The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[Mercer Estate and the Rights of Wives], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 4

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_ "l . . - 'A BliAbl FROM THE I newrmxons IN REGARD To T i PROPJSED JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. ' I --.-,___._,_.. stance, to put them to the expense of erecting _ Rivalry For the Poslllons of Jmllclal (can county buildings; " ' tret-Gr-tttttmt. Brace-bridge. llanu- THF. '""R"7.s HEARD FROM. . . Atter the House adjourned and some other ville and Burk .0 [am to Present d . , . ' eputatious had been heard the Council-room Their "tttttta-- A Proposed . fill t l tl l t ti f . "w tlottuty With Orlllla was_ t (M by ie t epu a ions T"". various . ' 1 ' portions of Muskoka and Parry hound. They as Inc (Inlet roqen. were introduced by Mr. Armstrong. M.PP. -..-.-.. far Parry Sound, and Mr. Matter, M.PP. for Because of the proposal to create two judi- 13:31:" Among those present were the fol. cial districts out of Parry Sound and Mus. From "raeebridge--Reeve s. Armstrong, Koka a mighty host from the North descended Jag. Boyle, J. W. Dill, tJeo. Spencer. l upon the Government \Vednesday. The quel- From t'/tN"',nlyts,tr-ry,tae Cockhurn, J. tions to be decided by the Government are c--. "y).'f.i.5, J. 1,y,yeiie,, Longford. _ ' l, V,.,', . . b ted r'ro:'nlluntsvill.e---L. H. Kinton, been of Hon many jadieialdistricts are to ecrea , Braeohridge; John Armstrong. Reeve of what are to be the boundaries of them, Chain-y: Dr. Rowland, J. W. llettes,ex-M. and what places are to be the judi. PP. for , Muskpka: George Puget, J. W. eial centres-Bracebridge. Graveuhurtst, Jnco.b.s., I". 1.1 . U".""'wamr' Huntsville "we?" . ' " , , . . . er ' W. H right, Capt. Danton, it. Godolphin, Huntsville and Lurk s Pails each cloning this r'. Francis. R. liallantyne Sinclair, ll. sear. houor- and tiuaily to what extent, if any, are lett, il. s. May, Arthur llaiues. these districts to be given municipal powers. From yyk's.rulls--r.A. It. Town, J. P., cuir:: The scheme for the creation of a new county, man Ot .1h,'.ll'eyi//,1.; y"',') Hunter, Reeve ot with Grillia as its centre, is related to these (Humour, 'ir." in) ion, James bliarp, R. H. plans because ir is proposed to include in it a 'ILiliuf" I, Ails. 'e.","..'?',: , D ortion of the District of Muskoka. "we were a s.t,.i"'e?'ent 'z-CT. raper, p Spencer; it . IN aired, Morrison ; Geo. _ Tur. 0mm." tit'llEUE. Morrison, Reeve of North Hunsworth; I The Attorney-General. "on. A. M. Ross Reeve Muir, of Strong; Wesley l and Hon. G. W. Ross weraiutcrviewed yester- w. Brisbane, Sundridge; Wm. Ramsay, idny by a large deputation, who urged upon Franklin; Wm. Gray, Reeve oi liruncll; A. ithein the formation oi anew county, to be hlcllillivray, Navarre; Thomas Scott, I formed of portions ot' Simcoe, Ontario and Reeve of Humphrey ' Reeve Wilton, Muskoka, with Ihillia as the county seat. of Cardwell: Angus Morrison, Reeve " They were introduced by Mr. Drury, of Muskoka Township: Moses Dickey. Reeve M.PP. for East Simone. Mr. J. B. Thompson, ' of McLean and Ridout; Reeve Langford, of Mayor of Urillia. presented Mr. I Macaulay. Mowat with a map. in which the i run GRAVya.NMt'sT .uiznrxso. new county was made up thus ..--T'ne L. ll Hinton. Pweve, of J'nvwulsridge,was the Townships of North and South Orillia, Matche- l first speaker. He in!ornied the Premier or the dash, Mcdoute. and Tay and part of Oro, the result of a meeting of Reeves and Deputy. Village Of Midland and the Town of Drillin l l Reeves held atovaveuhurst last night,of which from MIRROR". the Townships of Morrison, i he was chairman. The muetiua',uuauituously re- Muskoka, Medina, Gibson and Baxter l and I solved that they were strongly opposed to any from Ontario the Towushipsof Marnund Rama. I muvcmeut for municipal government in the When the Mayor said that it was proposed to districts until tho people icei themselves call the new county 16 Mowat," the Premier l strong enough to betw the burden of county smiled and said it was hardly fair to take taxation. . advantage of his vanity in that Way. Mr. Mowat said that the Government did The Mayor went on to say that the i/iii) not propose to put the people to the expeuu County of Simeoe was much too large, and ot'ciectiug county buildings. The question that its Council, composed ot b7members, was was whether they should authorise the Reeve- unwieldy. The attendance of witnesses, and Ireputy-Reever, to meet and agree upon jurors and County Councillors at Barrie was carrying out works of general utility to the an expensive and troublesome matter. Atl district. Orillia there were the Northern and Midlandi A 'so:newhatdesultory conversation followed, railways, and the C.P. R. would soon pass-I 'in which Messrs. McNeil, Uri-shame, Arm. either through or near the, town. The distanv. _ strong and others took part. 'l'here Was some heween Barrie and Urillia was 27 miles, and disagreement upon the question of whether the batman Barrie and (folliugwood, 35 miles. Reeves should be given the powers suggested The people of Rama and Mara Townships, by Mr. Mowat. Tue question oi the selection which they proposed to take from Ontario, did of the centres of the judicial districts was not all their business in Orillia, and it was a hard, touched upon, tho iolos being that ship to compel them to go to Whitby as their tho claims of each place are to count town. be resented se aratel to the Govern e s1'.',ei/aoy'),"r' licCosh, of Oriliin: Peter Thomp- P I,'.',?-'),',:,':.','.',.",!-',',',,-'?,,!?.',,,,,',,"," , " son, Reeve of Mara, and Archibald Thompson, Reeve of Orillia Township, also spoke in favor oi the new county. Mr. Mowat said that if any scheme was adopted it would first have to be submitted to the ratepayers, and he asked the deputation to leave with him a statement of the facts and tigures by which they support the. proposal. In reply to a question from one at the (ieputa: _ tion, Mr. Mower said that the Government pro. posed this session to make temporary judicial arrangements regarding Parry Sound and Muskoka, pending a permanent arrangement, and give them the right to exereise some of the powers of County Councils if they desired it. The arrangement would he merely pro- visional, and tiny did not propose. for in. AL ht. f " tl, _ . ..MW~ '

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