The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Feb 1889, p. 1

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, c, . _ (t TH I SDAY, FEBRUARY 21: 1889. " . P-- te-tee-----------"-'"-'""- LEGIS LATUI" E. l I mu it most interesting study." The growth V bf the Province was of a nature to roflets M ' great credit upon the people of Ontario, and INCIAL EXHIBITION GRANT the origination and development of the i DISCUSSED. Provincial Exhibition had been intimately e _ touneoted therewith. The hon. member then l -r..- proceeded to discuss the origin and growth I button to Get the Benefit of the Grant if tho Exhibition. This part of his speech ', Thu, Year. and After That No was full of interesting Gets and figurets,tutd ( PINE-An Interesting 1318- mm treated in a. very ubic manner. The _ ttutmian on Mr, Aw- lirat Exhibition wuaheld in 1844,at the City i rey's Resolu- of Torontu, and so scarce was then the i' tion, Itock of the Province, and so difficult the l q------------- menus of appronching Toronto, that the l FEBRUARY 20, 1889. Y total of entries of exhibits amounted only 1 . ' di . br to 1,150 in all classes, or less than the mun- ' This Ifternoon wee taken up with "I. ."" l: br J of entries at the average successiul l Malian of Mr.Awrey's resolution advocating ,wnship fair at the present time. The [ he withdrawal ci the Provincinlgrsnt to the total expenditure was but 81,100. The ' Provincial Exhibition. As had been expect- , exhibition Wits not aided yy the i'vovincG1 id, a. compromise was ciiected, and the '"yrerntyilt., bu" was carried to a, We"??? . . ul termination by money voted by the (my Tant will be made thie year, and not bt Toronto, supplemented by private sub- yubsequcutly, unless, as Mr. Waters pre- riptions. Mr. Awrey gave a good ideaof Iioted, the Province eventually returns to "interest taken in the Exhibition at the ts old love, and spurning tho corruptions me,_,i.tlyyatyiiu,g its meagre appear- if the side show, cries aloud for the old P"'."' thelight of "uuseque"t.eucc'e?"s, by I . . . 'r-ting from contemporary Journalss de.. f frowncisl Fair. . . . iptton of the iiiiniier in which people l PM routine business was speedily dis. , kod into it,cmnin;z from miles arouml,l Died of. is foot, on horseback, in lumber Wag-l FIRST READINGS. s, and in every conceivable fashion. I the following bills were introduced end pn, taking tha 1'lx, YUM by l "a a tirst time '.--. r Mr. Awrey showed how it had grown To amend the Act respecting the faders.,ytancui., and year by year with it, the l ion of the University ot Toronto and Uni. lculture of fl]? Province .had been de. i ersity College with other universities in l " oped. Statistics were giyen to show , he Province-lion, G. w. Ross. ' extraordinary increase ct population, 1 To provide for the extension of the water 3 it ivnted acres, horses, cattle, swine, ute, _ vorks of the City of St. Catharines and ior i increase of the urmpm'ity of tho. Exhi- ther purposes-Mr. Garson, Mtn continued up to 1881, but, said Mr. To amend the Asseesment Act -Mr. l 'rey, after that date its usefulness might l run. I , id to have gradually declined. He did To amend the Agriculture and Arts Act--- I . lay that this was owing to the manage. tcn. Mr. l)rurv. l , t in any way. It Was their misfortune Respecting "the Ridosu Club - Mr. ', due to the fact that the people of On. look. i " failed any longer to support the Ex. To amend the Municipal Act-Nr. Lees. 'tion:. The hon. member showud that . Respecting the. Town of Pturlulale--Mr. 'hes tive years ending in 1887 thcrre w" l lit-ye. accumulated deficit of $7,003 on the, To protect the heachvs ahd shores of the rieitu.rix.hi.bition: There was no ques- 'rovinco against dcpredation--Hou. Mr. "r u to a. finaueial {allul'e- That trury. , ment might be met by the reply that To incorporate the Village of Sundridge-. an y'due,a,to,r. l'".""' it not for the nu. Hr. Armstrong. us other Exhibitions now held in tliel Respecting the reference of matters to " well as the great centres of popttla. l trlritration--Mr. Funnier. '.' The press of the Province, Mr. Rcspociing Yorkville Loopline Railway " ttrgued, Wa.8 1' unit twaivst the con. I Compatiy--1lr. Lvys. ' cc of the annual grant. . The Exhi- To amend the Manhood Suffrage Act.-. ttt not welcomed-wheres. It "M l ltr. Balfour. ' - its Way from city to city and it was i To enable the Town oi Brockville to raise time .P put an end to ir, oniy, seeing t ermin debentures for drainage purposes- I ttse itonce wa, to tite Proviuce, he! ion. Mr. Frascr. d to sce it die (leecntly. (Laughter On motion of Hon. Mr. Fraser, the names ' pGuso.) d Messrs. Wood (Brunt) and Craig were . Bronson moved in amendment on ad- iddcd to the Committee on Public Ac. , Asking that the sum hitherto devoted I mums. , . Provincial Exhibition should be I , THE PROVINCIAL EXIiIBITION. be, uniting the Blilluéll fairs of London, ,' IR. AWREY Mon-1s ins RESOLUTION To althn' Kmgstott and Ottawa. . i ANM.iSil THE uninr. _ amendment was negatived without a I Mr. Awrey then moved the resolution , "" l hat has been standing in his name since the tia,-)-):,:,," Drury had no ia,ult. to find alst Junu'u'v. The House was full and the . w.rey S general conclusions, but esolutio t,i f , . . . _ 4 ',) himself with poniting out that _ n orought on quite an interesting rl [ the Covert h l ' t. ' ' lebate. It was as follows : - ', . ' - tment on" contracted That this Home "rt-u mining: that the Pro-l pmeut With the City of Loyloy: rim iul Exhiluiéon has inhibit past. proved of no i , lubscantmlly that the Provincial _ Elle sci-vino l') iln- itrtercsts of "itrieulture; l Ihould be Iusld there m the fall t "1'1. fill) rmiii': i 1)1lt,y'/,T?, 11"."! is. now f tier these circumstances the ' rial... "Jr'1')),,/l"yiyiH,'.,"tl'd'a) '/',(,i'h"'uiW//',' F nd 1'l:'r1",l.t!10,00?: r"v,R tUHI d. It"! that the Provun-inl Exhibition linsi Ot this Rumbb.030 woul't :rchd a uuuncinl failure your uteri In other than that of Klin- I b rrr ' t r H' " _ ' _ r . 't'slruvf,)'r'Ti2,r,',"'i,t the libs: Q'uéiiiii tliiiii . . " "ll "I. amendment ' Ion thoiwuud donors. nod that, it nicoiseacn or the resolution so that it should no» apply f,trt'A.ft,s/tt,d1?ii'(y""ly"i'tt,t I'll-illi'lilof to the your 1b."39. Aside Irom this there [runnds ior Exhibition "//t'/'ctC,hh'"Jd,'l,id.'r"; Wile mt) Oil'JPC'tion to the '/?ro,luti.o,n f.". the te,'.,t1n/'A1', lbw l'rovin'vr. hold in trust by the part0 t te Go.vytntnt.tnt, li" the Flhrhil/.ticm o'u'd 0t Acwisurlruro, has been inortgngwl to had to be buried,let tt be buried at London. aim-t your-1y deficits; thut the, Board of Agri- (Laughter and appluuse.) lure roll-used n lion of four llXOIZST'tllll doll in) M A l , ' lolduvunlbe wwwmv of the u'e.,trr my . r. wrey tiollbhb there was no reason "rupimim. and Lnve" ay,uverl lo Kivo ttus- Why he should not accept the amendment if 'li'i1S"l)tcp,ir,"i?J,'fpy,t,' 1r,'i1r,e, t',1ti"is "f" the .fac.tts were .9 Mated by the Minister 0" k'l'/'i'rl/i'l'2'/ion 1c'l1?.'v'h'1'li1t'l,'u)1ll',1/)"iotlt/il' '. Agriculture and allow the Exhibition to be yomznnd thut such indications of the no- "ltc'ldoueyeiwrvoreanduuriedt'nus:,.tu/mloil. P397311:linguist?1'-'.%;;'.':i:::;3"'-ms?iin," t?" "r i i Mr. Bitmop, whose 'YW"' w beon given Its' lvmilll'nuiv Lr'.'iL,1:'ii'7.h m FRESH; '/l'1ll,Wh(,t ( tile lsfmoudor of the original rennution. rose {unlit-I- grunts for tho put-pow of holding}; l a . t tPd point, and some ironical laugh- Provinciai rixlsifr.:ion undor tho direction and ter from the ()ppositiou, said he knew there ' n",""""""."? ot tlto Hourd oi Agriculture. was a 6t nigger in the fence " somewhere. i In slimming to his resolution, Mr. Awrcy ' ly protested against Mr. Awrey's allowing l :0pndmn-d any luck ot sympathy with ori his vesolution to be changed, and said ho l expect lol'ttlioso who 1tad..lti1lter1? had the l You." not take the 'responsibility oi secoud. _,',"",'!',".?. oi the anon-s oi the Provincial l tng It in its amended shapo. l exhibition. [he-action he was taking was l, Thercupon tlou. Mr. Fraser moved, l tot from any hostility to the. members of the i tyeeonded by Hou. Mr. Drury, tito anwnd. I Agiiculture "ml zlyts Acv4ociatiou, but from I ment of the original resolution bv talriug 1i.,ly.ylt, Conviction that the J,TI',t good i out the words " would now be jusiiiied'," in I urtoinphshcd by the agency of the luxliibi- the latter part of the resolution, and sub. ', .ion in yours past [not been overcast by stunting the words "will be justified in re. :he y3,"is.tsoi,tttrncnts,. of the past few yours. fusing after the present yaar." l [is 1hml)nnu.lo u onrctul study of the history Mr. Waters thought it would be better ',. gift: i 'li'11C" ll', its 11r"1'/x1'i'l .w.ith the i for the Provincial Exhibition J?, lie quiet, l i r y u in rUHnClit inhibition. it Liter the present year, for it while; but he at ' l T" ".,tirtnltconyinccd ". that he stogdi g "

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