The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Feb 1889, p. 1

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a T , l ' r 'I . W "ae . ~~5.. "-,, . . .'tl'I-' . " a». ' AN EDNluSDAY, I FEBRUARY 6, 1889.; .fii,1u"d'jfi.",aiS'hiQi.'ii or mm wo Wi q .. --- -_....___ r - I The Private Bills Committee met in the 3 4 . r i - Assessment Act. . . . _ a O I i ?, I . ' morning and organised by re-electing Hon. T ,I' N 1'hlt10 H0 L till. C BY '1',"- i8twart--From, Dafferin County J. M. Gibson to the position of chairman. l. B -----. £2152; att/l" for an smeudmeut to the Mayor Clarke was in his seat for the titat t' .-- IG BATCH OF PETITIONS PRE- By 'll') Stratton-From Lskefi ld Trill tirmrtiesvs1oueri/yely' afternoon. He . l SENTED YESTERDAY. Council Tiii ior the b it Ill I 38' charged hit preliminary legislative. duties _ I tuna. ' g 5 ou 1ou o oxernp- by presenting a handful oi petitions on ht" V ' --r.-------_ i * various grievances. T Court." List Act Goes Through A A "Lu Pre""'"', . . I Mr.Graham's amendment to the Munici. tth mitts. Substantially Un- .n , ct "Teytintr tho examination of pal Act consists of defining precisely how and . 'l'llirt Several Important 0 tt""re" and inspection of boiurw--Mr. when Councils shall be held responsible for ills Introduced and thott. ' "l l'l bride . A A _ . soon cuts on us iways and m ges situated Other Measures - T n chm elonfe'r' certain power" on the within municipalities. I Notice ot-Not" 'T,',"]? t 2339 of" rades--Mr. Ltsys. , At the first meeting of the Committee on , o t t h o t G l . " It" 3 by-law of ths Town Standing Orders nine petitions in favor of Dar. o A: :31; strata, A . private bills were considered and ordered ------_ study of 'at,d'tlll7l1l'l" 'fled,'.'.'"""'"" tttet to be reported to the House. in due form. Frnummr tirrr, 1889. An Act to smend the Act r ti The time for meaning petitions on private The" ' t , li "pee 108 bills was extended one week. d w" aittll House to-day when the oil: iBta--Mr. Ostrom. , I Mr John Pearson ex Warden of the . s , _ ' oort Vere thrown open. It was an especi- Lin 'ie,. to i'y,""ptrtt? the Toronto Belt County of Bruce, and Mr. John Douglass ally hevr d f . . S "h"! Company-Nr. Gilmour. I . W M . . ' , y ny or puma", the labor An Act to incorporate the Inl l M . t ie picsent sruen, visited the House yes- or . . . . ianii " .' r. gttnumtiorut coming Very strongly to the lutusl Insurance Amsoeitxtion--Mr Leanne I tel-day. . The " ll nrdon and l) ardern ren. front. A A . . yd. ,dered signal serVice to the Liberal party ' 1: ct to confirm " CotP'epnce made by during man a hard fon ht contest i N ti rho petitions t d I. the Town of Barri t h ' l, e, ll y . . g . n- or t lows, presen e were as in Queen-Mr D 0 o er Majesty the Bruce. lhey are in the City attending the B 0- , . , A A I', ruf.y. . . meeting of the Central Farmers' Institute. I WI); Mr. yrtdt.--r'rotn Woolwich and heat: oil lgspecting 'u.fe,r,t,ye railway de. Mayor Clarke, H. E. Clarke and John . e esley Townships, re municipal tire p 'dl e to the -united1'ownslsipsofLax. Lays. the city rcprcscntatives City Solici- insurance. ite: . ig1ry "I".I Lotyiord l "I" "I Act WV tor Biggar, Ald. McMillan anil City Treas- C By fir. F.ergeor--e.m Kent County 'g,',',,',',',',").',],',")))',: railway debepturs debts of urer Candy had a long consultation with the ouncil, Asking that certain county ullicinls I, 1"l,'ll e or.t"sli,pr-yr,. 'l" ell. Attorney-Genernl during the afternoon re. "in, be appointed Ly County Councils; Vi". I ramming tit. Jude'achurch, Olk- garding the proposed consolidation of the em from Dresden and \i'aterlord Village I "ii, tt d . . city debt tusd the civic legislation to be ouy'ihs,ek.ityt for abolition of exemptions; If" I c be amen) the Act incorporating brought before the House this session. The te', from. Brid.getoty 'lIown Council, asking f . "n" I? f'f _i?lttrr.l!.t.'.. Ballour. interview was private, but it was under. or a registration otiice in East Kent, and in t o . omen ntsixsss. ' stood that Aid. McMillan succeeded in put- the town named. n motion of Mr. Fraser the names of I . . "' . . 7 M . ! ting the requirements of the city in a favor. . By in. Lers--rvomToronto7ypogrwhi; Tdl: eAndrew sud Willoughby were! able light and that Mr. Mowat was im. . cal Union, for publication of assessment T, to the Railway Comty.ittee. I pressed with the justice ot the cuintis tMat I rolls; slso from Corporation of Toronto, - lb. yy"!' then to" and listened respect- I forth. I praying for legislation respecting the Cou- ' I, while Mr. ispt,aker, "PM tho acknow. Mr. Stratton is feeling his way towards l version of the city debt. lee by his _rixcelyPcy the Lieuten- introducing a few important bills before the I JP? .Mr. Gilmour-From West Toronto t,',";'p't'g',orcf the In'tltll'ell presented to session is much older. The member for 'i1"it""'.P.roir"y."?u"T" asking for 01- a y It ouM. Ihis was very hr!0f.I West Peterborough believes that it is not I tensmn ot limits of the place named. us soon "In": " the tardiest member ' in the interest of the Corporations of towns , By, Mr. 1.urso.n--r'rotn the Corporation of ion his feet it was time to sit down that one man should occupy a dual position. ht. Ctturit"rs, for power to borrow $30,000 , tll'; I . . Experience has taught that in many cases a I t) raise money for local improvements l T' t " IHOIISO went "Ito committee on member of the Town Council occupying I I tlsOHOm Merritton Village Council, for . Erasers fu'speftPg voters' litsts, position on the Public or HiO" School I abolition oi tax exemptions. Ind areourt in the chaIr. The bill was Board must sacrifice the iiitorest;of either , By Mr..rresr.tcly--Fcoylieyptriler Village pi t, pushcdlthrough this somewhat the and therefore Mr. Stratton proposes til Corporation, m favor oi abolition of exam» a: h 'r'fll'f necessary stage, 3dr. Mero. legislate away dual representation in muni- tions. snunierous criticisms being only dealt lClpltllllCS. He will also introduce a bill' B.y H. E. c'lark.ts-Frty.n Typographical th bydhlll l'rsser, and st 5 o'clock the giving Town Councils the power to pass il, yn..ion, respecting inspection ot engines and . jourued. brltsw doing aware with Wards and civiw I b0ilcrs. its NOTICES or' pronouns, the wholeelectomte a. voice in the iiGiit I By E. F. Chrrke---From the Toronto ' r. Ferweon-r0n. 'lliiirsduy next-Bill of each member of the Council. 1lrtle Ind Labor Council; from Guo. lmend the Municipal Act ', also, on Mr. Waters' notice of motion. in referencel Creighton and others, and from liand-in- radtsr next, bill to amend the Drnicnge I to cheap money for farmers, docs not appear I Hey) Ayemyly 6,743, K. of L., asking for _ to be seriously considered bv ineiiiborsI publication ".f.ast"y"yey,t rails , also from . r. Lyon---0n Thursday tusxt--Bill to spoken to on both sides of the. House. The i the latter. asking, that all buildings wherein i nd P.e A.c.t refpte.ti"g tho ostablishment discussion of tho ' question, however will I labor is perforincd may be included in 1te1iei,1,t1, ins..titutt,0ue in the Districts of likely bring out some of the diiliciiltics I the operations of the Factory Act ; from i ma, Parry bound. M iiskiika and Nip- which farmers have to contend against in a , Geo. A. llarrup and others, and trom the? c, also, on Illiursdiiy next, bill re. country highly protected and restricted Toronto TypugrNthiyl Union, asking the ting the establishment of municipal in. from sending its products to natiimlI some; from D. ly. Lynn tuul others, and tions in the Districts hot Algoma, M us- markets. That there is an agitation towards I from D. A. 125, K. of L., praying that the , Perry Sound, Manitoulin, Nipissing, relieving the financial ettttrarrossttte1N at i nllowunco now made to universities and "' "udyui"y River. farmers by gottiug the Government of the I colleges be transferred to the Public schools, E. F. Clarke-On Thursday next--- Province to borrow and advance money at I I so that tree books may be supplied to the sinend the Public Schools Act ; also, l?y rate of interest, is looked upon by I plupils attending the same l from Geo. A. rsdsy next, bill to amend the As. I thinking members of tlo House att evidence I PrP? and others 'and In)", the 'l'oronio t Act. I that the agridultnpul industry is not as , Trades and Labor Couycil, asking for the lbson (1ruron)---Addross for a re- I prosperous M Restriction) would make I passage of an Act for the inspection of sta- pics of all correspondence relating ' us believe. tionni'y bullets and engint-s, end the exaiii- Wu Land 1mproventui!t Fund be; I . "Plumping" " municipal elections will I iuation of englnegrg m charge oi the some ; Go'ennneln of Ontario and tlrct It In all likelihood come before the House this I from D. A. l25, K. of L... and from James I session in the icrm of a bill declaring tlsat Rankin um others, praying for an amend. w-On Friday next--llill I such a ballot will be declared spoiled. At ment to the Assessment Act. so as to pro- Act respecting Division I least a prominent Liberal told THrr. "1.01:5 _ vide that oysiliny houses shall be exempt Friday next, bill to'; after the adjournment to-day the: he in. I from taxation to l"' CP"" . oi 8600: amend thc Ac: rcsjwciing mortgages and t.ended taking the initiative on this ques- I from Toronto Cite (eiincil, asking tsalt'_ot wrrsrmid proporiy, tioii at an curly day. The abolition ofI for amendments to the hiunn-ipal Act, the Mv. Waters-tht Friday max: -lli.rl to "Plumping" wouldbe as near conipnisorvI Assessment Act 'ltnil ,III.° Public scum}. alumni the Municipal Act. 1itrotittit as any indirect legislation could Acts; and irom F. G. l'.ait sud others, "k. Mr. (inil'nlll ~(ln Thursday ncxt---l'sill to bring about, and there are not s few mom. I Ini,','", ,tht $009 exemption. _ . um.uul thi- Municipal Art. burs who believe that the time has arrived r y. ii. Smith-From York County I Il'hu AttwrnL1v-iit'rtct 'l-lid to provide wlsen . matt to whom tha franchise has 'ttyell, 'ssking for an Act to coutirm their for tho oaths to he taken under the Mini. been given, M h sacred trust should be com titre to yori.r,roso. , ' hood .suliryw Art ; "Iso, bul tle the pulled to exercise it. it is only 'C'.ci'i','i',." , Br.hir. .F.rst-Frt"y Brockville Cor. I ",thnin,itt,,va1ort oi justice in certain cases; Ithey tsay, to ask P.vorv citizen to mark iii,', I porstion, asking for an Act_to authorise the film, 'lllll for amending certain provis- I interest in his countrvi, welfare by nip: I mus of debentures for drainage and other lynx-J In the laws for the icgisu-utinn of I to the poll, if Physically able and merge d: I Pepe.". , ' "Wile: also. hill to amend the practice in _ clare by vote ("I win: principles he desires I By ul', Atto.yer,GtyTa1.rd1om, Oxford Certain ensue under the Act raspy. tmg land I the nutiou to be goveruml. I (Emmy gaunt." aud IN oodtstoek Corpora- titles; also. bill to amend the Municipal l Several of the SUDPOrIers of Mr A F _ " i ti.ont asking for amendments to the Muni. Act. I proposal to almlisli the "rant to ti. 1'" "I s ' oipd Act; from Oxford Count, Council, Mr. Cruess--0n Thursday mtxt--Bill to cial Exhibition have "iii-lie int 'ui','.',',',. "Hin- I asking an amendment to the Assessment amend l Municipal Act. {WINS of the House On the ',',S,i"dr,t."%t, In. I Act. , ,, N Mr. .1ltrerlith--O.r.t Thursday next--ln. claitn that tiso Assembly will "1.5.2.," ":1" i By .yr. .Drury--F"T, buncoe County ql"ly of Miuistrv--Whetlusr the attention to the rcsoluriott by aconsiderabl . le. Council. asking an amendment to. the Mom. 01 the 1ioveruuwut has been called to the many of the most liilliir'tiul f; e ly.",,'",?,',' I cip'l Act and also for the appointment of rec-cut decision of the llirh Court of Jug. House inn-in r inili Br ti l . arnurs P the. I Ontario county ofticiaU b Count C -' . tice hol li babe W 5 . . . . ys' , "I Ur the r ttttttttlion ot . y y ouncils; , l lug .hat cumin piovisions of the Slipporting " Thr" and "(fin the 90uncils of Peuetauguishene Act of lust session. intituled "An het to sitiou, anioiuist 1ccyl""i"ht:iiy,'i', prvpo- I ed Midland, Itt Uvor of the 8600 oxeuip- Provide Against Frauds" in the supplying I Minister of Agi-icuiiurIe will "tiii",,":",',; ttte. I non. V. , of milk to choose or butter mautfactovUsts defence in favor of the, Ti. . '.' 9 astroiig . By Mr. .J. M. .G'ityey--."i rom Hamilton ar" beyond the powers of the Legislature oi I tion, and will lint tamul Owned". IAIIII'I' I Typographlcal Union 129, in lavor of pub- Ontario to enact ? Whether it is intou0ed lgrant being withdr '.'. 5" "II Init "th liestion of assessment rolls . . , to RC! . , . . . I I - IIIIII without a rutsoiuto . . . ' concerning, Illicsce in that decision or to a cal and determined resi t . loner-sit, statutes; in farm of the 3000 ex- I therefrom. pp both sides of the H: mum A". ',ntm.l"sy,s on "g',"'")';'"';;');:')')'-' either Matilda. I NOTES OF THE DAY. opinions rciptrdin,q toe,"',,,":'.',.,'.?:,")'?: I: the" 3 . - rom H imand ITEMS GATlllt '. T . ' ' ' . ti u 1 . ' ' . . . tt Coeta. lgouut! Council. for an amendment to the: i. ltr'.it fwd?" 1'lll H0USF,AND l',' 'mdnutUI to have "I tht, Put" rorolu. , T , _ImM rm. Dial ART'UK.N I's'. Ii.'.'."!"' "II Pluses of agriculture the deb t he Private Bills Committee has been IWIII.I'° on? of the interesting evIeuts of iii: . g h' . t "5"" . t " probable that the chic}, fear '

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