tt c"n ntet ate ',.lti "Y PY"' Pon .!"F- P". rtw f" when re, Ile "Hf!- a! "be tha " tor 'r ' ie l'gl.' it! ed _i.s',t'ii'ii,t 'iii"tieei,?i'iii' It, '/iitteii,1: 1t.t/.' /ii?'i,t,c) 'i,iie'vi'i? t)fil'e:rii)"i'.CY, i,,",', 'tiuulirdf "an i?e?rs.t1t,1tte aw»- r':ct,:,'i.'i1?.'ii', itao't'ti,r'ert"iii.,irritt'i' tha ate P"'." F l, , )1 " , ar I "('11. t Ii cuse er II- 'ttM of ttal . ' I Var and " . ar. 'ue 1'oitr Jt.t It er. ittitsi lounge§"efoltlxigm11"'.I'tn°'f~r, i":)',;,):',.::'.:':'),,"),;:,'; "SENS?11Tn'1'flmlfik'e 'p:"'uell;'= bmyp""- l,"i'r'iils, bee ,':_'iiiiii:'ii'.,iit.,,t,,ii:tij'iis,: i',', tls an ttS . said cttlf, "tel. 301- I hi Cu "Hy ' ut Nu' "ttid {Ace ' a tkr I "d ere was ( J, h 'tiii',",)?,'.? 'tpil;;;,':) 315:3" ':',rici't,,"irt0ti,' JI,',' :iiiiii'iiiiiiiiii?' "riff": i"iiiit)'iiiiiiii:ii: l, sd'll', Hon., 5,3821%" use "Slime; 'd "1'1"": iiiiii:',itiii mi} I",;,):,),:.)'::'.,?,','. (3P4? 111131.11"#11131;an 'iis,j'itj'iiiiiiiiiiii:' l, I y, "$190117 WWW time. "ld. "a". " ' the uct retro "on; 1litx 'rt' " , "Ian", " le ake sitoo owl in; u . arc' T ent .'" 'tti, 1:. ld t?,i'i't'cl,:1tte, 's.'i,':'ft'i.iri.:i'il' it')',?,'",', 131.11 'i',:)',,".,':)?,))":',):':',,",) 1:11.13" .te 'ii:":,;))',))::':':':?):': W13; dag/sh,.: at": in 1% C rty t bee I": t u "A k t'cW tlra splai re. Mr n C L-'L- itat tl "i 'QCiVe uvot'e ."e ', iifiiii and tssio \RE'W " cl; only . l tho l, Ti CII; th l'ep- tey, th incd l .y'l . "Pry" 'ur'. J in it non d fr u 5 I ll ' expe tt of LAP-1' rair. nittee T ba Cour he ached clto fefe "Cr 0 " h Ip"h_< 'dH ud, ppcII- ge g," -r - t'. l use: the . "is of t 'ls, "if. ' t 1m . nttsti esvl cal . " use . HT 'ge l "II. a Eco. IE ot up, .r. tl -t He. "at " tw to , w witi H an a).i; _ 'lu. vdi RE th Pro tsd tl te C' he. D I 1 Lt tl rlt " at. i),",) RS Ittt , sai d alil en rece in it ',DIT e T Pr: . ku 'en out on . Ind I te be. no d of th to We . hr tiwo i/l th: not 'c to , d ut ir " P IW Pea ation J,'n!',T, ts r yittie 3'21. rtsot ecisi 6i Wet' co "v "re. ate to "no reg". "bu Can my M fo I B.'? ti low 'ehted Etna. njoi . bro: sul o'iott ("all Pr, tl . th pro' tct of Vt't' 'b the I pend the .arit. C' Ae ed lte t Pr " es "~11, uu-de'l 1"Inu,c*g).t pro Cot ting titil-s e "ctic the} ods. .1, ent ap T" "0u11'tten. parts ovir, tate 'it/l,': h. o l Mn ' bef P" tterr ali th Pom' ally In' J " ';yoti of ti porn . H 1111 tto "c . _ 3-. w th o tl t't'et tllu': " 'X. . C ill. Iiirit ',1 on he , tn em re_ .on pooes c, i1h't tztr'e bro L mics Rr me Sui re tum)". I tlpo "Y u so (2,1 iii', tlt. . 'l'i " I rregu1,fr.0lnl 1't,1.l'/,f,'1,t, ppo Idling" to the ps';':')]';' o been as it ["31" {laud he": 1L" ' tveil t'), " \\.1"Ju..1[-) to ,_...rlt/iy,i.i, e "will le l, 'ity, :rlties the Jr.1,,I3I0f an sed m: to th incl 0 l" rga . tts '.ud p d use Il n a ,uld i !"C--" l: '0 . id "f . 31u ro W t p . . ttl; aud . ti e y tale ltlt .. od be . H id l I'. . DU be soi " W. a I 1 hr ttt ere P" . '3 dit tu ' tbo "Sci Wat' stu,' f eu tt . no t trc lice L h I tl vel; pow iot poi 0 tl dis ttto th or . Me u ul ld t . .0, Dr 1 r We t .ily () T t tl u: I no h yt ey , Ion. 9w. Ile SCO n _ eres, I ind ttati eedi tad . .IIIS gag k t . lo tte 'le _ "Cu" 'I IN' '..Nil I ttttt 0 In , und ye eith o CO eci _ th," or's . " I, at tl . 8 _ IC ngl he . de e w " p ' th: S'"' A l' Lu, r a pow t I . " In ul a ted at. he " cur e, (I y cu tot as wa ur. nor at t tt d sn;, -t W o. cr to th to "In . In" th at tl " ' red . rul . uses' In . ed ttt 3 t a" up , -I\ . .voivl ith "tnt W . " LI the tttCR . tto 0 ettte, ade , Pro In oeha ful . prls tc l e pro. he 'er " thy - "run' ti,; It y . ere if ou P P tio r. cu tttit r. tC thi If . WO on , r Sct, uti I In b.' '. 'it? l 1," r. N "kl th Se ubli ti vi Bur: . " , bi W0! rtv " di ut tl rk . I '50.. ed We Ber I"" ttif' . ",1 Ji .3le " h Iex-e . u do A . th 11 I W I tr. u -- - Is 1. . 'v t u; . . re " I." _ 1. itiic r4... . o w o t _ .111 te i-',',:,,,,)',,',' _ti'i'is,ii,iii?'t, fur) ly, 3-11)" 'll',,",', g'p,l ttiCtirji'i:,' ('tii.itif,liif:i:,i,i' ""1153": :lijt,: 1 "his?" T, BP. gd~th°ciouuts '1ci'ci:,i,i,'iit"; "may ink"; a?l}"'1{';~m' {light "Inf "HEW". 'iii/i',':? 11I3I~IIIII<II~11C I131). IIII'IlIe,.I.InII-h,.1III-.7.- "mu". '10:?" , I?" 'd7, the" the a" tool'tRu-yo'mnitts 111:," eco tttral 'Dh-'c up tt pr Pol-{3941 of r Mr N. "In; ll'".' ', She-11km 11.": 2C)"- t his rvice Puyr (31,13,001,C ' it l eeo "' ritth ttid fi "use I" 'j.'(ld.'i"ort'; ion 0 "on. thin . luIIIII . . "Urn" ti mg civrirl . l 1'. and .cUur s to nent In th cu: th "limit" Pi trr, I Itll t ot n said of I h ith flu gto . , INCl ge wl "Ur.- 41:03-49 . l' ttw t'rtt w be to li 1.0 pu ne ia HK as ovi tivri orai earl th the e ttti e etrti ailo 'Is-~ uere wa suc " heh as " oni - r. l "NCO-3 th "We 18 tttBe y . e , H rade C .ou " 1 . 1id . e tis A RI ases m On Ito not. y t Ilu - " ISL'u' , ior [iititiiiiiii',ttiiii,i 1, a a: ttt ti, " vi'):.::',','::?:-,)', wa, ere dl' 'a';.' t",i:1'/t' [sis',::',.?)")')'?,, 'ti:i,i,'rtt,.it:iionir's 'l'/1 JCti1uJi' . _ le o 01 p I W n.i' 81- 'vu. '.of tt a it . .1. eat . of g .1 111. VUN enubtt ithjw va od I of on m1, ll, , t1'th' 41, th r " Pa bv tat h . cu tl C cl ed '. W as . lo and P My th tut:d . P. 3-503 3 ' tf p an, rt . savi a yin .lcnt 13 ih. erk ' "Ottlgl'eu I .33 be .glud ad sad rovi tty 0 (1 ',' ' "I Pl', . Hr; 911cc - se . now .re' yung gall]. bis ot . ti'a5 A. ba.-° th sitnb ginni ta of e mi ncGl 1v my , fr2',ii'i.1i,i,l,j!f, ue, to rlotl , UI Palm". th t th ttDee ."le fur"? " 1MMt in, "tol Bee 'pe ug t ' wa "at. iyl; J" _,-'. wlu try , Pout. the '. e Pt th ei/ "Th ior, . con '." H , tt yrt ton. tha title. he lui. "4-,; 'F't'xh'd'l mu] el: "to pe ieal .1 osrvi tor e 0 .Wnin.' 5011', "u. iiiiriii'. iiiiiiiieiij,'ii'sit,ti:t', "Ninth" like o 'iii.".:",';'):)'::)'.;'),");)',',)")),')':, Ll/n111f "In." t! ouch 39:? of 'iiiii'ii(i.i', oi "these "Ila-r "If," C/t.,', to of th Mr e u n ll by th on lt at'.'.,' t'. tl' , "'0 h tka try , " a CC'. let cl its, at G 're., I1-011yr.1_ " .MO ewd a _ tr '0 ii. F y of u'tioi All "d 0 tth tues 831 posi . Su "an; tot "W- club... or . now ova WA "Pa com y1n _ "tl. I. "sl; "-1 tci Iep see he thi ttto rel ctor to any," iucle.c m W "t "In. - T--. tta mun gr to "ta "1'2..." t,ir:'i/ieii':,l's,i,i.i,s,.li. rese "303 i ama n to y, if of tt "in. . WC.:' 1011.12; 'l'l'g,1l',t JI: Poli re ','lt'lif1'e m";- tc:,),.':'-,')),":,:,':":":':.'),."' ll gave tUrir/' I",,?.", O! we ',i',li:':)t/tti', (i:,iii:'ii1i', at ti::,"?,)". . be a Wi ls . " b 0 t I v.ei tnl po . her tit ul a d titStl I in ti te _s' port rov1 . Co ay pot Ya s d .i"' '7" ll ar . be ali as ' dl A tlil' ile ct. an ttCt nati ysb nt nd ICC' ovid to] o a " eni In hi ll ' rect I 1., pu'; . Uh t "I .'tu . ee " pr th .. ide tied aw w to 11 itrd " a .. e 1. cl Vai Ili . On tha ' tto . n. 0 t tutti I , C I I".' d l c, a! or nw ul did ef- . itat'L5 , not C Ivlnci" the t the;glltI, u-'lgueséfie'gelsngel s',"l','ie"/le,1:)', C .-'.'. III evcn 17 tll viii::?.:)':', itii,ii',iiiiii1'iis, "Pi-Zea il h\v£l{:'cd {:0 "ii),':), n, nth vie °'h'-3I rho IO Ix tt "OI-"u: m -';- t tetlt yy oi ,tl or.i ui C . ti "'n_"'-1 . 0 w un oul en P"' . ea ' verl Mt! 1rt 1-.» I he '01 . . Ju . " A . if llgt lrl . tte 'le: utr Wait" an on d 1 1t luv r.) ire, "q Cd sw ct L' Ion by '.sttee tt he this attttl ~A. e:tk. ' . , t tit' w". nu, "r A on - th . or ha " 1 uuti top Do sgtTd ton W d resi " . " ole. " th '.'.C _ emti et III nt e , , r., no d b oifio .10 C'tle . m-, e W am, ra asi ltr? 6.1.'h1. 11 tut,. cr y au 1 Thi y-G' e, Ce Us '3. this P""'. lt gett'took- hen ',td :zedp Mn. c',',',',',",,','."' "an," 11: Of "fried w'lubl'o .' v "e' 'n my" 'iii.',)',?,,???, ','iiii,i'i'r,', (lji'i'ft).l"'orf f5 icrd 2Ul not 'tif,',',")),.',', ttltr théL0naeC W? Ae ','l'C,'t 'ri/its),),',)'::,'))'?",:,"),, 1:.Z'1h'h'w'" thus" to tsl".' , thelflmioxr LTI, "la-1"" ll 81:01:15: oi 3'0"" 'e'ISti st,!t,'eff,"', . tin C0 hee " JS'; Ii not I13: Wtt 'Y II.I'.r;'1iI'- no": th Heal .Wo lope I to we" sum L bri ronz1 lar ir,l.tie,ir'itr.',i? go'ssz-ug-tziszrresz) is? ":bnitkc 'll? 1,'d'iyr' iiiii",i:..,ii','i"riiiii.'ii':,'i in. J;'v',1i1i.'t 'ti/let at}: ',iiii.itii'ji)iiii! {a a? ii/r, And . et th iati t G in of eof tt d p, IUtti . "In t't'l , iti"HAte 'rio " out 1 to . alle P ie " a ' a, used m e on iOtf W . thi tl I 451" ret "x ""1 M, "hm AV I H In. dt ubli tu "w. H w gatio sueh re w of tl era hich Is ki " . io 1p olt e u , y 1. V1. I w; . 'tl- on vesti og .1. A nds - '.dl'fsly, l.' n c. as Ie Ina ' " ttt n. my 11. tttWh' ,1 3.1, f" " . . M ti em .w I . r .1 'ttiii?, :12: We": jj,iiiiii'tiiii.ii' 'der!,' 'hit', 2,it J,",.,:'"))?,, t'i,,ti,i,l!, ' ave 1-.° lit a ject"i on u'urr , iri "inc , 'ill V I' 'l'r time' "in I'""'"'." ""01 untl i0: '11 tee, "1' Con a" the ["YP . "POI edly " no. Itt Y. PIU' Tod l -m In G oi re., . 1' t _ h t te. ae. . if; uy ti te co I 0:1 , "to natte l opp stnitn. do _,'iiiittiil1t5', 'Ch"'",', dzhri'm; " 'tiit,'iiitti)ic?,i. I t? 'i,'),)?,,',':.?,":' _iiiii,,ii,i.ii',t.i'r,i.,'iuii,1; tl,,;'):',',?,',,',"),'., at? ',?iiei?.,'itfi.d Milli" iii',',.'))?), i','o'1"h'irc.') '00- t in uesti ' w uatt f')? anv YI I on. .1')c11,' th I'.. n "Viv; "' So. ' . a -. d hi . T " L.' We seh . iii'iiiii.'i;t,iiii.'a', of I',',',?,',,'.:'?,': 21t/, at?" tiiis,i'iict./c'il,e, Jr'i",'d 'rt'i,r:'irrc:',s'il, _','i,1ltt,)i't'.t,i',iii1'.i)iti, read _i.:i'.i.i',j,i:.siijiiiiii',ii'ti:'.:'j, td."",', 'lai?tx11ii'rie'ill::t,; 11.2; giccn sotio .l " n rri It t er tl rs; tttlt t , inei , tw ' cu' Rune ith RI t t In!" "In, a . ot Spe art - "Thu "w Inch ight her tani IUt . U " "ii/e Ho Dr ci.trt Id tl: tho i ram a.1 u lu' omgqu' ttire "key sedac" ts', Mo ANC as CA . que ' tho a w: l bet' adai ue w te T u th ovin; aittt "t thi n the ctin "in, cia t c1 akin had We", --;;e h cesl 1ltUh' , tit' 1,'tl i g hi "a . Is . ttMir gea I Ion _ . Mu AR _ . n in "'91 loll/L": 'IUVe' nco "My ttsi, . 'Y . "Wyn i " ""e "In We. In 'ffl','? l ":1. v.d . WA', s P thi ti "3 t tfed tnet nne et' . 1ttt' "vhit i ,th Bp .gula '.tsyslf t'e sttcl 'e.. r M I' RO " f'". 08- erati " f ctii, ttt jy'atly "L It e point riti . , tak uc; tii," M mo BA dia I" cho tou tuul sttwi ll" . be iuxt pre me " Ill] cu agen nad ved TE. t 'rtitnl " ul i: . 111,cc ith ls' yett 'h he Mttt at w c ' tl . ttul -c . the has by .Rorne ands her In the ylget ' ee 'tttt t of "a: dis Mg es; 'd _ e 'w 1 . n s. sc . . re Ott Go . co . t "11' 31 SB'O a e s '. "I. .01 tui. "Hood "lard" 'i'i,'l'iii:,rci1'i,tt Je, ""36 C0:9'1uol;l aft": ii,1,F'?r?lit':'l., peclnl He let": lyeiore to 1,50 be "an 'i"iiiii.1, tr, by! 'df', \Va:l:\'°l':;. I hours"! d 1.6%. _iiiiii,:iiiiii,i'ii, ',i'o/u,Cr'.',i' tit _ppoi, "My: 'ld."', INN.' .11 "c. " C, i, he ' le Lf. eat 'h "n P, b SAL. st',J/t'/,l'.lilrt,;d, li'y'rutgrzhchelyuthllutpz; fl Pertrzporfir tho'b 'l'll, iiiiiii,iii'i1':iiii: [hug Y dQ,ttt, Istlu'uldll'; "-3: the ttiii',:.:,))':',,?)':'.)')],)', 1t'd" 5119 i'-,rtii'i':i,i.ii.ii',? nix-[mi "he for iii) Pr tl . . 1°30 eui . Ger" ' th "It. ttt, 'ttJul',",, 'iii/iii,," ', 2t,dt, .1 we i,'(.1'i',e,t,t,)i; I' J',',',:',')' 'l',',' Wd:, [-l s,r'.',' e 2l,1ti)y,e.i . e',,'):",,'),?" - hini Utttt I Ila: pl fore ttt',1',1,e, tttttttt .lnL Illhgh turn" ff: to be I twit aced . " q ' trnd pm Thr, t hav y ru' " est t lg ac J.', po penin it W WI; 5 Was , eh'- 'PPO curt sges I g of as outi irecl . rtu Pte . 310 t th oul led y "In. inio " ui e y c, ou 'd J r t " 0 . S oi tn . tl ou ttt 1 la . ati 1e ae tive .VI on e tlnat * nei ,h 11.. .isatl g e ct h it be to li h k' f ok tl gure" 0ro _ te . the 'i/tlr." Oil','.

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