W w ® m + i ,;' ~ aeme nfl f j "},' 4 ' , & Som: ut e MR . URSDAY. MARCH 1i 1889. 1 . > THURSDAY, MARCH 14 188. _ _ _ ) @aiee memme t 'l'HE LEGISL ATURE. 'that agricultural products formed three-- | | bonds and debentures in tfhg L:grli:gn?nix;; fourths of the exports of Ontario. It is ||| ket. Money borrowed at four p fal a found that there are loan companies that | / England would cost four and .,h a tp:E MR waTtsry PROPOSITION TO AD--| charge exorbitant :rates of inte;e!t. and if Acunt. here. Then .tho.re was the oonlmd V ANCE MONEY TO FARMERS. theoir dividends were examined it would be | | management of loaning this u?onlely o Wnn rgnigenindnmrmerto s found that the farmers are paying at least | | collecting interest, They must aliow ud 7 per cent. for the money b°"'°W°d_bY them | | least one per cont. for these exp'enses,f El'l' «Consgidering the Question of Fees for | for legitimate improvements on their farms. [ fnat brought the money up to a u:ist b: the High School Pupils--The Anatomy Returns show that rentals only amount to j and a half per cent., which wou! d t C Bill Discussed----The New Coun-- 4 per cent., and if money is at the rate of ' lowest at which it could be 'loune to u: ties Bill Withdrawn--Boil-- » 7 per cont. how can the farmer proflr" | farmers. N_ow thg rates asked at presen ers and Engineers-- ; under such circumstances? 'The speaker 1 were from six to six :End a half per cfl;::. so A Hoeavy Day's ' did not anticipate that if the Government that the loan companies were only ma mga{ Work. woere to borrow money on the lines of his profit at present of from a ha'lf to one an( Ne rem l ooo enrrr motion there would be more diffticulty, OF | | one and & half per cent. 'lhcrefore, were even as much as that which resuited from | | the Province inclined to go into the ' Marcu»--13t:, 1889. the municipal loan fund. Cheap money, | | suggested scheme, the difference to The House got through a good deal of | he mnint&inefil, wfould be thc; $ean_8 of | | the furmersld t?at lslhlo"uld aic:fop:smtl:'e busi f s s s etting an influx of farmers to the Province. aid of is would after a o very B > ofln:e';slto dly.d:;.posmg of! ueve:ul mom:ns I %'armefiu in past years were paying, in mary | "able, But hedid not believe that Ontario good ong standing on the order PAPCT» | oco, 11 per cent. for their mMoney, | or any other Province that attempted to It was Government day, but the Govern-- ' but that being at a time when high | porrow one or two hundred millions of dol-- ment allowed the private members to / pricés PNVM&, the agricultural industry | | Jars on such a scheme as this would get the eccupy a good share of the sitting. | might not suffer under such adverse Ct-- | / money at four por cent. Altogethor | t!le FIRST READINGS ' ;'"'"'t""'i" ;hb"t nf't'f" w'ftl't;ed;':"d g'i::: : schon'xe w:.ls x}mt, nearlt)i asaf'a;;x;t('iabslsr::e;? ; Inmratuns hills mane in or cereals, the pogtion 0o e farme details as the hon. gentlem suggest. refdh: 2':;:':}:::16 .b_'_"' were introduced and ' not at all an e';xo.ble one. If a change || eq, _ As to the ten to twelve per cent. divi-- ; To amend the Public Health Act--Mr. | dots not take place thousands of farmers | | jends which Mr. Waters said some of the | CGibson (Hamilton) "'* ! will leave the Province for other districts | jogy companies were paying, the treua:u-er: To ameud the Li uor Licesse Act--Mr. | Where they may make a better living. If | _ pointed out that when money was dear these | Gibson (Halnih,o") q *' the Govcx-nme'nt w.ere to carry (.)llt the prin-- compunies lnfide llll'ge 'Rronts and accumtl. iogis wl cipie embodied in the motion, farmers | jaged large reserves. Theso reserves, in | THE, INACCURBATE EMFLIME: would be ablo to wipe cut an indebtednmness | gome cases as large as the capital itself, | Mr. Ostrom rose to explain that he had of $2,000 in eighteen years by paying 4 PeC -- now go out on loan, and have to be taken l been misreported in The Lm;ivu'e of 'that |i--heut. iMterest. By a judicious lending Of _ jngo consideration when the dividend is j Generals bi e s S ie rad uy the money the Government would be guard-- spoken of. Their offect is to reduce the | (."".."'l.' b'".f"r the nduumst.ru.uon of ed against any difficulties in the line of _| gogyal dividends paid to the shareholdersi justice in certain cases. He explained what collecting the sums lent. He felt satisfied _ ;;, tyese companies to about 6 per cent. He l M Lad veen reported to have ssid and theil.' shere o was. ho mensure that would doubted if some of thein paid as much as | what he had actually said. give such satisfaction to the farmers as q per cent. -- He thought the farmers them-- ' THE XBW COckTIBS BILL that which would enable thein to get their selves would hardly approve of such a ie resumption of the debste con ts money at a cheap rate of interest. _ The _ soneme as that suggested by Mr. Waters, | motion for the second readiog of Lh# ) loans could be made on the same principle _ @24 pointed out that at the last meeting of ill respecting the formation of new cPuut.les { as the present municipal loans in the ca$¢e > gna Farmers' Institute it had been received was fiust on the list .Of Cover"« i 'of drainage debentures, etc., and the with little favor. The House shouid be ment orfers. It was a question whether | ssheine could be made absolutely safe by very chary of expressing an approval of there would be a brisk and lively debut:"ur -- making a rule not to lehd more than fiftYy _ ; guch a scheme. M WhOtl.'" there would be "none at all. 'The or sixty per cent. of the value of the farms -- _ y Blyth intended at an earlier part of question was soon solved by Mr. HarVCY | porrowing,. He had noticed that since hO | . the gession to put a notice on the order moving for the discharge of the order. In j .q gut this motion on the paper the | | paper the very opposite of that given by doing so he commented upon the diffiiculty _ Gouncil of Prince %d"'"'d County | | the member for North Middlesex. So far of preparing a bill that should commend , hed _ determined _ to -- potition ° the | | as he knew the {eeling of the farmers, he Mideld 1e Onn ALoreer and the appafant Tin: | Legislature _ in _ favor _ of _ such _ & | | would say that they were not favorable t, possibility, by means of a general bill, 0f | gonoame, He concluded by . remarking | | the scheme proposed by Mr. Waters Ht submitting a scheme that would moet the | ;u,; pe nad nothing to say against the 1OA ; | askeq however, the Treasurer to inaugurate approval of the different localities in | goojoties, but he did not see why the Gov--| sc a policy as would give municipalities """ed.' P s i nwds ernmont could not go to Great Britain Of | | ) funqj where they might invest their Mr, Creighton thought the Commissioner any where elso and get money at a rate that moneys with safety, . There" was no resson of Crown Lands was taking unduo @dva2 | would enable them to lend it to farmers 46-- why the Government should not borrow tege _of. the absence of tho Ninlster of | a good deal lo#er rate than that now ob money from the municipalities instead of | liducation, who, is gaid, shoeold _ at least | taining. going to Englund. Such a course would j have been given the opportunity of attend-- | _ ppo hop, Treasurer, in replying, said be §W, townsh'i'ps especially from criotes | il:l'i'l as chief mourner at the funeral of the | . , willing to admit the good intentions of 1:)8589 ts sel #\P s s % the mover of the resolution. _ His desire M C Mr. te>'t _Mr, Waters said that the bill had affected | . was that the farmer should be enabled to wi':{xr.le(::ili):;nth(e}{}';;zzz; tghlt:g?;lve Itrhalgl);' : ' his constituency a good deal from GUitt | poprow money at low ratos. Th@ qUOStION _ furmers of this country were suffering frc opposite points of view. At the same tUBHO | _ wee whetber his object would be achieved a plethorn of money. (Laughter.) He th. he would have voted for the second reading ry means of the present scheme. Mr. q went on to state that the proposition of the of the bill under certain conditions, th8 | \7p;erg had himself admitted that there | momper for North Middiesex would lead to chief of which was that more thet @ | miyhg be objections raised against his | , municipal losan fuud maddle: tenfoid.," " In" lxke meiferity Yould be required to JUSt{Y | scueme. Me admitted that there might be © a meeting held in his constituency lately he the division of a county under the provist | ; meturn of some of the difficulties connected fold his followers the course Je nitexided i ions of the bill. _ However, as the Gover®: | wign the old municlpal loan fund, 'Those pursue, believing that no . Governinebe. ment was not going on with the bill, it WA8 | qigpoealtiee would, in _ fact, _ return s rouia be i iven saol arpower 89 rould iG, useless to discuss it. _ _ with ten--fold force. Under that fund the granted if Mr Waters' notion were er. The order was then discharged. CGovernment had dealt with municipaliti@® _ J prgaq hy the.House : andiif, heavonld se ,_, ; TAIHLD HEADINGS. and weroe more at liberty to deal with thes® _ pyoyn trust a Reform Government with su? ] Mr. Field's bill to enable the Town of | ai other corporations than they WOUId DC _ powers much less could he trust the Con--,] Cobourg to aid the Cobourg, Blairton and | ;, qeal with individual farmers. Imagine Eer\'uti;'vs $u Such a inatser sA Marmora, or the Cobourg, Northumberland | ;;a, (jpoyvernment calling in a mortgage for Mr \\'ater; enretfed. the: Governmen® & Parit.s railway, or other railroud, was money loaned a farmer, and compelled to | q;q nop pive the matter that consideratio: read a aird time after it had been amgudod, pat his farm in the hands of the sherif. | which lgxe nVs d:ll'ill the _ last Aweive on mesion of Mr. Gibson (H_Mnil.ton),so" *3 } hir. Waters' scheme would place tho.lonn- months. Ag to the F&i'meu' Instituto, he" to make it read ":? aid To is rallways. ing power of the Province practically in the | 1.) u. now those things were worked there. m Attorney-(.ene}':xlu bill to enf9r60 | nands of the Government, because they (! 1; o did not he ma.;ht have more confi-- pofes ie . hk s t L eb hoii *n """ licould naturally compete successfully """h; dence in what they did there, He moved and servants, was read a third time. othee partics loaning money. Wobldith e | * Hio discharie 0f the arden j Mr. Meredith's bill respecting the Lon-- Covernment be wise to take up the whole | 5 & s | don Stro.ct !{ailway Company was also l)'\lsin(;51 of loaning money on real estate * | ,SL pYEYS 18 KNUOPREO: 1 read a third time. The old municipal loaun fund was for the Mr. Mlller. moved for an address for & peo--| SECOND READING. s urpose _ of enabling _ improvements | turn of copies of all correspondence and Mr. Gibson moved the second reading of 5{ reat public bonsfit to be under-- Qrders in bom.wll rglatmg to 'the re--survegy the bill to amend the Division Courts Act t,ul'v?n----cn.sog in which the Government | Of t'he Township of Kennebec, in the Counsy and briefly explained it. 'The motion was w;id very freely come in and assiss | Of Frontenac. Also,ofall cc.\'rretspondence1 be-- carried without discussion. the municipalities. -- The scheme under | tween all members and officers of the Gov-- LOANS TO FARMERS, which the Government at present lent money ;':"'L'e"tl"}d L. D. W 1""'"_'5 °rl""Y one 0';_ ME. WATERS' SCHEME TO ENABLE THE GOY-- | to'municipalities on drainage debentures g!ao l .l: '\'ehalfll'u r:l{e":lnz(l::cto t.;xe ~s°a e ;012"" z ERNMEXT TO LENXD MONEY. was culculated to 'pl-onr'ote pubhc in-- bO 4N 0. in '9 fon(. 38: Ilto h enfu > Mr. Waters moved as follows :-- terests. The importance of drainage was Aelc. or .ms to f'"l" C m * P"4 :" + ex" Ned Cc ks s :rognised by every farmar, and the Govern-- so, copies of all correspondence relating That in the opinion of this House the time | FOCO§NI®C NY doins d work |, to the timber license granted for the land or has come when the Government.of this Prov:| ment felt that they were aoing good wo the richts of the Hurit hoider theveunder ince should submit a measure for the approval | jn enabling municipalities to place money |; the rights o e * a cunder. of this Assembly, having for its object the pro-- | for this purpose in the hauds. of farmers, |] After a few remarks froimm the mover and curing of money from the capitalists of Great | 1 0T t3# PUP blic benefit for | certain satisfactory explanations from Mr. Britain upon the security of Provincial bonds | But would it be a great public be l Tletdv. the motion was Allowedito Lass. or other wise boarin(f interest at 34 or 4 percent. |' the Government to encourage farmers to | ¥» P Said money to be advanced to the farmers of go into debt, as they would do were they to |[ WwOo..AN sSUFFRAGE. :ln:cl):t};:(:z\;?:f:ov:l;;l;llt:'gl}\lf ":ull?r::('-'cog\?:;s;l'g% | rccede to this proposition ? By reducing t The House did t seem to show much cost and not more than would cover the neces-- | | the rate of interest they would be encourag* ! syinpathy for vhe 'ollowing motion offered sary %fy"';:?""';: ':"f):" J;";'('l",;:'lzzén;lll'fil :fiobcdll::g ' ing farimmers to borrowbmore l'r'\oncg'. 1'1 hore l by Mr. Garson :-- % secut - Te 8 . i e considered. It was | _ ins ; 4 to be renaid in such manner as may be devised. | | :"'sb '\:liotxhlftroflh':gr;o much if thescheme.'in | po'flti):lfti:lolély?lo%'(;l::?:lfit:'fri;I&ii'(}fl?e"l?.ep:)tssi;ssecxd Nr. Waters called the atteution of the | | t*° "°.°° 1d, after all, very much reduce | of the nocessary property or income qualifica-- | . " j j » + l ag 1 s roti s House to the Trade and Navigation Returns | (tll'::':rl:;; :fouix:tc:elt paid byyta.rmers. Mr. | :wn. tho right of voling at municipal eloc s o &ril | tions. :K:ht:.:fit::.'m;'tpol::?:;e.Oiw;ff;il:,l\:?fef:o ! \\'gters had referred to the societies who are There were numerous cries of " with-- | -- | doing the bulk of the buwnd calls for * yeas and nays," os-- ' fls . °* C ' td