p, _ . nernl, the priclplu wired for 'i incorporated in the following F. - any mortgagee or assignee requests I w. ch mortgage or assignment ot monguge , V - r registered. but not at full length. he. .- p Ll ' itor. or agent or the, person ,',',aUli, the y y ices, may endorse or (reuse to en- t i upon" each duplicate original of said _ qge or asdgnment or mortgage the words i ing. that is to .er ..--"'1'he mortgagee " iunee of the witiun mortgage. no the t " 'mny be) requests that true instrument [ ' be duly registered. but not at full length. ; , ignt'dl A. B.. r a Moi-(game. assiunee. solicitor or neent. . the receipt by the registrar. for registra- 'ill F of any such mortgage or assignment of . , wage. executed in two or more original ' with said request endorsed thereon. it not be incumbent upon the roqistrttrto , 3 the some at full length in tho sepureto [ ', ' ry book for the township. reputed town. l city. town. town pint or incorporated b e within the county wherein the lands , ted by said mortgnue lie, but. tho registrar ' , h in all other respects register the said I , muent according to the requirements or f ro id Registry Act. as though this Act had I .. ',' en passed. ' I r. Crerur entered fully into the details , , - e bill, claiming that it wns the outcome [ " . . . _ lure deliberation and conceived in the I I tests at the public at large. It looked l , the Attorney-General were favorably _ 8ll used, and it is not unlikely that the bill , l T be introduced with slight nmeudmentl. I t a-.---------. c)