The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[Debates on Delayed Petitions], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 2

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MI I I - " L I w F ' I I T, T r, I _ Pm . "C. l" 3: I -- Irtf"CfNl l " ' SEMBL NOTES l and towns not separated from. ooiiia ' _ i. ,'.' 't --. . l powers which cities, counties and mt l , ' _ a Orrosxriox got rather the better ot the i towns now have tor the establishment hon ', I Lr _ .' rnment on the first division of the ses- i oi industry. . - l . . ' " , . as taken on an amend. , - . l _ lion. Ths '/e, Ct' a motion by the mom THe PROVINCIAL :-There " a good deal [' I . f I ' tent by li.r. I "Eur Mr Chusey's motion speculation over the cutting down of the es n the for il on. It ' I; "It for delay in mate for agricultural associations from $10,tX . , ' verii i . . . . I censuied the PO b . tl House to 84,500. It is thought to he the intention o ' bringing down returns ordered y is . . , , , i tfe. '.t th t the Covemment to tune away from the Boar i i _ Mr Fraser's amendment was to the e u. u .. _ . I r . . ti I uired that returns ot Agriculture the sum that usually. - I ' ' re re " . . . " ' parliamentary 1"qu 'lbl-t have re ar- went towards the Provincial Fair,'. I. ' I I t which it was found imp035| ." 0 . p p in which case that institution , ed during the sessionm which they in" "rt would probably go into retirement. The r 1. deredmust be re-ordercd by the House it Agricultural and Arts Association for some r, . o" ' ears past have promised that each J'Ixriibition nt session. y . F, "Mine" iiiasubseque . tl notion and l would be more popular than its predecessor, ' Ture wut not much m ."'. I ' I and that each would draw money to the treas- Wt tie" W" just abcut " much MI the amend- I ury. B't.tthessxcluvwer hasuotbceii replenished meat 5 and each succeeding exhibition has simply '. . . . . . . linore cotscluiivcl that the inir's use- ' , . TO ition sometimes insist, prover ' . y. l ' It Is true the OPI ii ti c which an t tulness has gone and that. it must make way _ 1 upon returns m the 1"iera."0t.' Ol u . g for its popular and powerful 1elfsupportidsr, enormous amount of work " involved. It It'.', rivals. The Government should refuse to be r likewise true that Mr. Fraser's amendment I buildosed iuto'streplacing the grant in the esti- » . A stated tho correct parliamentary practice. But "'9- . ' l _ _ . . _. "' .. ; . ---. . ~ ' P. the House had grown Into tly custory of "if; i, Fm: X nu: ERIN r-Mr. Bishop, of Huron, _ r e" uvg returns ordered w New?" sessrops.l 1e Q has added to his bill to create live stock 'p' ' f i, practice auited tho convenience of ll' paIr- l mutual insurance companies, a clause to en- l ties. if with"); it was more iavorab eIto t 'f ', able mutual fire insurance companies, and . ' Upposition than to the Governntetu, llllt as it mutual only, to take five-year risks. I ' r would be absurd to charge any one of the - 5,- J , Ministers with a desire to suppress mots A Ctve..-.-Mr. Dryden, of South Ontario, _ , within their possession that are the legitimate has received aletter from 1fr.Alired )Iaiisell,o" 1 property oi the public, the amendment was a l Lythall, Manscll & Walters, of Shrewsbury? . .', fair rebuke to an unjust and querulously cen- :', England, Secretaries of the Shropshire Sheep , . . i a . ' , , I. . l , o . . - ' "' V o' " . ', b0rious motion. i Ibieeders Association. Ind Noel. book bouetyI . I In fact, it is not at all likely the Opposition ', In which he says he is instructed by the Stoe " l would have insistcl on a vothhad it not been l Association to offer through Mr. Dryden fo a i that there were many vaCatitdtcs Ott tl'°I('0V- I competition at the Toronto Industrial Fair Is',, r eminent benches, and that there was a Piatlc1' l S'10 cup for a pure bred Shropshire ram uni}, to make the tirst division oi the session tell) seven of his olispring, viz., two ram lam , I l against the Liberals. and live ewe lambs, also pure, bred. The offe l T I They generalled well. '1 he vote was but is the outcome of a timely suggestion by M " . . t , . 1 q i 41 to 24 in furor of the Govertuntrnt. A IGov- Dryden when he was in tho Uid Country a fe - B. l crument majority of 17 in a House with a months ago. .33 Government majority of 20. . - iii The Liberal artyyt.tyes without pairs were Clorto; To THF. FArtu..--.on the invitation .. ' 'i.',','.?),',',',; (SIllIi{ll'le,q.\l"i\<l.I'.',Iiluiltnll'nlis'.1:152:11 the Minister of Agriculture the members _ "E) l h' e ,.. 'a" l ra on 'uVittt c . . . . m Pan fy.', nn r Il.') gue, o , the House will viSit the Agricultural Coiled," " and ll end, of Biant. . . N . . I . . Bl I " . l The Conservatives absent without pairs were and hxpernnoutal l, arm at uueiph on "65w ( l Biggar, Hudson and Wilmot-C. - nesday next. , , , l The pairs Wore Col. Gibson and horns, Col. . - III. - Moron and Lees, Leys and ii. F. Clarke, Fon REAL Esra": Aurx'rs ..--.Mts. Clan T , Drnry and Mortar, Harcourt and Mote-alien has a bill to amend the Registry Act, Wlliivg' l Nut a hovernmcnt supporter voted with the . I a l l H I I I Opposition. The Meredith party were in a "ms It a. praiaewortiy em. C WOW)?" ' . minority of only seventeen simply because it that Instruments giving authority to s V al I was i'riday, when tnauy mutnlrers go ltomo, lands, and naming the commission to be paidiii r" a.yl. because we Liberals had no thought ofa/t shall not be binding upon the land after or" , I un'lSiOll. 1lesides, the bovcrnmcnt majority is TGr, ti I d I f tl t" t , i 4,3, so large that many of the Liberals are carelcss 3:"? from bs IP. 'l'",' 9d . I 1.0 'el. *ldl'c ' k), I about pairing and apt to meet the protestations 'li11"2hi), su i"t1l,"'l If": y?.',."?!', or '1:th les. , r ' , or tho whip with the argument that the Gov. I"' 'ttit,""'),')','),.')"'. It Itt ttttt ""Iltl- , ppssm II It: i crnmeiit is safe and it doesn't make very much 0 'rt, 'Il l', , ttt some t Esme, "HUI-{1:0 t", MI l _ iiid'creuce ll the full maJority doesn t always IIC,,' 1"hh"l,t, Jl/t'ftfh',v1 "if: "famous (I'1 an II, "l appear on the division lists it is praccicd ' 4. cu d or cllttctive cgts atue supprestu0n.' , ( slavery for a whip to have charge of a big ma. . I I . IT I , . ,' r , , I& l jority. Mr. Freeman can make outastrong A v"".TY:.-r11r. JV. R. Climie, .Of 1.11. I r . . case against the people of Ontario. Bowman ville Sun, hut-rotary of the Canadiaq; l i. - Press Ascocivioit, sl, lone of the best-knoqu I f Cr:sry.TERIEs ..-Mr. Carson, of Lincoln, has journalists ('i 't e iUtvvincc, had a seat in the f , r. bill to enable municipalities to buy out} Press Gallvry .llli'lllg the aitcrnoou. SI ( . r 'om mines and to t:ubstitutemuni. , -- 3 , {mike y: l l tl t f i a Mix Ul-'ACTr'l's.eH'c4 AND Fanncns l - Mr. r, . . l n ro or in. 0 com um es. . I __ l U! a ao I Jrumpresident of tho Assembly a farmers' or. ill I Ornwa's Lmrrs ..---A deputation from Ot. at . , tuna, comprised oi Mayor McLeod Stewart, a I Ald. Henderson. McVeity and Errat, City 'lo. al iicitor 1leTavisls and Assessment Co:u- _. III missioner Pratt, were before the Private a, . Ir b' LiL Committee in support of the bill ('jil' enlarging the city's limits. It is proposed to it}; , add to the corporation parts of the Townships "it of Glotvwster and Nepean, including the vii. "if-{.1 ' hages of liocliestcrvillc, Mount Sherwood and . "If . Stcti'arton. Mr. Bronson also proposed to aid iii; a portion of ilayswater, hut Objection was ,ng when by Mr. Christie, counsel for persons 'IjI. interested, that the necessary notice had not l r' been given, and, in consequence, the proposi . If". ' lion was not pressed. Mr. Monk also objected Pdf% ' that on some of the lands to be annexed the V I . taxation would be excessive, and it tii',,: t was provided that all lands actually a used iis farms should be assessed as such. I With this amendment the bill was passed. J' The proposed extension of the c'ity's limits , 'dl will add 4,000 to the population, and will in, think ' I - crease considerably the voting strength of the If,» l . English elunr:sut. III'I~ I -__ _ {it} I Horses or Isiu's'rnv r-Hon. A. S. Hardy's drill" , bill all'ecting industrial farms and houses of a "-7". I refugeproposes to give to townships, villages I

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