The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Mar 1889, p. 1

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o. actee ie e neg e ie n fka* -- meveyinc a kq'.""--'--""'---_--"--"-'--'"----------------___,.".' ke R ® e e in ol " o 9 C ® prkes * o_ > 2 e S y e en T o * S¥FThk "sp¢ & W(; 1 S8D ipese c t on e e on o ur * wesm y Nb ep: S cS( * ;4 ce ts f 4 W qy state that up to the present time there had {| before explained, the consolidation of the iE Ll':GISLAlURE- ' been no oxtl?u incurrgd' Mr.Creigh. || city's deb!: is asked in order that the bor-- I --F l immenigrinnthso . + tgs ton murmured that there was plenty of || rowing power of the . city shall be ~RN UNBEvENTFUL DAY IN THE OLD time yet. Mr. Fraser also referred to the || raised at least $3,000,000 to provide for F CHAMBER. contention that there was an insufficiency }| the completion of | contemplated works. of Credit Valley stone available for the ' Clause No. 1 of the bill, after the speakers e en construction of the new Parliament build-- | Wereheard, was amendedsothat the borrow-- AGood Deal of Work Disposed of in the ings, and answered it by remarking that he fI ing power shall be 124 per cent, on the first __Committees----One or Two Lively had apoken to the contractor on the point ; $100,000,000 of the assessment and 8 per Discussions There -- The and the contractor had assured him that || Seut. on the remainder ; the waterworks House in Commit-- he had in his own quarry enough of such || debentures, owing to the fact that they are tee all Day. stone to construct four such buildings. || actual paying assets, having been left out of en ied irevinen ooegerrrenees As soou as the committee had risen and || th* grqvisions oi the clause. The clause MAnou 5. 1889. ! reported the above items the House aqd. || providing for the isgue of permanent deben-- G , 1004. journed, there being several deputations ture stock was eliminated from the bill overnment orders took up the time of waiting on the Government. and was replaced by a clause providing for the Houne. to--day, aud most of the time AROUND THE HOUSKE. the establishment of a sinking fund to meet was spent in committee. IAVELY DISCUSSIONS IK CoMMIIEEE® awmp(| debentures as they mature. _ The deben-- ' BILLS INTRODUOCED,_ CORRIDORS {| tures were payable at 40 instead of 50 Attopuey--General--A bill entitled An Act Bursar Anglin, of the Kingston Asylum || Y°""* These amendments were made at | to amend certain laws of the municipalitie® ~for the Insane wis exnmiugd bet orZ the | the recommendation _ of the members of the Province. Publi its C i | 'of the Board of Trade, who thor-- | A f & ic Accounts Committee in reference to r ; Attorney--General--A bill entitled An Act ' sundry purchases made for the institution. | oughly -- endorsed 'the _ amended _ bill, 3 to amend an Act respecting incorporated | The examination was conducted mainly b * ! Ex--Mayor Manning opposed the bill on the ' companies, * Mr. Claney and Mr. Fronch on the a{t o';' : general ground that the assessment was al-- | THIRD REKADINGS. | the Opposition the Treasurer and tl?e Com. | ready too high in Toronto and that the ' t The following bills were read a third | missioner of Crown Lands looking aiter the | financial standing °|fl L;"' citly will l"; ruined " 1me :---- j % -- ~ <| unless a halt is called in the annual expen-- 1 To amend the Acts relating to the Land :x;t:::}:::t?:.:l::,,(.w:{?:::;:&lt'chxf;" (At:nctyh: | | diture.?The bill entitled '"An Act respeclt,iug " Sec'unty Company--Mr. Leys. matter of shirtings, the qualit ofy the ma-- | the City of Toronto " created a good deal of To amend the Ontario Shops Regulation | gerial used for Sutch '}113 eideuvored to| discussion, but when the powers sought for ' Ac'lt', 1888--Mr. Fraser. . how that the Govern.ment, in dealing with | and the peculiar cireumstances exis!'i'lrxg"} | o incorporate the Town of Bracebridge | their friends instead of with those politi--| . ~*"* explained the bill passed with slight | | and for other purposes--Mr. Marter. cally opposed to them, were not ull)wavs' ainendments, the only clause thrown out | | To enable the Presbytery of Guelph to nicugar as to the pri'cel paid, not careful being that confirming a decision of the City ¢ set apart for burial purposes and to sell Ehct to pay the * lowcst' price " fo;'s Council giving ex--City Treasurer Harman z certain glebe lands in the Township of 'the g:md- purchased. _ The results of . S\ annual retiring allowance of $2,000. Puslineh--Mr. Gutbrie. | the examination _can hardly be said to sus-- | The committee authorisel . the Coun-- Re',P"cm_'b' certain property of the Pres-- ' tain Mr.Clancy's contention, Mr. Anglin's | | ¢! to _ borrow $125,000__ for _ the b'"""'" Church at Vaukleek Hill--Mr. evidence being to the effect that when the Don improvements _ and €60,000 for Evauturel, Austitution under his care was taken over || the gonstruction of the -- northwesterly _ Bespecting St. Audrew's Church, Dar-- | from the Dominion Government in 1877 he branch of the Garrison Creek sewer, The lington--Mr. MeLaughlin. had received instructions from Inspector || Clanse aflecting the purchase of the street To incorporate the Village of Sundridge (Langmuir, on behalf of the Government, to railway was changed so that the ratepayers --Mr. Armstrong. fteal with friends 'of "the Uoverum'ent will have to be consualted to legalise the bor-- Respccting the Rideau Clll'\---x\il'. Mouk. <'h0fl no dis'dvgnthga W as incul-re(l in rowing Of the money necessary therefor. | t LOUSE IX COMMITTEE, ~* 'doing so. That plan had been pursued only Exc' TREARURETAHANRMAN: | The House then went into committee and (when there was no disadvantage in it. The The members and officials of the City ! advanced a number of Government orders &A examination showed that a prett§ striet C_O}""v'il were """'Z'}d and grieye'l at the de-- | < stage. 'The only bill on which there was & (snpervision of accounts is kept at the asy-- cision of the committee rejecting the clause | discussion of any moment was that propos-- ?lnm iteelf, in addition to the auditing they P"O"'}l'"g ex-- Preasurer Harman with an ing to amend the Pharmacy Bill, the Op-- (undergo when they are sent into the de-- annuity of $2,000. The vote was as fol-- position criticisims upon which elicited from Spartment. Mr. Aunglin expressed himself t lO}VS:wl"or the clause--Leys and A. F. the Provincial Secretary, who had charge | being decidediy of opinion that the '\\ ood ; ngqlnst-----f\'hx-m, Davis, Balfour, of the bill, the statement that the bill had | sent method of -- purchasing _ sup-- IG""')'}, Snider, Field and \\intcx's. The been thoroughly discussed ail over the 'mliee pursued in connection with the | committee, however, took the view that the Provincc. and that the 1il'uggi!l! of neurly ,lu]n. under which only certain articles i P'"'p""i'l was a novel one :\.I\Il ""ght estab-- every city and town in the Province, with tendered for, is the best and by far the lish a dangerous precedent if sanctioned by the exueption of those ofi 'l'Ol'Ollt.U. had ex-- y ost economical that can be fUllil(]. His the House. rresse\i themselves in favor of the bill, Me nelusions aro the result of seventeen years' xo ADMISSION FPOR A LAWYER. | 1ad yet to hear from one town outside of 'To-- lexperience as bursar of the institution The Private Bills Committee rejected the l ronto in which there was any opposition med. _ Incidentaily, also, the witness !A"F_ to authorise the Supreme Court of | to the bill. The discussion was con-- ought out the fact that the policy now | Judicaturo for Ontario to admit George fined lllliniy to -- the physiuiama of / rsued in purchusing said supplies for "'\.]"f"'("'regf'r Gardner to practise As a s"'{ the House, Mr. Meredith, however, taking at institution is virtually the same as that |) l'_""""- The preamble of the bill _state_al a hand in on the part of the Opposition. ipursued by the authorities of the asylum that Mr. Gardner served an apprenticeship He suggested that the tendency of the bill hile it was a Dominion institution, his of five .V°"r5_"'"~h_8 solicitor in Scotland, might be to make more difficulit the entry » r"rghip ha,ving commenced during that '.\"d from 1871 until 1876 he prnctised law | into the profession. That was the tendency jod. in that country. En that year he came to of legislation connected with the legal pro--p [ . PRIVATE BILLS COMMITTEE. this city and '}35 h"""_ engaged as clerk in ' fession, and did not meet with his approval. As was anticipated, room 16, where the law oftices and practised law as far as he The Provincial Secretary admitted that the vate Bills Committee met in the morn-- could up to date. -- He never was, however, ' bill would reqnirc a ruther higher standard was for some time the scene of much entered upon the bon!{s of the L".W Society, | of qualifications thin had been in vogue tement and wrangling over a few of the 3,"'1 hence the necessity for 5}"{'3"'] "~"~§_'>lf'-' I hitherto ; but its main object was to secure in the Act respecting the City of t'lou.. Mr. John_ Hoskin opposed the l,nH.m reciprocity of certilicates with the other to, and the Act consolidating the the interest of the Benchers "'f the Law So-- Provinces and with the United States,. The ture dobt of the city. Nearly all clety, arguing f}'"t' if M{'- Ahardner was a bill was eventually reported without change embers of the City Council, headed by duly 'l'?"hfi'fd Scottish 501101'5'}" the door. of i and the House then went into committee of or, president and members of the the society was °Pe1}"'l to him by serving | supply. the Board of Trade, a number of' one year under articles and passing the' coMMITTEE O¥ sUPPLY. '@itizens, the city solicitor, Mr. necessary examination. The House coutinued in committee after . B. B. Osler, Mr. Shepley and -- LooKING AFTER \'OR.K's tNTERFSTS. ! recess, and without much discussion the ed the committee to oppose ! When the bill respecting the City of To-- following sums were voted :--(On account bills submitted. As was' ronto came before the. Private Bills k-f)m»l of immigration, $6,850, as compared with imittee, Mr. G. B. h'n_mh, M.PP. for East ! $8,000 last year ; on account of agricuiture. | York, asked t_he chairman to consider the | $142,287, asagainst $141,9351 ; on account of last clause: first, as the members of the | hospitals and charities, $120,527 66, as L'eglalgtwe Committee of the County of | against $113,686 14 last yoar ; on account York interested in the clause were waiting | i maintenance and repairs of Government t'o !nake representations to the committee. and Departmental buildings, $64,140 66, as This was courteousiy granted. _ The clause against $64,176 43 last year : on account of empowered the City Council to impose mar-- public buildings, including $88,100 re--voted ket te'es.on gll produce coming into the city ' from last year, $471,636 67, as against even if it did not come near thg market §281,412 20 last year ; and on account of place. Qn motion of Mr. Smith, who ublic works, $30.759, including a re--vote watches closely all legislation aflecting his fmm last year of $4,059, as against $50,496, constituents, the clause was struck out. 1' voted last year. | t A COAT FPOR MR EVANTUREL \ A considerable diseussion took place over Mr. Evanturel was the other evening ' the expenditure in connection with the presented by his constituents with a Persiun Agricultural College and farm, but noth-- * lamb coat, cap and gloves as a t.ok'en'of; ing material was developed. Later on | their esteem and a proof of his popularity | when the vote for public buildings came * up, Mr. Creighton asked if the present would not be a convenient time for the Commissioner of Public Works to make a statement to the House as to the progress of the new Parliament buildings. The R item was not included under the head of 5 public buildings, but the present was as * convenient a time as any, . Mr. Fraser re-- plied that the work had progressed duly during the year, ana he gave a general out-- ' line of the present condition of the work, | He ;fldod that he was glad to be able to {

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