_ "CTW. later. 'll!! with Mr. Meredith on the l , mil" " to the bill relating to the Depurt} 'gilt od Autumn. Ottttrrwt" the vote we; I no l . Between uit. t eleven and twelve o'eloek I , tint night a ',tlfitttat,tl of bills introduced by I private members were withdrawn, "owing to l the leteneu of the session. " l, i CLOSING or' SHOPS. I Hon. Mr. FRASER moved the third read. l ing of the bill to regulate the closing of.sliope ,and the hours of labor therein tor children ' i and young persons. l '| Mr. MORGAN moved in amendment, i _ l "That while this Home is in sympathy with I ! all reasonable efforts to bring about the early ', closing of shops, it is of opinion that to provide b by law tor the absolute closing of them is not 1 in accordance with round principles of legisla- tion, and it an unwarranted interference with l individual rights, and that the bill be not ', now read n third time," etc. I Mr. MEREDITH spoke in support of the amendment, and said the bill was suggestive oi a return to the tune of the. curfew. it was 5 an invasion of the rights of the people. Mr. H. bl. CLARK tc' and Mr. WOOD (liar ' tings) spoke in favor of the bill. '; Mr. BULANCY supported the amendment. , Mr. MURRAY ndviaed the withdrawal of . the bill. if Mr. MARTER was strongly in favor of it. Mr. CUNMEE was divided in opinion, but, I on the whole. leaned towards the bill. ' Mr. LrlF.s {Liner-k) thought the bill was l .ridiculous. The House should not concern , its-If with such small matters. l Mr. MACK approved oi the bill. Mr. WiL.hlol' said the bill was a most l iniquitous measure. Why should they let ' ' young men away early from their work ? if I they got oil. where would they go ? Where i _ but to the gambling room or worse place yet. i Much better that they should be kept at work t until bedtime, and inthis way kept train doing mischief. (Laughter.) Mr. INGRAM deprecated the remarks of, the last speaker. He did not think young men I generally were no wicked and t'Drrllllt us he re. I presented. it was very often the older men l who most required watching utter businee; i hours. (Laaguter.) lie approved oi the bill. I The question was pat to the vote with the I following result _ Yos--wytlt,lancy.r"oll,F'rouch,Harnmoil.Hi, Loos. Alon: .mm. Juno "Ill. 1luhw, Hunk. Morgan. . itorke. Too'":, Whitine). Wilmot, Wy ' 17. I lin's. - Allan, Armstrong. A it re} . llmi'our. Bah laniyne. Bishop. Blown. Cliisholiu. Harlan K. l". t'i'orouto), 1'lerke. ll. K. [To- route». ('htrkr. {Wellington l. Connie". Craig. 1'reightou, Crrtmis, hunk. Dryden. Frauen. field. inner. rn-enini. Human. ii,'n on tlivnc, Iona Gibsouiuurony, 4;:zxz:..1.:-,c:.,u!l, (Ii-lilqlll. Guthrie. Hart-ourl. "may. Ilurihonht.:varn.licru<, I tron, .\l--.\ur!ru-w. Mcls' iv. Jslcl.v.ugnliu, Mc, Mahon, Maori. Marter, Aidan 1', Mo .11. Mom", i Mun-n). Nun-nix mid. ."helne. J'rv.,nm. "mad '. lL-hii'..u'd. li"\~ 'Hurour, lto,s ill; 1ri'.ts-'ust'h, l Snider. Shrunk. Sprngne Flu-mini. Waters, Wid. didtiil. Wood dim-Gillian Wood ilh'unl» ~31. CITY or' LUNIHH linlllil HON G ROL' N Dit. Mr. HEREIN ru unwed tite second reading of the bill to aunhu'ise the Corporation of the CAy oi London to ucll vermin lends known as the Exhibition Grounds. Mr. WA'l'l'Ilt'f moved an amendment to refer the bill hack. Hon. Mr. RUSS cuiiidlesex) supported the amendment llc. 'l'UUHC'i' opursel ill" amendment. 'l he 4."in lru 'Tll v. a: null: n'. ... srl')',",','.?'..'),'),,,,. i .'iTe iCFU'H-l " "in v. ttt :-ul P. second 1 nine c-- To amend the JI irriel 'Wonieu's 1-1-34: L'scate I Aet--Mr. Guthrie. . I Tim t', tts' .| . .1. '." ,. tr, cn "t tt3.