The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[The Conference Resolutions], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 6

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o v v 4 _4 4 yhas e , .¥ * j t ", J',", en ;'-- .- .~l .. ¢ * 144 ® --= M _ _ * e ©a es y . C j E ~ 4 f meLH Y c > "fespdbq s C 7 * 4 c f PH Yewge SX * ho ts > / .. i ie ) ' P oya® ** C484 * 8 E arMBI Y NOTI terday introduced a bill A | 1 ' % # L* ' Y NOTES. Mx. FrrEmaN yes $ t' ' e ASSEMBL PR the object of which is to punish the parties fl & & § > The galieries of the House have been crowd» who perpetrate the seed grain frauds that have «4 J%., § % , ed during the debates on the resolutions of the attracted so much attention lately. It does § | Inter Provincial Conference. Speaking gener-- not interfere with legitimate seed grain sales, f k | ally, it may be said that the debate was bril-- but prohibits, as far as possible, sales by N f l liant on Wednesday, that it showed alarming agents who do not represent ;ellable houses, E f s; ns of fizzling out on Thursday afternoon but who sell worthless grain at speculative . F 6 u;gd that it revived on Thursday levew Eri(;:s, ml"lotlt;he tlarmertl}; uotel,tnell-them to & , i p i ith _ a roker and then leave the country. ing. The -- Premier _ began with _ 3 f h couched in a calm _ and judicial t E. :E::,cand withoutany strainingafter eloquence-- Mxr. Woop, of Hastings, yesterday intro- ; & Et altogether a fitting introduction to a debate 0n _ | uced a bill, the object of which is to provide ' a matter of unusual import:;::ce. 1 essive a cheap and expeditious means of incorporat-- | 6 Mr. Meredith's repiy;was able and aggressive. pva s }-- It was not a partisan s'pecch in the worst sense, ! ing cheese factory companies. & but nevertheless it was a distinct invitation to |g | P ERSOSAL:----Shoriff -l;awson wasouse of the f 6400 »» n # * A LIotm\f'z\Zut'he Minister of Education who "came visitors to the legislative chamber yesterday. f on," and he did it in a style which ... . Mr. Stratton is going to Chemong Lake to J delighted h his i f(':ie"d'l ":"(lthe d%%l:&d preside over an Indian entertainment.... Mr. $ for him perhaps the first place in -- C f The neft dus') two excellent speechos were Dry«.lel'u has bo,en nd_drenamg the West Peter | made--one by Mr. Balfour, aggressive and boro' Farmers' Institute. * | tive, and yet showing a just appreciation § soouee . zg?h;v;ork ofythe confcrguce; and the other It was whispered around the Houso yester-- R by Mr. Guthrie, who considered the question day that the Minister of Agriculture had been from a legal and constltuuou!\l standpoint, | chosen, and that his name begins with D. I r and brought out several new points. j lC | P M .\Ir\.ifiuflhr}ie Y '"t."e"ty h"tpp\{:::;'s fisllgut); | _ Housxks or Rervax, ®rc.:--The report upon L Mrc. Moeredith's estimate of Messrs. F 9. Mercier. Hoe thought that Mr. Meredith the Houses of Refuge and Orphan and Mu'gda- '; had had so much experience of thq difficulty len asylums was presented yesterday. There . of becoming a Premier that he dl'mgfm l"l""': are now 21 refuges of various kinds, some for ,: given those gentlemen more crediv for wha the "friendless " generally, others for special '¢. they did. sict s 1 1 t classes of persons, for instance, widows, the :3:" n the Opposition s'.'le tie' spesoles C aged, and incurables, 'There are 1,084 women 3 Messrs, TErench aud C'x'alg were moderate and and 942 men in these refuges. In the orphan "'E:' thoughtfu} n tone. 'The debate stands post-- | asylums 1,898 boys and 1,629 girls are cared | poned until Tuesday, for. 'There were threeo asyluins for fallen | o s s women, two in Toronto and one in Ottawa, in TnuE rorrowIxa@ gentlemen dined with the which there are 285 women. Speaker last evening :--Hon. G. W. Ross, Dr. Gomnemenmenannommpenmmnenmeminnmom comsmmmmeen ; A McLaughlan and Messrs, Snider, Allon, Con-- mee, Bieczard, Gould, Garson, Lyon, Chisholm, Dack, W. B. Wood, Marter, R. Clarke, Mack, Ferguson, Armstrong, Whitney and : Wilmot, members of the Asscmbly.; Col. Gill-- mor, Mr. Wim. Houston, Hon,. William Mac-- dougall. | [ Tus Muxicmat CommitttEE yesterday con-- o sidered the question of the abolition of toll, | $ and heard the representatives of the various « road companies, who were willing that tolls ; i should be abolished but wanted compensation. / # The task of preparing a proper scheme was entrusted to a sub--comimittee. h seue "Z Uxpoer Mr Harov's bill the Sheriff of To-- e ronto is to do duty at the Chancery Division of the H. C. J., the County Court of York, & the Genmeral Sessions of the Peace and the t §~ County Judge's Criminal Court, while the § Sheriif of York is to otficiate at the Court of Appeal, the Q. B. Division of the H. C. J., the « Courts of Assizo and Nisi FPrius, Oyer and Terminer and general gaol delivery, or High ¥ Court sitting in Torouto, elsewhere than Os-- M goode Hall, the fees to be assigned according a" to the same division, 'The sheriff of the city : gs to have control of the gaol, so long as there 7 is but one for city and county. & > & § g v'" P

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