The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Feb 1889, p. 2

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"a Xtef r . Tl f, ' __ d - ( a report .iiuws'iiow p mam " . curd-t! m- . . mm" "ott1Mrinttotor' "." C." o 5 . . has been during the lat ten years of the High and rum", "hooU, , -. if" uestion of education. l 18317:". l NOTIOIS OF MOTIONS. - rm . I.,', ii eisaive. ha;- 00'9". f,,tio",i, f'o1,f""'ll.e't1 and I Mr. Morgtstt--Order of the House fora _ ' i ' l . . . . , . L', niunicipa at "45371 357 as ' return Showmg the names of the municipali- a resgrve funds were ' ' o , ' . " d b -l 1 th . Xi all in 1877 The ex- l ties which had passe y awe um er . a , - 83,4C ' l an at '65 742 104 a. l authority of the Ontario Shops Regulation , , . are " Qt, J Orr-7 1riii7iiiaur. I Act, distinguishing between cases where p M: ' t S3,073.4 . "Id-(1:,r'ufhl. school sites such by-Iaws were passed in pursuance of F', "j.'c"d i tht large 'i)?") "d,'. ,e may," to the petitions therefor, and the cases where said E? . 1suilcliyse 'll" 1""I 1'h'iy' the cost per I by-lawa were passed without petitions in ' V _ ilg stall 01"]? ,c'"i','21:va',d,r'i' in oUven favor thereof; and showing also which of ." gtf ' I hats but a lg l y rm. 1 'Ci. pupil more the said by-laws have since been repealed. Ir, . ly "871.: 1t.'d.f, I; a," per pupil Mr. Snider-On Tuesday uext-Bili to l 'c "hrs. m 1385i It J/dl" I", Liif ior con". amend the Assessment Act. g . tt 'Pl" "r em . . T, 01' and for Mr. Craig-On Thursday next-Mill to, t. was 5t, 82; for cities, t l. , V. Lo" .1 ' L' as t ver" ,0 of e7 59 tor the amend the Municipa Act. [ if . "'5 tit 40, M81}; "lf',,""):",',,,",',, l cost was, Mr. Gilmore-Bill to require the owners . "tT' '"nt. In} ' ' . . g RT 52: f r of elevators and hoists to guard againsti is. "-eouutits, 't'ts 01; for cituz-'l. "'51 f ' ll,' I accidents I A N r . .. -u'e0 20 01' "'1 l . . , i; m.', tA' in; m an "in g $0 . Mr. Chiaholm--0n Friday next-Bill to j 'ist'-). tuu'e. RATE sonnets amend the Act respecting mortgages and i, ' l "I": /" . .. 's I! ls in the sales of personal property. c- The number oi Ssparate sc ioo . h IC, ' , . . , . . ' I 5 " 491 turuelurrs with , Mr. ators--0n Friday msxt-.Bill to Ff Ptoviuce I" 239', "wit! r229 iii "in the i amend the Assessment Act. _ total receipts I"ee'f,", ,"t' tdd ' Ui I Mr. Duck-On WtuineeGy next-Bill to ii? expenditure at ty211,225, the pupt "mm" l . . MMi' . s Ti'3 by the "we annexed to l aim-nil the Municipal Act. r?, 1tiring 30fri.' . . mm l l I 2iiiG of Mr. Gulirie--On Thursday next-Bill to iii the report tt m taunt tint t lo l I ltl 1 . t . tt f l l ,. . . . .. , ' , ' ylcvett ainem ie aw in oer aiii ma are e oga fl Separate schools increased av f" '56 4.7' procedure ' _ . ,. re increases b' ' 1 5' .. . q I,1y1', the (2""o't1"'t'd1'd,1ci' 157 during the Mr. Ingram ~On Thursday next-Bill to 5. "h t te. 1h". er l amend the Municipal Act. . I lame perio . g 'rr E HIGH SCHOOLS. . . _ NOTES OF THE DAY. Si, In 1877 there mere 101' High "MOIST ITEMS GA'1'uriuF.D AROUND THE nous: AND , the Province, but in 1881 there W'ule 141;. ': FROM THF, DLPARTMENTS. r/ "tt 1887 there were 393 teac.'tti:ra '.auu l?: s','?. The time for receiving petitions for pri- ,, pupils the averiweattcndaucebeius 10,22 . . T . . I F" 'r, , f f .: o tributed by rate bills and for introducing hilsto tho 5; "mix?!" "gags "L'/'c'i"d' tiliiul receipts House. has been extended until (and inelu. '. - p ra, N " _ I . - . . r . F 'tted,; these, the Government and innni- sive of) Tuesday, the 19th inet. . 3. cipal grants. 5539-023- in :eue1,et, "hy"' In the summary of the hospital report if there was pil ii327,452. I'ue foliowing ' presented to the House yesterday by the 5 analysis of the condition ot secondary odu. Provincial Secretary by a typographical " cation will prove interesting '.--. 5 error the amountof cost per day tor'chry I Foriizhr yearstltpttumbor of .lliuh schools inmate was made to appear a. $08 4o, ' , Blood itl iM; in hall-l tl'tf." x,v,s'ysco'r'rivr'e'/"its.til"ti"tj), instead of G8.45 cents. i I no»: ziry nuinin-r be. o "s" " . . , _ , . . ' , haw ally mm " in 23 in 183?. The 'llio..1; gi'il'lh'i i 'lho Palme Accounts of the Province for 1 l, int: feature. however. ot our Git tie too , the year ending 31st December 1888 were , M, __, . . . . "dun I , , . . "v. "hum" the huge increase in the t"f It I presented to the House by the Provineial WI . all?"lillllIlJ'i"X~\l_l'lI|:'lllll{Kl:elll'l'yo(lfll'i'l'nxl13x'llll'in'llzleihtil; Secretary, the statement of expenditure Ir. N. .i 'l r 5:- 5:». b I i'.itt ,' . . .. . ' I slundinuv tlo. tvuulur,1s "unloved now mi coin» , and receipt':! lyruy,r "s ioyoyy--rUivil gm . ii pawn million-1i: .3 wrvttliy ot Lou: thief-tic ernincnt, 5200.633 24 ; legislation, 8127,. M P"" P'".' irilin . 'ruiclllu' ' "cpvutlirur.ue tTi ass "1"") 030 77 ' administration of justice, 8373,. r mto'yrriilc'rutitus, IN much le 11mm it Witts ' 898 80 . education t?579 465 30 . pub . clcven yi5;ii';:igo. If \v- nun: l in {ml in.) I . . 3 . ' .u v ' ' "* - amount paid for Lem-hey" salairm.-,_ whi -h ; lie institutions iiiaintcnnnce, $721,602 69; . is 1hr main ilcin oi surfer. l triil ll immigration, Ff7,952 59; agriculture, $157,- " '. I I ' . "E" t " 'ir'. Ft' I, - . . . . t 'pr/ut/ei:,,.")),") it 35:79"; I333". ',/r.r,,,i,"/'.' ', 034 4b; hospitals andcharities, 8113,6% 14; F. I"), "all Lriid/j.', "ti' T'ii1si'iiiCd' "if." /,,. l l repairs and iiiuintcnniico (public buildings), r'wh-mh in h two tt1aslcr-. "'3 r/4111""" , "13h " 50,1239 bll ; public buildings, ty291,rl25 59 ; : if?" " (""/;"C'./,' 9')";- /1ii, . '. I":',."',,"',':)'",' midi" I I public Works, F4d,870 71 ; colonisation ', Hindi-iii»... "xiii ",'i1/,:','i"j,nir/,',/."y' l'::. ihiiiuld'ir l roads, '8lr2,?l/3 lib ', charges on Ctunvtt 1 r , .1 -:i,\~.5.'h sir: ll\:ni"1):.,\\' i1~§}'()wmx Sunni, l lands, $90,734 it? ', refunds, S"27,703 73; I . tr" ii "l'. i)y r" " IT,? t'tutdV ',? livid.- (. "f1" l miscellaneous, fi4,030 tfi'. Thegrmid totals l, . ydi.'y'/t.1,.t)A'c,j,i'i';t 2'ii')'crcir'c".'/,"i'fi'du' ",,rL'l,1' 1 oi the earnsnsltturo is " follows ..---.SG,007,- I . 't'/-,Cir',:Tr.'r All tho Province 11 /,4. l-'riiini:ll.1:- G it i 937 01}:isiig.u.i:ist that estimated, which " l ~ "i": i=i- 7mm rim:I tli, amounting to $1l.l'.1ir an: ; iS3,12,5,304 12, showing that the Govotmtueut ',jli,',(r,',ici,,ol/b,.j,', JI,',',),,:;)",',":: ly 31'7FF'II 1 prudently conducted the tinaucial affairs of I A JI,. 1'5 ols. _ lull: _r. Lil-thin," WM." rr'r:r'ri/.'r', l,, the Province during the last year. i r, (ri?,':,,'.',,'.'"...',')";)"',"':,,':'?, 'ji'igi,t0ii,ly,,"ih/,).r',ft, ': The Private Bills Committee met in the "I, ""5"."'5"; 1yvuintrt',i.oits. In 1,}. tmll' 4,1,1 , morning and prot'c'ml.e1l.euetwa.tityt'ly to con- l . F W!" a Ftl' [y ll"! m =3. o, I tho " hair l-d'II'AH. sider the nuiiivrous bills awMtiug the Coit. 'a, I Cllr/il. 1.",yy/"'i,"/,i:'"/,('c,'j: 'id? Ji,.,?";),." A sidcrution of the members. The bill which l ..-' ", LI.) ,". ..._ wctlttiru' 5' ii." " . . 'r. I larva-3. u: tii'. t',, I' (will. ot th,'. whole n1 :l'llllil'l('('. c.licil tho gleam" "mom" of discussion i a 'prrt'tors'."'.. Latin in .153" was alliiliwl Wrs that which seeks to confer certain l 'ir: ' hv 'Cf/i'), or i.) '/': ll"! Unify in l; l'llli' nun-hm: Powers upon the Toronto Board of Trade l i: 't ",','l','lil". t':"t/ie.',',,rii'j'i,tf'i,y,1,r1eiv,h1) J Iri'l.' of Toronto. Mr. Galt uppcurcd in the h" I TF lllllllUI'r slowing lilt't'k hm: diminhhsd from thrusts of the lil, hut the couunittee were _ 4about I) 11-3? run. a..' tho, ironic :iilwidunvo lo not unanimous regarding suction 48 of the , Its' W" I" 'y, l" 1'tcyyT'rid "try/rr'. 1:ir.. "tttttt Art and derided to leave it to thu chairman. l hols tWe tu 'cttsvuiy tho "ui,'t'. I hire has been a " . C" larciintui-, m tlv., numb" .~'1iviri|ig dun" lion. J. M. (illison, to tustruct them as to . l} in; the l an] :n Ib"7 'isyitq .472». "ml in whether it was advisable to give urbitratorel [a "a" .l'--' '. ,, Pritri.o/raph.v IS Hush! lit IO the powers sought by the Act. The I " I, ','L"/,'/',:h t , Si. plumb. 1hrl lurgi " t'lil~l ily? clause is . ', n an inn" " r.. [will ' I t 4.: our ', :1 ' . - "' . . F I. iii f'f/1,",t"l'.""' Allinil: is '/i'/',"d11j.; snihhoi- J/it " hr" any such ttithtrtis.qiott to ttrttitratt,nn i ' ' senior iuulruuluii'iii "ir',; lo 5,, pupilsiin ro' shall have been made in writing and on award i .53 schools. The total number od pupils who shall tytvu lien rcndcrc-Mheii upon tiliyit such i, _ titi'yd a sly/iv/le/r',', '."t,ei,i,rlht,.ipy /i',li",,1jli'll: "rely/sl',':, 'yi1li,,t,'gy"l,ri/ll "lfL?'/'dfi?l J, ',, '. , t ll Wu" J. , It'm't'. ii: r n in 'uuittc . _ . ' '. _ ' k ' ' 2:. F Ilis'iin'u! we've-ll tlor 'ict'l'el"n1'i1i01/"/'):' unit .li).~lll'(' for (.ml'wm' such "ward shall "lime" , ki Cohonr; H..- "mm, Lights! "Hum". (l,5r. The tori n hare innnmne force and otNct as aJude. : K, lights sultry mild n hv:ttlura.stcr was titt'ttt o'l'llicnuid irrtn Court ot JUetlc0.uud I ki'-' .' . 330 l Toronto I'. 1.1. 'l he orange salary of C'xtiul't "my "Hut? thereon. ' 7,9: ". 'tiyi'i'tgr'1 top (rl",', I,'.r,"J,i.1'it; our; SHEA (if The speakers felt that arbitrators should i T "trr, n-miiiizh "rd. IL "Ti" gr." nut-so 'uronlo .5 ' . . . . its _rv./rrsi,'rr:1,s of l hum," 9 l": (Mounts. ts of 'ttl':,' .,c,?,tt,l:.,e'y,.lr/t,l' an ialtttii,tcvl analogous I 'tt nur. L' oi min-r1 and uh British univorsil mm. to t te super"" courts 0 t ttt am . Cl, i r '1".5",'-"'"}'.'2'15};"fff5;'='.|III-i-~"vlii.h;than Missal. The Minister of Education has received b: q [huh "'1,"th r'..:',,',',",',').,',,?,.,,)',,','])'),'",),. 1.." 1cl1i1'i"Jl.: the iolluwing resolution passed at the last u ' nu,rub,1y,urr1yy'd W" .5370; in 1337 it "a; meeting of the Architectural Guild of To. 1, Hi has?! pol; tug}? Wiolc for "P,"",'"'-." to ronto ..---'lhts Architectural Guild of J; ' Uri','.' 'il','),' i',rjptloii,i,Wc:S'gn1tigiy,'.',t, Toronto begs to c'xpt'e" its satisfaction 5;: T 5 uttt by this department. hast .ri'i: "4.000 that the .ih.itts.ister of Education has asked 5f- rs Were imqulrcd. I the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to I..,, :5. ' PR')kl.titHOiAr, schools, establish a school of architecture, and to .it".- . ( ' ese schoot.s were first established in assure thchon. the Minister that the guild is ' H. ,and i'roin'that date they Were attended ' thmjlmfm'l' its "ethos?! "Ii";[zuuglhu its "PSI" l .. I, E 14,151 teachers. lii1883 their nunihcr I .- l "u/u or., ' Juli it " I""'." e FK 3 , ' 57,tho teachers in training hein'r 1 072 i assistance in the estahushing of the school i Ki, . I A hotit I 000 passed the dep'lr'lneircai a); and afterwards in its utlicient maintenance. Bog e. . ' . ' 'I" _ 5 The ruild is l le i.. of . . . ' BWf1 inution. in the {Normal Schools the l . g . . a "0 l "sum" """g ' , '. e during the name year 445 student]: l 1ah'rpt1ticution that the hon. the Minister i ' _ I in the Trainiiw Instituto of which [i' oi P,ttucattott has taken the necessary steps . re are five, there '20" 56. There wrote 1 to bring to the notice of the Ontario Assem- brever, at the examinations, 86 males and My tltrdcsirability of instituting technical females. In 1lN8, 557 candidates passed schools, with the object of giVing manufac- second class certificates and 947 third tuicis and artisans the educational undist- , : The remaining portion of the report 2mm they '."' much require Itt their "WM" ls with statements regarding each muni. we pursuits to. enable them to compete T a auy.cessfully with the manufacturers and . artisans of other countries.

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