e . & 29 wog A "L Mn T 5 roee (. " DNTO SATURDAY MARCH 17 1888. _____ _ ASSEMBLY NOTES- _ Municipalities other than cities are not so | ~~ |_____ _ > fully dealt with, but the question of assess-- | was taken. Tus Mcxicirat Commusston :--The rePOt | mont is dealt with, and the necessity for a | "The CV:Ft of fthel d'YMW"h' octlhe S"S," ) icipalCommissioners was laid on the | proper audit strongly urged. ond _ reading _ of _ the e i f the Municipa ns with * rage _ Rill. _ Everybody approved of it, able of the House yesterday. _ It begins Wil 1 | the debate being mainly the result of an at-- general sketch of municipal msumtw}w s T"':r fxnias Orate :--'} resurn brought tempt by the Opposition to share the hounors Enzland, Scotiland, Ireland, the United States | d.owu in response to a motion by Mr, Awrey ! of authorship. Mr. Waters' pleasure was .hfui several Provinces of Canada, gives the interesting history of the award of tempered with a regret that the bill had . \Coming to Ountario, is is said that in this $28,672 to the Six Nation Indians for lands | nothing t'.(l,'l say about widows "'t'd ';""'X""d uuuy,aas in the United States, the chief .jrowned by the building of the Welland | YO9M®»-- -- 4he ?ybtclln 18 8}1,')8."0!'[ t<l)]t.1'e mclt- icuities are found in the government of the ,y,1 | ican plan, in that the services of the assessors ifien i ePok M y | are used in making up the lists. _ Altogether ' MSCL. ."mfi' work of the civic departments is In the fall of 1887 Mr. Vankoughnet, of the | jt looks as if it will be hard to beat the Outario : W hile the mnmedi upervision and Indéan Department, prepared a statement of , franchise for cheapness, simplicity and con-- tne under the immediate superyvision facts, from _ which it appeared _ that ; he elector irection of committees of the Council, it can-- the' Indigus® '€l€im: way ref' 1 "to" ns | ve.n_lence to the e e(.?on. oi be expected that men of large business BDeininion Board of Arbitr hsP 12.f . The Attorney--General [annouu'ced that . ience will be fouud willing to become 7 P Doi " O rbitrators _in 1832, prorogation would take place on Thursday. xperience will | 0 that the award was made ; that on Nov. 2nd R] ing sessi ill be held, if embers of the Council. [ cE reva ratail . Morning sessions will be held, if necessary, on iembers C traya. the Department of Railways and Canals ad-- | Tuesday and Wednesday * Complaints are heard of waste,' vjaug mitted the liabilities of the (Governinent to ' * 3f ) p . petty and gross jobbery; taxation and °* Lo a es | gance, petty and g ) ¥ I the lmdiaus for the amount awarded, , | xponditure increase enormously, but the $258,672 69, but that subsequently it was di\s'- i _ Mr. Hardy's bill respecting the salaries and | ewerage remains imperfect, pavements and covered that the consent of the Provinces of | @xp¢u8ses of police magistrates, and his bill re-- | idewalks in a wretched condition, the streets q; |) ;) [ ; Quebec was required. It is not : lating to the office of sheriff, and Mr. Mowat's | bf some towns indescribably filthy, the water [|--, | that auy further steps were taken until . Pill reiating to the solemnisation of marriages, | upply unsatisfactory. _ g»s the preparation of the statement of facts were read the third time. The Attorney-- ; Une question, ** What is the ru'n'lcd},". We / Pheé inatter was theh referred to the Minis. | General's bills relating to the following matters : pat to a large numver of persons. 'The Poronto tor of Justice, who recommended that an | WY*r¢ read the second time :--Muskoka and | .'uile'ulmu who appeared before thel cmu'lnntcu endeavor be made to obtain the consent of the | Parry Sound, the executive administration of ' all .»\.mernlxcu. or ex All'l"men,l were -'l'."oi" Governments of Ontario and Quebec to the _ the laws of this Province, the protection and | nanimous.y m' .fau.'or of the abolition 'ut t..)c payment of the claim, and that should the * reformation of neglecte(l children, the powers F rard system. -- 'There was a general f}:ch"lgl i' refuse their consent to the stiount beiny granted to the cominissioners of Niagara Park, favor of increasing the lc"fl"', of the Alder. liquidated against the old Province of Can: 18 to amend the Partition Act, to amend the Act i manic term oi oflice. On the question of s ce »AIUCLE respecting insurance companies, to amend the the division ol power, nearly all the | the matter should be brought before the Ex-- | lu.\\} "5 tobe'(ccul:imls > I Toronto gentlemen thought that the time had | chequer Court. + ' F C come whea the Mayor should have more power | On October 15th, about a month before the | _ , and more respounsibility, and when the legis: ; Haldimand election, an Order in Council was A »reEpinG of the Legal Committeo was lative and exccutive functions should be sepa-- | passed approving of these recommendations. called for last evening, but was adjourned for rated. At present the Mayor is little more Ou November 9th the Order in Council WA# _ want of a quorum. * than chairman of the Council and ex--oflicio ! communicated to the Ontario Government. TR member of the committees, and almost the only i _ The Attorney-- General rc-porte_d that it was ShavaurerInc | Tus INxoCESTS :--Among meaus he has of giving effect to his views or ; impossible for Ontario to recognise the claim. fie bille Sigucitered layv by the Mun:-- MA of preverting wrongdoing is to refuse to sign _ He said :--** The Welland Canal passed to the the bills siaugiatere yest.eru'ay y the Muni-- contracts, a course of doubtful legality. Dominion of Canada under the B. N. A. Act, cipal Committee was that of Mr. Garson, pro-- Nearly all agreed that the Mayor should _ and if there was any outstanding liability posing to wbolish property qualifications in have the power to veto acts of the Council of the Province arising out of the tmunicipal elections, and also to take from opinion being divided as to whether, having . coustruction of the canal, such liability must municipalities the right of granting manufac-- that power, he should continue to preside over -- be against the Dominion as a whole, and is f y x FAa im . Council meetings. not a liability with which the Provinces of tUrers exemption from taxation, The c!auses is was generally agreed that the departments -- Ontario and Quebec as now representing the of the Lill were separately voted on, and it was should be re--organised ; one competent man ; Province of Canada are to be charged as for &a noticcable that members of the committee | should, control all works of coustruction-- | debt of the Province of Canada. having a considerable Labor vote in their con-- streets, sewers, sidewalks and water pipes, | "This was evidently the view taken by | stituencies were in favor of the abolition of puvite buildings and the works of gas and . the Domin'on Governiment until the present such property qualification. Another bill " telegraph companies. year, as all their inquiries and their reference ; killed was _ one introduced by _ Mr. Evary one complained of the present system | to arbitrators were made without notico to this [ Fell and supported by Mayor Walters, oi assessiment, and some suggested that the Government, or it is presumed to the Govern.-- | of Lindsay, proposing to divide treesurer should be the collector of all taxes i ment of «Quebec. municipalities into districts for drainage pur-- and rates, "*With respect to the award, one observation | poses, L 'ndsay was particualarly interested in f .4A proper system of audit was recommcnde(l' suggested by reading these documents is that | this bill, the portion of that town lying on | in p'ace of the present system, which has | while the building of the caual increased very | one side of the River Saugeen requiring an shown itself a failure. l much the value of the undrowned Indian land, | entirely different system of drainageo from To the question, ** How should the heads of ' even this obvious and most materiai fact does f that on the other side. It was pointea out by these departments be appointed and what | not appear to have been taken into account in ; Mr. Waters, Mr. Phelps and the chairman should p» their tenure of office?" there was a ; the new compensation to which the consent of , that greai confusion in the present law, which perplexing \'a.riet_\'otunswcrs--uppointmcntl»_v | the Provinces is now asked. would require entire remodelling, would be the Mayor, appointinent by the Council on the "If the Dominion Government as a matter of | created by the passage of such a bill, and thas Mayor's recommendation, and elected by the | Dominion policy or of benevolence thinks fit to | it could nos even be considered by the commit-- peop'e, with a power of dismissal by two. | allow the sum of $£283,672 out of the Dominion | tee at this late period of the session. The thirds of the Council, on the recommendation | Treasury, but not as a matter for which the | Voters' List Bill of Mr. Gibson, of Hamilton, of the Mayor, | Provinces ot Ontario and Quebec aro liable as ' and other bil's met with a similar fate _ The report states that the want of a | Provinces, this Government may have nothing !| nu-.-nn_gh audit is 1e1§ throughout our whole | to say. -- But looking at the matter as a claim | mantcipal system. _ Nearly all tho witnesses '; of debt, it scems to the undersigned as in agreed that in largfz cities the auditor should ' the highest degree objectionable that so cevote his whole time to the work, that he | stale a claim should be recoguised, its nlleged should not only see that the accounts corres-- I ground having arisen upwards of half a cen-- pouna with the voucuers, but examine each l tury ago, ha\'.iug been the subject of an in-- item so "!"l'OUQI'I.Y_"'"t the coucealment of | vestigation and an award immecdiately after-- X'ru.unl or nnsa'ppro'prmtiou would be impossible. jl wards, and, so far as appears from the state-- Some thought that no money should be || ment of facts, no further claim baving been paid until the auditor had passed the claim. !j suggested for some 40 years after the award, Fhe majority were of opinion that he should thehsuggcstlou then having come from an "f' nun.nnatcd by the .~\lfl)'0r. appointed by the || ofiicer of the Dominion Government fond of Council for three or h\-e. years and not remov. | antiquarian research into matters, the gctors able except by a two--thirds vote of the Coun-- | in which are dead and the facts of which had c'l,'., & . A . _ i| become obscure through lapse of time." | I'he question of assessment is dealt with | This report was -- communicated to the very fully. 'There was an agreement of testi. | Dominion Government, and the Secretary of mony that real estate is not fairly assessed, that || State subsequently informed the Lieutenant-- generally the assessment of personal property is || Governor that the Government of Quebec fully iwdicrously unfair and that the taxes derived concurred in the view taken by Mr. Mowat. frum' personalty and iuconu; cflo not compensate se ior the enormous amount of falsehood and mis. / r £ j representation they involye, 18 _ Tue House )usrnnoA\:'--A great (19'!11 of . 1fi these taxes are to be retained the | ""Ol'k was done in yest.crdainy 3 thrc'w hours' ses-- relations of a real estate, personal estate and | 890« After a dozen «private bills had been income must first be established on a just ang | advanced a stege the House approved of the reasouabie busis. There should then be a purchase of a site for Upper Canada College. | thorough revision of the assessment, not | Mr. Hardy moved thc; second reading of the merely a hearing of complaints made by par. ' bi t * s f 8. ticular ta x payers. ill for the tormation of new counties. A Reference is made to the great increase in p'et..ition from the Councils of th.e townships de-- & municipal debt and taxation. It is suggested _ SWE union, a commission of judges, a popu-- that a by.--Jaw increasing the debt should not _ l@r vote and a proclamation by the Lieutenant. be assented to except by a majority of all the _ (Governor constitute the machinery of the bill. voters on the list. There was a discussion, in which the opinion lGovernment by commission is stated to be: WAs expressed that so important a bill ought unnecessary where a municipality is properly | "NOt to be pushed through at so late a period $ organised. | of thqsession. The second reading, however, The opinion of the commissioners is against ' the granting of special charters to cities. [ ' m 0o p