The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

[The Mining Resolution], 6th Parliament 2nd Session, p. 1

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"("' LUMIDD --\ m hrapine cefeulmike :.:. -- 0> ceteipretangeenan # s ee P ® 4 M v ue ' T ARI{] L'F "the hotn..d gentleman that the Government | a----L>=-- z_ o ns e mmmmmmmmmemmens 34 ' attem to rule the House. -- The Govern-- + C "j *. Siuent E ad always acted on the priuciple that ?t?:e:" °£t :)he bill were lawyers, and' thought soemrmmmnmanmemesmmme the House was master of the Governmeunt and Mrr C;Ti: n.?d .t?x:': zr;ls::logr;l:,; ieuslmvolvel(ll. % not the Government of the House, and the uk q o en pren »ae xth Par llament, Second were acting on that principle now. But thyo Wee oppossd to ho Mil., . ME 1 ronen Htowght ] 6 d A that whenever the question of the wife's ch S a eader of the O;Koutwn would like to chang6 | jty was raised th Lould. be tri Ml k ession. *Aff... that position. He would like himself to con-- CZu Iy Judge} x c,a l fi' ould, hn fried Py the trol the Government just bscause he l Cb n anave fie Arek Mbintihe | ThX At eemntogncondemteitenmts was : --leader= of _ _ the © Uppobition ; and g:rney-(:enex:nl declined to abandon the Police (By Our Own Reporter.) instead of the Government attempting to force h:rurlt?:;lzht'l:l:t;nal, l:}n [ "'".}'l.w wl::'uld consider . WEDs®spay, March 14, 1988. the House to vote in a certain direction, it Wa# | 1, .orted ggestion. The. bill was then he Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. \t;!;:ixl;u(t{:tlgfg?e (%Ypo'fit'on who l';u et'ndea.- gt b°i;'8 six o'clock the Speaker left the i Ina x 1e + ie House would vote on . 4 # amoudl I!::ol' %E'::BiN"'vb oo Rea! this mtlstt;r ;s intelligent men, and if they con-- chzx&er recess, Mr. Hardy's bill tar! o Mar oman's Real sidered the hon. gontieman who led the Oppo-- 5f th ie selatine 10 te Act--Mr. Gathrie. gition had mpulo out his case, they would sgto 'tll'xeemp;yr:;ent AO{t tht% ex;;ignses of tl-" Canada / o amend the Municipal Act--Mr. Nairn. ':" th';:Pll-"Olntzl::G of the committee asked lalar'ies anc d° e: p,eus ; :f ug»ugfceShenff.a:xd :'h° E. ts s x d _ | Hor. e hon. Cohmissioner closed by showing 4 ; f ato.Jdear toug A 6 d the Arbitration Act--Mr, Con :ll:nt tlg Mr. Little, from whom the ylca.(.lor o% Wa;: cox;;xd:ire'd xbn_l;:om]ml'tteo and reported. : C pposition got his statistics, | was r. Hardy's bill relating to the dissolution b antend the Ontario Election Act--Mr. | ® very -- untrustw ity, -- of un ited i i g orthy _ authority, _ and ited counties was read the second time. 4 mee. .4 isSuSAREH g:\;e as la,uf in;t&nr § of liis \ IAck T{]'t'House concmt'_red in a number of the A 4+ CB. ceuracy the fact that he had prophesied in | resolution s reported from Committee of Sup-- _ ¥kor > 0; MOWAT introduced & bill to 1876, in a pamphlet which he held in his hand, | Py § «/ jre Act relating to insurance companies. tfimt every f(?ot of pine this side of the Rocky SOLEMNISATION OF MARRIAGES. m xpained that the bill was intended to ountains wonld have disappeared by twelve} Hon,. 0. MOWAT moved the second readin prix® the payment of claims to persons not yearslfrom :,h"" time. _ This present year hap-- | of the bill respecting the solemnisation of ma.r% ild in the Province. C P:';:;_o to 'ffitwel" years after the date in | riages. A clergyman reading the statute on I ' -- s FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. ?niu i lii':ll'l(ad ;grgzo&hocly hat(} evu}enflv been | this subject had noticea that it was necessary f t 9D 310 W AT, yeplying 10 MrcMere: | Mbe o pine lots in Mishigah six yeare tnt poved punaainues s 20y fegh o) rengpan o o c ':::1 that the Government did not intend \©1876, p'i'wolve Ye;rl:hllg;"np:zo)de:;. l::edr ltt]::ln ;:)l:rgymun";'esiielnt lin ed by doubts as to hi l o with the Friendiy Societies' Bill this 'bering w i P 1 3ta § ns U¢ eeflarn" masmanes in woigh Amy g was still profitable in that State. 'These | validity of i i i i i *¥ 13 M lariug i proiit _ + alidity of certain marriages in which this | g inaccuracies in his pamphlet rendered | condition had t i 1 'P iPRIVATE BILLS emuinder ol Aite stauistice autl i condition had not been complied with. The ' s ' irel = i i i % CONMEE'S bill respecting the Town of astworthy, . (Applause.) t };ll'l&ll'g)"ll)::: n;:l:'gsit?;:l;:mga':d s:lll:g:lel:eghltl?l: f 'enl?'" and dth\e municipalities of Shuniah , Mr. Creighton's amendment to the amend. | future the ceremony ";ight be performed by E ?tn!g, and Mr. Gibson's bill to declare ment, favoring the resolution so far as it re-- | *"Y clergyman resident in Canada, lfb t(x:l'l conveyances . lated to timber, was then put to the vote, with The bill was read the second time. ol lt{u x:c rure :urdvi-xgs of Christ church, | the following result :-- The House went into Committee of Supply. «) > ltows x ere l'ea~ a third time and passod. YrEas.--Blyth, Clanoy, Clarke, H. E. (T t On the item $13,445 for Ontario Agricul-- 6 7 HGP o 1 P (Toronto) &E f ? MINING RESOLUTION. Craig, Creighton, Fell, French, Hess, Ingram, | tural College and $139,886 for Experimental Mr. H. E. CLARKE resumed the dob Kerns, Lees, Marter, Meacham, Meredith, Mct.: | Farm, & discussion took place, i A Ih\ s ir. M o lith' esumed the do ate i calfe, J\l'l"l'l'. Mvo'uk. Morkan, Ostrom, Preston, } CJ] vip R I Ne r m TD Mesicat s # t;n:x:i' :;f a : resolytttxon tnskmg (tior t:o fi;'l{&cm::?"{?x;th 0loglcy. Whitney, Wilnmot, Wood \In;ud"th \('\'fs t (I "":{'k Creighton, kAwrey » t l€ committee to consider t istings), «B Meredith, aters an rmstrong too t. wl al and timber resources of the cofmtry? 1,}?5.;':' Ag;m)rong.n.lkol::?.' A'z"?yh""'f°"'} Bal. | The item passed. * £1. ;'.' o JQde to .the Uovermx}cut claiming that |! fiorthu'mber!dm{')'. Clurl'm'('Veliilx:::l.gxl:)'."Cc)(n':'xxzkeo Tir, Ballont's bifl t°~ amend the Municipal /\ l were doing everything they did in the || Jack, Drury, Drydon, Feguson, Field, Frasor, | Act was read a secound time. ; ' Rerwortbe Province. If the Houss be. l-'leemtm.'(x.arsou, Gibson (Hamilton), Gilmour, | The House adjcurned at 10.30. half, that the members of the Govern-- ?[?gnlxd' N;:-,:\.n':g:-z'\vw\l}hl?e' l'l\x'u-fourt" ie 4 ypwrren ye ! f told it they would believe them to be M -.:hén.'Mm-.k. I\ltist;x'u \1"'1 7 %S'HUF] M Mc | COolMr j ng "' to die in the Civil Survice: of the Nairn, O'Connor, Pacaud, 0}';0?0'1 's.ol"';:ts'u;\lfml.l{;;': ; "l.llTTEE-S. / ry." (Laughter.) He claimed that the side, Robillard, Rosa (Huron), Y{osa (Middlosex) Tho'followmg select, standing and special e e iBvamieni e aoneedeins ols [ aniold Soood Gebeoends emntione S stes wis: I Soom ciees Mc esnt Aole UR C TSEAITE 4 s mr t B oL * C rant) --62. the rooms and at the h rerali * Cz:";?:lsx?'(l);}l')?si't'i:: 1:.(,:5 ip;: p?fod .lfkt'?" z B The pairs in yesterday's division were mentioned :-- oars ereceii?. PCY : r o 1 roduced his ronson and Hammill, Hilliard and Hud Puablic Acco: * a C PA j ec a f 4 udson, ublic Accounts, 10 a m., Treasurer's office. ::: i);:\::'zf'?zbje;:dw?:oi?dy :susi;f)lietlr;lu:ii ! fivunturcl nml"j(, rucss. 1'l'he absentees on the AMunicipal, 10.30 a. in., r(;om 16. f 4 ns ol S had !| Government side were 'ardee and Leys, and Special (re sales of chattel ~308F :::'}'.p::;:lb{)imzdol;i?xhoq motion. The .| en the Opposition E. E. Ciarke and Big)ga'l. 12. o § thatsels) a $s soott h s consl;dere(l se various points in ; }{ou. Mr._ Frasor's amendment o the Special (re inspection of boilers), 10.30 a.m. ..~¢ tfce would : boe appointment of & ;) Original motion favoring the appointment of a | room 12. j ;( .} CLANCY éiziv;.:detl:;:zt St;;':"h';';e- Coin | Bf)'yi:xltl('ummi{;si&)1\7\q\'z\s then put to the vote, Sub--committes (re toll roads) 9 a.m., room _ AL . oL. - +/ with the result of 79 '"* ayes " and no * nays," | 16, ; ts ':: ?irpt:]'nbl" Works had not made out a . the members of the Opposition voting with):ho t t t He h'dfi l'::Wappr:utmen? o.f & com-- -- Governinent. ROoTFTICES OF MOTION. E l;{ uthoritics tlm:*:n :roe(v'ali?:bllens;?::ge'wby 3 Mr. ME}{EDI'!'H said that this action on | Mp, Ross (Middlesex)--On Fri d;y next l b as h ppositi & o o o f es ol ~el" med every year in the Province by fire tilreel';'alrlt;m?u'tit;ufx ;.l)'pfozltlon "slhoxfl'd (oaiinel o Resolution, Phat side House «pprovs 0f 6 900. : ' f i vas sold *'fd went into the revenues of the | in this mn'tter p i on doalmgl twin O¢der in Codnolls DeAMIE dute She SOS &/.s nment. It was only reasonable that the Hon. Mr. H i d o s ons s 1 ons Censin Cotions. . _ § ence in matters of this kind and that| explanati i rene e e e < ies for such evils should be f'o(:mdt mi:' ;.l\illl':;";'tlA'OG.\\(.'g;'"l?l)l;'m;))LSERI'FD w i 5# e, and the best way of considering and _"_ y a /sn .. hoh 1¥E8: 44. . & 1 sing this and similar m"teorl:s;'a:r;gs')::fl The Attorney--General's bill respecting the _5{ 1 eucy of a committeo. maintenance of wives deserted by their hus-- o k (al ;MEREDITH said he would say a fow | bands was considered in committee, where it O« in reply to the hon, gentieman the Com-- | $ amended by reducing the maximum al-- f ® mner of Crown Lands. He claimed again * lowance to the wife from $10 a week to $5 a* s a the '";n'l'o"wfis resolution involived no con. fWeokt iMr,lGill))son, of Hamilton, thought that I jon of the Government aud said the hon, | Women would be deterred from taking proceed.-- : % A it;ner,,,g started out with the §AUE®* tgnde;'t'h_e Ac(f by the f\eict t\l'xrat the tribunal _ _ Obj@dp of refusing this committee, had as the Police Court. Mr. Wood, of Hast. x) {€ p pressed fixto his _ speech 'GV:y , thought the Police Court was the l?est C '( m'lgOOd or bad, that he could think of, ible tribunal. Mr. Meredith and Mr. y¥ ged it against the resolution,. He mnor opposed the reference to the Police " led that the Commissioner's figures as to hir. Balfour observed that all the op P imount of timber in the Province--put b se s eel d Rt sixty--nine thousand millions ofpfeet--}-'- 3 much exaggerated, and quoted figures of _ Ma Littic, of Montreal, to show that they ¢ $ f 6 w timated by him at only thirty--five hun-- Cx98 million square feet. He claimed also the t ment were inconsistent in declaring in © [ ' of the appointment of _ a Royal Tada/ ission -- to _ investigate the mining | Ryil, ces of the Province, and refusing an in. , . nto the timber resources, although they | --_"| ha imed that the Commissioner of Crown { BF was puniculn.rly well able to deal with ; t nage that department. He insisted | R that th Government was act.i;xlg arbitrarily, l _--_-- and that it was compelling the House, through ~oly C Bajority, to do as it pleased. This, how. | 4 R A "he held, was only in accordance with the | ial practice of the (Government. | m. Mr. FRASER said the hon. leader of | Opposition had at last at any rate suc-- | n introducing a feeling of partisanship . debate. He denied the statement of ; o

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