. l __ ---" -.------'" - _------- before the Dominion Franchise Act was . . i . passed, the rolls Were made up, not by the '/',l. 'ill",',)',', .txtemttrr the het reltstingtottte )'iiiiiiiie Government, but by municipal re w .uicryditors, P pveitrone.tpd to ext ' officers. Reformi-rs had no more control over "utp.tiolls pr execution. and to tlgivdutcw.ag.o them than Conservatives. Tite assessors ware tr Priority lit an." of iawiveney. Bat it " by appointed by Municipal Councils, fully half oi no means certain that IT. have the power t? which Were Conservative. Then there 39" their: Acts, ttud.at thit moment the vali. wt" .. a... not to oiiicerg .. byygf...:r 75.22211:'iii:i:°'::'i.:::.i';:§;.°.r.:s . - I . r _ painted by the Provincial Government, which should be made clear by Imperial enact- l, at to county judges, appointed and paid by inent. I defer speaking on the other resoln- l the Duytiniyt Government itself. Now, this tions until a later period in the debate. I retsoh1tion declares that there is no need for hope that hon. gentlemen will consider these ' two voters' lists. 1 am not going to discuss resolutions with as little party feeling as pos. i the peculiarities of the Dominion system. I Bible. The amendments proposed are necessary i am merely pointing out that our system was and important for tho purpose of removing l oneniuch they might with justice and con- the friction that has occurred in the workiu' ' tuPiyycci.htavt' used, and that there was no of the B. N. A. Act, for the purpose of tlie I Justification whatever for the creation of a creasing the efficiency of our institutions b"d 1 separate Dominion list with its enormous 93- for the welfare oi the people oi the vari . pensc, not only to the county but to the indi. Provinces. We are anxious for their adoptin "dual. ll e say that the system to which we because We believe they will result in promot-H ( propose the country should return not only ing the Weilare of the country, and in helpiug' was in force here for many years, but has pre- to perpetuate that British Connection which we . Tailed in the neighboring Republic for over a all love. (Applause). i ', century. The next resolution refers to the Mr. MEREDITH, who rose amid applause, I i authority for appointing stipendiary inagis- maid he agreed that the propositions now under 3 i _ true... That authority has always been exer- discussion were among the most im rtaut that I i c.isel by tiw Provinces and has never been "; had ever been submitted to PII,', he ie-' claimed by the Dominion ' and yet the right lature because they inVolvod a 'd,tfl.' i , of the Lioutenaut.Goveruor to make these ap- l tion ' by the Province for 'ity F pointments has been challenged, and after the . first time as to the principle on which amend-m [ lapse ot a quarter of a century, private indi. ments to the Constitution should be sou ht Viduals may raise the question in the Courts He desired to approach the subject free (gold whether all the appointments of stipendiary party spirit, and with a view to the interests magistrates, from one end of Canada to the lot only of this Province but of this rent other, are not so much waste paper. Surely Dominion. He Was afraid that art firit that question should be cleared up at once by had been at the bottom of 'te,Ut,rl,'dll'ol,' ' Imperial enactment. The ninth resolution because they contained the political uestiogd tvtfirttttt the necessity of an Imperial enactment which hon. gentlemen opposite had It: s' 3 making it clear that the Provinces have the seven years been agiuting He thou ltlxthor t' right to collect fees on legal proceedings. The those who were askin fog-an Is g 'l tt, 10th resolution makes it clear that the Pro. ', Constitution 'i,tl',lClg ',,',',rdl'li1uu' an": "? ti e l vincial Governments have the right to consti- . first that there w". a defect in J1','ti, "I" y, tute Courts of assizc and nisi prius and oyer iion' and secondl that what th e onstitu- . and terruiner. Difficulty has arisen here Was. iii,ri'Jt'iiri other Th eyb proposed l train the fact that the Dominion Government Quebec 'c1'd12d'l' (1011,, f 310m 'eis of the _ . alone has power to appoint judges. while the seated the so le of" CW d mt Per, repre- 1 Provincial Government alone has the power to Mr 'lldlfd 2', ans a. Continuing, . constitute Courts. Paaaiu b the 1 . . enouiiccd certain speeches of P y Itlt and Mr. Lougley Attori G . l T 12th resolutions, the 13th refers to the con- Scotia 'iii'siiifi'tioi; 11Te,1'."'l?l of Nova _ tention of the Dominion Government that the gave a. sketch of at} e , /',o'tpig',2,g'e than Provincesarc not entitled to any lands in He said the Constitl "origin u Confederation. which tho Indian title was not extinguished tible of im n.0,, 'li'."'",'),','" no .do.ub.t suscep- t before Confederation. So far that claim has meat of m; J',":','),',":',: c, e denied the staie- '- been made only as regards the Province of power was in t 'otreml- veneral that PM veto *, Ontario, but of course the principle applies to t noted fro O I in. ed te, be exercised, and ' all ;and so far the Courts have sustained the éartier H m G ou. I." P. 'lachc, h". George T contention of the Province. The fourteenth henz' "ltl'it eygo.Brem.Hon. Alex. Mae. ( resolution refers to has): fl Justice Dorian, Hon. E. J. . . BANKRUPTCY AND iasotvsscr. J H , Ca uu. John Rose and Mr. Under the B. N. A. Act exclusive jurisdie- iii,n . mar?" to tstyyr that all these tlon on questions oi bankruptcy and insolvency v t contemplated . liberal use_ of the " is vested in the Dominion Parliament. That e o d power by the Dominion. He l body has so far been unable to pass any law In?" ' moreover, that there had not been BO _ "Po." the subject. Public opinion upon it 'Ill)", measures disallowed as the remarks of ', _ variesiii the diderent Provinces. la Ontario Hm Hon. A.t.torntyenera1 would lead the the feeling in favor of an insolvency law is M. beouseito believe. Only some fifty or so had most unit crud. while a different view prevails b on disallowed out of 1,400 or 1,500 that had tn the Province of Quebec. What We hold is can passed by the Provincial Parliaments, ', .that when: tho Dominion Parliament has found and of those fifty he thought there were it .llnpossible to plus such . law Manon Hor!'". THAN llama-Dons , Provincial Legislature which is will. concerning which there would be any doubt as 2 mg to pass such a law. should have , y , ry,i.nu.i.tu utitittett having trxoeedod , the constitutional power to do so. We their jurisdiction. The Hon. gentleman, also have endeavored to deal with this subject charged the Hon. Attorney .y'esuirtutwitlt being l 'r - ------_- f I