The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1889, p. 1

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, FRIDAY. "MA)lf tll l lliil0lll BY " MEREDITH. A" Vigorous Reply by the Crown Lands Commissioner. . THE PROVINCIAL TREASURER SPEAKS MSO, Roe Charges Against the Town License Board - A Document Pro- duced Signed by 148 of Toron- to's License - Holders - A Great. Crop or Mmrecttete-. Aid to Colonna- Mon Rail- ways. At the Government. caucus held in the morning, it mu understood that they announced that intention of granting aid to the follswing proposed railway--- - $31300 per Ji, for fifty miles of road from Port Arthur to Sund Lake, amount- ing in I" to $150,000 to that district. irs,0oo per mile for twenty-eight miles, from a point on Manitoulin Island to con- nect with the Canadian Paeitie railway. 83,000 per mile for . road from Parry sound to the Northern & Pucitic railway junction. - 83,000 for 60 miles on I railroad u. ginning out of Palmer Rapids and termin- sting 20 miles east of Westport. It in not st all improbable but the Gov ernment will also consider before the House rises the advisability of granting aid to the Nipiuing & James' Bay :railwav, al- though it is believed they did not announce this us yet. Tho Government are fully alive to the re; resenmtiom made that the mswlrmrttlod district; of the Province are entitled to assistance in the line of railway development. IN THE HOUSE. This was to heve been a very quiet day, but she thunderbolt of the Opposition, that tremendous and terrible weapon which they have been using all session in forging, and which wee to have been thrown rod hot into the ranks of the Government supporters and ecsttered there, has fallen at last. And it fell cold and lifeless. 66 There was noth- ing to it." as one of Mr. Meredith's friends in the Dominion Home says whenever he has an opportunity. It was merely n rehash of the charges made some months ago by 1 single Toronto newspaper. Mr. Hardy bundled the speaker and his argu- ments very easily, mt very effectively, end Mr. Ross finally disposed of both. Before the question ceme up rum-ll amount d routine business Urns disposed of. THIRD READINGS. The following bills were read e third time t-- x1110ENSES. Respecting the Ontario & Sault Ste. Marie Water, Light & Power Company and the Town of Sun 850. Mtmu--lur. Egan. _ --- 'To enable the Corporation of the Village of Wyoming to 1lispose of oerttsin huuu-- Mr. Graham. Respecting the York road: and survey- thyeorr-Mr. Smith (York). For the better protection of inseotivorou, birdr--Mr. Clarke (Wellington). To CLOSE UP BUSINESS. The Attorney-General moved c-- That when this House adjoums on Monday next. it do stand adjourned until eleven of the clock on Tttesdtty next; and that ouch (in for the remainder of this session the Home do stand adjourned until eleven of the clock in the forenoon of the following day. Mr, Speaker to leave the chair each day at, one until three o'clock, without tho question being put. Mr. Meredith asked thet the motion might be made to read Wednesday imam! of I'mmday on 5ccount of s commit". meet- ing on Tuesday morning. --"_-, Hot Debate in the Legislature Ft .uzcu Ithar, 1889. the Toronto _ The iiiuirdiitaio was who no we , motion penned. BEACHES AND SHORES mm. The Home then went into committee againon Mr. Drury'e bill to protect the bench" and shore: of the Province against depreciation. There was a little discussion over it again, end when it came out of com- mittee amendment had been made to it at F the joint instance of Mr. Meredith and Mr. I Preston, which confined the operations of 3 the Act to Lakes Erie, ontario and Huron. til. at" TO "'0! we ID, VIII-I - --- -- .._ -_e-- It was further amended to provide that no traffio in stone, gravel or sand shall take place without the consent ot the owner of the land or of the Lieutenant-Governor." NIPISSING FREE HOMESTEADS. The House again went into committee on the bill respecting the conveyances of lands granted under the Free Grants and Home. stead Act, reporting the bill with an amend- ment to the elfect that it shall be entitled an Act respecting the Rainy River and Nlpissing Free Grants Homestead Act. THE LICENSE QUESTION. run OPPOSITION Al LAST ours on ITS was. DERBOLT. On the motion to go into committee of supply, Mr. Meredith rose to remark that he wanted to take the opportunity to place, as clearly as possible, on record the line of demarcation betwaen the two sides of the House as to the policy of dealing with liquor licenses. He referred to the charges recently made in certain newspapers against the administration of the license law, and insisted that the Government should have taken steps to prove there was no truth in those charges. He argued that there Was ample evidence to many persons of the} truth oi at least some of the allega- 3 tions that had been made. When the change in the law was made that took from the municipalities the power of dealing with the liquor traifie and gave it to the Provincial Government, in was point- ed out by the Opposition that the effect of the change would be to bring the adminis- tration of liquor licenses within the region of politics. These forecasts had been fully verified. It would be remembered that the principal points of the Crooks Act were, thut, to place a sthtutory limita- _ tion upon the number of licenses _ that could be issued, and secondly, to take from the municipalities and l give to the Government the control of the liquor license administration. It might also be remembered that the 2 Government had claimed often that they l had taken over the control of the liquor l licenses because of the strong pressure that I had been brought to bear upon them by the I Temperance party. Now, it was a remark. able tact that in the session of 1874, only a , short time before the passage of the Crooks Act, a committee was appointed by the House to consider and report upon the question of the administration oi liquor licenses, and although the chairman of the committee was a man who held strong emperance we've, it made no suggestion recommendation in its report of transfer- the control of licenses from the muni- ', ities to the Government, which was Temperance View Lor recommemlath ing the control I ' ' lities to the , ' ii the I I, to the pr, , tthem to tl a to call I a leader f the Crt E o I i . political portion, but in a. few mouths after. wards that policy was changed and our since license commissioners had been ap- pointed trom tho ranks of the Reform party only. He would domomtmte that many liquor declare went over to the Reform party because they found that it was in their interests to do so. He did not, how, ever. intend to eater upon the discttoiotrof chergee made in certain newspapers of the city, but he would read a state- ment made on oath by e hrewer of the Province to chow that the tavern. keepers were under the control of menof that trade controlled by the Liberal party and by the present Government. Mr. Meredith refused to give the name of the brewer whose evidence was read, but " last he divulged it, and it proved to be Mr. Lottridgts,ot Hamilton. The announce- ment was met with ironical laughter from the Government benches, and the retort from Mr. Hardy _ ls that's ell? (Laughton) Mr. Meredith endeavored to prove from the evidence adduced that the Government need their power to coerce tavern- keepers to become eupportere ot their own perty and their interests. Hie only object, he said. in calling the nttention of the House to the matter was to , if the Government's contention to the pressure brought to bear them to that end Wu correct He to call attention to the position 0 leader of tho Government assum- o Crooks Act was iutrcduced. _ n distinct ledge that the would be d1"/Jil from both and the

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