The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1889, p. 1

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' to! T" "at a-r-r---"""'"""-"""-"------------- I , . _ E LEGISLATURE worth of goods; and the hind l ,'w . . of that firm Wee the vice-president of the ( .- - -_e-_-- ---r------_. , local Reform Association, said Mr. Clancy, " LITTLE BREEZE IN THE . vehemently, in conclusion. Mr. Hardy said T .. CHAMBER I he had been quite ignorant of the latter fact --- P.ef.t-_-'-_ ----r_ _ until Mr. Clancy lied thenf 'Tift/C,', it. He then drew the stin o Mr. Jane 's The House Resolves Itself Into a. Love} "mum by pointing (mg: that during 'ld,' Feast. and Declares There is no five, years preceding the last, another firm lu",'?,',"',',":',','?..,?,),',,'-",:,')','"" in Kincston had received patronage totalling Its J2 'tti,' .ieaiuew up to about $16,000, and the head of that tl,",,',,'.,".,,,,,','," firm, said Mr. Hardy, was either president . or vices-president of the local Conservative ---- ------r--- AasocGtiou. The purchases for the various FEBRUARY 28, 1889. institutions were generally entrusted en- The House had to-dsy the longest sitting 2:'teeofitt',r,"ie,ntitftiet ikursgxlgé yet of the session. it was in committee bxmened to be an appointee of 'ldll1t',',','2'l I Mo" of tIso time, and the proceedings were ion Government, who had been retained in of a more than usually lively character. ohiee by the Provincial Government since Such a falling-out and such nuiaking-up this latter had had craige f, that in. no not to be seen every day. It must be 'tii,t1f"/,i,i,, ',uhe,r,h'hrehdl, mi: reputa- admitted that, in spite of the long session, "'lllt."il/ 1UkeJU,',Ll,'l,'2er'l o'eriticism of not tb great deal of work was done. This theexpenditureonvariouspublicinstitutions, was due, however, to the Opposition insist. basing the sums on the estimates for the ing upon discussing hour after hour the coming] year. is"! ct/'..'i"f, I; 'jtl','sts',ry.' question of auppiyitut Government institu- ',tt,r1ettti, '/i'lud -ghould argue'sii'diii tions, though the question had been pro-i pi" actual expenditure of last year, in viously discussed quite a. number of times 'hieli one there would be no point to his even this session. arguments. The _nctu:-l expenditure on HR" READXXHS. these institutions tell short always of the t . . . estimates. Mr. Clarke flatly contradicted 'tt $112131" bills Were introduced and this. He continued his criticisms upon the rst "u'.--- , . sis and auxin and a sin failed uend the General Loan Companies t,""u"tt'ict11; a" Jlf,lLae"i11 given "et,- '. McMahon. . . by Mr. Ross and Mr. Hurdy. Mr. To .' "lend the Municipal Act-hir. Clarke's persistency in criticisms that Guthrie. . . were apparently based on entirely false Enforcing orders under tl"' Act respecting premises at last brought down upon him 'tttutters and trervants.--1'he Attorney-Gen. {rather a sharp remark from the Treasurer eral. . . . ' to the etlect that the members of the Gov. Respecting steam threshing rntxchines-- "rument could not be expected to furnish The Attovuey-tleueval. Gid, opposition side of the House with SHOPS """'i"T'-oh' ACT. . brains, and another from Mr. Hardy, to TheVHous'e than went into committee 0." 1 the effect that Mr.Ularkc ought to be asham- Mr. lirnsers "in to amend mthc Ontario . Odo! himself, thehon. zeiitleinnn referring to Shops Regulation Act. ..,2,'he amend. l , strikiugoxamplc,thehnbithlr.Clarhchasof ment proposed 1'r, the bill have "on!" posing us a fine.ncial critic without first pry/ously ,er.ipla,iNsd, 'nnd 3"," to-day "tidying the facts of ti e case. This brought yyetiy explained by Ile. t Frusur. . Mr. up Mr. Wood, of Iiroitio.urs, who vehement.- Llaiicy tool; udvaiitage o! the occasion to Ir declared that his sidcdof the House had attack the bill generally, reiterating the 1Uen insulted and would not stand l arguments he used against it last year.\yhcu lunch conduct , from the Government. he was the most vigorous ory"y"'nt, in the air. Meredith too, came to the rescue, measure. He received a reply lrom nisown raised a point 1,i' order tour insisted upon aide of tho House, Mr. Wood, of Hastings, I, eakin" to it Mr Fraser suid he rising immediately behind him ttf 1f1'it, h'iid be" ris.rht 'to 'ii, this Mr Puses, in the bill as it was original y am the , tr e, 7.., .'r.. A . q .." "l,1i,,'l'/'d','t1 no" proposed lo be made to it. i :15. "ag,."' a.3e1i';',,d"o",y'"reste'ii""iitu) The member for West lieut said no more. l together . Thon tin-v all sat down the and the bill went through committee. A 1 white- wings of puace" were opened ovor the number of other bills were advanced the 1 number and in a calm nod deliberate same stage, and _the. then read a i "voice Mr: Harcourt, Hie chairman. ueiiver. , second time m? following bills '.-- 3 Bd the following iidroitly worded judgment. , s.r"'oy', I'uKA:rtNGs's. g Finch had a subduing etIoct on both sides of j The following, bills went read a second! _ is House l tiryt C--- i th mrtiis _ l 'ro protect the benches tuul shores of 'l'ltU't,'11",',s, ofthis Home have ordins'dli' l the Province "QM"St dcpredatiou--Mr. n conducted with bounding: dignity "11 l Drury. presto: mound-vii were has been. in my; Respecting damage to lands by llooding 10:; J,t"/'cte"i"P,')t,,", T,'/'/,/yC1"giy1)ie,ili',1) i, . in the, new districts-Mr. Hardy. 'sefve il',"ii'l41i".vel ',1',1hi1',')),','/..: ask boil: l COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY. '0! tho House to more ciosely pix-servo tue I QUITE A LITTLE BREEZE, our A.Ni'l'HINt; BUT ttown rules oiordcr. j A cool. o\i.. ingnowsix o'clock,thecommittee rose 1 The House then took up the considers ported tuul tho Speaker left. the; tion of the estimates awnin. Mr. Meredith o , , - I opened what proved tobbe a long, and even- EVENING /o?.ie",'ml.r'-y.r.: ,, , wally rather it warm'discussion by reading; ' Et', or 'f.l"1yff.i."I: l iDULUE m A I a couple of telegrams he had received from l LOVE "L-"T- . . Mr. W. k. Sanlord, oi Hamilton, in cou- sth' Hy" wet again y"; nectiou with some remarks dropped the tttee trna the sullen other day by Mr. Awrey, when the subject f that 1a CEUI~ed such warm discussion an of tendering or not tendering for Govern- 1 hour or two earlier was nuiiin it matter of i mont 'supplies was under discussion. The iduba'se. Mr. Meredith rebuked the Trea- telegrams denied that the tirtn had ever F furor very strongly tor having before dinner supplied goods to tho Dominion Govern. insinuatcd that. Mad]. ll Clarke had no moot except by tendering in competition brains, and politely itisinuated in turn that with other firms, which, M c. Meredith con- \ l the members of the Opposition had occa- tinned, was a. direct denial of a. charge sion to borrow any brains they would hard. iiisde by Mr. Awrey. Mr. Awrey was not 1,Y, come to the 'lrcssurcr for them. iilr. ' in the House, for which Mr. Meredith Fraser replied tho t during the years he had expressed his regret, but Mr. G. G. sat opposiln Mr. Mvrcditli he had again and Smith remarked that he understood that sgiiiu uttered language considerably more gentleman's contention to have been that blttcr and less ptuluuuentiuy than that the firm named was a retail us well as a. which had been used by the Treasurer dur. wholesale firm, the argument having been, "ft; the. afternoon. It was not a very ter introduced to prove another point the hon. i rible thing to insinuate that one man had member was making. The Commissioner of not as much brains us another. It was not Crown Lands admitted that he did not always seriously intended, and, moreover, recollect exactly what Mr. Awrey's conten- utter all itwas not uiiparlismentnry. W hen tion had been, but Mr. Meredith, Mr. hon. gentlemen opposite gave a Roland they Creighton and Mr. Wood, of Hastiiign, can. must expect an Oliver. At the same time tended that it had been that which had been 'the hon. gentleman admitted that perhaps denied in Mr. Sanford} telegram. The he hadexprossed himself it little warmly. sstbjeret of tonderiug ut' no; tendering for Then Mr.H.hl.Chtrke and the Treasurer got Government supplies, thus rc-opened, was up,one after theotlicr,:indexprcs:ied tlicirnd- kept up by Mr. Clancy, Mr. ll. E. Clarke, mirstion of each other, urging that the Mr. French and others, us against Mr. harsh words used by each co1cfrysiy'.t.he Hardy and Mr. A. M. Ross. Mr. Claney "therwero used only in a Pickwick-hot complained that in the contracts ior sense. Mr. Hardy then rose, congratulated I Kingston Asylum a Kingston firm, the House on the restoration ol ninity, and without tender, supplied over $3,001 -- .. _ I

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