The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Feb 1889, p. 2

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we}. -t-----H.- --, ' __ N . , osb Cm . a in to Present views in which th.ey are f u His energies must have been I'lliompsonA Mi; Ite,,", infill}. aaftt,5 interested. and which have their heart! l','/,,Irt'rv"'l'ix,d tostand allthespeeclies :,'h'lt iguihglaimid if,. Ken: John Notman, F. endorsation. The deputation was from It" I'),') Ltr, to be slioivered on him by t 6 A. ickland, C: W. kiiiiGi and G. E. Ontario Temperance Alliance. to ma i'.' speaks" who appeared in behalf of was? Thomas I '.i"ggmrtionis to .the :1 we: 1t,'h"lnteJtF""tl", G propotst4 railways 39'": triot),',",',',,")?),"; NOTICES OF MOTIONS. 'M, more stringers Tl an were Rev. men aussiderately refraine1 were not so VARIOUS iiiii'OR'i'ANT MEASURES GIVEN NO- l: P.ljtegt,d'i'trtian), Plays. Spence, Aid. loathe"? I,',',",":?:',:",',,' airlock: Mr. Mowat TICE or BY Te""'.' . l/lets/ug Ald. McMillan. Ald. Gibbs, Jas. mindiu.l.o t i'. Tléic deputation was large. Mr. Woqd (oi. 1hvet)--l.tyyutr of Min. Dobson 'iiii eetor Archibald, W. H. Orr, ""3 SlleEth'l' i the House being Pre- istry-ll it the intention ot.the Government I F 'it','hullt,",'.".'l.' Coxhead M. Gibbs, Issue: tsevered "lo-"He" o fronds proposed to be during this session to take any steps' Wilma] "ml ici. W. L 3mm sent m tt,1t1:du'it,1re'trtl,i') own districts. Mr. towards granting the prayer of.tlie petition l I Rev. Dr. Parker very brietly introduced constructe shore representing Northwest. of certain chiefs of the Six Notion Indians2I i, Mr. F. S. Spence, who acted as chief spoke: Lenmee "Y . Mr Lyon Manitoulin: Mr. Mr. o'Comtor--Bill to require the owners. Giii, ior the deputation. 3lr. Spence said iern Ontarioil rr . Sound . Mr. Evanturel, f l voters and hoists to lizard "Sum" tho TN" Urtttico people of Ontario had ,Armstrong. a 7 d 'lrailwe' . Messrs. o l?" l l . p .. l l . 1" 'ed ositiou of I the Prescott & Van rein , , , V I. accounts; I l next-Rests. a ways recogtnser tlte "f "up" p i . , O'Connor and Deck, the _'stsugyn , Mr. Willoughby-Ao!" " . . ltlieprcscnt Local Legislature and of the d the Teeswater & Kincardine l ti u-Tlurt in the opinion of this blouse It existing tJutariotiovtwurnrtnt on the Tern:. Pt 'Ill . Mr Guthrie the Guelph .u 'l' oediuut that ah police magistrates peruuce question. The :Scott Act would 1rt,i,tt1'o",', ' stud last, b'ut not least, 3105:? make the same returns-of convictions never have done tho good it had be?" ":,1,t l w. B. M'cMurrich, Mayor Clarke ey.! Nd. and tines imposed by them "1,!"met ti, ' todohut for the etapport that h M "in Swait McMillan. Maugham Ritchie, iniviuuretnentrs of the Canada Tetttperanee given to it by the "mania. fi'ovd',t:r"t"o1r, til {Zarlvlie (St. Thomas", Dciiison, Frauirland, Act "1, are made in other cases tough: ' other nays,_ioo, "'th 'llmd' ftnce b the Small, Gibbs, Baxter, St. Leger, P. Mac. clerk of the Peace. and tlet such red that Wm,"- we tuterwsttg l swig: Actyhad donald, Vokes, Hill and Davies appeare'I when made, should be published}. an f 'At. Governt.tuurt: Lottery t m F U." ' . in the interests of tho Nipissing & Janie! all expenses in connection with t to en ore tnetwithseriottsditcvster. Ile had no heaps Ba railway mom of said Act should be submitted for ( ll' ttt 3"")'mg that We It /i,rci''t'fl"t' th: Byli. Coniuee and Mr. T. A. Gorham, audit to the county auditors. . 1 t {beset It.?,':',',',,',',",'",',":',,' in die-hands of the Mayor of Port Arthur, urged, as the fityt Mr. yresuch--31ouday uext--Bil respcc . ', (,'e1Cio1','(1'(1'.n",C.C' tuid the Scott Act was speakers, the iiiiportanife of l: (11:33:: "q actiOiis at lain.'1 d noxt--Bill to not "and there is a feeling," reniaikod west of Thunder llay. The! '" l' ' be. Mr. Clerics.---: onl T, tercoursel Act. 'iii.' S ei-ce Slnlllll yly " that numbing you to the Until"? & funny River rin way, amend the Ditches am , f Miuietr - I it}. go 1fi wiin Aais llicttcr than anything 1ieving that". w..ould be tl/c men." " 0'2"? Also-Mosul" _.rt,,x,,t-t-iltylul7t, A ""118be l the " (Applause and lau:r,ltter.) Tire votes ing up the rich silvcrOand iroii .',ll""f, was the Whether any {C(lu'ctlulll les dl','f,'t"ed",1'l',' of i b ". . . f the repeal-'of the Scott Act Port Arthur. llavnig WII'UH upon the 'joverytyout. In tie in Ll Pr viuce Ll"it mllillwi (ilieie way dissatisfaction with 1iovetuuneat so frequently ID the interests the Towusliip oi . Rain-3h to t ie r.o 1 u ltmwlellut this coilu of the Province, urged oi' railway construction in Northwestern for drainage works? Ji so, what is t e 'st,. CLI,":,'),':?':',',,;:')',' in thoAuoricy. Ontario, they tit.1ryuai,/,.":/,',.e.ecnttienri,'g :3: ' amount of such tr!pe',,i,gf, ext-Will ro- General and theretoro this deputation ot yty.mputo details, 1tytl,e"i't,, v piiieut Mr: suer.e.d.ith-'r,uest " 2 fliio insur- tho Oiititrio Alliance came to him to urge ing being to know whethoil't 'f 10 it." specting policies and contraL 'IG I mend that in spite of what they sincerely intended to fonuulate a rail" ."sl2'/', iiy.f the once. Also-Tuesday ',"'xt-- I . to l nild. bclieved to be the strongly pro-Toni. .M.r'.J' B. a,?,:,),",?:,,'"',?,:,)',':':".'"),": IL',,','] Chapter 169 of the R.Hb. respecting BJlll l", Perance sentiments of the Government. Melvin: ,gJaincs Bay "(ll "dbllll ll Wat ing tsocictius. .Auo--Tytaday, luau-T id , . th luvislation of Ontario in respect Ald. McMillan, who .urge upon uni o amend the Judicatu,e,Act: Also--- ms of, I Ui),",, crarce Was much behind that of in a few Words the. importance to Toronto next-Bill to amend Lhapter 55 of the R. I l:.'.lly Slialos' of tho Union, and of several of opening~ up the Lppcr (Att,',',"', lif'wthe S. respecting arbitrations and 'ie,itTjircic't Provinces of tho Dominion, Manitoba for PfUPU'Wd Nipttosiug & J59": I"? :1". eyd Mr. 1fhiPey---3lomjay 'y"r- ii lto mm. The Uovcrnincnt, in fact, urged Mr. 'l he country Irtuel, which t It :0." 9""; h amend the [Act respecting seduction. f" so ti "I" m" behind public sentiment. Air. Wti'4 rich Ill titittcu'ait' "yd ttm 'cr, 'WI'L --3lunday ncxt--l,'ill to amend the niec- l. P a . I l rticulM'! in could not fail to be oi immense advantage tion Act. Also-Monday next--Bul to bpence yy fling!" :'e'nlio're advanced to Toronto. He tv,rurud ll": .AttoruL-y- amend the Act respecting mortgages and ( V' ""le 'll',.',"):',',',, "affixed the present l Ihmtuud that ll he were lo "ity" Itt the Con. sales of personal property. Alsofliloii- 1/'t"t,tit:, (','ytr,t,,ho",,u'tit:,t,', changod. It l titt iclloii of the road the-thy of lorpiito day next-Blt to amend the Ditches trttl"atlott',r1'11,t, {it}, thoustsnd. lie sug- l woruri /"l b", it'ywottl1/"i,t',i1i'Cmtl,irl'ryi' and Watercourses Act. . . ' i., 'tu ' ttal ltl'.l'il:">. t lt' iiiii . t""1efr""'"""'fteeee'""1""Te iic:rtt"1t,vtr1,f',,,t'.,,/""aTi" 1,/," o/d.' ici,rv),tv3i, ii.'/r/frbc. cst.y by tist /.jtpyy.r".'yy y..r.. .'_' irii, al ll on and. Thu great curse ' Iil.:.\i:...iu um; iol.owcd in.the stupor siiain llfmntlillill iidi','r' "as the treat-i by 1lr, ,lmc' "i/d':":",",',?. \tliio . ("l'l,),'.'i, we "on": "my wanted that abolish~ I [loam ol lradcl. {hen 'i','v'),li"/),l,rrie,',',/, incl ed and the law oi Ontario assimilated Pl l ircw, .toolc, a nine in, t t t' ie LiliopU ' icr I this respect to that oi Novel Scotin, "ll. mt l Settlirlity C,' "'/t'y"t'Jtlrti: \i/illild reccii': lull . ' , 'i . , had minim ct on t ' "IC, k . - . livid: Vi:\ll|:::et:)T :31":ch 1ot'i1'i'ti'C1,,"iuri1lilc. the 'ey/vet',',':,? ltoe ricn resources rcmain- I ing or; the" prcuuisea. They wanted the lug _1:"t'vv:',1yt'i2ltrr,1,'.u, towaru's the con- burden of showing the need for new licenses 1lr.lvoy a all o. " l & "l. 11 tiltore l to be thrown upon the man who wanted P structioii ot the " aniiou in {Ami t b u become the liccnscc, bringing the law in railway. arguing thatl the lltllle o L, f this particular up to the levcl of that of it!lundyltisdm.l upon t ii: spool. y pops [GL- Manltoba. They asked also that parties tioii'olilic road. lie P"." assistei sy/ r. wanting, not new licenses, but JJ',',',', l rc- ii. I. 'tlit',:'.'""' of Little Uurrout, . ani- V . T b ma 0 rot uce on in skit it . ',,1i'i:2rotd,'l1li:'/:',t,'rto:,lj,l. Tl'iat was {lie best I Mean-s. William Beatty and Samuel Arm: way in which people of a particular district strong: strongly rc,o,yeyi..tyhc,.d, It'. . claims oi could rill thctuselics of existing evils. The I the Parry, Soiiiidi, olonisatioii liniluny 'ii: Government, in tiie idea of the deputation, puny (u 1iovernmeut aid. llicu crime All. favor the principle of local option as ap- i Evauture, 'and Mr. liostiir, 01f il//t"1"it ' I plied to other legislation, and tho dcpiita- I who, llt e.oq:icnt language, l tic t on l",', l tion, as would be perccived, wanted this i gamut!) result to the east.ern pru tiou of t it: principle appliud largely w Temperance l'rovmce by the construction oftlie Prescott matters. They wanted a ballot marked and l ovdweuil railway. . . l "license or no license" to be 1heAttornvyuiciicral Simply said that placed in tho hands of the voters theGovvrrttncut \voiild consider the claims I at election times. (Applause). They set tocth by the various speakers. asked that all hotels, whatever thcir char. THF ""Ni"is" lo, Till) FRONT: I actor, but particularly those claiming to be , Mr. lilulltlclilllllg, hianillu. president of l "Temperance hotels," should be placed the lloiiiinioii brainrc, was still to the heard I iiiidci' license and inspection l also that any by the Attor,ue'r,tioero,1., it 'lJelllg new licensee violating the law in any aiiiio-t six o cloi k. Mr. Glendcuutiug I I way should lose his license. He drew the I "tuned legislation to compel manufactures attention of the Government to the fact ot agricultural engines to construct on their that there was not a single b6 drunk " lll'llle machines safe spark arrcst.ers,Nul under pen . Police Court the day alter the tuuniciwd altics, the uwrs'io keep thum in proper con- _ _electious. This was duo to the closing of dim-ii. Secondly, tlmt.rntttua.l tire incur- .1iiluor places by the Ontario Government once Companies be permitted to give tire- l law. Why could they not go ash-n further your policies. Lastly, some plan to reduce and close saloons on all public holidays ? the size of County Councils. The deputation wished also to draw the irN:'l'"Y FINAL attention of the Government to the fact When the president of the Grange un- that tho unlicensed sale of liquor was said 1 burdened himself oi his bill of grievances to be carried on even in the precincts of the l the Attorney-General evidently thought legislative buildings thcricselves I also to that he could now retire to the calm which the harm done by the drinking that goes on the Council ClratuLer grants, but he "as dis. iu club rooms ', and tinally, that the police appointed, for Messrs. J. A. Halstead, w. have power to arrest any p"rs'oiu' found in l Colvhuwh, J. Hampton. W. ll. Kingston, illicit liquor dives, just as they can arrcst I Mount Forest, and J. W. Scott and T. E. frequetttcrs of houses of ill-fame. Hay, Listowel, advanced and to their The Attorney-General briclly thanked the I credit, be it said, shortly urged the forma. sneaker lor the {acts and arguments pre- tion of two new counties from Wellington, , seated, and the deputation made room for Perth and Grey Counties. They got the i others. usual re )l . ' AID TO RAILROAbS- I ycor. oii.i.Moa's PARTY. , ANOTHER LARGE DEI'ITTATXON YLT To HAVE Limit-Col. Gillmor entertained the fol. TilElRlNNlXUS. lowing gentlemen At dinner last evening Shortly after tive the ladies and the Tem. _ in room Ito, Parliament Buildings :---Hon. perance deputation withdrew, and the Ycaktr Baxter .,"J. B. Freeman, M.PP.; . httoreyNctr"l. wa, " yet only half' Guo. w. Monk, M.PP.; Major Deliimcro, - I through with the immense busmeas of ttre, p_ .l. (ilackmeyrar, Sergeant-at.Arnis; C. H.

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