The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Feb 1889, p. 2

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. In: an, "out ootnmi. f preesT'Both gentlemen ore well knownlr dt Meredith sated whether the stten- " tite tf, ,e,g,t-t-i-oe,Slwsel', tgo,"d,' th n of the Goyerninent lied been called to , metaphysics T',',',", t tO d recietion oi 2 0 Pet ttta of the High Court of ', for his uttp an I": my} 'le, t from , notice, holding t " certain provisions of l the beauties of tug isi 'ir'ere. ure d I I: "I. Act of last. session intituled " An Act i Shakespeare to Tennyson. Icy gm! Ill , 1'irt.ttride Ntcttut fronds in the supplying I friends, although Agreeing any): s10 u e y ' C' of milk to cheese or butter mauuhurtories " on ous thing, V" ' . tut l" l era. party ere beyond tho powers of the Legislature to I must soon succeed in opening up the channels _ ' "ttet-whether it is intended to nequiese in oi trade, and, true to its 1.sri.ucip,.1tvs, abolish I that decision or to appeal therefrom. I all forms of that clues legislation from which . The Attorney-Gund-nd said, in very de. i the agricultural industry is sulleriiig.' Mr. cided tones, that the attention of the Gov. Brown, as an old . member of the bounty ammo" huddbeeu called to the decision in T CouhncilI oi Bruce, f, not in lunar of keeper:a nestion,nn that it was not intended to one autos any anger in ieir prescn sequin", 'herein. There was some diffi. shape. He believes that the work could be culty, however, in ths way of appealing performed by the members of tl.e Local Igninst the decision as the bill stood st L.egula.tuo for the county and ry'prei""t.tte I present, and the Government intended tives.elected by the Reeves of thoinunici- "has the House to make such changes in pdities at n meeting convened each year. for it u would enable such appeals to be that purpose. Six men would be sutliuieut made. to compose the Board. My. Meredith .ug'egted that copies of _Tlie following-had the honor of being in. the Judgment in question should be printed Tited to dine with tht .he. tho Speak- end distributed among members of the er, and Mrs. [hitter in the. evening:--- douse. and the Attorney-General replied The Bishop ot Toronto, . VicaruJeutsral that the suggestion was very reasonable, Laurent, Hon. J. B. Robinson, Hon. o. _I.nd it shouldbedone. Mowat, Hon. A. M. Ross, Hon. G. w. F The House rose about five o'clock. Ross, Hou. J. M. Gibson, Col. Clarke, NOTES OF THE DAY Lieut.-Col. Giltnor, Lieut..Col. Morin, trims onurnrn Allul'SU rm: noose AND ftott.ttt'it..r dt: dt'Juf,ar.'.ro's'r,il"2tf l FROM T H', r. CN .'. . t."' . :. .' . . l" I M J ll' B HE '."J'1'lilf,u,'1T,i1, . . lin, w. it. Meredith, David Creighton, P. m: Jati .' catty, 'l'.. "rry 1t..',yyl: " m J. French, T. D. Craig, A. h'. Wood, James ter l I',', 'll tut, .."'tf'_°s" of railroad eu- Clancy, Alfred Evantnrcl, Nicol Kingsmill, 27 'e, or bill! ulstl'lct. . Dr. McMahon, Dr. Willoughby, G. IV. l lhe Committee on Moulding Orders held Monk D. Guthrie Theo. Gibson n p lshort meeting in the morning nn:l rccom- 0'Uonhor Dr. Prieston Mr. Stevenson mended several private bills to the House. Thomas linilnutyue J. A: McAndrew G ii.' 1d,'y,',',1y,t,t" proposes to submit a bill S'mith ll E 'Giriii N Awrey ri i.' " . . _ , ' ' ' L , . 4. , ' ' A o , , e . C I": "'13 Ihe pl"; "I" Act, 80 that the Harcourt. John Leys, J. B. Freeman, James I I oun J ' in go will )e siibiiituted tor the , Mosaic County Crown Attorney 1hulgerow l three arbitrators npponited under the , ' l iii . .. '1. ,. '" I _ . , .un . ergoont-nt-Aims G aclouever. "to present Act. He says that the arbitrators ii w an." in ro t lo ' icl fees otten exceed the ninount of demo as l inner as s ' . on . ' "Ll Was awarded g gully decorated fcr1.the 0063510", thus usher. Mr irc, l,ills, rm li ' Il., . ' i V ing in the first of the series of the 8peaker's . Pit-fry; ;,Uu% WI)" 1't'C'/ y Rt Ill'" 5"[1 I hospittditiew for the session with more than ' . . . "". l 'c't: F, .t l . . . . . . . i,",",ughiige: only in the municipalities a 3::qu brilliaucy nndluxurious surround ' y w ich they ere elected end tint one or , " " ' n . more. townshipslcnn be grouped. into one "it: ielt,r,, tu,,'E'l'jnt,rd1fe','cir1t,, lt _"yt.".icipa,lity, .. llv- little-1' lull suns at ulr P r I I.,' t" '1' . ali al y. eh"a 'h" l rioting the. tiilnciiltztw rnsu;urttotid by town- if): 1"'d',1"l"2elli'et ll') Lt' all?" P" in" swithiz. iii . lw.' i l h. _.' tr ot' " "V' a u co ealluet' 5 an Eden". CCI")'. 0121;?!" n u ttlf Iavlnr', has nttiucted much attention among tho; I Hou. Mill?- 1 , "mug" on the "men". i members of the Assembly. One of the most l mum to the Woicsuc.u's 1'oinpcuintthvtl "LI intelligent supporters of the opposition t evinced to grout iivaucngc his honest syni- 'c,1uf'IT', m the View that the Attorney- lputhy with tho working classes, and his "ce/ve? far too u"-.rle I studious tttol paitryt:tkitw,,r zeal to give them compensation tor the discharge .o.f duties I that legislatiu- proton-thin which will insure requiring htryf..,l.i,ty."e.y',e of f high order, , fill'lll 'ntz'iinet unjust .tnd undue I-I)[ll'l's<lon. legiilal'l\_° "may! yyl Ii,)." 1 all that I I lhe Cotumi.usioer. ol l'ubli; NN orks nu for I pl"" 'I","' "N tac 1"""e','.'arr or .l y' louder l ttuently show" tintt he is n. practical friend ': It "l /'l,')ti, in?" ppniions . are ' of the toilet-s of the country. I .nrgcly " 1aret yImet": IU?, 'ld,"', dilhcult I Mr. hu, . " . . . .Ior twin to umers in wny tie rich and I hull "that" Jr" 1/j,ryc'tah,i" 11):; prosperous Province. of Ontario should 'ot slander li it does. um, PM" in In oxpuct tb men of Mr. Mowut's great talents entirety .t.he introduction of the bill will tolglve h: u_l;d:lvut"l showings. tot the petty not be without good result-i in eventually "It, '"l ,','11'il't o 'l, "Ilia l would throwing a larger amount of protection a"? dads") m motifs he. oinp oyees of over persons clouded hy the breath of 1t,rill.'"""'i, 3" p", I'liseltbly poor "inf": Ruth" ly/tyt, but aptly. " Ili'; I 'iii; (incur b; ', "3.1.3: oiwiiiiae 'car/see'. pa cu trom a itax, " . ti., in nnoticr ' .: .: ' . . ' . . L , . column _iliuyrHcs the Working of this $2133.? up: those ',2',gct'e,"' if)", much ieti/i'u'ittt ttt ill" oyly provistcts in Canada esoapo ','v'l'iruul','d 'Jed/I')",.:',?',',',',',.'?",,:,,'.' in v ii _ .': s » . . l . L,','?)'),',',,',),,,),"])':,." m the shape of Mr. dens upon their fullow-employccs. His It is anticipated that the railway depula- I suggestion Te' thtt the. heads ordfpurt; I tion which Wlil meet the Govctu Incnt after i I???" "Flirt: ,1s'l,v1',1tl','lt,.l', into She allair and the adjournment tomorrow (lirulny) will be I 11'l)'(," 11h',',t2"'d'il,1',ia'd', Ill',',""", dijwillg . the ratwrst.o.rlescssiou. finsCity,L'ouncils ot ... , y . . 5 . ly- "in" mini to .des. C 'ryent,o,and Hamilton will be represented, I "it", It. 11AM; l, this way securing wnilo delegntcs art.expe.c.tcd from Algonm, , (r, we If") 1fu'ev1",.y,. servants, .ltt eru .ntnrio. The deputation will ho re- . t.' m. "."m It u'2grm ing inforced by acousiderahle number of the I illiilfliu'iianf mfunIng iiitodebt to $er up it',':.,:'.,", lai' the Lfgisluturc. Around the ', tli-Lttttliiiiiey v11,vtls"'d'i,'.:i/ iound kfouaeIluI' o ts fl'tl"':, "ley the 'rc-oncning I the industrious employ-yes poi 'trl/In/le.':'.) o it rm way no icy, and if there " nny fuel, l the . Kavi, ' l . 0ttse, a , passive character. . ' espou- ithigetou " has the reputation oi being it ',',ie1ioort,itl:,.s'nhl, PM} :Id'whutll to Govern- . . . . . ' ; .', . ' . It i , r tg,"gg"'vrlx Il':',':')')',','.'-,':.,',': J"/p't'ilie'"lie; would an fault in, 13.? 3133:4212: . _ c e'iciice iy ie goo ,. . . , people there and in the surrounding district granting limp" competing?" to faithful eing, according to a deputation which I [In reserving temployees, lhe cry there. ' waited on the Government, the distance l ore IB, ttot runes and more PV. from which business men are from the ro. i he'-"P-ey-e--"Piiue1eesi.ey..uee.' 'gistry otiice. The gentlemen who Waited" i on the Attorney-General, A. M. Ross, G. I t I w. Ross und J. M. Gibson,wero r-B. Wil. l I son, Mayor ; J. A. Dart, Reeve ', Charles I I: :Sliniv, domes Grant, Thomas Brown and I a: ', ?iateniel Mills. '1 hey were introduced by . Mr. Ferguson, the member for Kent, and in I the course of their representations urged l I i that". registry olnce should be estnblisliul i I in Ridgetown, because people living in the I I eastern part of the county were seriously I I inconvenienced by having to go to Chotlium I Ito tttend to business relating to regis.l ' 'trattou. , ' Mr. Wm. Bowel, Greenock, and Mr. ; I Henry Brown, Eiderslie, found their way I , into the reporters' room durine the after t st"","'. They, of Cuume, were henrtilv Iwelcomed by the representatives of thi,

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