...-. - ,, , -v V'v' t a: U" Er" -- V Jlfl/lllU] LEMUREW . l _ '-. J.? -.. I I . i . "---------. i For the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, .. ' . P',l,?.y1l/y $40,350.50. J Sixth Pa Pi lament, Second .3120; ztbhe Institution for the Blind, Brantford, . ' . Session. ' I QUESTION OF TENDERS. d .. Hon. Mr. HARDY ex lained in re 1 to r question put by Mr. JQlll1l' that tbs 'po'li'c,',' (By Our Own Reporter.) , lpursued by the Government in regard to re- February 21 1888 ceiving or not receiving tenders for supplies to p ' . [public institutions was the same now as that The Speaker took the chair " three o'clock 'established under the Government of the late PFn'iTIONS. Sandfiehl Macdonalda Certain goods were A large number of petitions was presented, 1'iiiiiiiiitiiiii "at": 'rtptg, not. Jet l,,.. . . .. . ' . oo s a no can ten including T.'erid I'M-WW that no Act be for for many yyeagrs past, the custom being"; passed requiring registration of business trans- purchase these goods from merchants on such actions, or otherwise placing an impediment terms as were deemed most advantageous to thereon. the 2"oppg,'e,ti, lMr. Langmuir, when In., a ' ' V , , spec oro risons, tad re orted in favor of . lIRSI' READINGS. that system as against tendgring. b l The following bills were introduced and read OTHRR TOTH, t lirst time '.--. The House then voted $281,412 20 on se- To enable the Corporation of the County of count of public buildings, and $60,496 on ac. _ Perth to sell certain lauds--Mr. Ballantyne. count of public works. To incorporate the Village of Tavistock.-... The Houtus adjourned " 510 p.m. ttntil Mr. Ballantyne. Thursday. To amend the law " ulatin the buildin of .. bridges across streams find '/e,/lll.'.,sud Awrgey. . COMNIITTEES° To amend the Municipal Aet--Mr. Lees. The. Railway Committee met yesterday To consolidate tho debts of the Town of morning, but there wa' no Inuine" ready to Ridgetown A". Ferguson. be proceeded with, and an adjournment was Respecting the Nicholle Hospital trust--. made tttttil 1rhuraday momiug- The Private Mr. ts'tratton. Bills Committee reported bills relating to the To authorise the Corporation of the Town Toronto General Hospital, the incorporation of of Peterboro' to issue debentures-hir. Strat- ghaynhrtas'a town, Ji"ytgir,,ie, the. Methodist ton. urc oissue car am e entures, incorporat- To amend the Municipal Act-Mr. Waters. lug the Sea" of East Toronto, and allowing To amend the Assessment Act --Mr. Phelps. the Village 0 London West to ooasolidate ita 1 TS authorise the Corporation of the City of debt. .on on to sell certain lands known as exhibi- ,. ' tion grounds-Mr. French. NOTIQFS " MOTION' f/'.yfj,c.1ie,,r tstenograpiusrs for County Courts "Mra tttr/le', but?!" te,'xlid2, ef, to --hlr. ircnch. ien e aw respec inn 9 ea ariesan ex- Psespecting Mttnitoulin--the Attormsy-G'on- pause! tf,,r,eliet magistrates. . eral. ' Also, Thursday next-An Act relating to CLOSING OF SHOPS. t 'ta. enforcement of the Canada Temperance Hon. Mr. FRASER moved the second read. e . . . . ing of the bill to regulate the closing of shops - It', tb,,il1g,1'.tti,tlg,ta",'rie,x"Jl.1x,,"1ftntt and the hours of labor. He said that the big! amend the Assessment 'tl c 0 had been received with very considerable pn . Mr Evantu e -1 u l" - liciavor. lie proposed when the billwus com- House for a. "rea-I/tttht,"); 2:316; Lt,". imitted to amount several amundmentrlessen. dar line between the Townshi s oi Caledonia ng the number of hours per week during andySouth Plantturenet in the tl/lee/dll/di". which a till may work; making provision eott . the v'a'illt's"'i'/'1'r'1'y',', 'i','i'd andlwhich of for the ea c of drm s b artics who are drum , ' . l " T gists; enacting that'scaiys Imust: be provided {gr them has been dfnitely accepted by the ne- omnlhvees and providing that Councils should partment; "Iso, the number of acres allotted I not" have U,7ii. to order the closin of stores to each patentee on lot No. 6, m the 20th con. earlier dtiian a certain fixed time.8 The bill 4Natnott oi ttee..l1te.eyite.eu, was rea the second time. ---------- - J _ _-_-___-fit---- --.. AP.Brl'ltA'1'iON WITH QUEBEC. The Home wont into committee on the bill respecting, arbitration with the Province of Quebec, introduced by the Attorney-Gcnorsl. The bill was reported to the House without . amendment and read a second time. 1lrWluils'D S1'A'rtrll1ilh' Oi? ONTARIO. Hon. o. 11irWA'i' moved the see'ond reading ' of the bill respecting the Revised Statutes of Untario. He explained that this bill was in reality a simple confirmation oi the recent revision and consolidation of the Ontario rrtatutes,thisbcingeonsiderodnecessury,uetuvus the revising and consolidating commissioners during their labors had met with a number of . giiostions in regard to which there was more or less diiiiculiy. They had had to consider and determine just what was the meaning of the Legislature in regard to points that may have been considered ambiguous. If the pro- ceedings oi the commissioners were not con- firmed in the manner proposed, it would be open to anybody to say that the revisers had not corectly interpreted the law l but by pass- ing this Act it would be suiiicient to refer to the statutes as they now appeared. COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY. The House then wont into Committee of Supply, Mr. Harcourt in the chair, and the following items were passed '.--- MAINTENANCE or PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. For the Asylum for the Insane, Toronto, $103,753. , For the Asylum for the Insane, London, I $122,542. i For the Asylum for the Insane, Kingston, I. $24,411. l For the Asylum for the Insane, Hamilton, ', $102,820. This was an increase over last year's estimates of $18,778, created on account t of the erection of a new building, explained 5 Hon. Mr. Hardy. i For the Asylum for Idiots, Orillia, 847,661, _ being an increase over last year's estimate of $18,361, due to an increase in the number of patients from 235 in 1887 to 375 in 1888. For the Central Prison, Toronto, $90,925. For the Ontario Reformatory for Boys', Penetanguishene, 843,360.