The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[Inspection of Boilers], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 1

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"_' We've." . l referred to the following committee v-Messrs. _ . V .- _---.------------------- Garson, Fraser, Balfour. Gilmour, Gibson ', . ----, -- (Huron), Gibson (Hamilton), Hess, Hudson, In LEGISLATURE Ingram, E. Fl Clarke, hicAtuirew, Widdi, ' tield, Wood (Hastings). Dryden, H. E. Clorke, Whitney, Phelps and Rayside. . ' . PROTECTING LOCAL PRINTERS. ixth Parliament, 8econd Mr. MURRAY moved the second reading of . his bill to amend the Municipal Act, the ttttect ', Session. _ of which. he explained. was to require travel. _ lers or agents employed by printers to curry a. license when they neck business outside the . (By Our Own Reporter.) municipalities in which their employers do J . Ieb. 24 1988 i busiin-r. I "m" F , , . i Mr. WATERS said the principle of the bill The Speaker took the chair at three o clock , was .. protection run mad. " FIRST READINGS. tojhzclriiilll "eyi.i"gJt'vrispJ,1",', in opposition .: ; . ' . t undreltd , an t was Wt i ruwn. . :12: £21.12" Ing bills were lit mama MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. . , . . Mr. NAIRN moved the second readine of To amend the Voters Lite Act , utso to his bill to amend the Municiptl Act, undbex- nd the Act rclnting to iuukeepera-Mr. pluiiied briefly that its object was to require a. men (Hamilton). v vubl.icyeteuLut of the iimmciul standing of I. lNyiPliCii0N or' BOILl'qu. municipality to. ti. made at the time of the . c. "SUN moved the second reading of "WWW? "Own." ions. ' . . ', "Sign" :CNPOL'UH; tne examination of engi- to f.e kl!" 'Yff' 'J'tl it ae.eond time and refetred i nee" unvl iii~peeii.m of boilers. He Said the . e - "ut,",'.'.',', ominittec. nature hi this bill had prepared him for en- /ilil AIR or' ROADS. . countering It good deal oi opposition In his .yr. MON K moved the second reading of the attempt incurry itthiough the Home, He bill to amcuid..tue general Road Companies wanted a serious coutilctvtion oi the bill and Act.. He tey..idfpyl lat when 3 road needed would be quite 1c:tistied if the House would repairs, a fchaY of 81.Y any: WM unuectyary, consent to its being sent to a special coniinit- tutu tlt.e bill proposed P. do "my with the he. The total number of boilers in Onturio uee,te,ssit,vy tslh' days notice. . was about 0,000. There was some system of Lie bi'.l w is rend the second time and no boiler inspection carried on by the Boilcr in. {erred tOdllc lliiiiiCipnl Committee. - _ Inmncc Company, but this embraced only it HELLRNS P' bOR-RESJUESTS. small minority, for not moi-o _tliat.t about; (>90 Mr. MONK moved the second reading of . boilers "CH: . insured in th.e 1y.1eei:, y! Pe bill to amend the Assessment Act by providing boilers exmnined bv the inspectors Ot this tlt. that the return of non-residents shall be made tll'.'"',", f,')',',"',',:)',',',',')':,'"':,":;,,',':,,':.',:,'.';:',,',,,',"'; I[Synthe let liniicli lllSlCiMll at the 155 April. 31:0 cen . were Ulllli i "' . , i was rcu tie seconi time on re erre o .lcven per cent. of "l": boilers 30" which "t the Municipal Committee. luriinco was usher were angerons. i . . _ r . . _ , '. . , . . ' " . _ Watt fair to reason that "We" per CON l 1'.\ 1)f?f Ol BU Rh le-bROLb DS. cent. of the remainder were also danger- All? G'ARSON tnovcd tlile'second reudiugef one. which would make nearly 700 8- b.ill to amend the Municipal Act by incili- dtutgerous boilers in the Province. There toting the c0"cya.nce of,r.y.o.tuids tyt was" a law in the Dominion statute books coiiictery compinies to .tnuuicie.litie? The requiring an inspection of marine boilers bill was rend the second time and referred to end nu examination of engineers, and the Municipal Committee. it wins it remarkuble fact that PltiVArF, BILLS. during the whole ot tho 30 yours that Act had The followin.y private bills were read the been in force there had been no boiler explo. econd time J.?? eion in any Cade where the cttgineer in charge To incorporate the Central Canada Exltibi. had a ccttiticate under the Dominion .Parlia- tion A3soeiatiou--lir. Bronson. iiicut. When this bill i'eluting to inuriue eii- Rclutiim to the Toronto General Hospital-. gincswns introduced nobody had expected such Mr. Loy: Buc'C'e:i.ritA this. 'l'ne Trroiuutur certainly hal To amend the Methodist Church Act 1884 But hoped bu. such tesuits, and he o--Slr. H. E. Clarke. ' Inch "iai"icul was a all (mg '"c.u""nt ill Respecting the Methodist church St Aurora favor of the lions: taking into its 'c'.'""'"'-' con- .--Mt.. Willifieid. "duration :lic propriety of instittuiug f sys- To incorporate the Town of Stayuer--3ir. tetnrdmsiocctio:t with regard to stationary "Wile. r'i1gh'iit"d,',loot! t're'd'i'ici1'tiiy/ir':of,eeety,i:.':t.t:ii Ai',),',',"';,':,')?'., ttl,? t/r.'rt:rpg.on of the Village _ "'b . f '.' . Lilli 0 on "3--d r. . mi: . must tl "ttttery It l', 'ttis,,, 'll',',',r,ii',t,'iC', To consolidate certaindobts of the Village on to u Ct'y nut- o - w x ---- l . ... l '. Act. The varictv, railway companies 'f/ittlat'cit,-,- Irr)h; '?iiwnru,viue.,ur. in the Ihoinirrn, seeing the necessity of such McLaughlin exmninwtmn. and rcroguisillg the lacy oi legis- To untiiurise the Trustees of the. Toronto him" in l"', "hutch _:',),','..',':.!,,". I',".,;',):'; tel,ni. "cricrul 1htving-.urrotunis to sell certiiu lands Bclveu, atll ' it?! a cvuscq H! l'.' ' a l ' b' . --1 l il. g. Jit ,9; nuns bud to was rery strict yynitt,at/rus iii-iiii-etlin-vt "I?" Town of Pavkdale--Mr. before they could commence tlicir antics. Leya. _ Under the"- vitit::rrstucccs, it was oniy reasou. To amend the Act incorporating the St. able lo nsk the Government to ensure the same Patrick's A,vlum ottawa-hir Bronson. 'ru'"ll"31/1iv ior othcr engineers as railyes Respecting a certain agreement made be. ':,t/,,tl2r,i.1css. recuguscd as necessary for their tween the Town of Lm0sraf, the Midland rail. emp oyces. " way of Canada and the Grand Trunk railway lion. Mr. I'llASIJ'. thought there was no , _ . '.. - objection to its going to a select committee, us ot fie"it,tc)1:ijlt').,s,.s at 5 p m. Mr. "arson proposed. He was much impressed . LLeiiiLU2L2Lt'.2'tL. by the statistics quoted by Mr. Garson, and "' -- . t Would only mention in regard to them that the importers in the service of the [Sailor Insur- uiio: Company had to carry out their system in Ecwrdance with conditions of the most rigid _ nd technical clini'uctcr. Consequently the public never heard of the explosion of any boilers that ware insured in the coinpunv. The company did not insure boilers on which there was apparently even the reinotctt possibility of their sustaining it loss. However, there Watt much to be said in tavor of something being done aloust the line suggested in the bill, and it would be well to have the whole matter thoroughly considered in committee. lie understood Mr. "arson would be satisfied with this arrangement and ' that he hardly expected legislation on the; nutter this "ession. I The debate was continued by Messrs. Craig, ', Mayside, Meredith, Fraser, Phelps and Ingram, i and the bill Was then read a second thue and l

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