- 1 each Mecheuics' institute, Farmers' Institute I l n ATURE and free library in the Province, with the . ii ' number of subscribers or members of each and the amount of money annually expended by ---r---.-- l the 1Province for their support. Also, the . . . . 1mm 'er of school boards that during the last Sixth Parl lament, Second tire years preceding the withdrawal of Gov, . "uPeatgrant for purchase of libraries made . Session. application to have sums voted for the pur- chase of books for school libraries supple- [ mcnted by Education Department, with the (By Our Own Reporter.) amount of money thus annually expended by l 'l'iwmsoAv, March 15, 1888. thIe Legislature during the period mined. .. , - " . . t tl r e o'clock. A so, copies of all correspondence between the l "'3 "i"'".,',".' t,o:,'l,t 'tttit';..),,',, t e Educetion Department and trustees of school Tulrt0 RIM . r" . . . . boards or other persons respecting the ques- The foliowiug bills Were read it third time.'- tion of aid in purchasing libraries since the To amend the Act incorporating the Ottawa withdrawal of such aid. The hon. gentleman , . il, tt Cont tuty--Mr. referred to the great good done by Farmers' tTuoustutd Islauu Rai ll y p institutes, and thought it would be tb good Fraser. . f be ' and the thing if they could get some assistance. from lo regulate the closing .0 B P the Government in the way of establishing hours of labor therein for children and young libraries in connection with them. it "ons-Mr Fraser. was desirable, he thought, also, that "li', [:10 :l'ius'ets of High School. or Col. they should receive "e reports from the Gov. oena . " ' " . legiate Institutes to expropi'iutc lands for Hulls xiii-ts": a,,i'/t/, Jl'r2uv,o'e, 11333;:ng School purposes-N r. Ross (Middlesex). 1 tion of people interested in agriculture to gsin To amend the Act respecting the Income P. 3 knowledge of many things of which they - 1 University of Toronto, Uui. would be otherwise ignorant. He advocated Property ot t ie , , Canada Colloge-. fenemlly on extension of the system of free versiiy College. and Uppsr .ibreries in country districts, which. were not Mr. Ross tMiddlesex). . k. included " a rule, he contended, in the dia. To amend the Act iaeorporating the B.r.o0 tricts benotited by Mechanics' Institutes. .' ' , l Ste. Marie Railway Hott.Mr. RUSS (Middlesex) thought Me. ville Wrsstport & Sau t . , . . C" i, ny Mr Fraser chain? st",t/t,','"', micro, 't e tulle, piitronised mu , -'& . . . . . ' . .kdale-- consneruny y ot 101%. inn t ose Wing in l TOP Ity'"" tito Trilltsge M Mo t fe, municipality: in. Iheiit tthey initiated.f All" Mr. tor ce. , . , t o ioug it 0 ex ension o ie sys eino e~ LT° enable the f.j:.,',r/itrtit,ite3o/, $2133.33. chenics' Institutes was really the best way of Perth to sell curtain inn B---, iii) the Parry meeting the diihculty suggested by the lion. I To amend the Act Irespet y; In -Mr. gentlemen. He would 'yi!,reeehtAasieteworthrl, Sound Colonisation Railway Uomp y fact that of the total oi 330,000 books issued 3 Armstrong. last year by Mechanics' Institutes, 171,0001 . UNIVERSITY FUNDS. l Cel','.)?,', ot 'tit,t,ity, te, it Itht (Siesta)? l ' , . moved t lat wort iy or some song it ow'muc ur er. , I Hen. Mr. R055 11idhu'itrxlr.al. in Council Government iniglitbgo in litdiE,. these 'd '"lh this House "News ' . . ' March in. lair institutions] t e rcsu t 0mg its y'. _ia Mari"; date the "ttyu/elf/di)), by tho stated. The suggestion of theiJurea or disltribn- stunt, authorising. .. . , ' . to of tho tion of Governments reports ein" nrgey cit-1 Trustees 1i.1),t 1,1'i:,t' "ilt,Y pgimlihxezixl funds of tended would no (lloubt iiieiii?',jij'li,y', tthe { sum of $3: .y ou " . ati n of it suit- Minister of Agricu ture. e a no o 2ee ion I the said University, for 3:82:55: "i'lep'l'rtd'ifi. to the motiou passing: . l able building "minim 1explained that the Mr. Clll'llllll'JOh spoke t1Ty,t, or the: "ihe hon. gep,t 5'3". it had vecouunended banetits resulting from. Mechanics Instr 3 Trustees of ilio Dim?"l ylluiverai'y Senate at tutes, and was glad tins motion lied been this expenditure', a."' ', ":1 sanctioned it. The brought forward. lie suggested that it should I a 'ee,",'?,),','"?), "me-H's ilzleo sanctioned it, and be amended so as tolincliido the annual cxpen- ( Executive ouncl w l we was ditures oi Furmvm' nstitutes. ' only the ci|incuricocewaY.f gazeclgszhry for Lion. Mr. l1ss1(Huron) 'h'.i1uil.ad ll lieafrj iii; isedoi'om out why nte..., in tstL1':i"tr,'ie,',ttlitt,t,.uo1v,i'j,,ohlsihJy,' "333%; I pemditrtrf lyylhecotyy 11el"2'17u the Univer- Were able to establish libraries of their own, l known the Science [ly'y' {in of late, "ml in and were thinking of "tarli.shiyg.a branch in 93W had gou0 iit"t:hJi'i),11fd,').d)l'r'.'v, and it each of the dilllcrcnt. rt"1'c'.iJfiin'.i"noof whats it., interests .1 . tone build. ever ri, inns t my ring it exist in. o ngreo had been decided to cliff]. 1',r/ir,"tot,1"ti"r'nt'dll),'i with his hon. friend, the Alinister of Induce- itg, in front m Met J 1 moving along the tion, that the matter of sending Governmental 0: this action woeld be any "l to the Univer- reports to the Farmers' Institutes should rc- liuets of lvut "won m "giu' ceive the attention of tle, new Minister of buy. . Agriculture. 'l here was a held for good ty? I The motion pam"ul. , in that direction. It would cost a good new. I FREE LIBRARIES, ETC. however, and that would, of course, have to i Mr WOOD (Brant) moved for an order 'd 1 be taken into account. r l this' fc'di' for a return skating the location 0 c' l 11"1"'C1'2i"iiri'"L'"CLLllc--,,,-uL.