The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1889, p. 1

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In»: LEGISLATURE. "I RAILWAY RESOLUTIONS INTRO- DUCED AND CARRIED. In the Loam-tare to-day tho chief Interest conned on the railway resolutions introduced by the Pronnclnl Treasurer. Mr. Ross ably explulnedjho policy ol the Government ind the reasons that actuated than in ra-upeniug the railway aid policy. Mr. Balfour's Annulment Voted Down by a. Very Large MaJority -- The Burma: Annuity Cogttirmetl In the House-The Ro. zlltx'y Bill Con. tirmed. 11mm READINGS. Tho following bills Were read a third time Ingpamq:~ _ _ - __ _ -- - Rein-chin? oaths under the Manhood But. trggo Act-r' 'he AitoruerNeuertl Respecting registry "ottGi/if-'fi", Attorney. General. CI A FINAL UNtitit'EtgsFUL ATTHMPT MAD: To DW run' THF. Maura}; On the motion bythu At:orucy-Genorul for tho third reading of tho hill to amend tho im- giutry Act. Mr. M. K. "use row to move an ottundmout. With that rl,','."",' or dent-aw "tire which has give-n the, on. gentleman so prominent a position in his own part y, ho dc- ternded his amendment. by uttriimtiuu, an be. fore. improper motiw-s to tho (lunarnmcm in desiring todivide the Toronto registry otllco. The mlwndmrnt was I! follows F- That the bill bo no: now rend athird time but be forthwith reform-d back to a cotutnitteo of the whole llutisr. with instructions to strike out all tho provisions then-of wilting to the division ot tho City of Toronto for twgisiration purposes. and by adding tin-new tho tollowing -suortc-- Section tthot the itereictrr Act is hereby rc. ycnlcd. and the following substituted thrus- or.- 10tr.--0f the fur! her tees and elnolumr-ms re- ceived hr each regiatrur in oueh year in "hit."" of 84,510. not, oxcvedlng 8:1000. he small be "titled to retain to his own uw fifty per (will. and no more. and of the tumm- fa-m runl emoluments received by ouch registrar in ettrlt your in excess of 515.00). he shall ho entitled to rammed to His own use tweuty-tive per cent. and no more. A - _ _ _ The Attorney-General. in taking exception tome atuertdtnettt. mm the following lo'lur. receirod trom Mr. Lin lacy. and addressed to himself c-- 7 - 7 (111 Ill-:uis'rnv OFFH'E. Toronto. February 17. 1888. the Attorney-General ot Ontario. Parliament Buildings: 91R.--l in: to call your attention to tho tol. lowing fact: on the, iii-wont and prospective condition of registratiunin thcCity of 'l'uronm : It seems Urine that m: nrt- rapid.) vppronchitvg the maximum of Work which it i~a pumibli- in do tsatistaouwily in one resritrry oitirte. I doubt if. under (ho some " stem. an nmuunv of work ard to that now performed in tho Toronto o co. in numbing. l'uruisliinzz "trstract,s and doing other things cotuteetcd with rozlstmt ion. is done in u singlo once elsewhere. I ant quite aware Ihut neither in New York or in Chimuuis [hero more than one raglan? Ollie". and in the system pursuodln lllcse ant other American cities there is prncucully no limit to aim t-vgi4trtt. lion that can ho done in otteothee. lhtt Wit cannot follow the mmhud in vo',..'ut' in these pitxcos.bemorae lt dim ttol furnish ;hoinfor. motion u-qulrul in tracing n chum of min. Those ittqttuttttsttta an: nor rl-itigum-d against the parcels of land to while thov rotate. The abstract indnx merely follows [hi-0rd: r ot the rcceip' of the luslrumnms; and it i, practically iiuportiole to unruwl n titio by reference tothc isturmation uVuilnblu in the registry onions. he iillm are in thu- hands at what are known {milligram foliniufrs. who get. Tum inr,frattrt ms an: not rl-lrisxnn-d against the parcels of land lo "lulu-h tltov mime. The abszraot indux tnettiy follows, [In-0rd. r of the rcceip' of tho lnsu'umumsz and it i, practically impossible to mmuvl a titlo by reference mum ilgturmatiun available in the registry calm-s. . be tit It! arv in lhn- ltands o' what are known as. abstract sulie,itov.s. "in. get the information daily from the lrgislry villa-rs and reduce it to the mun in " bi.-b n is inuml in the registry cilia-jut Unmrio. Auwrirrun registrars are not rrmtirud to fun-Ml ond. as P. matter of tact. do ttot I'm-um.) .lbslllll'l ", of [an ttistrittiqn at all. "are. all tho inforruation alumina] from abstract sudicitors in Hun l'nizcd States is in the regiatry man-n. II V; in part ob. tained trom solicltors " lm mama xenn-bv l, and in n't tttrough 'tttstruct,., furninlw'l by the 'rU"ll,tr.' 'l'lume '.te.rn.:t+ impmw " maximum of Fetriqtrntitm which n Is not possible ml Mm». "mu to oxecm1 innsunli-ulll-m'l'lml quxlmum l conceivu bus been turnip-.1 in 'I'nronlu hur- i the part year solicitor, mun-Mug have been .mecletl to great imumveuivnve from crowd. bttt the llmlled available space. and thouzh um addition h.ys.t.tecy nmdc lo {be building. all the "nee available for my registry books will. at the prgsvnl. rule of lncluuav. be tilled in two vents. If we go on as at present a MW build. must. at the end of that time branded, the present one. which lulu cos! yum-Mum; like 340,", wquld becortto innuluquule tottid demand» upon it. If {he business were much VII-mind " would be impossible tor any [Imo- cable plu'ftgf omen"; to "USN! Upon M'In'hcrs THURSDAY. MApdjii-'"i'ir,-"iiiiii.f.T'r Trdiuruislt nbslyuczs _with oi, cxpcdifxbil" waded. in than, itupatient days. inder the circums'otnce.q I think it my duty, THE REGISTRY BILL. m and prodpcul lint-City of Town rapidq " ppronch ch it h pauibh' :in'ry mum I dul however reittcttuttrrT3f Inform sroy.that I see no adequate remedy short of n ult'tyton ot the elty for re istrntlon purposes. 0mm: to the my in W/lil the, books have been kept. tho division could only be mndo at the lino of Yonge :troet. " the recommendation to make lhnt division. which I now otrer for your con. shleraticn, be noted upon 1 shall rather wel. coma than otherwise it release front n pnrt of the responsibility which 1 now find myself under. I have the honor tube. your obedient acr- nint. CHARLES lawman ltegiatrnr. Continuing. Mr. Mowat minted out tint tue, main thing to be considered in connection with t. rvuistry ofiict, w..s its ctliricncy. The st-cttt-ity of titles Wu ct flrst tmpmtnnce. Tho money going into the oily trtztstiry WAS a matter second in importance tnthut. Tho motionot' Mr. I'lnrko would tend to render the otlive ittotliciettt, Inasmuch as it. would restrit't the salary of the registrar and ltmkc him linhlc to otNtttotttise too closely in hi3 disburmmtctits. There, was a gent-rail misapprehension. ht: thought.nn to the illt'Olllt: ot' the registrar. that income "an; not tx~rsti\'o. In Ib"d7 the gross receipts at theotmo were 831.112. Iiut tho digtrutsettumty wm-e very litrgu, and unwanted to 824.500. lnr~ituling the. min ptitl over to thocitv. so that Mr. Lindsey: not iu. come that your ntnountotl only to between "900 _ _ - ' Mr. Mrruln h ankvd Low the public int -rv~ls were!" he served "hon tn,tlt l'rglsll'nl's "1-1-0 to be undvr the Mum- my i' mm rm..." thes Hum: bunk-I. " 'ngzniu cltrtrt-itusl iho object of th _ 7:": '., No or.tsforpiu.v:tisttt an "In " ior a Political Iricml.nml it was little wumwr the aboxing clamp: pruh'sH'd against it whc n it is known that the hem! of a registry ofiiru, is " "new tururvltcud. Mr. ti't'unnortruuto a toutsib.'o and I" inlul "much. stating {but it "as only twsisnsirlc, Wllhthv vity turn-mung in "math, business {um uopuln: inn. the work of the registry ule would grow in equal proportion. Mr. 1Voo:t (Hastings) oppoacd the bill inn few words. Mr. Hardy argued that it would he pastime to npportion tees on the basis oposcd by the ottsira. mctnbor forTormtto. Copponcnls ur tho bill. in spx-nking of the or the rrginlrnn of 'i'orunto.pit frgtrrti I'orothe putri" without giving tcl the cir- mammal) mun-hm! in them. Mr. Croiglmm brought out the old, woman; rtionlhul the nth-1- wue-x difhiqd Naive n Mayor Clarke, who had svmmlod the motion, mult- in a very mild Spl'cl'h deprecated the contemplated 1iivisiuttof tho ruu:isury ottirw, and claimed that the business of the city did not seem to have 'm'vll in my. 1vay injured by tho crush of worklutltttotticrs. lieroivtuuht also to the resolution of tho t'ount.vof York Law Association condtnnttittir, the proposed divuiou. Mr u. IL Smith pointed out how hue in tho dns it was before tit" Mayor had sunken on this question. on} how minty hu had spam-n oven then; also that not until u day or two ago but the subjm-t been even tncntionod nt the City Council; also that any mg" "f agitation on tho part at the Council against. the nilcgnd iniquity of this mmmnm was Stl'lkiliul) "bscttt. An lo the' re. olution ot tho York County Law Ae. locillinn. hodid not Inn-m hon mun) lawyers was yin-sot" and voted turn. but in: am kn iw that ho hnd talked with u-r) ttli n: huwcrs on tho qt:o.-"iun null Hwy worungtucd tru. to the lieu-him of the division. Mr. Ihillnnn'nu- duh-mind the propowd divi- MR. GARNON MOVLs T" sumac OUT THE 4x511" I'LIH'HE. Upon the tttoriott m: Hm unrd reading ot the city bill Mayor Ciarlw nmvm that the order be disclmrgl-Il and liw In" twterred back to committee of tho whulv. This was carried, mu! while the bill was 1tt4orettute,ottuttitteo Fri-{Clarke secured the following amendment. q c-- __ .u, ._A_ Mr. liulmnn'nu- dI-fu-mlmj lite, wormed dtvi. lion. and Mludvd to the Act paved in tite 'htrsrlticid Mun-Jonah] Administration unjustly gm! tutnecermurily dividing county registry of- Ind tutnecermurily dividing county new. ' Mr. John Leys said an ounce of an" worth a pound of theory. Clarke probably had had no rxpcri: (ttfy/i',')?; in thr wtrricingof thou-y hilo ho "hr speak"; Imd had a uo could comm: ttt u smu- thut an regiery ulliuv would 1n vent mung lays and mcunH "mum's thnt wer Iblo under th" [yr-we." sytstetti. Mr. Mrnadul. u~k\"l Law the pub! This umendment was declared lost on the same division us the inn-ceding uniondment. and the third reading of the bill was declared Buried on the HUI"! division reversed. ANOTHER AMh.'y,lt.Mb:b'T. Mr. Meredith then move-d the following (um-lulu" in '.-- Thai the said bill be not now read the mild time. but be nirlhwiih rcfn-rred luck to the ('oiniiiiduo of the, whole House with instruc- tions In amend the emuc by providing that no expenditure, "hich is under the said bill to be made out of tho funds of any county or city tshrdl be incurn-d unit" the direction of the In- spcclor of Registry (min-s. under which it in to be incurred. siurd be tirst nrpruvmi by tho (Tlfiihncii'of the vounly or wily c inrgcublo thero. wit . Graham. trarvourt, Hand). Lays Andrew. McKay, \Ivlauluhlin. Mnek. Manlrr. Mornv. Mow; "Connor, Punuld. Phvlps. [hush no" (Huron). ttoss tMiddlesex). .- Snlder. Npruguc. Stu-alum. W tBrtuttr-5& back. "once. Davis. Ih'ury, Evanturcl. For- gmmn. Field. Fraser. Fro-mum). Garson. (11an (ilitrutltunt, "they" (Huron), Glllnour. 1lould, 1ltuttutu.Harvourt, Haul). Law. Lyon. Mu. Aoloor. MrKuy, \lleuthn. 1lcOltahott, lilion to u pii:i'il ll'lmul. Helium-:21! thut the uivisiott. inst. ..d m 1.11 xmuum: H.1- busi- w. yrmum' ronl'nnt-n brt,ll dt 1w '4'qu rd. mollr" 'uw l ttc', ,r_'/rl'iovrir, - BarL-.1uagar, Myth. 1'uturrv. l 'urlm. Ed. r'. lilo), Hun. h. It. 'lummm. ("up hum. "HI-r". l"I-|i. I'I'rm-h. Mn'umvtI. Hanson. "gram. K -n.~. Lam. Man-Inn In. Mn-ru-vil h, All Zl'ulhu Milli-m V,,uk. Oalrmu, 1"" hm. "WHIP, Smirh j'tu,tt. owurl. [nub-y, V. v. tum. Wiilouuh. tcstinas). /, ' si., 'tr, nu, Atrttsslti.'. o'tr1J'c.V. lsn'w'mr. hup. Burp-n1. In: " n::. l um. Clarke tWeiliuitconp, Uunmue, THE CITY would nrrvut munyol 1 Inwn.uwus that were un [um-en! sytstettt. h "skcri Low the public in ved "hen but): rrglstrur {Huron}. Glltuour. Gould. Haul). Imp. Lyon. Mu. \lI-lmuuhnn. McMahon. durw. Mount. Murray. 'hvllu. "amide. Podllardi tMuldlerwx). 51mm (York). Suntan. Waters. Wood ago! thcrcgistryotticc ld had A uoud deal.aur that an udditiulm vent. many ot Hm dc , thnt were unavuid BILL. cxncrlmwo Mr. il. K. MIT ot any int-r0515 l'ul's were tho same object of W, (at. m. resolution or ESE" of the Cor. I vibration ot'the Town ot Parkdalc. or or. the t Council thereof. mule. done or passud since the 7th day of March, 1889, whereby any new liability was imposed upon the stud Ahttportt. tion. or whereby nny money of the said Como ration become or was made puynblo to any person, shall have any force. validity or effect after the passing ot this Act. unions or until it shall have been ratified try resolution of the Council of the Corporation of the Uity of io. ronlo ; and no not, deed. resolution or by-lnw of the Public School lionrd of Pnt'kdale. made, done or pusaud since will date, imposing any new liability upon the Public ecliool funds tit. the dispositionof sum Bonrd.or whereby any of said funds would become Payable to any per. son. shit I have any force. Va idity or stfect after the passing of this, Act until retitled by 1'estglt1- tion of the Public School Board of the City of Toronto. 'l hen the motion for the third reading of the bill was read again. Mr. Garson moved in ntncmiiuont that the clause tixing an annuity to t.x.'I'reasurer lint-innit be sti'uvk out. Mr. (hit-son thought it was. " strnngo thing that Mr. llui'mun. with " large salary, was not able to provide himself With " competence. No such favors were 'accorded to the laboring clupcus, and he thought the o.t.1'.it of granting annuities lo ulliriuls would luu't- It bad tendency. and on that c,rouud his tote would be urivr'ntr,.ttt!trst it. , llc. Lryx- maintained that the lions!) should rt'tttst'l'l the claim; It With' nummrtecl by the ('ity Council und the vast majocity ot the poo- plcuf Toronto approved of the arrangement l intuit,- with 3lir,noriiiuti. ".m- w...... -._.. --eee"ee" -'e "on. Mr. Uibmn was sorry that the matter wus inaugh: up at all. feeling that the City Council acted in crood faith and under the cit. l cmusmnccs their "'th should be carried out. I Ho hoped the motion Wot' Ed not be pressed. I Tim amendment was last on the following division _ Yirs---Halrour,, Bishop; Connyyx Dance, i Davis, Gurson, Gould. Lyon. McLaughlin. Morin. Phelps. Snider. Sprttguo--13. Nart--Asln.'t, Arlmlrong. Awrcy. Banan- tyne.Biggtt Blezard. lily! h. Bronson. Caldwell, (hishoim. Clancy. Clarke. E. l". (Toronto), Clarke. H. E. tToronto'. Clarke (Wellington). (hug, Creighton, ('ruoss. Dal, Enmlurcl. Fell, Fl'l'xui-'OH. held. fihaypr. Frnmnnn. French, Gibson (utstuilton). Gibson (Huron), nilmour. Mammal]. Harcourt. "085.Hudson, Kl rus. Lees. Luvs. MCAIHIIOW, McKay. Mark. liurtit Master, Mrnchnm. Meretlllh. Metealte, Millcr. Monk, More, Mama, {\lurrpy. 9T'.o.ty Mum-r. Master. Mrachnm. Meredith. Metcalte, Milk-r. Monk, Morgan, Iiowut, Murray. O'Con. nor. Usumn, Pat-and. Preston. Raysiclc, Nobil- lard, Home. Kass (Hm-um. Ross (Middleman, Smith (l'l'onh-nuc). Smith (York). Stewart, Stu-anon. 'Nole.v, Watets, Whitnoy, Willough. by, Wood Manhunt. Wood (Brunt), Wylie-.. The Han. A. M. "ms, in movingthe House into corumitiec on tho resolutions granting aid to vropostnl railways. pointed out that ll had ttlwtt.t ti been udmiuod that the Province had a right maid railway rnlvrprisi-s. That. puaivy was lint introduced b . the Government of the hw-Juhn Snmhivhl ya'd'fil'S'.' and was. in I tacl. llu-vuuso of in unreal, and that. not on J uw'ount of lho object. but on account ohm- tttttttttet' in which it was proposed. lo gram tho I pmpmyd aid. The policy ot railway aid was l cunlinucd down to 1880 and 1331. No i doubt the aid so granted contributed ' vrry lnrgc'ly to the improvement and i advancement of tho country. ll gave ahcnllhy activity to Inilwny enterpriscsnnd aalimulus l to prqiccla for tho blinding of new lines. Under I that policy the sum of 86.000.000 had been granted. of which tttu),000htyi been paid. In 1881. in view of tlic, various other large. obliga- tions of the Province fwd foal other ransom. a i {cu-ling grew up that it was tune tor the Pro- vince to huh! in hand In this matter t and the " Government yielding") the evident desire at It bums six o'clock, the Bptsakerltsft mocha". iNVritiTMF..NTS MY 'rttt'trrkEFi. Mr. Meredith imrmluccd a hill during the duy lo amend the Aw respecting invusunculs by trustees. and by cottrumt of the "0115.: it Was rend a.tlrstartd second limo forlhwuh. Theol,.icct of tho In}! is designed to enable inn-tom to invest fund: entrusted Iothem in dcbcnture muck of building societies. as they now may in other debeut urea. isl//fisuucd equally such ntusucipalio: nun:- ......... .....,. ., . Mr. Creighton did not view with favorthc policy of taking'm'wo of the lictuvsr. tees front tho municipalities than was nave-sari: cam-ci- ully when the. funds of the Government new claimed to, bqso bumping . . n Mum A. M.itoss p imed out that the Govern. ment gave the rintuicipolitivs the power of loavingnm tccsastlwy were, and so long as they did mm the tioccr.ritrtcrtt would ttot real- ise a cent by tho umpmni clause. lt would Imus the ctrect of reducing the number of humans. A_ . " . , l iiiG)i.utcs. said that the vtf'ect of would pl'ubnlvky Ire to diwoux'ugu tics frqm Jutwtslug 1t'tr,h)ic'-'u1c:1. ma .w... .............'. .,.. Mr. lemughhn mainuuuvd that the change in the. law womgl huvc tho otNct 'of ream-um the murmur or licenses, uud lite m} was oppor- . _. ___ .,.l._-<_,,. |\lu .......,. v. ...<..-_.,, lune because counties I'm-em ly under the Scott Aet would now have an omtortunitr of rogu- luling tite licenses in the iulm'csls of Temper. tun-e. - I " mr- RY " "'1'-" After a few remarks xrum .ur. n. A. Man. the bill was real a second "mu. THE RAILWAY RESOLUTIONS. A 1'l.ltAlt AND ABLE STATEMENT Bx "ON. A. M. t aim-km [mining some! a othvr tiebeut urns. EVENXNG SESSION. "Otis. tho yl.auty tuunicipaii-

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