The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[Appointment of Fire Guardians], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 1

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. , . "i'ii1%+N'r . on iltyd - . we» . I . ". . "' f _ ',3WT1rcvv., A _ il l T Jrffft ATUB'E 'able men were not going to take upon them." L..., ee . - . ' --. E' I selves the onerous duty of supervising all the 1' opvtauon. He referred to the 30'101111 Act: , " - C , bush tires extending over a more or less ' pnssetl in 1879, which provides that whensh F, . . _ l extensive territory withoutconsiderable emolu. itnottthr' default has takesn place and mm t Sixth Parliament, Second .ments. Such "tire guardians" as were pro- .months' notice hes been given, a sale can he . posed would have not only to investigate the elfected in all cases where the instrnmcn: do" l Session. general character of the lend on which the 'et contain P"'" to sell. The gr'c'at uljeet fe. , "all firea' occurred, but would have to look ot. all legislation, moreover, was to protuci the _ .. _ _-r--.------...- F into the particular spot, thus necessitating con. weak against the b'tront,r, the debtor "14min (By Our 0th Reporter.) :, sidereble expenditure, besides}. salary. Then the too ardent creditor, and this bill. it Ill). February 20 1888. '1 there was the question no to how many of such i, peared. to him, if "howled to havc, retrosapeerihs I "t , otiicertrthero should be. Perhaps it Would be operation, would have_the remrse effect. lie 'The Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. ' suggested that every roadmastcr should be a. ii')'i'li1', not raise any objection, lion'cvur, 10' FIRST REAlllNGS. _ fire guardian, but then in some cases they l tho Lilloperating in ittture 1aeiy"iir'::rsiiU.el The following bills were introduced and read ' a',"e,lt/g'tt.nie,",g,t,u,'.: and in "tttttfe,.',',': l 1ti:'uidy,'i1et,','i, o1,v,utui:,l,/ty:' its being sent atirat, tinter--. lent to 'l/dl',',','.,']',."""""" oppose e I e1ng ir;."' 'l,,i'i/'.tCj.ll: 'l.),',.',":...':';',',) that the min l Relating to the expropriation' of land for Mr. ARMsu'RoNC, was not prepared to made by the AttnruvyAituteral in referriiig 1:; High school pturposea-Hon. G. W. Ross. 'tLII',',',", tlhis hill exactly as it stood, but he ""2 gg',',",) Act heal-lug a" this "latter did '" . _ ' . . ' tioug t egis ation was needed alon the line Ittt "PP y co L'tt.'5U'B "Her," "we Wits th pow2rc4 Shh) incorporate the Manitoul m & horth it proposed. Great damage had ict','fd2'd/n"I' lsale, aitl1ongh " defective one. However, he 13rit railroad--. Mr. Lyon. ly done by the spreading of tires by rising l would accept the compronnse of the Allorney. AN EXPLANATION. _ winds, cte., and some sort of supervision would General, and it that hon. gentleman lilori to " Mr. INGRAM stated that in li'riday's no 2',,1,u,/T,t as a much-needed chock upon l llfgh'thc the ','.1se,.tt.f'i),',1i,.ty, ot nat it to " l :1 . sctt erg w 0 were careless in this ree Ject. IV. CC past 'cratr'rar2ttotr3, lt' Wits' C' yiice.ut. "pillars 'ff,",' 'il? his C',:',",':,:':",.',! tl'. "I: Mr. MEAGIIAM said he thought the bill The bill was read a "ecoud timc. l . uor0 n l." toniueni to "f, "t.forlY calculated to do a large amount of good. I MU NiCll'AL NtnilNA'l'lONs. I 'ttug the Brockville, IN airport N ball". hie. Mt. PHELPS ointed out that a iirer . ht , . l Marie Railway Company. , He was not the be. started. 'diy,'). what Wt II mg. l M.r.. 1):".le muved the "Twill. rcmlingl author of the bill and had no desire to father . . tttr, "em "e of his lull "to amend the Municipal Audi . ' ' most favorable circumstances, but a few hours! u v l. . .l tl . t tl , " l . yet ill . l" . t n, Hangman) l ' I. ire . ' ' o.r'. c exp .unu Id. le f "(L o . it. ml "as, titer the wind might risv~ and a perfect hum to allow of tho nominations for Coutwiiiors . THIRD READINGS. cone sprinl,r up, which would cause the fire to l Touuship Councils bein" 'made at the 1:," 3 The following private bills were considered spread and 'lo Emmi damage. The tlialt who time and place as the infininations for [1'21] h committee and read a third time : set out the tire wouid be the cause of the disus- l and Deputy-Reeve, etc." Under the pram-Ir 3 Respecting the dubt of thu I'owa oi Btu" ter, but seeing the Jautage done was ttot due I arran'rcment it too often haplmw-l that Lil-will: Bela-hir. Gibson iHurou). to "I." negligence on his part aud that ho could 'l all th: (doctors had returned hour: all»: ', do Respecting Trinity Church. 1'oronto-. Mr. ttot 'h any way 1y?ve prevented it, is would be nomination for Reeve. etc., and that hind)": Lays. unfair to blame lmn tor tt. Settlers in new any Wore present for the ('ounz'il I.,nr.:.tit:',, "1 ' THE REVISED s'rATU1'Fatl. districts were compelled to resort to setting the consequence being that i",/tr.t:c:i'.iiU's"1','fii'/ Mr. FRI'INFH asked if it, was the iuten. out tires lil order to clear the" lands, and lt frequently returned by acclcvurtion when' tion of the (Joveriunent to furnish to each would be cruel ou the. one hand to prevent electors would have been glad of a chance ml . magistrete, free of charge, the two volumes of their doing Ho and uy.i'air Ott the other to blame vote upon them. l new Revised Statutes, or merely a separate them f.or damage arising from no land; Ot care Tho bill was read a sac-cont! time. ' volume containing the municipal law and the 'l'.', flailing". :11? from their inability to can The House adjourned at live "Huck w . . ' ".-, .. ices . l 'tt 'Ut ne .. ., " '"'=.=."' 'ge,."""' to the duties ot Just' Ls ut t " Mr. WATERS agreed with tho last speaker. Ti f ll . $9M)". If?!" i. , ., Hon. o. MOWAT said it was not the in. I Hon. A. M. "05$ thought the whole maizer II' , Tyly',,efe,'yf,"y? we" tey.) "If ' . . _ -. . . , . ..; could Niel be left in the hands of theC ucii l rl'llllllg ( mninittuo a'. y, p. w., A"? s') v... w. ! tention of the Goverutueut to a separate . . V . uu ' ftailwavs ('vnn'nt'ev at JO lt m l il l'di'V i volume of the municipal law and the laws CC'. of the 'hh'h'ehl' townships. . 'fiiri't"c:'i1,iii' (huhuhm "193,0 Ji',w'\'. _ l lotion to the duties of justices of the peace, The bill was thun read a second time. 10 . aw' . . .u . ls M"; but it was tho intention of the Government. to SHORT FORMS (ll-' MORTGAGE. l'ublic Accounts Committee at ll " i turnish each acting magistrate with two lol- Mr. Gll'Pn't)N (Hamilton) moved the second , Treasurer's otlice. . "I times of new Revised Nannies, and the hov- reading of his bill "To amend the Act respect- 7 _ 7 l eminent was now con L'.'lllg to whom the lug, yihort Forms of Mung-go." ilc remark-d XGTH'I'JS or yll0'i'tib?i. ? Revised Statutes should bu sent» that this bill had tuna-cu very lnully in ad. Mr. liairu --'l'luuvxluy "mum: to 3mm]! APPOINTMENT oh' FIRE GUARDIAN; vunco in consequent-c of the unqwcr given u. the Municipal A: t. g Mr. FRENCH moved the second reading few days ago fe a question put by the hon. The Atturue.v.tieucrar-Resolutirm their?" oi his bid to authorise the appointment of "Willie!" for hark-mu, ".slsiyg if the At. notice uppcurinp, 1:24 the ihriolriri,,v.s, u: the fire guardians. He supposed there would be lornvy generals intention had been railed ton 1uterprovinciul Conference he the up?! rr,ius no objection to this bill being sent to the the (li'plsbm oi the C,hy,t,ccllor In the case of l oi tho day for Tuesday. 2"oth just, and it lilo Municipal Connnittee. lie explained that the them"? Vttt'gtts island. l"!".' "ttMoet? oi. the At. i debate is not concluded on that tiay the bill was based on ideas obtained from an inn-s- torney".leut.l rtsho,wt".l . him to be ttt cntire l motion shall be entitled to pre-u' 1:119:- oht s.'; ligation oi the "lulu," pursued in the West. sympathy u.ith the dccisicn of the Chancellor, I othcr Inisiuea.n on mph day atterwards and! em States and in Manitoba, in regard the ci.iec's ot .wliiciit Wilt,' that w.hyru mortyyrces the main-r is dispnscul oi. to dealing with bush fires. The bill contain provisos for the sale without ttoticc Ill Mr. Balfour -\\'ed:n~sday 1iext-i',/l to provided for the appointment of lire guardians "I? 1iiy"lj,,,oi' h" tteiu'cGtei', no DOW" to tirll amend the Municipal Act. by township municipalities, from whom have er.istcd. The hon. "With" wect Ott to show ' "f""tefr"""T-"'""""""""- shouid be secured before starting any lives be. that the Chauccllor held thut while under 3 U W - tween the beginning ofJunc and the owl ol ' ouch defoctixc power there might be an old October in any place where they would be license of which the original assignee could likely to spread and chum, dam Wt?, the fire avail hiurself, Jot lulu ptGilvrgecotthl Hui de. guardians to inspect before granting leave, and "s'cud to the assigtnce "lovgr with the assitwe the leave of such fire guardians not to rclcasu gttettt ot the-laud. This dv,viiou, he 301mm dud, I the starters of such tires from the penalties for N " tiut'prtse to the profc.stiiou, MN on a very l uugligcuce in action. There WA8 h ditlieulty in .chnical point, and It lilo all the Chancellor's the wa . of making any substantial law on this oc0ions wcre rvgaruivd with great respett, stl'i'dl',rl'd'fd1t,' it would interfere with the cum t men "Willem lit thu piudcssion held the mon law of the country. In conclusion, he inion that in this particular his decision had begged to state that although this was a bill n 0- very wrong one. The hon. member l which related especially to the inte.restsoi boratcil his poi'i, ut 30m" length, with a 11. farmers, yet he was not a candidate for the V to til-(mill! that like we'iau'uhz :'ysicin in position of Minister oi Agriculture. (Lautzhtcr.) ction with shun forms of mortgage Was Hon. 0. MUWAT--" I thought you were." I ta .tnrrrt;,'Acyri's. l Hon. G. l". FRASER said he saw no oblige. A't"l'ui'tNlu"CG,v.Nr'aitAL objected to l tion to the bill going to the Municipal Cum. 1 being allowed to cover pan ' mittee. It seemed to him. however, that it it 3, and thin have an ex post facto 3 became law it would hardly be a benefit to the . farmers of the country. It would be a great hardship to a farmer to be compelled to mek the permission of one of those proposed tire . guardians before he could not out atire,no matter how small it might be. The nearest tire guardians miaht live a good many miles nway,and u settlerin a new district, who would hove most need of setting out fires, would be .eubjected to very great, inconvenience over what might be a very trilling matter. He ad- mitted the desirability, however, of the law being amended so as to diminish the damage done b bush tires, and favored the sending oi the bill'to the Municipal Committee. Mr. FRENCH remarked that his bill aimed " preventing the setting out of fires in old not. tied districts rather than in newly settled lu. . cslities. Hon. Mr. HARDY said the question of the appointment of tire guardians involved several other questions, such as to how these cum: f T dim were to be paid and how much they-were I. to be paid. These additional points made the matter considerably more serious. Rospon. -

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