+ P v es e C2 an e "oRemee Co N 4 ) # "hot discuse the question now. _ He asked that ' a | the motion migit be allowed to stand for a ie day. B © a The order was allowed to stand. | i of AN OLD INDIAN CLAIM. Mr. AW REY moved for an address to His & | Honor the Licutenaut--Governor, praying that g,| | be will cause to bo laid before the House copies of | of all correspondence between the Governments | 3. | of Ontario and the Doininion in reference to an alleged claim of theSix Nation Indians to com-- n. | pensation for lands drowned by the construc-- | -- | tion of a dam across the Grand River at Dunn-- | ville by the Welland Canal Company in or | about the year 1833. _ Also, of ail minutes or | Orders in _ Council or other memor--| anda touching such claim in the posses-- n-- | sion of the Provincial Government. 'The | hce | hon. gentleman said this claim, originated, ic | as the motion poiuted out, in 1833. Au award 4 n-- | was made at the time by the Government of | 1 of | Upper Canuda, as he had been informed, and | / in | then for forty years nothing further was heard ~ he | of the claim. About ten years ago, in 1876, | E he | he understood the Dominion arbitrators had | taken evidence in regard to those claims and ad | mude an award for damages amounting to pth | $1,000. -- Then the claim rested until the ng | Indians received the right to vote. Subse. ug | quent to the award of the arbitration of 1876, ; he | and to the giving of the franchises to the | ne | Indiaus, the latter made a claim _ for ; tn | compeusation once more. One of the factors | [ of the last election in Haldimand.and a charge | | made against the Conservative party, was that | | he | just prior to theelection--only threeor four days | j . p. | before the day of voting--the Indians had re-- | ge ceived instructions from the department at ; 7. | Ottawa to the effect that their claim had been ; &,. | recognised and that an Order in Council was | pk | possed granting themn the sum of $30,000 for | damage done over fifty years ago. He thought | | f the people of the Province would be anxious | M * to know,irrespective of party, whether the Pro-- : | vinces of Ontario and Quebec were to satisty t 18 | such claims as this simply that at byec--elections | h | n majority of Indian voters might be induced | °T | to vote for the political party offering to | ns | satisfy their claim, for, practically, that was | Un | what it amounted to. 'The majority. of the i " | white voters of Haldimand had cast their votes || ©-- | for the Liberal candidats, and in order that I ith | the Conservative candidate might be elected | ith ' it was necessary that he should have | 14 m majority of ~ the Indian votes. 1t be : would _ remain a -- fact, however this | FOT . motion resulted, that the " hero of Haidi-- | "*©* > mand" was rejected by the white citizens of the | M -- county and elected by the Indians. If the | ©° _ case was as he supposed it to be, he was con-- , 9d tident the people of the country would object : D® i to their money being spent in such a manner 1% 'as this, and to satisfy claims half a ceontury & | and more old, against the wishes of the peo-- Y | yle and against the will of the Executive. be (Governmeut applaunse.) e Hon. Mr. MOWAT said it was true that RY® | the Dominion Government had allowed a | claim of $28,000 in respect of a transaction t® 'over fifty years old and which had 48 been, shortly after] the drowning of the lands _ in _ question, the _ subject _ of ) _ an award which appeared at the time to be considered satisfactory by the Indians, and P . it was only quite recently that they came to hear of auotber claim being made on behalf of that matter. It did seem to him outrageous in ! connection with this case, especially as it was J intended to charge Ontario and Quebec with | the payment of the award, that the two Gov-- | eruments should actually be given no notice of | the proceedings in connection with the award. | Neither of the Provincial (Governments had heard anything about the imatter until the award had been made. Without going ICh | into the matter any more fully at the present t | time he would just say, further, that the case was hbricfly discussed. and the | under discussion was not the only one in which hon. gentleman then by consent of the Housel similar proceedings had been taken by the Do 'igh(?r.w it ' minion Government, ; sCoOTT aAcT CoONYICTIONS. The mo'clou was c:Errlod. Mr. WHITNEY moved for an order of the BON U"?'[N'" MmANUFACTURERS. House for a return showing the date of the ap--| _ Mr. BALFOUR moved the second reading pointment of Asa Beach as liconse inspector| Of his bill to amend the Municipal Act. He for the County of Dundas. Aiso, the number| ©xpPlained that the object of the bill was to bf convictions in the county since the date of| deprive ~municipalities of the right to his appointment, for violations of the Canadal bonus manufacturers. _A great many pstitions Temperance Act. 1878, and giving the name of| had been presented to the House on behaif pach person convicted, the date of each con.| Of the measure. The bon. gentleman na.red a iction, the amount of penalty imposed in} Y¢ry large number of town and viliage Cowrcils | ach case, by whomm imposed, and the dis-- wlhdici: hiad getiviicncd in favor of the bill, and~¢ 's osition of the penalty in each case. Also,| &dded that hardly any petitions had been pre-- hether each z,uyw},ion was for a fir.t,: sented against th)e me)a'v.sll)n'e. The groat ob?oc- " pcond or third offence under the Act, and| tion to bonusing, he claimed, was that the | howing also the particulars of unsuccessfull Municipatities interested reaily had it placed ® ' rosecutions since said first mentioned date,| OUt of their power to say whether or not they | ith the names of persons prosecuted, and the wlould l;ouu:)a certain manuflacturer, for they ' tes of dismissal of prosccutions. always bad before their eyes the fear that if | Mr. MEACHAM moved in amendment| they did not give the bonus some othner village | «t the returns should includeo all counties| 0 town would do so and get the °5°'*bli3%'; | | d thodwthole period since the law came into| ment. So it happened that they often : f ce au e name of the inspector holding| &*Y@ & bonus againet thoir will. . The| U Bce at the time of such couvict'ious. * system of b°""'i'\: bad given rise to a body ! | on. Mr. HARDY said he thought the{ of bonus--hnunters, and it bhappened in soms | ' t endment was hardly in order, but he would| ©880s, even, that a manufacturing ostablish-- | || o ment threatened to loave a town or vili&ge! | -- ® .' '.' ~y _ f