V. ' 'N: I _" . . ' n' "r. ," , V " ', Wr8,,%1 £51,", I . , y g © N , f I It" _ ' f . " ' i F ' , ' will." v- " ' . , .. " N," TI " ". 'W. "it" y ." J': , . , ' "il if x . 'i' .1 viii-1n - pr w ", " a, . if L Tir F A. . t I C ", _.. - " ' _ . ftl 7 ASSEMBLY NOTES. I I - 1' NW" - _ ., - '., A" - 'r?'" . P, , I I they wopld not allow therein of refreshments , . , - ', within t in park. but, a due regard to the com- Ma. CRmmeON s 8eruAt, fhoBr "-/1here fort of visitors has led them to reconsider this i appears to be little hope that the story of the I i decision. Their receipts have been $560,492, ' _ . 6t Quebec Uonspirators," which The Empire is L and they have spent $395,332. of which 8350,. ( I publishing in serial form, will be concluded I 979 went .or the purchase of land. Details of . I befo th d b t tl 1 ti b in I. the work done are given in tho report of Mr. ' ' re e c a e on " reso u 30m cg s. I James Wilson, superintendent oi parks. V. It has been suggested that Mr. Creighton, shall - give the House 0. synopsis of the closing chap. I Tur: Loxnox ASYLUM Fine t--Twenty-six . _ "in", but this wou.ld bt "tyt:"',', unter to l insurance companies interested in the London I l tt,id'/ttot,St,,,1,'nt"itl,, btthe 1d'llii,,T,PUl, I asylum fire have received notice trom Mr. I " " l _ s . . s T . . . C young [Sadies who are reading the story. . ! .'l'nnilius Irving, Q.C.,that a writ will be issued , _ - I against them unless the claim is paid in ten, l A Morrxt: SPEN'" v-There was 3 lively con. days. The companies will contest the claim. , . . test in room sixtoonyesterday morning over Mr. _ - l /1'ooley's bill to consolidate certain debts and to Rumors AND STREAMS ..--Mr. Waters yes- i extend the limits of the Village of London terday introduced a bill the object of which is a West. It was the latter portion of the bill to define clearly what bridges. a county must 3 which aroused opposition. 'Squiro Peters, who erect and maintain upon rivers and streams 'u owned land in the proposed extension, made a which are boundary lines, and where a river N speech WHO" " "ltt to have} drawn tears from or stream cruises a boundary line to limit the "". 3"." o.t "if, /"ir"i", filstc'il'tight :llEIHDOII. 'ttBa: jurisdiction and liability of the county to N W, '." tld/ In?" l'tmfutlh lhl a no commi eel bridges of 100 feet in length or more. He l . repscte ' us pu 0 e 1 . I proposes that bridges of less than 100 foot q I 1 , , , . -___ . . . . I over rivers or stresiiis crossing boundary lines " , I, ' Tue. Score Acr :--A bill whieh will u m , shall be erected and maintained by the minor g F l I ll I troduced by llc. Hardy Pl'oPOWS to throw the , tuuaicipalities unless the county may assume l ' " 1 3 IR, I cost of enforcing the Scott Act upon the muni. ( such bridges. ' I l I cipalitics, to the extent of the fines, so that R R -a, A mr I I b i s i lil the Government will not be called upon to ', EllVE "VERTEX: . . Ate Atan, ' 9- er, Nj' "s, i ra contribute one-third of the expense unless the , Stevens and John llruel, a deputation from the (: "w ' Ita tines areinsutliciuut to pay the eogt of enforce- I Town Council of Wtdkertou, waited on the ( t ' .. nient. Government yesterday in connection with the ' k T L' " 'e l -5, same subject. Ilr. Awrcy introduced a bill: T l, l , c. x I .,'P:,1t'Rty"",t' m Hy 1'J, SOUR" 'ct, to give County Councils power to build bridges N C%r' , . 1 bill whicn Mr. l<iench introiuce yester ay new" "ponds" as well as rivers on county l _ N A _ it I provides that the judge oi a County Courtmay , roads. Under the Act, as it now stands, there l, 'te d'x '; I appoint a tsteuogiuplter to take the evidence is a doubt if the Councils have power to build 1 ', . w . . . in any one in which the solicitors of both a bridge CJV0t' I stream where it widens into a , ', i ' K . . . pond. _ "a . , I I partics consent. It is proposed that the ex- -- . " I Krissy?" borne by the parties and not by I Mr. Sl'leCl'E and Mr. Willinot Were paired ", 'ic. V , a P . . - i in tho division last Friday. SN . will: , _ in tcut . i i Me. 3lr.rrtinvru's Ai',,"':-..--..). Mere. I - g _ ti, 'tlit 1 dith's chair was vacant yesterday, and so for , Mr. Lws, is the promoter of a bill to define h,» _ 'r",'::':,]",, I the greater part of the time was Mr. Cr eigh- ' the width of forced roads which? have been . F . '.3l i tois. Mr. Mound. was ready to go on with the nnsdo in '30tne of the old tsoul-nts, and of _ i a I bill respuctiug the Departm out ot Agriculture, tlte 1u1rvey of which no record 0311 be found. q, but acceded to Mr. French's request not to I 'e-lee-tere-tttrr-e 's / V)": I proceed with it in Mr. Merodith's absence. I ll, C [ Mn. McLu's COMPLAINT: --A petition , Cb" r' I ,igned by Mr. John McLay, late registrar of I "l I Bruce. has been circulated among the mem. I l I ber, of tho Assembly. The petition gives, in I y I moderate language, the history of the longI T " contest, between Mr. McLay and the Council I', of the County of Bruce, which ended with the I " dismiss-d of the rugistcar. The immediate I calls!) of the dismissal was a report urine by a 's, . ld . . . ' .' . . .: I . 'v' special commissioner, Mr. .l.iiielius hung, Q. A t C. Mr. McLay argues against the tindiugs of I "A. I the cotutiussiowt und asks for the appoint. I l, .; _. I mom. oi a committee to enable him to refute l . . , I them. l l , Ca:i'TTasiv. IT BACK ..--Col. Gillmor com. I r,'a I plains that a recent paragraph in Tut: "LONE s I ', robs him oi tive years of his age, which he says 'IT, l is seventy-live. With every desire to do the l , colonel justice and with every contidencc in I rs" _ A , his veracity, his claim must be respectfully but i, ' ' 3l firmly disallowed. The colonel looks more I 5.; like 05 than "iii. He has got himself confused I I with somebody else. I Y, _ - I _ = I Tin: NunniiA FALLs PARK ..---The report of ( , sl the commissioners was presented by Mr. i Hardy yesterday. The bonds for $525,000, of .. which the Home authorised the issue, were , -.', sold at a premium of 1.84, and realised ' . I 5531.607. The commissioners' efforts have . a' ' . . been devoted to limiting the expenditure to I w , the smallest amount necessary to allord facili- T _ l ties for see-inc the great sights by the removal f . _ rt of uvsrrv,tlv "oiri,cG, the construction of a. I _ _ . , liy l ,,i€;,. (ii. fu. th, use of Visitor. desiring to I , i, t: "Kid tin: For, "idling (Hindu lrrntiws, i, . 3 :lj" I... I 1ryr-'-r-' to point) oi irutccest. A I . , .'rigiit don lids berm done in this dircc. i' , I a", 1,qu more remains to be done. l St one time they came to the conclusion thatl . I . I " w' so - . '. _ ' .,' h... _ C, A - " .1 if , r" ,3... _ iss, . tl . l. 're = A - w _ _