Mss M site... w Em uy e e R k0_ 22nk en e on en mm s e P es e _ _ _ o teiitere se . .. ied oad oo o o mt y Ond on n 0 00 n °PS A Y TT A DX es s 0 uf e it|.. o 49e 1 " I 3 T e _ TUESDA Y, J ANU ARY 290, ~ASSW SE _ y now to the excatucdents and produnt y 687. Wl rugl uen e romeamepredrer en ooo en t riornsorrnimmnarnens n conferndi ind it m mt *3 :\'thoAe'xéatdmennGam: graduates of the , s m pPrp Y-- 3P ~ ommX : $ f gricultural College, Gue ph, and has been <J ; T hRY SHOR'I Sll [lN(,' E::It:ogrz'p::t' track immediately 'alongside ::lo meanndof arousing colnsidexi-:xble atten-- l y. on towards experitnental work in grain-- -- [ $ seususussousmmmmssmmemen COMMOX GaAoLs. ggowjng, horticu!ture, dairying and bee. f 1 A GOOD DEAL OF IMPORTANT INTERESTING ANNUAL REPORT OX THE kOeplng.' '_l'h§ assistance of intelligent and f NEWsSs. GaoLs or TH® provINCR, progressive farmers has been secured to 5 Ey | i s i _ Hon. Mr. Hardy laid on the table the l carty out the aims of the union, and much t & K "'----""'b o & i Reposts report of the Inspector of Prisons and Pub-- good haslalx'eady resulted from the meet-- E y arge Number o nnual Reports ; lic Charities upon the common gaols ings anc published reports. _ The ninth f b 1 3 asented--Government Measures prisons and ref a mon 88938) || meeting was held at Guelph Agricultural § a Ca I C l and reformatories, _ 'This shows || )1 1 ; PS V to be Introduced by Mr. that during the year ending 30th Septem-- olloge, and presided over by Mr. R. F. . ; A | ; Fraser--Private Bills by. be_r, 1888, the total number of persous coin-- l{o'ltormz'xzm, Brantford, ( pres'ident of the | f s 4 > P;::'::&nsa;';'gb:;: > gmtu.:'(l was 12,454, as compared with 11,017 ; :lvm;;u'. vlile {:{po?: C on e Nn ai{ldress, ho m A * in the previous twelve morths, Of i is | | welll as vuluaule discussions on live topics 5. ing Exemp-- total 551 & * * this ertaining to agricultur Ti <d8s f a were boys under 16 years of T g agriculture. iere are also s + tions. sud'65 were gi ~ 0L 88° / | jncorporated apers by the followi . t girls under the same age, the | P papers by e following 'f'c mm mmmemmmmmmmemmemmmmem total of women over the age of lg i;e?nl; }veg-knu.wn, bgeéntlemon s rainaroming j zi ; y f 1,778. 'The increase over last year i in Ontario," F. I. Sleightholm, Humber ; --<« p e ris a total «p & g A > f Ontario Legislature held.l short. 8°5 | of 1,437, or 13.04 per cent., nuyd dxtends to '"'The importance of beekeeping to the s i@H yesterday atternoon, the chief business | all the subdivisions. _ 'The largest number of farmer, " Mr. . Ts. Hunt ol Ahie AgHeuk rans ted being the presentation of poti-- | persous were naturally contained in the To-- | tural Cpllgge *3 i ihctical sugzestions. on & nd the introduction of three Govern-- _ routo Gaol, which total up to 4,128, as {l.";m k;'."fhh!'"s' Mr, E. ]",'Sto"'"',» NOI',wich; _ _ _| M@Ab measures by Hon. Mr. Fraser. There against 3,791 for last year ; and as compar-- _ y lufl\\l' S rinam. Anaa M . in nes Mr. | O | w@RB a largs number of vacunt clhairs, but ed with ouly 1,031 for Hamiiton, 8383 for . .. Mi{hort Gueiph ; -- '"Success in | P | f arg cant clairs, London and 209 for Kingston. | Milton, for gl;?wth of erops," Mr, Elmer Lick, Oshawa; | _:_t, h mbers are now nearly all within the _ a smauil place, shows up vory much hi'gher 'tlhe educetion of the horse," Dr. Gren-- | D | a the whips and ready for the work of _ than the average with 493, of which only 6 !'udeb, V.§..t_Agrl'cultu'mleollege;. "Sel?cthilug | M | sion. It would appear that netive . WEre women, 'Fhe nature of the Mifton\| | tRomige Bimes: Privaéto experiment," Mr. | i 1 v o o rren A C V O ~| SE@DB were taken last year to Awaken offences can be surmised by those who take 'J"ll\ll?ll?:i Elines, tl rlfuu:tou.. The !epor.t. in-- *' | puilMe sentiment against the exemption of an interest in the Scott Act. The nation-- | lL &e reports of exporiments submitted o *A -- o C s ality of the total of 12,454 comumnitted per-- AE*Y ?eu"g' and taken as a whole it | § | property from taxation, at least judging _ sons shows that 6,056 were born in Canada . guiitio6" fall Yo bd ussiul and. futeresting | is 'OM the number of petitions daily present-- _ 2,105 in England, 2,514 in lreland, 62%6 in reading dor fatmers aliping at mak ing then-- ! E. \¥o the House since the opening. -- They Scotland, 815 in the United States and 338 ?glr\i::l::(r]:z:(ll';egedw'?::he _ best 'Y'&e"' of | A signed by the members of corporations, "'!]'.".I'er cc;uutm.:s. Of the same total the | ;yj experimeuts? ogp rpi Retns n( s and, consequently, they may be said to carry '};u"fi'u('lusc' ':.'"','f"""'i"';';q '"'& o }£°"°'" s' woUCsEs oOr RREFCGE | ____--| considerable weight in showing the drift i Catholies, 4,499; Church of Eng-- | s n Paq s ue of _ public Ol)il{.;ioll on t.h;.t.g vestion land, 3,925 ; Presbyterian, 1,590 ; Metho-- Amongst the other reports submitted by p P question, 1 * Mr. Hard 1 i anunicipalities which were represonted | Pon» 1,646, and other denominations, Mir. Hurdy to the House, was! the 'ning. titions praying for the abolition of ex-- 794. Of the 12,454 prisoners, 4,446 tfqnth annusl ropors o't: the . Inspector of aptions yesterday were :--Thorubury (Mr. were married and 8,008 unmarried-- Eioi mm We w es d 2 ractais C + 0 se vaky @@PKe), Bath Township (Dr. Meachum) these, _ however, _ including _ all _ those houses of refugce and orphan and Magdalene Town of Perth (Mr. Lees), Woodville (M /) ;. under 16. There were 5,732 temperate and asylums for 1888. During the year ending Cruess), Stouflville (Mr.G. B. Smith), Brigh-- / 8,722 intemperate ; 10,076 who could read September, 1888, five institutions of the f mings (Dr. Wilioughby), Clinton (4, || MA SftiHe and $.--970 who gould m906, ol n i s e nee o cefoine Lovetanmant s M. s), Blenheim (Mr. Ferguson). The || T.h"' number of prisoners confined in the is lt"'}l]" (.)f t.ltxlozie Srec?n{:"vg %avexjmnout ot petitions -- were :--From -- Hastings |. YAMOCUS custodial institutions of the Pro-- ll{l{ < xc:ly '{.rot es th t(J e 'uls l, o t Hrome ty (Mr. Wood), praying for such an | V1NC@ _at the close of the ° past official 'J'"o_ure.u,' :;onc({' 'l'euu"'"f"[f""_'"' Home, ; enudment to the Railway Act as will les-- | YCA" 18 shown in the following suin-- ']luw"'of' ':' "XL'II ofg, J OrouLols the sen the daugers at crossings. Mr. Dryden . 'N#Y '--I"" the common gaols, 730 ¢ Central ! r 'fm.l-ee {;r' ';0 f&e'ti ()(t)t.w'm, :mif[ io. P ted n petition from the 'Trades and | Prison, Toronto, 346 ; Reformatory | for (;'tt',la r';'ll"'l s 2010 l;'pl-mul i9 bor Council, Oshawa, asking for the ex-- ; Boys, Penetanguishene, 196 ; Reformatory _ | p, C oon U nereta{'e h suufx 'lcfl'tges in the ffton of taxation of dwelling houses up | for Females and Refuge for Girls, Toronto, hxm;nge. 13 tota m'lml)'er'o unln.-.tes the:e. to , and Mr. Ostrom presented one from 170 ; Dominion Penitentiary, Kingston, Dl'\r'i :lnrhg' f es g?:')lZ whes l tclell' Mn # County of Hastings, calling attention to 55?.I nl:d :l% mjn)lle:: of pel"::lrxg lrl:l('n(i,l(xg':::;' & who tructior the 'Tre i 4 The total expenditur r i a *n c cng ? au ve f ction on the .l'l'un.'Rlver.. The Cmm Aniount -.lp # e on g'{"°" '1"""3' the fugees Sept.30,1888, was 1,196. A comparison 5 then granted Mr. Fraser leave to in-- | Y€ST 8 ed to $134,1435 49, us compared of the totals for 1887 and 1888 shows that s ce the following bills:--An Act to with $126,088 56 for the preseding year _ tH snous tia + S s ww$ irl: & o e 336 more persous were cared for iu 1888 than ¥. mend the Factories Act, an Act to amend | And4d with $131,116 60 for the year 1878. in 1887. The number h'w v t ~ orkmen's Compensation Act, aun Act | O( the total $53,961 25 went for rations us e ns hoi en n ind C © i » s 4 » he total pop ulation of the five institutions P to ud the Assessment Act. clothing, fuel, ete ; $73,6735 11 for oflicials, added tolihl; 'li~'t 'l"he deaths numbered s | MBR noTICES OF MOTION, pudl$6,000 15 for're pa'ts. 180. The muiés number::l 986n ul:'l)e:.lex; $ WHAT Mrss:s. a. F. woop, LEES AND |; Au analysis shows that of the 12,454 | females 1,376. The Roman Catholies e | FRENCH INTEND TO bo. _ prisoners 9,426 stayed in gagql_as a charge nuinbered 1,794 and the Protestants 5,0680. y | , A. F. Wood--on Thursday next--a \ 'fp_""_ municipalities for 2310.50_7. and 2,9608 The total Government grant given to the ® \Wifito smond the Registry Act ; also on criminal prisoners remained in gaol as fu 26 refuges was $35,210 61, and from other i¥ | l'whndny w bill to amend the Ruailway Act. 'Llii:l:gle( t':\];ollftht; Province f(l)r 75,4'1)«25tlggg- sources there was received $87,512 74. xd | & Lees--on Wodnesday next--a bi M tal of days covered was 200, + In orphan asylams the number remain-- . 'tod.oml lllt'l;t'ncral'l{nu((] (y'(lll'l:)\nllicl; Au::l being an average of in fr;ctiuu under 23 ed stuti'c)mary. Jl)uriug the year 1,747 78 Mr. Fronch--ou Wodnesday next--a bill «days each for ".'9 12,404 prisoners. orphars were taken care of in the 26 x to amend the Law of Slander. A paragraph in the report points out that orphanages, as against 1,7352 in 1887. The . French's bill to amend the law of }Vlulst the number of prisoners commilted (Government grants amounted to $16,453 4 8 '; er, which he will introduce on Wed-- || '" the Province has increased by 102.54 per 69,and from other sources there was collect. $day next, has as an object the alteration || cent. since 1869, the gaot accommodation ed $92,051 22. of h law relating to slander so that it may has not incressed in anything like the same , No changes are refortedin the good work L e with the Nova Scotia law in the pui'- | proportion, and therefore there is in some | carried on by the Magdulene asylums,. Of ticular respect the bill aims at, that "in any || gaols -- overcrowding _ and _ a -- lack -- of | these there are three in the Province, which f etion for slanderous words spoken of any || uccnu_n'nod_utiun that _ makes a proper | sheltered 169 persons during the year. woman imputing to her any unchaste con-- N 3]"":"';'"1'""""{ prisoners almost impossible, DEAF AND DU MB INSTITUTIOXNS. x y K m . ables j i F s x d|_ s'h(nrll not 'b(. net;.uury to allege in 'l'::)w(; Zl':ut 'O'lll'-bt?ll;l";'(;:]ted\'""'l-l tlhe ltll)Ul:t« Tho report of the institution for the p g or prove at the time that any !| """""%,° V\ oUth september thero | _ | education of the deaf and dumb, Believilie, sp damage resulted to her fr |", | were 53 persons confined in different gaols, | ; use of such ""zo"ls but sh l"l. 'flwm an | 12 of them in that of Toronto, ou % u £i speaks of the vire Sm macliL on : smelar d un e> o , but she shall recover [ *? .' ,""*.,. f f necoun : n d i 1 ;?;' such damages as may be assessed witho:t' | OI'l'.;:'m"my 5o "Crigu® s j :ill:so:c:;sio'fih:f';.%'C?'Ibgél\l:ru:téggdu:lroil:]clll'::\l:sz «uch » | ' Pri *S" » 30 t _( 'j\""i}'t '-"{ proof of damage.' Fle Coutral Prison report '.h'"" that _ | of one over the previous year. Of these 156 F min? As : 90(1 s bill to ainend the while a amaller number of prisoners WAs | | were males and 109 females. It appears f oi "yi" L'h 18 .\,_ m.cns'ure which aims at cmmmtted to that institution Ehan in the | that 706 pupils have been on the register of mo "8 so':lr-etl"u\tjl(.m o'f payments on . previous s"eur, the average daily 'numh:r ! | the institution sinee 1870. Satisfactory re-- ~al t ug io 14 'A"f r. Wood privately was much larger, being 350 as against 322 | | ports are anunexed, showing the general k F w,i'hlel;gal(;an mys a farm .for, say, | ast year. A sl'ntemcut of amounts ex | efficiency of the school, the zeal and i hoifkys off & $5,000 mortgage on it, wln}cln pended in carrying on the manufncturing | ; eficioncy of the teachers, and the progress 6 nesidd. he (:o""'to '\'15100 within a reasonable | operations of the prison shows a total ex-- l made by the pupils in their various studies, & pok I.I i f:irlyth)eeé\r; :at:v') Ia)ho;v tfhat, he has pouvdlturg of 899..062_54. J'hcl revunuclof the Tho total expemditure iju maintaining the e M # A ater part of the mort. | various industries is as follows : --Broom | school was $41,967 63 during 1838, a cost +. ::li"":;;:t sl;om;snput t'u any great ex-- f shop, hire of prisoners, $10,178 38:.' wooden-- | per pupilt of $176 33. In 18%7 the ,expendi- > ofon by "i'l" l amg lef :cc':ud notice of | ware shop, hire of prisoners, §9,157 23 ; | | ture was $39,695 01, giving $171 10 per s (s9B& bill to amond :lr mi-'f "lthh Hastings """k-"'.'l"',:c""';'v $83835 30 ; tailoring sho]'_). pupile The inspector, in his report, deals & l emomsinis. 1|:> .,.u.\lm'ty Act in | sales, §5, 17'7 15; shoe ShOp.' H;\lvh'. $2,931 15; with a large number of topics aftecting deaf o for Uainauce t':ac ':t'l' r:' way equally _ carpenters shop, 9"1}'!"- $122 42 ; black-- mutes, in which is a deliverance on the e > Hinc Wiwther;;,ho uui:n |° d '"1"'"""'5-! ur F""t")',' shop, "ffji'"- '54'3 80 5"'""0"&"60'-'3. question of marriage. After giving his 6: k clrsuch a orck als wander on the _ $1,024; total, $30,136 43. The total money observations on this subject, Mr. Christie & : taperty oi %l' a broken ffeuce from off the -- expended in _ removing prisoners from says :-- s pI ¥ i0 owne y 'entr y $ § ho 6: C ts broken I'e'n:.:e °ofl. tho. cattle, or-- county gaols t(l.'thu Lo.'n'tml was .:«,--'1,501. 45-- . 'There nre a good many deaf mutes married pe . :.; .0 ... property or a | an avernge of $6 39. The amount paid out in this Province, and I know of noune who are e :; adljacent to the property of the | on behalt of prisoners discharged from the less happy and prosperous than the average _ _ > | ow of the cattle. _ As the law stands at | Contral Prison was $1,205 15 cinss of persons in like conditions of HiSe, 1 4G P 5. present, according to Mr. Wood, the rail 4 $ 4 }m&lhink' that the purconulagc of (}enf;:hildr;m «: s a¥y fasy it is * T T Bc a rom such marriages is any larger than from the § y i:.b""".'fl to fence ivs track ; but, at the oTHER REPORTS. ordinary clausses, I can see no valid reason : / 06 ime, i c;\ul.{ wander on w track and | REPORTS OX DEAF AND DUMB AND BLIND IN-- why deaf persons should not intermarry. if _ _ mre killed or maimed at any point on the sTITUTIONS, AGRICULTURAL UXION, TC they are 80 ooo esnt o Mrtich, "If not ht + that is not i j s s t * i en en en san on calculated to afford them as much, if not t inmediately alongsid i j ts Bs ol tie y alongside the The ninth anuual report of the Qntario more, -- happiness and protection than it S fav :; I apeL of the cattle, the l Agricultural and Experimental Union for does hearing people, This is owing to their in-- 6 4 y is not reld liable, while it is held | 1888 was distributed amongst the ber firmity, which isolates them from society and it the 'aningl be Eilied or hurtion a n erd bredir I gst the members deprives them of a large share of social - A on a_| yesterday, 'This union owes its organisa--_ »-- pleasures, They find each other's socieiy a Ce . > > . source of enjoyment that proves a sure shield Je ' from many of the temptations and excessos of