The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1889, p. 2

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TCNE -- , ,1 -.. A "V. EH, '7 Cai"", ' ,u ,. "n" ' .-' ", IllMlh'ril'iiiEjFii' upon u 800d human lying the I'll! is that the mummy of "I Middlesex, Norfolk. tfitord Perth W Cet tymerailr enjoyed and the iprod 1tutg.uHP municipalities shall not he coerced to form I loo, Welland Wellington Li Wentwl h: enerelly displnyed by y member! m Its new counties, it being stipulated than: the i As to safety the inspector " 5 ..--"I ort debates. Then the love feast ended. . population of no old county shall be re- , sidering the question of 'lr/W,, i f In cop. After this Mr. Awrey 'tot up and roplitd duced by the organisation of new counties I found it necessary to order tliht idiqamf'y . L the telegrams read by Mr. hiereilitli below 40,000. Provision is also made that! toction be afforded to employees "ft,',',': H uring the afternoon, giving bir.h1 . F,. San. larger municipalities shall not peace I given careful attention to condition ofniiive i ord's reply to a charge mode by Mr.Awroy weaker municipalities through the petitions. I I chinery belting ueurin shaftin l a. i - tho effect that Mr. W. IT. syn.fotli I lt is provitled that a royal commission shall I one from its position largehelt hill. auger i Bad supplied goods under contract. witleut I sit to consider the petitions, utter'which . I stairweys landings hot in" trte l') In)" _ g ndcr to the Dominion Government, using I i vote shnll be taken in the territory set or ty dl ', itl ill d f'.'.'?,." fi',Cl','l Ab ' he notice of the hi h if found to be in the tutirtnn. I a. y voru or m t mu tea 'proieeting, ne argument to Show t - pr " t "Put " uo ' . . . t o n raceways and ilumes o en v ' I Dominion Government, and oi '"try. Gov. I two, the Meuteua.ttt-uo.vernor in gunned lges or passage ways L',',').'),',,,,','",',":,'.,',',',",",',: t bruniont. BO for M he knew, of {INNS to I may issue his proclamation organising the 'ntors often itiUUh safety-catches 1"lt l, their friends certain patronage Fl.""' the new county. . . a for protecting open hatches i h l e. ',, government lost nothing by BO doing, and Mr. Guthrie objected to certain aspects , ' paid vticular attention to tli l I,'?, t t those uses in which it was impossible to of the bill. He condemned the proposition _ L. 2'll'r2"il'i' case of fire or anie I,; unites l ' tuder for the supplies needed. The hon. l to force a. union upon is minority, and detiod I at Work shove the see.ond lot',',', dud mime i i outlemsu then quote-d the returns of 'tho Mr. Hardy or any other member to point safe or unsafe condition ciicrsll. of b I; I i outinion public accounts to show. that. l to a case in which it had been attempted to in s in use it" factoi'ics"'g Undo: achu . i 'aiter all, Messrs. W. E. Sanford & Co. had I coerce u few townships into joining a new ME: 'r'c;i1irii',i't'2 .,:u I have "uregnt: . 'oue as he had charged last woclt, .mlii I county. No should, he tton. l,iiii) accidents that have occurred in m d': I 'rSauiiug the telegmms over n see1YH time, I tended, be taken out of its own county on trict during the voar . only five oi which. I "WEN that they wetro BO tmy/ey,'",",,,:" account of the vote of any other munici. however were reunited to me This is orded that they did not really deny the l pality or group of municipalities. owing to' the fact that section 2'1 provides I Cr "tateinent made. He showed that Ile. , Such a practice was entirely opposed that fttctoriesdin wl ici . . . l ___ . -.. ' I - -. " .. . t in. i neither children nor , .wford had furnished tunns to the who to the practice or the House young girls', "a employed are not com elUd I ere going to the Northwest, and that hitherto, and would work great injustice. to repo" such i'l,'2,'i(,"d',i In",'.,')'),',,",', of I ' , tOMt tunics had been furnished without I The principle of Ithe bill would go towards those accidents happened in Toronto l t nder. 1vrr,ivittg towns uni itious to become county . .. i ' ' . l? ii Then Mr. Metculfe rose and treated the towns tho power of coercing munhupalities I 2tTtt ist2/u,til,"'t1arete1tiote,e"maourf, I arouse to n. dissertation on friendship Ind to for," new counties. Mount b'ovest, for lserious ones "if the "lass of factor is , il owe, lectured the members on both sides example, by its solid vote would succeed in I which accidents ha wed "it is rstif yin" I , or having lost their tempers, and told them forming an new county from Grey and Wei, I to note that onlv 330 accidents '58 i,',?,,',')', t ot to do it again. He advised them to cud. lington. ulthongii such formation would not I to have happened to females of whom there I ted loss the bump of con_pativoresseettd have the sanction of the municipalities. ' "e employed in my district "one" than I luiore the bumps of benevolence and tunity. llurul municipalities should not be taken I 5 814. Dcubticss some ucoideuts of. a re- I Then he dropped into poetry "I his ttnua1 out of their old boundaries without their phrtuble nature have has ened in my dis-l manner. and sut down, leaving the House own conucnt. lle did not believe that such trict since mv last 'il','))',:):",,",," Iuiwa I oonvulsed with hsughter. CDtrvstttit ever should be granted by a bare that there may have iiiiirt"et iiuii'i' lung Mr. Meredith rose again and claimed that majority, but that at [cast it two-thirds estimate) the total number of i'U'i//l,'ftl,' Mr. Anny was unfair in quoting the cuss majority should be granted, us was required I will not dxcccd 60 amount atotel number he had mentioned. 'I he tunics in question in the case of licensing manufacturers. He oi 26 000 persons; emolhyetl iu fictcries . were wanted in an emergency, and the Gov. objected to grunting ihtrlitttuerttary powei s i coming under the oner'ition' of the 'Act. or .ernmcnthud no time to tender, but had to get to a commission; also to the use of petitions I one 2'i'crii"i"i" to eve"ry . 434 persons (Ecr- them from whatever place kept them In in the manner pr.oposed. .A.uybody. could ltninly not a large proportion in twelve Btock. be induced to sign a petition. lie colt. l months. The fact speaks well for the Mr. Awrey thought that the instsnce was sidered the bill as being unsound in prin- I mttplvyors who have so largely adopted not an unfair one to quote. He not, ciple, and hoped the Government would be ' medics for'tlie prevention of accidents nud' blamed tho Dominion Government for doing i induced to withdraw it after discussion. l also for the c'iiplo'vees whose intelidence , . I . . , . . u s D - . ' i K ' a" they had dune. The '""s supplied I Mr. Gibson (Huron) did ttot think that. 3 and caution have saved them from injury." I could r.s.roably have been iaT.isl""i, by some I he would be acting trim to the interests of l ' The number of employees of the district I other firms, and he had mentioned the CNM' his constituents ii he did not vote. against is given as follows ...-.Males between 12 and only to Show that t_he. POW'UW" Govern. the bill of, the hon. the Comutissiouer oi 14 years, M9: over 14 years, 19,889; fe- ment patronisod their friends when an op- Crown Lands. The agitation for new coun- . mules between 14 and 18 years, 1,538 ; over portunity occurred. tics was carried on by a few ambitious men l 18 years, 4.22!) ', total, 25,952. PAP. and ottiee.susckers in the towns anxious to l AROUND luHE HOUSE. THE OPPOSITION on rm: TABLES RATHER become county tseats. Tho farmers in his [runs mom THE noose. rm: LOBBXES AND , TURNED UPON THEM. I township did not wish to go a county town Lr.l'APs"r'ofENTS. The next subject of general discussion I "I"? 1"i,y,, (.1le not WRttt to 5?:, teitgee,1, The Private 1ylls and the Municipal Wes that of newspaper patronage. Several wutibTg I? f:,"','),").,),'.', 1f/.'.yt...t.y town, 'at t icy I Committees met in the morning and Pf members of the Opposition criticised the I can ffl tlowtt to ' lit a" ho.ur end ."I I ceodcd in desputching a large amount ot the amount expended under this head by the quarrel', all showing that the agitation " i I work before them. In the Private Bills Government. "btsurd. flu, t.p.ey.r. thought than at letvst I Committee the following bills wore pissed Mr. Ballautyne thought it was a very .011." low" shouldh "Calm" _ withsiigltt amendments ..- small thing to protest against supplying ly,', ',', utuowi TIT-l new" ethset s oul be I An Act respecting St. James' church, newspapers to the public institutions oi tho gt's f" " it D "I" .. . ' I Toronto. . . Province. Mr. Allan (ll eliisgton) explained the An Act respecting Light, Water k I Mr. Clancy again took exception to ad- I I niureiiiciit in Us county for erecting no ud- I l Power Co., of Sunlt Ste. Marie. , . . ' vertising in the small newspapers of the , glitmnul rounty. dim townships in his tati. An Act respecting the St. Cxtharineg _ Province for supplies, arguing that " was I 1 pg and in the neighboring county are not I waterworks. . i a waste of public funds. t I in sympathy with tho shorts made to form I An Act respecting the Town of Cobourg. l, Mr. Balfour told the member for Kunt to I I it '""Ic.'o.u'"y. .lf he rupresentod the foel- l in the Municipal committee Mr. Dick's l consider the patronage given local papers I ings oi his constituency he could nut but. I 1 bill. providing for the widening, deepening I by the Ottawa Government. He could I r any tliut'ull the Puu.icipidit.i?s were .opposeu l I and straightening ofstresms, so its to reduce , give the hon. gentleman n few instances, I to the bid. Itt justice to his coustitutouey I I the danger to lands and highways from', the Auditor4leneral'a "For" extending to I he would vote tvgMust.the.ln1l. . . I floods, was passed: Mr. Balfour's amend. l fourteen pages, telling the tale ofathe num- i . Mr. b'ayantyne. maintained that majori- , I mcnt to tho Municipal Act was also passed. I her oi papers existing on Government pap. II tics for_ihe erection of new .co'u.u.t1e8 could ', I It declares that no molly-Sign pr word li he (Mr. Balfour) had uny tault to tind II he obtained in inmost objectionable manner I ', made on a ballot by a. returning ofhcer shall I with the Local Govcrumeut,it was that they '1 under the provisions of the bill. ln his I l void such a ballot. The, committee phased i did not patronise their own papers enough. II county_evcry resident Wits within a rcusoii- I I judgmtnt on Mr. Cruees _bill. amending it ' Mr. Balfour read a. list of papers on the l; able distance from tlie'mnnty town. He I by saying _that the fact or 300 voters. being subscription list of the Federal Government. li could not vote tor the bill, oven It his vote I in n. polling division mull not void the ' as also the amount they received for silver. I , should tltsi.esa's the Government. l election. I tisemcuts during the lust your. The read. I The voteo of "some Ist-as IP? at this l AID TO RAHACtY9. i I ing of tho AuditorGomsral's report it as not I !'tage lurard for tlye. first tune thi? 5853i?" I Mr. Guthrie's amendment to the Mimi. very palatable to the Opposition. I In support ol' the bill. He oiilogiscd Lis. _ oipal Act is to eimble municipalities, if they _ Mr. Meredith wanted to know how much I towel und gave a dig or two to Mr. Gibson, see fit, to aid railways, to which the Rail. l TI? p: iil.0lll-I gob. ,', of Huron, and Mr. Allius for opposing the way Act of Canada applies. The member for Essex replied by saying " bill. SPARK ARREs1'h'Rq. I that it got very little, and would get noth. I When Mr. Hess concluded Mr. Phelps The chief clause in the Attorney-Gener- ing at all if rho Governnitvat could get along lose abovo the form of Mr. Gibson, the lat. ul's bill respecting threshing machines is as I without it. (Cheers.) It was too good a. ti'l' having to givo way after asking Mr. fullows ..u-It shall be the duty of every paper to be cntirely ignored though, 'tVtttt Hess " quostiou, which was answered "tis. manufacturer of steam threshing engines to IMt the tsubscription liat at Uttawa. fuctorily. provide each enoine with an efficient spark I Mr. Claucey again good-liumoredly re. Mr. Phelps wanted " two-thirds vote to zirrester before s'cllino or disposing of the ' plied, but he hue" to break the forms of create, "W counties, and would oppose the some nnd no personZhall use or run an," I the argument of Mr. Balfour. bill because its provisions were against the steam threshing engine unless it is provided l IIs. (Il'iighmn blamed the G'overntPPt interests of r,Y.a,'t municipalities. . t with such spark "roster, and it shall be the I for not g"uug e detailed account of tho Mr. Ross (Middlesex) moved the adjourn- _ duty of the owner or other person using or I amounts received by each newspaper in the merit oi the debate at 11.10 p. m. ',, running the engiiic, to keep the spark atu 'I Province. . THE FACTORIES ACT. I tester at all times when the engine I 'lhen the committee rose and reported CULU'SGS FROM Tilk REPORTS or THE IN- I is in use in proper working order. I 'r,',r:gt'i,'ntt1t,vi'o'i'4 £233: 5?: oe/tle,"',':,':,, srix'rous'. I One-half the fine imposed for violetiop lot i Iinn l I' o lit' " to I . . ,., _ ttrtuttitttel I institutions of the Province. P f Tlie reports o,i.the inspectors ot factories 1,i,iti,i,i,i:Fijiiiiii,iiiti',,oiir"iii,if,ei iSiotrvt'","cC1] thsl, t w t m or theyenr ending December 31, 1888, has I , , . V l y I NEW GOUN'NEB. been distributed amongst the members. The I ofl'euee " triod. MR. GUTIIRIE coxnmms run oovenxursr following are extracts from the report oil I MASTER AND srRVANT. " I in". Mr. Robert Barber, inspector of the western ' l Mr. Mowat has introduced a. PM do I Mr. Hardy then moved the second reud- districts. He entered upon his duties as ' I remove all sio.ubts " to. the powers o; "he: i ing of his bill respecting the formation of lumpector for the western district early in Imugistrates lit enforcing tlys t'y.1t'.", 0 I I new counties. The object oi the bill, he July. 1387. The suid district comprises an i, WM!" under the -.1ct respecting master and l explained, is to enable municipalities to nr- follows v-The City of Toronto, West of the l, servant. it provides that where proceed- i rive st some conclusion whereby new ten-i. centre of Yonge street, and the Counties of t ings under tlie Aet are taken before at polite I tories will be not apart without producing Brant, Bruce, Elilin, Essex, Haldimand, l t magistrate, and payment of wages " s conflicting interests. The priucipU under. . Hanan, Huron. Kent, Lambton, LincolnLLI ordered by him to be made by the emplpssr I In-.. - - I I _-...

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