pa. pothiEn. Another provi.s.ioy of the Act now objected to Is that Thiel, prevents the engineer from including iouds ilyiug more than 50 rods above the coin- ', mencenient of the proposed, ditch, and also f the lands lying more than 50 rods on each t aide of it. The result oi this is that appeals . often are made against the engineer's de. i cision, and costs are thereby incurred nu- necessarily. Mr. Whitney, of Duudug, has been making a study of these matters and will introduce amendments to throw back the Act to what it originally was. The Attorney-General was waited on yes- terday afternoon by a deputation reprrsciw ing the Municipality of Dysart. in the Dis. trict of Haliburtou. They were Mr. A. Nevin, Haliburton, and H. O'Leary, Lindsay. They appeared in opposition to the change about to be made in the person. nel of the Canada Land & Emigration Company. which was chartered 25 years ago. The company, which is now in liqui- dation, were granted 330,000 acres of land in liaiiburtou, on condition that they . would hring'out from the Old Country a certain number of settlers annually, nnd do I other things in the interests of the district. l Ten years ago, hocher, Dysart haul 200 in- ' habitants, and to-day the population stands l at 230, showing,as the members of the dcpn- l tation pointed out, that the company had ' notbccuvery active coloniserq. M r. (fin-My further told the AttornctGuneral that the , setticrs living on 27,000 acres pay i $4,300 of the tasc-r, while the company ' pay $4,000 on the 350,000 acres which they l own. The injustice of the situation "as l forcibly presented and the (iovct'unn'ut , were asked to buy out the rights of the ', old company and tuko steps to settle the l lands, or compel the new company to carry 5 out the obligations attached to the original _ charter. In justice to the company, it is l alleged that free grants interfered with 3 their policy, and that coiis.-ipiciitly they l were notable to curry out the Cliliditinns 1 upon uhich they received their lands. The members of the proposed company are Mr. Lockhart Gordon, Toronto, and Mr. J, .\l. ilrving, 1'etewboro'. Mr. Mowat said noth- in; as to the merits of the casudmt pionziwd I to make an investigation into the WIN-0 in" , fuzr. ' l'nnninvut unnulqu o: 'Ilt' "pi-Hill 1: N! no: tiotiy' Y1: ' Z.'ll."| 9.1mm;niwiiilthi'llnlht',l Mitt they Hittud to m: "in" "Puri-'"""-' lit I their at: wks on tneriovernuteut tlui wuioul than hut. In in) euro, tiny do not howl thinly stun»: 4:1 (no coining storm, tln il i'iti- l tndc So [AT Loin; u: th..t I»..s~l\'u iv.nil',l"t, which p;;rn'i:u" no , v". i in y .tlL' 1i. I... 1 J, all two sums, usd iii'wv 11. their \"Hillvl' '.'.r " declaie that "air :iiuiights itlc unlit-d I. on the best and mud! cdrrctive "ur tol '. attacking the license syntcm. 'l'hnt tho , assault wiil be Hindu is certain. but i one d.:liciilty in tho way of Mr. Ms 1"" I ditli is hmv to provide a substituie' for thtt "nth which the countiy is, . .npparcntlv quite :ufruiwl. Sci its or hi, (mu stacssrlt.cst h-lniwi rr', will not :iippi rt the proposed plan vi hunting~ iwil. the. liccu-rnc: power to Kim liltlnbzipdlili' s. it , ' W1: hinted ycsu-rday lint 1h.- Opposition tuvorrsrrjvit.eiusis'u:, "nd Mllllll»1"*.iii3.niili1" ' anci'S lI'iW omivrrco' i-li tlit' i111 ~-'l '. l. min ,e' _ 1joruuussto'ntu's, thur dihllllltJlL living 1hr; _ the Art would lu: in this "my shun: ol it~ Wilcged partisan leatm'cs IL; d-HIILILH a; .. , Thu lt'-'iit'l' of the 'opp-UCI"': Hui l his more iv.thu,ste lii'llltlldll'ts more In: close and can-cat crmvut'tsttiott'; . and it "as understood that thty "we il_', mg; i to come to some "rcutiur,cuumt by "llll'il tin- C)prurs;stion can be committed t.) It uctiuitc I lino ot policy on the li-,incr, qtlcsllnli witiiontaiutachr,,r the sympatny oi timir ' Tcmpcrnncc iri-rnds. They are yet on tin- banks of the kid/icon, unthinking all thingi' ' into corsiderution, they may content tin-m- selves with tiring without during to ct'o's. 1 hr, \Vilioughliv is urging a light with ah lliie might. holding: out promises that Le Will i nuke things interesting it Mr. Mort-duh l Will take the initiative. The lumlcl' of the l. Opposition, however, is a more exwtcncud :politiciau than the new member tor biasg i iNortlitunbcrland. i 'r"'"-""""-"'""-"""""'"?