. . .. ,. 'rEM. _ -asA -. . ' ii r Fi _ ' _ 4...?" " V ' :'arg",re' _ ' T "W" ee '5rf.e'v ' e GLOBE TORONTO WEDNESDAY MAWEI5. _ri.lil!llll; * rv-,-.','::".,' _ . wa that war. 1- = -.. . _ f . . ulll LEGISLATURE (tro,":.",',',",.'",',";?)',",-'":',.',', 'l'lu1"l;' he would 35x}, fie-send 'the Aist "Spurn"! "nun". t l ' - have preferred that instead of a two-thirds disateie:rc'1.',he, Mg',r.'yi,yieg',"f'; . . ral d . THE MUNCU'AL BILL. vote a three-hfths vote would be requu. ' an . . itt the m---.----.--- that there should be certain exceptions to _t." MThe ie,rtat.h'eg',"tiilt/",'d',','121tl1'lrld'll' I . . ' . . . c sues. uniCi l . ' . _ . . ' r ixth Parl lament, Second otrttit'lfxtlry"1',oo"drftlt,' ",22/2'," for recess, the reported with certain amendments. Session. l bonusing an establialururut under these pro Player Clarke. at the instance of 1t':firt,ryc,f. in ' visions would be so ditticuit and tedious as to Foronto. introduced several * atnem Hit}?! h a" F--- _----------- lvirtually make bonusiug impossible. . . which were carried. (eg '"dtorfs an" i [i p / (By Our Own Reporter.) ,' Hon. yr. ROSS (Huron) said he.beheved in Wood. oi Ham}??? 3""? "if?" ointrdflu 'd d '.. . . l l 20 meg l the entire aboiitiou of tne bonusing system, period at w tun icy , . . Tvr:srur, h arm ' ' and he certainly would not vote for making the substance of the amendments H as he Speaker took the chair at eleven] the provisions of the bill one whit lsssstring- follows lthe City of 'l orouto is not "gi,",.',-?, lock. i eat than they were. in the. clauses, but. in most cases the twins THIS FRANCHISE BILL. ' Mr. WATERS considered the first section of " ha'viiig'a poppiation of 50,000, limit then . ' itt on tliel the clause suiiiciently stringent. The other application to Toronttyi-- ' The House want one tommi es . i sub-sections virtuallv amounted toprohibiting 4. The police commissmners areto regulate "than Bill and amended some of its 3 the system of bonuuing altogether. ' and control children engaged as _ "M l Mr. MEREDITH did not agree with do. (1) Express. or despatcn messengers. Mr. MEREDITH asked whether in assent- , giving tnuni/ipalities altogether of the tgl',', of l? 2,".,"tI', at newupapers and smallwares. . . ' I , . ri l' iiusiir and it seemed to hint thata t use . y o'out we I. i to this hm no 1.1.0". was scalliib its. 1.tf, 'd,'t'le'el','tfin'l virtually abolished the system. F Au institution tor the recl:umstio.n..tnd cure rrant, on the A..orncy Gen.e.ra spriuolp a , The first sub-section requiring a two-thirds of habitual drunkurds may be established and l at auy change in tlus irsuchise iuvuived a vote would practically make a municipality , habitual drunkards may be committed to it by issolution oi the body making the chattye. unanimous in voting for a bonus. He Would i legal process. . t l lion. Mr. 11tJWAl raid nobody had thought approve of sections two, three and four being l Where, in order to :ilford on outlet not the the dissolution of the House. There would stricken out. drainage of re;;.l property utilicrl tlnn that i nill be "other session. t" wt .. I" IC,".:" , . "'- ....T. .....'. frontin . n on tie street in w iici a sewer " ' 'it/,'yll'.. FRASER said that the bill ""110" in" 1' 1tflii.5, yi'tgnd, SP, sub.sec. (,'211'llit2'ie." such sewer is constructed larger on d not be in lull operation all over the 11t corps {pumupu thes, he said, led gone i than is needed for the drainage ot the real 'i-oiincc until two more sessions oi the Legis- m over t " onus '3' stem, and. he particularly property fronting upon the street, then the ~ turn had been held. it did not come into "ti,',',",.",),"). 't' flog?" yfyr.1tty , Couneil imy impose a special assessment upon BorVc antiithe lst ot January next year, and tuetdr,i1)uf,,,11)t' 1',Tp,i, 31""th words the other real PNPENY beneiited LY the! inuny municipalities the voters to be en- Brat irc',',',', 1i" . it?" (if '2': Yell.'..".. t e ' sewer. . . q . ranchised by the bill Would not be on the -ttt .tifth '.'l on, fr, lug t eucduuse require tb , Power IS given to the Couucil to set apart ists in time for any general election during 1:0" b: vote 0 t I".'.", (il"' e to tote be. p and lay out portions of roads, streets. squares. hat year. Tl " 1'l,1 was !f..ftht,',',I . li " . ' alleys, lanes, bridges, or other communications l The committee rose and reported the bill. " 1Pfy, mont Watt 08? o'?.".'?"',""' by 37 l for carriage-ways, boulevards and sidewalks, t TH , , ' " 'll' '/1' 33, the Government being divided. , or for the im rovsmeut or beautifying of the f t F, llc) L AL yr- . . Mon. Mr. HARDY moved again in amend. an..." p ' Th? House went Into 1ie.1'.','lit,".i'.' again on t P sub-section No. 2 to the effect that a i Where a city, havin" a population in excess he bill to amend the Municipal Act. inicipality may grant a bonus to a manufac. . ' i50 003 1 . . , 1 . water.works ." discussion arose concerning clause 11, ro- . who proposes to establish an industry 0 d ' . ','d "" C,1'tJl',tltee,) J,", on fo them b. airing decorations on taking ottiee from ilar to one already estabiishcd in such inuni- . a" mi", won!" moulcy 't pa)" r WW?- 'ou iciilors, Mayors, clerks, "840550". c0llec. lity without any such bonus but that the, a gcnelru assessment} t if lee, s',','.Ts', 'w "a Reluriiing-ollicers,constables, poll clerks, inal establishment sunll not be taxed to)i out t w consent o t " drtef'dy,Cr,",t '"lo t t to the effect that they will perform their its proportion oi such bonus. Po"ey t ",'l.'l,2lf or elxten t. 'll',',,)',',',' sf, 'Ill "i.." faithfully and will receive no money for . {his amendment also was lust and it being; V l"""' , e prove'). P, t " duh" ":10? o . m . exercise of any bartiality or malversation 1 o'cloek the House rose. , l Lteiit.-l-ovcrnor in Lonnclil td at t e 'i,xei'llsf,'al,' C' -'her undue execution oi their oliicc. The HOTEI Fill!" rlst'APrls . are tit3cessiuW. tout the 'Y , e revenue Wt in." ' d: "treasurer a and "engineer ., Were ' " '. .. . .. . . . l '. for the added debt and interest. and tint the "ad to the list of oilisers from whom such At the afternoon sossimi Mr. Mcltay's bill ll bylaw was carried by three-fourths of the e aratious should be required,aud the clans for the prevention of accidents by tires in ' , Council. . . ed. hotels and othei public buildings, was re-com. l '. At the in.rtttutee of Mr. Leys an amendment tether discussion took place on the bonus mined and. ameruied by providing that it ; l was made to the section relating to the annex- sottR, of the bill. i should not be necessary tor the tire escape to ; I ation of adjoining municipalities: At present .r. WOOD (Hastings) objected to the sec- xtelid below the iirst storey. it was pointed , ' the law provides that the Council may submit " wri:hduviarestiust .. noniunicipality shall tit that ll. it tcached the ground it inzght : to the ratepayers} by-law asking for annexe. a," a bonus to a. manufacturer under this ilitiitc inc entrance nf'nurglars and tliccxit l lion. Air. Leys amendment provides that Mien who propose' to establish an industry delunlting guests. " was also provided . Where Iii? electors petition tor " thetouncd a similar nature to one already established . the lieyst' unspector should nuke a it I must submit such a ny-luw. This, Mr. such municipality without any Inch bonus." t.to tho Count-z. as to the decismus which Leys said, would proVide for such a e claimed that this section would prevent ' f gives under lilo Act. case as that f, Parlui:sle, where the unicipTlity trom securing competition will . THIRD PsrlAlUNGtl. 1 23:1)" Jrt,nit, aiinexanon and the Uotuvcil are 'a estab ishznsnt in their midst. He uhiecte "A T e ollowiu'v oil '- . . . Ps"! of . so to the third and fourth sections olf th . 3:: a ls Wure read the third l Paulo"? introduced by MI. c/pm". and Mr. suse which required respectively that "no' ' Relating to the payment of the expenses and IN Yd... ot Brant, empowering Council to lease l ttug shall be granted lsy a municipality to I internment of the Canada Teiimerance _Act---l" sud dispose ot water and other power, were l cuver-wnoval thereto of an industry already Mr. llur-ly. (Title chauzed to Liquor License amended m the direction of restricting the 't:vblishedeioswherc in the Province": and ct, 1888.) a t 'Tar,, 'that no inuuici aluy shall rent a bonus in , " ' ' . , . . " , i ' C.", tt ccss, . . . 'd litany manufacturing industry, where tho 'e1','c'l".iir'.i. 'it/y,'.) respecting tite otiiee oi The House went into committee on the l outing oisucii Iooucs would, for itspaiymcut, ii. To confirm a certain agreement made be. i 'e's1g.11/)/it,:tCipi!i',r1 the 1ees.syee...t ly1. f nether with the piynient of similar bonuses , Ween the "mud Trunk. Linn." Iioathern atrl , . r. ' . l Girl o.s my.od to strihe'out a _ tresuy frame-l by said uninici hality, require iil,1'g.'ic, A: Part Stanley i'oilway Companies ' clause liletyg, the impositjon.o.f tsttyl.1iitirrnal n onuutxi levy for principal and interest. oi- "u-hir. Meredith. . . four p." com. on taxes not paid within a cer- l - oiling ten per cent. of the total annual inuni- " Respecting the Iroulalc, Bancroft & . Nun ttms, attd the clause was ordered to be tipul t: nation thereof. lie approved of the I Ottawa P.ailsray Conipauy---Mr. Fell. f struck out bya vote or 28 to 935' . . rst section iequiring a twu.tliirds vote before '.' Respecting the executive administration of . I he clause relating to Fl" liability of lands bonus could be granted. " e laws Ji' this Proviuce-'i'he Attorney. . tor "le by. townships instead.?! by county Jlr. BALFOL'R supported all the sub. oral. f l treasurers if Rrrear, are not paid by a "rum retinas alluded to, and contended that they r the rtco',viion mil reformation of l tiexTttttrderedto be struck out by a vote ' em all necessary tocoriiiteract the evils asso- 'ted chipm- , )3," A:torocy Gun mil. {33° to 30. . . . . mated with the bonusing system as it existed ive c Ar: i, "an Ct t to t.ie crnrsr.ivvsiouer, a T he clause relating to statute labor m cities, "t p."".?.',".: . in" in l'ttrk-- You Atrorucy.Geuerai. l: I', Was also struck out. Mr. IN HITNE\ said some seventy petitions h tlu, I'M-union Act-Tut, Attorney- ( .1'htt committee then rose and reported the only had been presented to the House on be- bill. , .- n N . half of this measure. though there were over ' . 'lHRQLGl'l COMMIT" EE. 700 mcvieipiUivi: ' -i the Province. The great J2 following bills went through com. majority of the i"... aiaitt 600 odd mm LG ' i. mt " 't . . ties) were not oi those (13.: had given tes',') Respecting the Revised Statutes of Ontario-- AW'. were not t. i," expected to band togethei- The Attor.nerGeneral. , . "a t.rttition Npr:, -.r. the measure. lie con. r,1.1!rs1.ritin.s,i, mortgages or saies of chattels in tended, however, that notwithstanding that Ni.eissit-,n he A,ttyuer.-.G'tyral: some might consider the bonusing "an", to loamend the Industrial Schools Aet--Mr. be an economic wrong, yet it was bitter that Ross (Middlesex.) they should be allowed to perpetrate an ocean. THP, AGRICULTURAL MINISTER. mie wrong, if it Were so, than that their rights The A'rT0RNliG'is'NKrtAL moved the should be in.erfercd with. third reading of the bill respecting the Depart. Mr. (EARSUN pointed out that although ment of Agriculture and other industries. there were 700 municipalities in the Proviude Mr. MEREDITH moved in amendment, yet there were only 200 cities, towns and in: seconded by hir. Creighton. that while this corporated Villages in the Province, and those House WWW" in the proposition to givs were the only municipalities interested in the greater attention by the Government to the "more. Nearly 'lc-lltllf of these had peti. agricultural interests of this Province than no. , in favor oi the abolition of the bonus has hitherto been done, it is of opinion that syn , " aisl only one had petitioned arguing; that end can be attained without incurring the sin... .bolitiou. He personally would have expense of adding another member to the bean prepsred to vote for the abolition of the Executive Council and the inevitable expense bonus sysein altogether, but the committee which will be consequent on such addition, and bad decidel against that. He contended also that, therefore, the said bill be not new read a that if the 'loi ernnient had given the power to third time but be forthwith referred back to a "uutioipdity to commit an economic wrong, the whole House, etc. o . The amendment was negatived by a vote of 48 to 28 and the bill was read a third time. . . I - a .