R i C PRevame + [ $ | of the Redistribution Bill. 'These hon. gcnt!?-- i | mon tell us that we are inciting the Province ' | to rebellion, but we cast the unputation back s | indignantly, and _ claim to be _ as */] loyal as _ hon,. gentlemen opposite, -- | He went into the history of the Annexation 0 ' manifesto, signed by the Hon, J. J. C. Abbott, h | Sizr D. Macpherson, Sic Jolun Rose and others, n , ard claimed that the sentiments expressed ¥ | therein were not prompted by motives of loy-- o , alty, He also quoted a strong repeal speech @r i made by Hon. A. W. McLelan, 'The consti o4 | tution of the Senate proposed by the confer-- 0 | ence might not be perfect, but it was better 'd | than the present Senate. -- The Senate had be-- J | come a reiuge for politicians whom the people had rejected. The leadeor of the Opposition ¥, | would not defend the Dominion Franchise Act, sh I but did not think the Dominion shkould he | use _ the promised _ franchises _ because DU. | there would be counstant changes in the Pro-- ?10 vincial franchises. But the Province of Ontario 10n | was about to adopt manhood sudrage, and ¥er-- | whon that was done there would bo no more nt. | changes. Rof riing to the naw financial basis, €10. | the reovenue anid expenditure of the Dominion ing | had enorm usiy increased since Confederation, ay. | and why shouid the Provinces be expected to on. | conduct their atfairs with the same revenne as rer-- | they had at Co itederation. -- The financial ar rek | rangement proposed by the conterence would vc. | forever put an end to the system of bribing ap-- | Provinces, Sir John had said that he bribed tue people with their own money ; -- they the ) wanted to prevent him trom bribing the ect | Provinces with their own _ money, The of | resolutions passed at Quebec were not, per-- 'mnl haps, at! they would desire, All treaties and ity compacts were necessarily compromises ; the eyg | recont l'y!wrlm Treaty was a remarkable in-- ,""' Sstance of that. The hou, gehtlemen concluded ro-- ' »y ins:sting that if the hon, leader of the Op-- wi ' position were so loyal as he claimed to be he wou'd not have lost the opportunity the At:-- ed | torney--General had given him on the previous 8#, \ «l.nj.f ui secomling the etlorts of the Government Ww } id furthering the interests of the Government ee | uy unantmously approving the resolutions laid :"' ' beolore the llult-l'. '.f\})l,};u'_\(-.) ' ::' | tl.)';.i '3U'".ii("': sa'd the real ulllcslio'll before > € 0use was as to whether or not the pro-- , | Pposition contained in those resoiutions were z | \l rthy 0!: being inv:npur.ucd in llm.(]unslllw i I«-(';.;Xl" _ Now the hon. gt'ntlc}n;m,.ll seemed, «find no fanlt whatever with thirteen out | M