The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Mar 1889, p. 2

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~fa e . nstitutions H: thought the trte ' 119 """"'"'"""""""': iitxi'.il' I;; f _' oo' T D » & C nC v b t + Govegnmeut to blame in not having had | a resolutiouya.(firn')ing the ex{ae'diency there-- | i 32}:';'%';&; (3'0%1':,;" dthe room and stead of ! the matter looked into earlier. of,. Also on the death or resignation of a . « 10S0n8@C: ol Mr. A. M. Ross rose to say that the com-- | Division Court clerk, the County Crown l George Mannn-m.r, of the Townsmp.of | plaint of the Govermnent was that the City | Attorney shall act until a successor is ap-- | | F@nelon, to be bailiff of the Second Division | of Toronto is charging double the rate for pointed. 'There is auother clause to the Court of the County of VICCONH-_ | water supplied to the public institutions | effect that where the fees payable to a Sur-- | / John M. Burke, of .B.leuhe'lm. to be' over other consumers. 'This was nos fair, || rogate judge exceed the suin of $1,000, a bailiff of the Fourth Division Court of the and it could not well be explained in view || sum not exseeding $6606 may be paid out of County of Kent, in the room of John Little, I of the great advantages nccruing to the | the excess to the junior judge of the county '}f"f_'_sfd | city from having the Provincial institutions || whethor there has or has not been a com-- | * ===~=="~~~mm=mmmmerme= | within its precinets. mutation of fees as regards the senior Mr. Hardy charged the city with not judge. meeting the negotiations proposed by the GUaRDING AGaINST INTIMIDATION, Government in that fair manuer which Mr. Conmee's amendment to the Munici-- would tend to settle the difficulty. During || pal Act aims at protecting an employee his remarks the hon. gentleman took occa-- | against intimidation from an employer dur-- sion to refer to the water meters at present | { ing the election of a representative to the in use in the city as being absolutely useloss ; Provincial Legislature. I and untrustworthy. ¢ 4 CR INsECIIY¥OROUS BIRDs. The Mayor expressed his genuine surprise '| The special committce appointed to con-- at this statement, and said the very highest . | §iqer the bill respecting the protection of testimonials could be adduced as to the : | imsectivorous birds met in the morning. effectiveness of the meter now in use in the || Tho pill was passed, with an amendment city. _ Hestated{furtherthat metered houses {| that crows, hawks and blackbirds should paid a lower water rate than unmetered !| pog be protected by -- legislation _ from houses, because they paid by the gallon. | | siaupghter, The Government insl.ituplous were all , MARINE INSURAXNCE. | metered, and the presumption was that they : In the Private Bills committee the bill | paid less per gallon for their water than the | respecting marine. mutual insurance incor-- ordinary citizen, who was unmetered. } poration was the principal subject dis-- BUSH FIRKES. «] cussed. It appeared asif the bill will be Mr. Meacham moved that a select com-- recommended on the understanding that mittee be appointed, consisting of Messiours | | #imilar safety clausps fou'nd in regular in-- Ballantyne, Dance, Drury, French, Garson, : | surance charters will be inserted amongst Hudson, Ingram, Meacham and Rayside, to : | its clauses. inquire into the best means of preventing ; _ NoTES, _ y ; the setting out and spread of bush fires, Mr. Dt'l."lS. of I\Ol'Fh York, was in hlf" with power to send for persons, papers and |St¢at during the afternoon, feeling much ' documents, and with instractions to report | better from the illness which overcame him | by bill or otherwise. on Monday afternoon, and which, to his k The resolution was discussed at some | regret, prevented him from taking part in length, generally with favor, and carried | the discussion of legislation brought unanimously. _ On the suggestion of Mr. | before the Assembly during the week. Fraser it was made to apply to newly --settled JOoINT STOCK COMPAXNIES. f | districts only. Mr. McKay's bill to amend the Joint HANNAIH BOYD's ARREST. | | Stock _ Companies _ Winding--Up Act is Mr. Creighton moved for an order of the | frained to prevent a stockholder without frouse for a returh of all Correspoundence be. suflicient notice from winding--up a company, P _ _or to institute procecdings before a county l tween the Department of the Attorney-- | \ : 1 bi to ons General, or any officer employed by the judge with that object in view, + y cer employed by , Government, and any person or persons, | ' PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL respecting the arrest and incarceration of | | 'Tne various municipalitiee of Prescott one Hannah Royd on a criminal charge, and | -- and Russell will vote next week on the pro-- the reported refusal of the authorities to | _ posed bonuses to the Vaudreuil & Prescott permit legal counsel to have an opportunity | railway, Mr. Evanturel left to--night to K of consalting or advising with her as to her l address several public meetings in the defence. Mr. Creighton pointed out that | _ interests of the railway. | the arrest was made in comnnection with the | ASSESSME NT ACT AMENDMENTS. l atrocious crime known as the Galt tragedy, | The Government will set apart a day for | in which poisoned c'f"(heq were sentthrough _ the discussion of the various amendments | the post to several Galt families, with fatal | to the Assessment Act, including Mr. reflltll::ss.Attorlxe)' (General, in reply, pointed l sedD anemntion minenys, NOC Sitt Oetanns ~Ge s $ C s 5 ns out that it would not be in thcri)u'tcg:asts of | $600 cxemptlou' "Tm_surc' t } the public that the correspondence should | P e e t e aio iL. A be published, as the House would easily | : A deputation from the Ontario Fruit-- vnderstand. It was a very regrettable : | growers' Association, consisting of MePD. ; matter that the person cominitting the foul | Allan, Goderich ; . W. .\Vellingto.n, To-- | crime in question had not yet been dis. ' ronto, and T. H. Race, .\htchell_. waited on covered. _ As to Hanuah Boyd, whose inno. |_. the Minister of Agriculture at his office to-- cence was subsequently established, it was | ; day and presented a request for some help supposed that she was in collusion with a | | to enable the fruitgrowers to 50["' delegates man who was believed by the detectives to | to the Ivuriolus l"urmers'f lntslmutg meet-- i be involved i ef : c 7 ings. n the course o ie discussion 'rcfusul to uutl,l\lvthl?efl lt':,le(,:::l]l'll."i:n:; I']""']' i it was stated that the farmers strongly de-- | $ counsel on a particular occasion TAG 'v-U:'l' | sire the presence of the fruitgrowers | { in the interests of justice, ' and be'cm; MMC 't' l at 'thell' meetings . so that questions + was believed the Counsel'wtw §ou 'h:O tl '| relating _ to .frmt cu'l't'ure may be' consult with her was also counsel ifior t o; tl:m.'oug.rhly discussed. 'The fruitgrowers, man believed to be so involved 1t s 18 / | feeling unable of themselves to meet the ex-- at all intended to dflprive.he,- Of"T""_'H pense of sending deleb'vutes to the various counsel in ample time to enable justic ega | | meetings, desired the (GGiovernment to come done. o justice to be | | to their assistance. Mr. Drury ngree«ll that Mr. Meredi > the prosence of the fruitgrowers at the in-- objected to tii::u:\t't'::x('lxle'\-l.r(.'ec':m"i!lu",' l'°'b stitute meetings was a highly commendable | tion, y--Ceneral's explana-- object and suggested that the fruitgrowers j [ _ It being 5i 'C appoint three or four delegates in various ' ' journed. '6 six o'clock the House ad. pgtits of the country to attend the meetings. | | AROUND THE Hous® ' The Government would contribute $2 50 per ' ITEMS oF THk noUsE, Tik is day toward their expenses. In pursuance i kp \';'T\";\.L'x'mLU.s AXD THE | _ of this decision the prus'udcp'. of.the fruit-- Mr. Awrey has 'int;'o:i. '"*-l [ growers will, after consuitation with his fel-- ment to the 'Act re oduced an amend. low--officers, appoint four representative cbfp . 23. 3 . "op -- (6 Bpecting references and men to see to the interests of fruit culture arbitrations, the purport of which i f * s CaFt insti lows :--Where an arbitrati s as _ol- at the meetings of the various institutes. s a arbitration to determine The members of the deputation are well $ ' a dispute is consented to without t s PM { ber of arbitrators being A 10 num-- pleased with the result of their labore. § party to the agreemyaj£ [PFiUvted, either oNTaARIO ArPOINTMENTsS. 1 days fotice. ':,-',-::""':"0!;3. uftcl; giving seven Archibald L. McDonald, to be coroner | judge to ap; m'x{ lpp y to a Superior Court for the County of Glengarry. | Pm\v,f'w;vt'"' """f-'"_""'r)' arbitrators, James R. Brown, solicitor, Picton, to be | . 1 »eGE8 TO MUNICIPALITIEsS, a notary public. The object of Mr. A. F. Wood's bill i Y P n . 7 to give the same ""i"" Aaer C "'l_ _ 18 John Shaw Skinner, Kingston, to be a to grant more extensive ai l Siie entas nofary public,. 5 s *lensive ald to public enter. James Johnston, of the Township of Car-- prises by way of buxldmg bridges &6 rick | A + is amendiment Mr. -- Wood b%' _ etc. rick, to be a :l()t:n'x.'y pu\fllc." necessary, owing to the decisi ulleves, is Archibald McGill, of Kingston, to be m tk » SWCS 10 decision of Justice deputy clerk of the Crown and Plieas, clerk Street, quashing the by--law passed by the of the County Cour 1 t 'f th * Council of the Village of Ameliasburg, M eeererit oc nits SS Hertatiee _ C j § , ADMINISTRATION or JustIo®, i of I!'u::lie A,"'" "CSP*-'}-'tillg the a'dlniuistralion c A justice in certain cases, introduced by tiie Attorney--CGieneral, there is a clause i r.'x;ovul_mg that the Lieutenant--Governor in Council may ul.JDOil'lF a second police magis-- : mbts . / x x _ e coon alinpnnstnetmmmec im _

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