n Prescott. He has returned to the House | after addressing large meetings in his county on railway matters. DpEVOLUTION OF ESTATES. The amendment to the Estates Act, which Mr. Freeman has brought before the House, ' is one that should be carefully considered, \ No one outside of the legal fraternity have the remotest idea of its results, Mr. Free-- man will give the House evidence that the present Act is a very unjust one. It takes the property of one family and gives it to that of another, aithough they might never have contributed one cont to accumulate or improve the estate,. The object sought by the bill is to so amend the present Act | that when property is left without a will being made, and father, mother and chil-- dren are all dead, in that case the property shail descend to the heirs of the family from which the property came. 'This seems | a fair and just method to deal with estates | of this kind, One case will fully explain. ; A 'father deeds the homestead to his | youngest son. Soon after the father's death | the son marries. His wife dies in less than a , year after. In tweive years the hnsbamll dies ; five years after the daughter dies, before she is of legal ago to make a will, and, as the Estates Act now stands, the | greater part of the homestead goes to the brothers and sisters of the mother. This certaiuly is an injustice, and the Act should be amended as is provided by Mr. Freeman's bill, -- The feeling of the House is so favor-- able to the bill that it is likely to pass without much opposition, if any, A VIsITOR FRoM PARIS. Mr. P. O'Counor, of Paris, was in the House yesterday, and will appear before the Municival Committee to--day in the inter-- ests ouf the Brantford, Paris & Ayr toll | road owners. There are few men in the grand Liberal County of Brant better known or more universally respected than Mr. O'Connor. LOCK--UPS AXND GAOLS, The bill introduced by the Attorney-- Genveral to amend certain laws affecting muntcipalities of the Province provides, among other things, that where in any county a town or village other than the county town has a lock--up, it shall be the duty of the Council of the county town to erect a suitable lock--up, according to a plan ' approved by the Inspector of Prisons. If the county town has no lock--up and uses the gaol for that purpose it shall pay the ;:nuuty treasurer a reasonable rental there-- or. deeaneasne e nsmmenmme cammennmesne I