The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Feb 1889, p. 1

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S. fily (ijijji v I .", .T ttt _-----.- ~.. 1 9 T S M _.l?fl1lyl] UI{E I RY 9 "i'ii'G', .. H _ A a . . T "I 'r.. ", . Yd), RAID ON te', Over. in " , 889. _ " CT r , I ' t rn _ ca ti. - LDINGS THE OL "an 't,",,trrh:, P"'" eat, their . V I , I _ ' F f, mm's '."C.C1"IrCi" D the 'g'l'lf,2'f Bill " of Mr mission bei eat his Tr _ , 2 "'0' Enfrts tation "of on the " Ware ' tug is} a 1%TGri . * ' r th ole'n ntthiae Ent oompri tlt" Le . Gover " Wo I .18 co . min}, t a On ment-D ment U W "new lied n gUlatu nment I direct] ntinued ood "if? Actxzno 'l-li??:',??:,?),'?,:?,? on men'- 'l!l'2'lt, 't'r1ii'lii?i'irr'it: tthte may" "you": 'i':)?:":?:'?,'.),?,', in o - - t ' ooli fin . mai . 0 l 11. I . grovi a c m x nt _ wav pendmen nee Cr PP" idatod tun T ation Vom will "we. tlove . g ll lino n . onc ta-A °st ment thai t'm , and . We w "Ots ands - . relgn r. M ' by Y Ad Rat of an . Ir fo pert" ot erel " sl "Wee soial owa , Intl Vacs, I. , agreed obloo We: " Uni the al "rgel "as tsofi Ith t b . a ' tt Sp uen ted the . Th tupo upon iou,wh Otto c y que . Questi ll tn, men 9 a k "at foil . "a w " win the o Sh ould 1 Show stlon.q p p. won 11y1ff1l' Rock owing'. ere noti ch the "Win. F e quoted tut pr of w oilegisl teu. . t Dr, 'woll K.'_Dr iced . y are Pgtuce a from yerly. ords math)! Th , . Mus , Ingqu' Emil "longs all lost s Wit tug . deal , .a.ud ' rr"- 9 mo . , Cum W. Mr . . )n l h y Stow t them by th lard Ir lead with men :1 t:y tneogteit:.rrte.i' EBRUARY 8 188 gig, final'gn-LMEBIMWAIQ: 'i'l,",7ul/ Mrs: 3:: 'is,',i'ttii,lx)'jr:i:ii:irt) Show??? the 1:11:31]. rir are n ative Proce . ' 9. "I'm lern . onell _ Sc' , Mrs Iv speak " ,tunl 1-0." y? dne 0tl8 be ot tho buildi e(hugs M n, Mr ttut h "' Dr. A 9", ii/i.' 1cm, 'er hey C the politic world , r. T So th Int: t . it th ". Le B. Ja ' Mrs nm . '8. als neil . lev more 8 oil h M oc his It 3 Ro mem , . B e Pi k so f po S ed-- may tali.--. ' thr ey w LCur after on M yH For retho C er. 1 c, th inted of t al h " en ere tl red in noon M ' _ " W ooker "er N, ttr, M tteput .'"""r'll . out nanki ali a " theG mporttu ioge co tho Cl _ ". St . B H ' Mrs. F, Mrs. V rs. Bo ftion gauisatio the pd. ii s . ov tt de unect "Mn. i Mrs orm L . ami (We In". _ r, Utnlt , and u re 1m k rs. Te ernm pututi ed wi . A ' ifs. r tltott Na] '9» it Wort, Buy Pres port m ttttt 10n ith Be "mat IN ' ' M 0 w. . ten . ant ' ggest ent ance p8m conc . s tha the an ron Md." rs, w " she L . thut . ed t Bu b 'el the Mee Srttltt atwait Mi y, Mi g, M , Mr Valk Just wl '"eli " co hati y th usu l and rail gwomc' , ed on li" Gr " A . m D tg. D C er, do tat tl y told uld b " "iv 6' 0d " uumb tlwaytt cn'ari , The by, M rmstr r. Pa . 0wat ., ru'pei . my w theA e trifle snot " ' andt er of ' C. In t :igho g G y were P: y', S ong Ike: N y "(ms dung wi anted Home cy,lwitl notice 'if.."..'].' the 'iii,li,,tli,' new; crawl-m _ii,iiiiitiiiii:iiiiii, a}?! "I',"),,'.": 'ttttt ab To l--. Wing bi phage ' th s, I "sir . to It 0 ' h RS. . Bu ..,' ent 1 n - nd ob tl the , Ir DR, " C to "ulft "Inland the M lh, Wet-e "he: 'dl", ll t',ei1:,t'laitvir, 'f/rl, L't'l'l 'il/tost??,"?,: tho Asétik 'd',eii:'A,'v'1r,,E'd"', AD id by We. tusici a o I ow 1 . : ad T "In / w b, DR o tun iptr1 "In to ileli at h ayo . van rGe , as tl Esg. my end tl Act- in an M Say Oted tul at r Itt ct, alr r neral w "ex . . " M . Mr F , wl . " ' speal . to h tsted l gra . eady . Sl t to . To uuici . We '0 tich tth . Brett 'Ing c ear I wo utincr made le tvai addr an, pal A . ' th It Be . Ionr omn what tneul g. tls by id tl 935 . Bon end th - Ct... In e ball t for road lenc . l an Tat) e In . the , tat .' eM . Mr M gu . ot " . th th asl ed In I Galas Deen unici I Gov the 1'o ttuici . Ur. 0| . ardin ' at", 0 clai tort pa itstes "a to mark pal f crume Bali amend pal Act _ "mod "8 the m g that.tsl "15 of w Per , "I p had n Cause tl ed bv rillxchis nt ' ourf the M -.Mr H wom " fr ("all . te wo 0tttt1 so to ot mu )0. wo - Such . e to To . or Mr eolmni , . . ud. 'an " can anehis ot the 111d Us y [ enla War Ch earii nder tl decid . tog "'C'H'po r. Gars 1C8 Lie .2 "L d "er . 0 on th nation e it ic argernet r?trt tl 1er bee tat su ' ed uucri rate ti Ott. n Act I g Cue it e cr . Sh Ones It ot tl le CO n tak Cu a To tion---hl he '1'os --hir l i PRE . " int . ound tl 9 as f0 potuli le fr: nelu . en A .. . A ' 11 tW, r ancl . 8lott , and the amend c. Gilt W: of W , ,, Dr E "was? sslligent wt v- . Owg. Gaul; Use w that tsppoin the ll P?"'? ost T [ e l mil , DR. EI ly as ', l "ting ..--" It 8. I'l ould an ttttet . uuiei Oran. rGenss Y Stow 'HLY "1:0 . . you , th M, lad prod A . r e " . I Sit r us uc The TH: ?f ""0153 Act reg r. Ti/il",,',',':) ',',t'2't,e.1ig"i"] u ONS' R. sclVe;°lls of 'ii/I',',',',','."', gouol'in); "Include: , r?" to C,',',',?:.'?,):)',-":"),':':)':,'):-':?,", 'irt1f,,i."' "Peal f0r12¥oicc "haul": in Ilka?) theAtto l and b; tylvour (1:111:12. you l: their and 01; "It ? T u I. ',ILI " . lie , u mo ' r. I ' 7 I . t ' ut riv- _ he n nd ' on", " I. ,5" . Th rther dul - ' aud . Wong; eadd . ren .. ho ghti hos order the L It ou h , dr 836c- rextc .at'on with 1 ttuct ' ttion . and nor . ul Vow. 1utper "w of , Mr. F Sgt eat, wn ne dt ... utgtou read t"tppoi' uc', yo ot Sur your your Igai ft', f, ' llr , 8larul tench. the L s a ttte "lng tl of tho her ri I pt and tt pre ch .1 l count . tl"l/2t thu "at the . Frencl er Wit 8 up oeal H oioralsl lo l'ead' fran- _ gum" _ enforce Pare th arge V FY, . tun i 'ill C "rgttt . t Bu r S on Th "Ported b ouSe t 3 one i lug of grave m goven merit 9 wav _ otin t that the" f'°ll=nu.m°""' he 1191.13 y/'i'iied'i yslt on thy a soiih he lady ,n the hiatthe consid atter to "helm st/ all . tor 'M, terred tobl" be r C"3. ll, who: l), ahead 'dl, with no words pilalanx ou/If/il' lusty oration " your can a c0ln§?0d and '33" l Q . . rr . a . . . , . . e 'itiri',i,i,?1iiirli','il1 l,", s.)jcf:iieti',t'i',1"tr,.r'i.ii'i't'f: a: tAnd21.1,ntercsc(:x|385"d £1sz WK: , .T.he Att MR. 3fotf test and at?" tro '14 nmit "no . ""0 . a a. . h l d . lo vith orn wr' fui Ch n tll gulltle Loo "ml " "Le -"dll| , of c elm] Pre. . sphi ey-G SREP I rk tunil "tull . , CO" q."., T re. gill a coll 4 Out-Fe " " Bel tivel inx-li euerai . Lr. Gun P, (Wei V ton) ..--0le "mm 'ptd txture eague ' hair dom b y duri ike f ,wh Iric ilu, t I' llc. TT'. 1,. n of r Own ' Am ststood ind l I Y the tug th eature .ohad. may C ' "a" g rm) reditl ras.. ' th to erm6 t tnc Mr. ', u . fore . ell-up it 113 .rema' . _ ' A". v, ily, ' ' H" ., l ' cu _ 0 the n In G Imbe , .. _ an" gon t t "10 tent med imotrer. Sufisntlinxhw'd (£60;an l()!""cY: ge, Tet"), act Jeri 'i,u,lizff.:is,'iiiiit', I I all: and Ire. s','l'dili2u.r or 130'lg atten. i'Pusly Tite 1"va Morin aéllllgg' "Vile", . lpol'tnnt lperllncg par; for partic; vho day, " doliglueishld hi". how tula?f:cupied r t ttun Wi . "uliou , Vltit. ' lantl matt ' railroa woman pate tsltnr yd I t to ha "tslit" _ xed int " ' . I' and l " y che crs. " ht _ e It tun . VB t011 o inMr. D: OT'lib', carried "the f , the 1M.°'ed on tt The and 0th" and I a" tho deflmte garmet all h°w8:... I','l', to ":3?" i",i'lrd'"i)'ii,l,)l,'f"i" unani, _ Sunny "(:23 'l;',1ryve'y1'vt'it," Legislui): 'iii?ti'i.i,'ousti', the?!" mate! 1ny 'dfd', to. '/ is in; _ -, . _ 89 i . thi t wi ' Jcu . mt ossibl .nave . eel gue Mu .reml a nr'es "mt l S In . uflict Ing t tttt s . siou8 hav I, 1 , list . I h a uici See ' pre . he Ae l 'kr' tain q odo Ouch- rniles ' tsloqu e be ntere ened . "V9 the ipal Cl ond t viousl ctrel ow ed th " Wt His ti und b _ eat en St t witl t _ ' .. . , . "no ' y c. l' ot. F rl "erg at w 1ttiP.n no all on ' tou hi made 0 th t th 'atu1.',u,'te"/l, r rntuitteo and xplain d fo . are e . omen l : M . eged ad y can c 'tng . Th e add 0 "Sure tsadiu ' . Mr sent: ed, ' rmin _ "titied 'Y int , .13, Stu ttVMie "Us". and f ey ha reins tovisi nt Act g of his . Bltlf " the g a couti g hove l to a v .tollij,re.t. "'0 ter) cd,1 er th orcibl Va be 'll/IT/llc' of b. He "hint "Mun, . in. . "Wed u "lino". voiced Nee and a . So 1 cottot e rem e. If en "Ir... ' th .. brieil " Ctttts27 eed ' ' . IO tak , oili ' ss. "I _ tt frat . ylupn . . onir . (A sont, any. .. bri cody 8 0 Inn y o" 1 sund th u rited e iron icc.tseel Ve (tr 'uug a: h tinged as I pplause you " . "Mo-at cm, ct fottl . on a ii, " plamed " " Crowll l thos" . Kara, a. onot." eart greatl , Fa" re aud la ve , . - rabl "Hem "V tin 'l' '0 Si , thu , , " m ' lout, ' '.ttt pu nd do ' a"! I . As a. y 'sith membe ugh- )ume e to tl tt'otr in; G Iuttat' pl oral " We d wer ' not w , do Bra . the Ct " I , i . lo bi t Mr aLOBE . to acedi and 1 . 0 its 'atiy w ant thi not - etical duge , nuWe mtt and r t ill . . u. .. IN . th tt a . onu-v educt eils 8 113 Bay , Poli . __'Ou h (a tee. T eierred D it Wtt duly 1 ith . ought positio a wo" rated A _ py, th., Year 0 you w. Incla ave I ralust , ho 8 to th 8 read '. got un- r Vlng tl upon n to it HHt, desi Ll". ll] po at 1 ho , t' next ill get It, how ' Mt th tt s bin an", w e Muni A8000: 1 ' the le fra, o."" nati npre-'" i",.",.',',?,' to I ca We" to bpe I shall yet", b what . - ' law at the C to tunet ,". dot cipal C' " an fouu.t .wl'lse . "0n n directl rrym , e the rem . ut thi 3011; . m te V- 0m. en H ry a to tl nd ti y apph g your . hu Mtt lo sl d , shulpmme ounty C the Il .w.ith l 'd ' i "rm 7 nd wi te n mes " duse ' wish ynye . trg en o ( ' th; on .." ttnici lr i you, M In"... ithh l . tale ' rap, and es lu Inst ougl i ntr be requi wt 0 Hells ipal . t . rst ti y Mul. _ ? di . youth esent . lau to rum t _ B .', ur ac] nu Ac . en . to F at t:tici ng I 0v " glut. eifec ent r I Ngo ":11:f'luniialp";Paylfolfc'" "xiii I337 I)?" "C V 'i'i)s,1iiiiiei'ii':.',ir:t1til, t li,1 sihlT" Tgoth', 'Elogtstbst, 1:3. Theta". "will l, "ed. t t . a it , eucl cipttli _ , tttent . n i ' _', Veil" ',', l C , and " -8 {lug Use . _ tnit each, , to tl 1pcr Hy ' en sl havi "bun y CL. S outtt wl pcaki great you an 81 ed la Sou . lot n, v e. . v't,'mst " ry In; In . r , we at" 'red.' "g: 'iiiit,i)ij)'iv',", tlt' ii,tmfttl'l'ircfu, t?i,i/i?st:vii1ii.i?, 1,ht',' ')r'ii'ni'i'ii'ii,,Pi?t"ri.i, .. . "In e. _ "Juli ' " " ' irtal . ualiti yi gtllt me . on - a ma . . "Inc, Ir. B , for ' . not . . r . u 1 that . pm .- ues ei li wl 'r.. 0 ll! e Ut . may" 'oitPI li' .,Yttr,",' bt'i.iv"i)oii'is:,?":i, 'eh',' rl','h',', J/i',',ii'.u'd), Ir,,,,','.:):)?)-.:"),',', '1t1lgt, tif/ne','.,', 'iyr?t,tii:',ia,,i,iv:f'i',i,i,ito,", tt' to th . "as " 3 ot l" t e ma 0 u. - t boo t' lad t? of tl: ative Gen Unici c [99 l nu. , S , . he "end bl "use Y we . te wh: Von; "Del. Pal a mu he Tlu, tho tr,1,:g:t',t,Itiit'tet', peril b r or allot . .SOnm n. o We f ured that v.d "en . om . eond . y ' the Th l it In wot n th ron _ to an " nor, school "Mr. Am "Cot" mrtte _ tune You" . e r: , no ar "en (i en to I It w . tggest udy elec . F and"I read. 9. M and "Inn " ght of 2111.10 , 0 not to ad , line [a that '. l thi tirJttg 5 "tried ttttt Ac Itrg r. F refer n thr wo" ' "t "g: . de. S ttttt th; no" of evil ink 1 ', t f of t My". red ough 1ento titcstt peaki . tat th . "3 hits r t las tour Okla]?! tho Ir, 1889. I'), It,,',',,,',',':,',?, P Whenevvihfl ballot I,':',.':",::"), 3:38 i"t1tipi,io; "wilsaults l::?"1\l'l,e :f'lllted l [» . ou t ne P' Or . In -, _ m ' t . bi "I " b I inzi T " . 9 " nt . . ex "G n m to . " a o . 01 . e w, l :' n3H§E CAUSE o'i/,'v'.'/'lrlitl'dl't' . ttt tlu, q t th togglsoil' 'Ire,. of "null: l lug "gee?" 111:3?" "slab-ind 10::lingood' ', J DO , o o t ' _ c . -"'r c. , ac. Wu . _ no .theo.ri . .u.s'. t . 1m Tull DEPUTIITWOAIEN at I 1t,i'.y,. "To (',fl51,i' ',,iiii'etli"t"e", if ;:;nlhi:§ l 'ii',ii,1i?citiifi.',ti'i,i' t1,alt"~'31tur'i..,lll."il"Hula i . tnedi , G -.. lo . F iti 9. pn . IL'tt In ti y ' as ll dee " I U" t iatel ("My N w , we ' out" . 0t for "he . b , to w te w what good ccGr , . . all y at NME?; AIT ' are wi ."' It t., allw term . tUlot Yr ("net "Y of ha has b . 1 Mtt'i " . ter - T. 0P0 ' tha villit " ' om s,__.. ' t you 1 " toi' ext .. s bee em , ty . Pena ad' b' , t yo tttd t grunt en on ll ttrd t "rt: an"! C'tt al - t wOre inthol ties of J0urnm ito '" tt hut 0"Cuc ed to the: e ("PM "chew "'1' good ttgtitet' readvl, build'to be " obbic great ent Its"' grant. y.trabl pt an tttet I"" at , iiuse.). Lot in . I. woul ruucl . . _ e . Bo a the t ."l'i' . w Ct " . y p. , t ll 1 1e yldr Use .lth. 'j,'l't; . Thain 2'd.'l,t',1' Led "ins": ' "Ruin?!" Mr. '?/ 'ilci'iitt1i)),rrt'i'tesC,1: CEO: 'iii/i?,! fllrulhf: "I) pe'l,"itl'/.' :ih'i':,", if , "lath "e9 anil "rum "eryp . adi "PM: ary f "(w bi ,u 'y n, o willi he. de {"898sz . ur n that no lou'. _ the li ' by Com( the co od imo-&rt of t es iug ers. l riucr.i.s i.t "Nu-f nl cordi mg in th ep inter 1y Joy at Ie to Fa v mm is _ f/gilt?,',',)",', t P?" C mmitt the ai he .Ul gave S" t tirc who for itr.,r the [any tttt e subje est of l meett y, Save m , his b . 0tttMtn ee r00 ialus Ir bet "Vim" "mm l wid L Par cntio ut yo nyself ng r to "on g beam ting t t, the ms. A, In L. "g, a Iettt F little w "N's ' . u. ll hav and . R" and', Udi tth to e the he oul Y mass _t " l _ottclusi s "mtg; relic _-e We and I THE C 8 bro colleagt "I c ttC'uott chan b y roo _ed In , tn tou ai ried " of barl . notl The TTAMPI ught t Ics 1 or. "me i unodat I " . m int pre e Wot " my wine "Us: T bel h the . ON In , o ou [ a u 9 us he , pare he. id a ll, . n, I tol . la H MSF, , r I Etna! "l, tsll an", TIT". 'ii/tlag:', 1ls,l'ii:'i'i.ii,t.iijit, to H's:f [le' 111r, Oilfet-ClSI'ied SS ,t.1tfli.l,r, that? had 1"." SPEAKS i " . er d " m the 1 th L repr'u' y in _L.c a istry ' . thin . . pionr y, in an wl H. oppot' .. {$1191.53}. to 1el1i,ieio'i'i?tl'i'ii', (Exist: l an: €01,211, to 'tiili.iiiii:iiC,'if i11;:,e "at?" ai:,':,';:,)"'),',', s',',.:',',:,"'")", :11!) ['i'Ct/.,ts1i"tiv1', of l, S cults ' as tl We" ' ttst . tl elite tn, th intetl ' ut.itl osed Wat pro ' he in l slnad " y and tha two d 1eyma the G mten tty touso Pt the . ligentl ter are re. fr- er" for r.pnsed.t r tho Ir'ow' ch: ' I (ti,',":,::"::,,),)',',"':,.':, anemia? rem??? "iii,rci'ret?'iltit! We," A 'T'nnly 135:?" To,, Ol' m??? ot,):)':,'??]:!',:,)':,')",' "gal n33 of 1i.,u'uurC," 3:12» nu ed t . in " M. CMPE lei , t' _ 1 ed o . " C , _ " t V ','t,UT but "h trualw the o the 'g th cDot ERA". not" Coutt No ' of won Ruse 0 ylt. F . . , , ' * 7 ' tr , try rth l . ter Jen. of I l- ( memo with sn th '" to treporte titow a W. C t,,c',llr, of f STAN I Tego the Middl whicl Mrs tue e duri ry Wet lo " " ake rs th 3 ha . r. U Park . DPoiN od. I , cro "Sex 1 cut th . McD I" ' ..' ' In " ba mm", W th . plac I orou d k' ., a . dale _ T. Gen Wil, h e bow 8 me oueil the 8) the ae '.ack to . of n e lib * ifur.l ghly oilu aid u ,repr ki eral. H "tin edhis tuber I 'v Took "ton of a Ii l'"' iai rtrry n Mar to that . over tat M Went. fund w on, g near way tl fur) "t d. I Act theL alt' Bex I mkea Buy m it Won] tlm g a Dr 'Jectx Icyds., an lnlfked ti the A "WSW .. _ " in y, ttskis "a. e egitOt Omani Pres; space] uch. T d be found . tlt ,vith ti " men he ladi .tt'ol'nc t. In. ttt it "not are on a "m t wl . he: uIn 80 tt lne te Us walk Jc" t y- I . Brhen ny in all tl ed wl are _ .10.. nub ash Iace w mb tml ed or tl . T tu lro . It ten "Sin ir,ti3 of for e pm, , Saar om ers of entl . "lto . . "fir the lt "Very , re, to ugh tPtt mun , cot I up cies teed y tl en b the H ttltHat4 his I _ "esait "uuici . the ,.co.rre I a W y of tl I (1 tit _ gulllent rue" ed to ten to r voti otlse "ll, ealii Sub. l A tstill te leai " havo and t of a ho Mr l Ing f ' to 1 . mg , i . . . , ._ . x. .M oriti '0 Y/ffl? ulwny 00.3?" 'l"r'lf,,,,,tl'ne 302mm; 1i,rl:.?,i,iil,i.,t,if,i' Lt,',':, 4:131"), of WiSl ll',',',' 'iidu'2t' Mr "it bill. J'agtxca to l rueti t t .20" ' 1.55m . Bot " , 'tloci b Wot n in an . aters . "min Ott. 'dll, that it: We i'i,it'i,'(ir',i,tri?i'i, ,',rd,Tii,'.1'."' I); by IC, tlie 53:3?" :1 Iallow "2:"! ..'lllef 1 A v , w . k . , q . _ er a ordailles" gho an? Ordai'u thar, (tIle/roi'"' ::§\lre givinment' ol Innlfld' untied of AN IN THE 'iii " now sung tol . - "'heuugly- FLUENTIA ROCKS joyed rhel'sodR/c,' STRIllg 'e,',,?,'),",,:,."; ' t,d?ue,h1i,c,",', LG GENT AMEOV' URGE 5 there 'dl 0 no tti NDMENT9 TILL as an this oi . .'. other d'pwlthdmwi i . . , utati ng, 100 wait. S

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