The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[Drainage Works and Indebtness of Municipalities], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 1

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Hon. Mr. ROSS$ said he had no objection to the hon. gentleman asking for the fullest in. formation in regard to this matter, but ho thought it was hardly fair to the department to require of it such details as did this motion. If a portion of these detuils were furnished, the hou. member or any one else especially in-- terested in them could deduce the rest, Mr. CLANCY thought his moiion was not Mr. CLANCY also moved t Al k C ved for returus givi :):Qky (;letmls in connection wftllx"'(lisrgilv'mg J rks done under the provisions of the Ontndgo ofr::x;:rl: Acts ofl 1869 and 1873, and in res;en;) unicipality in whi ich e o pality in which such work was Hon. Mr. FRASER pi should be brought down. Mr. CLANCY also moved for simi he 4 d nilar returns ;:;x;:; lllning drainage works in the ;Township of shape or other, _ He supposed, however "tinlt) the hon. member wished them in a con:nl);tc; form, and he would endeavor to see thas he was provided with them during the present session. D EORTTT EESmVy C CmOC HAVC drawn his attention to the matilter con. cerning them instead of putting 'a notice on paper which he evidently wished to be con. sidered as a censure on the Government. The Government had no objection to those returns being furnished. -- Many of the details request. ed had, in fact, alreadly appeared in some shape or other, -- He supposed, however. that Hon. Mr. FRASER said the hon. member (Mr. Clancy) not having received the returns for which he had asked, might have drawn his attention to the matter con. cerniug thein instead of putting 'a notice on Ruo sys ® Et --% H = Hon. Mr. ROSS (Muron) denies the accu-- racy of this statemment. The errors had been discovered by the department, and in his Budget statemment he had mentioued that these errors had been discovered and were being attended to. lsnt Cafintsatiiahs dnticlsa t t c it d id d d a 4 9 CC The hon. member then proceeded to discuss the accounts referred to in this matter, and durin$ his remarks said the inaccuracies which the Treasurer had admitted to exist in those accoun:s would never have been discovered had they not been pointed out by members of the Opposition. The meut to make such estimate. The price per yard at which the work was let and whether at public sale or by tender. 'The salarics or other remuncration paid the engineers or othor persons employed by the Ontario Government to superintend the construction of the said drainage _ works, -- and charged to the gaid -- works respectively. The hon. mem. ber charged that he had not been fairly treated in conuection with his re. quest for these returns. Other members had asked last session for returns on various mat-- ters, and they had been furnished this session, '1')'ut the returns he had asked for had not been. e io 2s I a . To amend the Assessment Act--Mr. Bal-- * four. _ Mn C tlneitie 6i Nt l ts ~ 1JcA . M0 4 other person eimnployed by the Ontario Govern CONCERNING DRAINAGE worKks. Mr. CLANCY moved for an order of the House for a return showing the estimated cost, if any, and actuai cost per yard for each drain constructed by or under the Government within the Counties of Lambton, Kent, Eigin and Essex, and the name of the engineer or bueby n en e inasi sc in c y 's"% 14 & 8 (By Our Own Reporter.) Frivnay, March 2, 1988. The Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. FIRST READINGS. The following bills wers introduced and read a first time :-- To amend the Act respecting creameries-- W Mr. Graham. att RESPECTING WATER LOTs. I Mr. MORIN moved for an order of the lec House for a return showing the names of the eve several applicants for grants from the Crown, of the water lots in frout of lots 8, 6, 7 and 8, in the first concession of the Towunship of Ber-- _ 1 tie, fronting on Niagara River. The names of for a@ll the parties to whom patents therefor issued, tha the dates of such patents and the consideration wo! paid in each case. pai The motion was carried. gen To amend the Assessment Act -- Mr. Guthrie. To amend the Municipal Act--Mr. Guthrie. To amend the Act respecting municipal cor-- porations in Muskoka, Parry Sound, etc.-- Mr. Lyon. Sixth Parliament, Second Session. To amend the Municipal Act--Mr. Smith. FRASER promised that these also RIO LEHSLATURLE, not 2ONsSTRUCTION or WATER-- WORKS. Mr, CONMEE imoved the second reading of his bill to amend the Municipal Act. He ex-- plained that its object was to enable muni-- eipal _ corporations _ to construct _ water-- works under cap. 630 of the Municpal hot. ' As tic _law | was at _ present municipalities had power to construct water-- works for _ special purposes only. _ This amendinent proposed to give them power to soustruct such works for genoeral niurnacas Mr. DACK moved the second reading of t bili to amend the Municipal Act. He explain that the object of the bill was to allow tow ships to grant sectional bonuses to railways. The bill was read a second time. on dutuilinaliic Acck 4 4 c 01 Mr. WATERS moved the second reading of his bill to amend the Assessment Act. He ex. plained that the object of the bill was to do away with the assessment of farming stock. There were two reasons why this system should be abolished. One was that where capital was assessed income should not be. That was a principle that was generally ad-- mitted. 'The second reason was that the scale of assessment of farming stock was unfair and inequitable. _ The hon, gentleman went into these points minutely, and then asked that the -- bill be read a second time and, if the House thought proper, referred then to the Muni-- cipal Committee. The bill was read a second time and referred to the Municipal Committee. | Hon. Mr. ROSS (Huron) said the return alluded to had not beon yet brought down, The department had been exceptionally busy during the past year, as some of the members knew from proceedings conducted elsewhere, but he would promise to have them laid before the House as soon as possible. As to the steps taken jto wind ap such arrcars, he would say that he had devoted considerable attention to the subject and had made some progress,. It was a very difficult matter once a municipality got into arrears to enforce col-- lection of indebtednoss ; the Government, how-- ever, was doing its best. | * NUMBER OF woLyEs. Mr. MONK moved for an order of the HKouse for a return showing the counties in Ontario that offer a bounty for the destruction of wolves, the amount offered and the amount paid by such counties since 1880, The hon. gentleman said occasion had called him to the mnorthwest part of the Province last year and ke had been surprised to learn of the number of wolves which residents declared existed there. He favored the idea of the Government giving some assistance to some of the counties most troubled in this matter. i Hon. Mr. FRASER suzgested that the member should conter with the hon. Tre: and try and make convenient arrangeme to the matter that should be furnishe the return. ASSESSMENT OF FaRMING STOCK, unrcasonable, Mr. CLANCY SECTIONAL BONUsSES O| assented and his motion pass-- v suZgoested that the hon. * with the hon. Treasurer venient arrangement as should be furnished in e them i')ower_ to geueral purposes, i order of the House ounties in Ontario the destruction of 1 and the amount ing of the explained ow town-- itb in t Sudiicatiel ns dn ch hi enc : 3A 8 i 4 Mr. FIELD--On Tuesday next--Order of the House for a return showing the amount received from poll--tax in cities, towns and villages for the vear 1886 En d inb relmtaet eb P / --/ tosts a Canada increased much faster than Lower Canada, a demand was made for representa-- tion based upon population, which was con-- tivually gaining ground, and the state of affairs were such about 1864 that neither of the parties could forim a Government strong enough to carry on the affairs of the country.," The House adjourned at 5.15. <10% CC--A2ZI31I0) S@lll WUHAt hC NHaGd been re-- ported as saying:--*""Before the original union of the old Province of Quebec a state of dis-- satisfaction was apparent in that Province, etc.," and that what he did say was :--**Long after the old Province of Quebec was divided into Upper aud Lower Canada an agitation sprung up for the re--union of the two Pro-- vinces, which was accomplished in 1841. After that union the population of Upper Canada increased much faster than Lower Canada, a demand was made for representa-- Fepomnlt nmimaf vin ircine c neca P se s Ey C To legalise certain by--laws and debentures of the Towns of Berlin and Waterloo--Mr. Suider. A CORRECTION. Mr.' WATI'_)RS said that he had been re-- To amend the Act incorporating the Brock-- ville, Westport & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company--Mr. Fraser. * To amend the Act incorporating the Ottawa & Thousand Island Railway Company--Mr, Fraser. To enable the Cathed:al of the Holy Trinity, of London, to sell certain lands--Mr. Mere: dith. Defining a portion of the boundary between | the Town of Sandwich and the Township of } Sandwich West--Mr. Balfour. _ Toamend the Acts respecting the St. Ca-- tharines, Merritton & Thorold Street Railway Gompany--Mr. Garson. Respecting the Nicholls Hospital Trust-- Mr. Stratton. E0 OWP o e h s PRETY EOE ETIEE Respecting the South Norfolk Railway Com-- pany--Mr. Morgan. Respecting by--lay No. 402 of the City of Brantford--Mr. Hardy. C zc C CCCR PC ACCCERE----DEL OCUIE $ To provide for the division of the Township ' of Walsingham--Mr. O'Conuor. t SECON, _READINGS. | To incorporate the Peterborough & Chemong / La'ke Railway Company--Mr. Leys. t Et ttot brchudit d itnio<M0itkth in sichallitrerint Sss To incorpo;at.e the Ottaws, Arnprior & Ren frew Railway Company--Mr. Monk. Respecting a certain railway debenture of | thg_'l'owushrip of Thorah--Mr. Gould. & | BILLS REPORTED. I _ The House went into committee, Mr. Awrey i f in]the chair, and reported the following -- bills :-- Respecting the Methodist church of Aurora --Mr. Widdifield. To autchorise the Trustees of the Toronto General Burying Grounds to sell certain lands / --Mr. E. F. Clarke. f Respecting the Town of Parkdale--Mr. -- Leys. .' Respecting m certain agreement made be-- _ tween the Town of Linds@y, the Midland rail-- / way of Canada and the Grand Trunk railway of Canada--Mr. Leys. The bill also proposed changes in the method of assessing for the cost of such works. The bill was read a second time. NOTICE OF MOTiQX 24

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