The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[Debates on Delayed Petitions], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 1

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'iailECC2l'aNii " A? . w l ", . '.' ", ' . . "' . -. a,.ie. . p . r Kitt iltl5C2ai w" ordered one seamen were brought down the as to acrrpt the promises PM!) Ttf,,hs1l','i'i, 1." ~ . . i . i . . l "RE I next but in taking the course it did connection with those fee,". grain "11.541: min. r, , l F C l the , Government was within the line Hon. 1i.r. HARDY traid ne hilt] MENU." a " . l of strict Parliamentary practice He came in which a person who had nought tilr-'sty, ., --_-- .7-.--_.. ' . . vccoipts b" mmicsalu had sued upon some of i J _ . -I moved the following amendment t-- tl . Pr, q I been successful Jr, "M we, ' " xth Par. lament, Second That returns ordered in a previous session are tfri/tll/l/ll. iiiiicl bv this result. as he had C,, ,'l l . . frequently, asa matter of convenience, pre- t 'r,"'.,".'. l. . . I" "0430 would he 'fl T Session. seated in tho following session, but the strict posed that tlt one I a "il' b L t 1 " ." lt 1 Vt' e, '. 't 'tice of Parliament to iiires that when puted to the party. t.wat nor. on y 1guoraut IP ----_..__.-ir- b, , l" W! . q . )crsons who Were deceived by these meats. _ l . Parliament is prorogued, before a return to I . f . l . vcr i t ir, l I " (By Our Own Iuportor0 . l ni'iscntod an order for the return should be s1e',eJ"hd1',d'm,cai';'to "t'd',r"t,l'n.,lC1'ld,',', hiding: _ '. . . . t . . . . t iGC g 1 ii! f. i February 17, 1888. th"i/C,1 trtlri'ocgti'te.u','."io"' as if no order _ to profit by it, and he must say that he did not r. l: TlteSpealcer took the chaiut three o'clock Il:. MEREDITH said that the Commis. ""tt.f'c1,l1,"2ti1rfrr th"t, heli m tl BILLS INTRODUCED. sioncr of Public Works (Mr. Fraser) was Pe, ' Ill It . . l"did -hl an a at f itre 'rt, - . . res "msible for the debt and in former ' was actua Y. a case. m " L gen or tlil" Thtsiollowing bills were presented and read "all" when asked about skew returns he put ricultural implements had been taktn In. T . . "' , F ttPat ttttte c-. oil the hon. gentleman (Mr. Clancy) with the (Llanghtcru) . d 'lo amend the Act respecting insuranceacom- s:latctnent that he was busy or the delay was £1" '," P" "if" for a retu f f parties-Mr. Bishop. unavoidable. It seemed now like a breach of _ y.r, Ingram: "in" "Y 1887 r .11"; e," ' T . , . . faith after the lion. gentleman had refrained paid to county 0 we" m was with mun. oust in Emily. Rebeeca Winstanley the fi-nniaakiuvv the renewal of the orders to treat THE MINING POLICY. 17d'gt?, ot Iterttugt lands " ftut oitnphs--Mr. him as it "as now proposed to dio. ' Mr. MEREDITH rose to move his rcsclu. r , . . . . Mr. CLANCh said that the Government tion in favor of the appointincntofa committee RJt,wi"ttir1eart.t,.tlCuf,.1t','nt. Arnnrior & , sought to shield itseli behind the rules of the to take It,d/'1c:'ti. t.1. l? timber all" mineral Respecting the Port Arthur Duluth & House. althourgli the practice had J"" beeu.itt resource?" hill: "intrigue tel ti . F l . r Wcstdrn Railway C- --3Ir Er/a, accordance with these rules. The practice ' Utm- _ur. n , - , a11gi,'es ( ha. tne "JO-i To icuralise Ji/i/ li)"lit\\'s and debentures had bven to hriuy down papers, although "l" lution s'l,",1'l,l ye: WWIWWL l of tho 1'."me '0!- Berlin and W vtcrloo--Mr , iiercd in a previous session or even a previous . Mr. 1ll'ys'vrTi'l ll expressed a SWINE: pro. Snider . l .. ' ' . l l'arliaiiient. Tltetv. \veze no fewer than M WITCH?" ty guilt! ou y,. fi",,',",),; d!" :Lsk:zl l tcc, l ..-. ,, . wa. of . . , sessnmal clerks employed, and there was not a j W let tet' tlie yo'"""!"":"" In enuo to "Prinz-ea o:lzlgg"i::\l,ln,1':l;f:'flililzlllllrix3013231150 debt quartei of a return each for them to prepare in ', orjlgree tu this tctr/Pie..",.: l ! To amend the hct h", iitid, cenie'ery ' Ascssion. The sole reason for opposing thel ly Mr. Mftil AT. Sold he thuught they companies--) "aim," sp c, b _ motion was that the Governiuent had a large I could 1y/l,l,y,,a/Ti'i "All it. . . ', To amend the \luiiicih'tl Act-Mr Garson l "HUME" Mc. "LIKE!" I H-.-.TIts?t 'l to any, you Till.' To provide for-tho 'li'l'il,'id ii tir, TOWDISlll. t Mr. FRASER said that was not the Sole oppose tt. SI lien will the (jovc'.rnt.tttt "I"! of Walsmgltiun---Mr U'L'onnor p reason. What he had said was that the House I" the debate on the Intcr.i'rovincial luso!u. To amend the lie-'istry Act IU.. Ciancv. .wouli.l not censure the Government for follow- tions .' . . , _ . . " t l To incorporate the Villas, of Cnester--iur. mg the, strict practice of Parliament. We . when. lie. Moil A fr..-'.)?'.:)? I', 0m" ltnougnt li. E. Clarke (Toronto). ' convenience of that rule was shown by the fact l lbursday would be a pre."." good do)". , To coiilirma cettairraereetnent made be- thatoutof cl.cvcn returns ordered llt 1384! M,r; 1lrlREl)ITH pinned out titut taut twecn the Great We te . " l' l . C only "".t."f two would now he or any use. would put the debate oil for :i. " wk, and inc ' . " t'tt Sttl way ""ll'm')' . Wt )l) 11 i- . rr '. . ' . . lea nil rut be ur od that that was to» lan- for of Lanada the Canada Southern Railway ML R l svritiiie','ts) tiattt titat ifa motion P g . A' _ . . Coutpany ind the London a Port Stanley for a return held goodlut' only tme. session the committee to Slit to 1't'ls, and .t",l".'s""' "1 i'cailw: Cr, l , . . . .. l . "' .. - tr ' . J' llicrc was all the inorc reason for urgency. l in: given as a reason ior not. CUIiSldti'iiig the "1:30 i:{:\'.:,.|,;}:i:;y':5:tIn":rirugoglalrxzzlmit The House divided on 1lr. Fraser's aiiienu- l motion. t . e . ' " i i . t . . . , ' '" , . r , - ' . . rl Railway (Soiiipmzy and the Canada Southern '/'i'ietc..,.t1ti,t',h,),Ca1,. .c..ty.irll, "I" 41 to 24. "m I {Him Mr mill-"f jf-' on ll have a tls"thtit Railway Conipan} --Mr. Meredith. followings, H '.'.'.e division list ..-- i 0 I', ic ".set?,e'1,.?si.,teC'yvr, i f .. l . . Respecting iiHusttiat farms and houses of "Al'fi'l'fi'x"1'I11';i':':|mf\"."t'ij/"tilf'gn"fifitlll'J'fib tu,'lil,1,1rf,",e,r/. l hem"? iuveulution was yostponet IM t " time it:rstry-lltpy Mr. Hardy. ira'i.'iii"i'ic/,rrrt'tri'u',ii.'ii'i. iiirid, 1'iVhii'/"iri',iG'.' b g. U?itr' srT', HF" lll\'('\' lo amend the Act to incorporate the Brock- 1',)u'tt'w, "al. lumen. Veg-hon. idichl. Frasct'. l l ' _ ' A . " _ 'c. . vilie,Westport & Saulih'tc. Marie Itailway Com. ll"l'."('llllllil,.'Ii'ld'utill'l11'l'l'lll'ylllllLl'iilllllll\i'l':\(I'lilhldillj (frit- Mr. lilillx EON, manungihe so; lid rea in; puny, tite.ryovy.eTplainieg that he had not /"///.ihl//'.i"".?n/at.ll.ii"','iiu'rfi',,') si'.',',:,?,,'," i/TI',,,,)',','; of .lsis Ll" lo "HEW! tjy1-1y1ii.rli1t.'s.,.c), IQ? _ set-ii the bill until it was in print, and he did Prtcity!l.l'hclpr,. Iiaysiilo, Hoodlum. Itoss- oi//i..%', plviccd tlet tts (mp-ct w'" to ")"ou"-tr .'rlt.: 3' not wish to be considered as committed to ily-trl/io/y/lyrics', ,u'itjcts,.N,'iylu.i.tvicid-U. pal Councils to prevent the erection tot ii:.~:!e some of its provisimis~llon. Mr. Fraser. '3'"? my," t (11'9": 1 "I'll-ill! l' '.ir .; ly.'?,'.:','),' building , evcut whc,r.u. those buildhrc,s utuc' "Cl To ainevd the Act incorporating the Ottawa i1213",}:',.;,",j,'.'a'fiwufifl'juj'fj;,,.'.,.,.11,,',f1""\,gg,f.,."i,'i'.',',',l,l' of a public cluwautur. & Thousand island Railway Cotnlrcuty--iion. Ai, ridinii-iroiu. Prrvton. i:i,/rJri."t'idrarvt','T'lidiyir', The bill was read the second time and ti. Mr. Fraser. li lilimgx. Wood til isiingsi. Wylie- 2,'. fern-d to the 1luuicipal Cwnunittcc. Tllr', HUME RUI.r', RESOLUTIONS. lion. ih,hr,lj,l,'1iiaytr'.1'tcc'1i, that arrange- Dl'l'Clirlh' AND WATriltColi'le. Mr. CLANCY asked whether copies of oer. 'l/SI.",,,,'.",',-'; I', iii. tluflxtfit "Ext": halt-dice? l Mr. NAIRX moved the sccotvi reul, 'tr oi min resolutions passed Ity this House on 22nd t; \c-'L tl ix; i"dil"t ": l 191' ... is an "was I his bill to amend the Ditches and Wu; I- April, 1887, were sent to the Itt. lion. in l" m I grlctu Ilya 'Um'hu next C . l courses Act. He explained that it "is to William Ewart Gladstone, M.P., and Charles tlest "rsr:r,,rr GRAIN COMPANIES I carry out what was intended to be done in; Stewart Parnell, M.P., or either of them, rs o', ' ' , y _ . Q . - . " . . 3 year authorise county we'll" urs lo "F iet. directed by this House ', whether any acknow- _ llr. rilyLr'A ",tove.d for a return oi copies i covered draining in certain use». At Ill'CScllI ledgmcnt had been made of the receipt of said ' I" tj"-' "meme taken by 1,h'. thinning yvyvg, ,l tho law Was ttot direct m its applioation. coluu's ly the gentlemen to whom they Were lc-l .. Willi retcrcuce to tue Orita.rjo "NW N ll After a brief discussion the billua< read "as directed to be sent, or either of them ', and if _ N'V'll '"".l'Nly, und oi the report, Itituy, made , second time and referred to the Municipal _ so, {that are the contents of such reply or ' iii-xiii: with r'clgalrd il,", sthe "ind 11"1'i"/edl,' f Committee. , top tes? t i "Y o . i no "it: on . all" in " I COUNTY RUAUS. i l ' n__ q . . r farmers ll't'l been defrauded of lawe sums oi , _ . . l rethfrlc'd'i: 319-" SI t (limes ff/ac"tT,'l,u,tet ' "honor, and that the (ichrnlncn: deserved l Mi" ll 00d) .llh'tmp' 1novud tho '"T; mil P . . (fu' Bett o . essrs. "f Btono and ' cd'if .. . . , _ I...,: . . reading of his bill t) amend the 1icviiri'l _ arncllsisortly after the prorogattoa of the or. it oi appomturg a LUlllllllbblUll to inquire Ac . L. . ' h: . . . io', , ",'. House. I am aware that the 3were receiv "l l "tto the tni:ttcr. l ct, .e.IP.iatn".G' t nit " "I'? to "fin-m tin ' in, these gentlemen, because {hey we; puLll- Mr. INGRAM maid that farmers in his Bee. spotisibU.ity.ot the Louiity Council in our: dl , lislied for the information of the People of yyy.lyy s.ui.'i'crclseve.roly from frauds in con. :3:¢:wtclutlng to roads controlled by W l griffizii'ileiltiuhnt llihctrel his hecifi no formal "Hr? 1iti'.icc'irj'r',rt,i",i,i, that the report of . . PRIVATE BILLrl. CK l m "now ro . v. ". . f . .'r., ' , . . ir,iiiiiifiii'tia' that they intend to 'l'luJ,"2Lt the Cotntuiosiouet. would be laid before the The io.llowing tuuvate bills were read the acknowledgment. llonsc. He understood that true bills had treyynd toe '.- -- 19blLAYElt mmws. 1ct'Ce.Tl against the principal a... of the iss]?, ciJ.'ttiy,1'"i'.l",,t,h/ire',l'tCii1, '-i1yi)jj/ry'") to yr. CLAN'L l -Rcsolution-o That in the I .\ir. W1yOUs' illsutings) said the woudor , Respecting Trinity church, Toronto-Mr. l opinion of this House all returns ordered by 2 Was that anybody could be found so ignorant l Leye. the lionse should be brought down as early as l To enable the Orphans' Home, Ottawa, to possible cottsigtettt with .a due regard to the borrow tnoney---Mr. llcouso:t public service. Il',)) h,',',' tic-be regretted that I To extend the time for the completion of Rally 18:39:? on Grid _ 'f, t ml "gust: c.l,"Li,te' I i the Saiigoei: Valley railway- -Mr. .\lcrcdi2;:. . is last ai y.'.".','.'.'?....'.'."...'.?. not yet can relight , Respecting a certain dclvuturc debt of the down, thereby d.eprivjug the members of this ' anlhhipof Bexle '--yir Fell House of the means pfobtaiiiing important and I To logalisca 'd,Qii-//oh.'J) a the Town of useful information. He complained that _ Sault tite Mi ri ' M . l . there was great, delay in presenting some most I _ ',i",", . . ' " L." C. 4t) 3- . . important returns. One ordered so long ago l lhc House adjourned at 6.15 o clock. is 29th February, 1884, had never yet l ' "tTre-ere-et-ry-et-er-ee-- . been brought down. He condemned the course l of the Government in allowing these interests . to be delayed and dwelt upon the importance of prompt obedience by the Government to orders oi the llouse for information to be laid before it. ' Hon. Mr. FRASER said he presumed the . hon. gentleman hardly expected to carry the latter part oi his resolution, which was a direct censure of the Government. The hon. gentle- manevidently was uoIJWare that the strict practice of Parliament was that w.hen a return was not brought down in the session in which it was ordered the order for it Was renewal. Ile quoted from May and _Bourinot on this , " point, and pointed out that " was the reason- r . able and convenient practice. lt'was true that LI sometimes, as a matter of convenience, returns 'A

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