The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1889, p. 2

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x oblized to announce when |__;| o of forming a fund to recoup th feep _ ols / " 0t -n\e_ HO;'ggf_;:f'l,tma;:t that this would be the _ f:m,:specz ot'moneyn expended in aiding |way construction in his county. _ At | '?""""?er rise aided for the present, and that railways ; a tract of land is, therefore, set |the _ last f""""'l election -- he gave a h 'e"l tl?e considGered as a closing of the rail-- ADATE for the purpose of being sold, and the {distinet pledge that in the event '.'.."3'3.2& Slicy so far as regarded the older s¢e-- proceeds thereof applied to forim the fund lof the Government reopening its railway ;' ;i'\s + t'ijle country. The railway policy was 1110 aforesaid, that is to say, a tract of lmd at Eollcy he would voto against their policy if doubt thoroughiy in accord with the people least ten miles in width on each side O0f the | Essex were not included in the scheme, As an so long as it was continued by the Govern-- present projected lines of railways to which thonest man he had no other course but to ment, _ One of the reasons thali induced a lceo- aid is granted as aforesaid, or on each side of | place himself in opposition to the Government sation of the railway policy WAS the, '"{"' "l the lines of the said railways as the same may |and consult his constituentsas to whether they mation of what were then the 1W0. *Y®} Mll-- _ | pe hereafter finally located and established, " |desire to be represented by a supporter or ways, the Great Wostern and Grand Tran That the said lands so set apart shall be sold o pponent of the Government. Companies. No doubt many of the "3" P"O~ ) at such price not less than two dollars per aere, | _ Mr. Evanturel held that his county was en jected while the railway policy l",'."'i x {,:,e } and on such terms and conditions otherwise,as | titled to receive railway aid if any place was, based in part on 'lh(' "0"'?"""0':lc:i\r':' gg the the Lieumni.-mt-(iovernor may from time to ?Lna he mlugt vote against 1h'o Gdovernment as reen those two lines and 0n re _ ] determine. s not to receive any such aid. ;:;e ":l"\'r\l'iU"S municipalities to ODIALDN 'f?'"' u%':at the moneys arising from the sale of the | _ The debate was continued by Messrs. Hardy, nection with these lines for the nukq of t'h in§ lands so set afm!'t shali constitute a fund to be |Caldwoll, Murray and Meredith. 'The last. Aivantage of the competition between, them. _ | Copsq +«Phe Railway Subsidy Fund, 1889," and | named gentuieman moved the following amend-- \ This impeitus to railway constraction 1'1"" tl;t:(-) a separateo account of the s'ame"shall be kopt by | m (:m uce is | moved by the amalgamation of {he L¥ the Trensurer of the Province. That all words after '"that" be struck out | lines, Anuother set--back to railway on ;" Mr. Ross said he thought no one would doubt | And that there be inserted the following :--This | prise was the Dominion Act of .12-.':\3-'.!'}". "'l' that the Government would be able to sell the Mouse regrets that in opening the question of | which the '.'0"'i"i""d '.'?5""35;{ (p'.'.',l:;::}ltl:;ll?;r lands included in | this | ten--mile reserve | 'iding out of the Provincial funds the bulldxpg' over local railways an !_omlm (hem. : 'The Do-- at the rate Of _ two dollors per acre, of railways, a more just, equitable and satis-- the Legislature in regard 1o caton' to Theih. for people would rather settle on land factory scheme has not been considered for its | mivion Government l'\u'nng'.afuw loca) Fail in the immediate _ vicinity of a rail. | consideration. | | selves the responsibility, of aiding 100¥ MMC . | way "at two dollars an acro than go on It was then moved by Mr. Balfour and | | ways, there was no longer any OCCasion | freo grant land for nothing. Concerning the | seconded by Mr. Evanturel, in amendment to , | bein@ vranted from the Prov incial Treasury to U K idies Mr. R i 1 the aniendiment :-- | 3 eranted * Aua ver proceeded to | | policy of land subsidies Mr. Ross pointed out O MD m o 4 3 | such roads. Then the Treasu°? PrOC0T029 "4 | | tpat for many years past that policy had been That all the words after the the word 'that | show how the Dominion, railway ROTOY NAU | | popular in the United States and also in Can-- | in the amendment be struck out and. the fol-- , | afected Ontario, Oni Of l':L'\vfiiLFni!"(i'(J ?~t; ! | adnr, but experience had shown that such a | lowing substituted therefor :--That this House, | grarted by the Dm'mn;nnl'l n ince of Ontario | | policy was not the wisest, and so the Govern. | While approving the policy of granting liberal : mate. he argned. that th8 POUIMTStiy it con» . | ment had determined to keep these lands in | Rill to desorving celonisation rail ways, is of the . contributed $2,000 directly, ro rata, becanse so | question entirely. under its own . control opinion that Provincial aid should also at ! tribnted far "'U"':"'""r"".t" Contribution was | in the manner described . aboye,. _ This the same time be granted to deserving railway | Satened | "to. it _ i. tll?" shape of aid | policy was. approved of in 1877, when, projects in the older counties, and os%«clally, returned |to 0 it . 5ho C "'was fair to | in connection with the Victoria rail | L9 bona fide projected railways through those from . the "°"",'."°"'l d paid $10.000 per | way, similar | resolutions to this were | COUNUCS in which railways have not before | claim that . 0"'-',"'(; bhad been ahtod by the proposed. The railway ran, in some cases, | r8@cived Provincial aid. | mile for €¥8T3 S CAt, Altogether.since the in-- | through a good doal of swamp lands, and these The amendment to the amendment was de-- | Porre ie o9 ) m."ll,m'"-,';\-prm'{\'-nl's policy _ | of course were useless so far as settlement was clared lost on the following division :-- i anguratiOl 1"hf Aed in aid of various railway | conderned, but they were very valuable-- Yras--Balfour, Evanturel, Monk, Robil« | y onl '"",".m" ('u( \wenty--two millions of | more valuable than agricultural land ever lard--4. | eterprises ht 89M Cunt Ontario had received _| would be, on account of their timber, and he Nays.--Allan, Armstrong. Awrey, Ballan-- | dollars, Of this flillions of Gollers and Quebec | felt conifident that it would be taken up tyne, Bishop, Blezard, Blyth, Bronson, Cald. | N se Bad Th amdit . Aecr oi | Horaiheoitke -- Afiiimeigiiee cotnce | celve mill P s § q 'k a i . wel io aid or | that _ the resolutions _ propose _ further | (Foronto), Clar y¥ emington}, enmes, | _ Mr. .\\l'l'l_l.l-']:"l',h"t the amount P that in lieu of the cash subsidy the Lioutenant. | Craig, Creighton, -- Cruess, Dack, Dance, | the aBiotthL '11'-|'n.1u|)'.,u that was the amount | Governor in Council may at his option direct ' Davis, Drury, _ Fell, -- Ferguson, _ Kield, | ' Mr. l.\'\.;s r"'.":('j.'u.r(-fl.vcr\-li:th- which way it | that payment shail be made semi--annually to Fraser, l'r«,-u.v'u_mn. French, Garson, (J'lbson gr inted; "'"' i t 'f"'m ic the proportion toOntario | the said railways for a period of forty years, | t}innnlton)_, Gibson (Huron), Gilmour, Gould, "",l"u"lf'. in '-'-li:{-'.y remained sbout thoe | semi--annual payments of sixty--nine dollars and , ('l'*\llmm- Guthric, Hammell, Harcourt, Hardy, and Que ,' (, .".:',"l',.'"],,',' out of t he $22,000,000 her | ninety--six cents per inile, If the latter arrange» Hudsonm, Ingram, Kerns, Less, Lyon, McAn--| Nemmege hl nr on er population she would have | ment were adopted the railways under the 4rew, McKay, Mchaughlin, McMahon, Mack, | Just propol (3 I\','"h'. ""O'I Aravsad of 24,030,000. Taking | resolutions would simply be paid for the con-- Marter, Master, Meacham, Meredith, Metcailf, | r"'"""'.'.l's\')'. 80) which Ontario had reccived at | struction actually completed, Continuing, Mr. Miller, Morin, Morgan, Mowat, Murray, ; the $4, "f §3200 a mile, they had but i,200 | Ross said it was not for him to tell of the hard-- O'Connor, Ostrom, Pacaud, Ph--ips, Preston, i "',O ,'T' '.(- ..)'x,i "l"\i'}|..'. 1u.,;n'm:.:.'t:mw»m ment in | ships to whic the settliers in new regions were Rayside, Rorke, Ross (Huron), Ross (Middle: Un 'l' e 5 the Province had got its just pro-- | subjected, nor their privations consequent sex), Smith (brontenac), Smith (York), Snider, $rsrs®0r340,000,000, coch of those 1200 miles | upon the absence of railway communication, Stewart, Spragne, Siratton, Tooley, Waters, P have boen aided to the oxtent of $8.333,. | There were others, some of them in the House Whitney, . Willoughby, Wood (Hastings), j'l(:':;;:."'{;,},,ml these facts and figures to show | at the present time, who could better speak of Wood (Brant), Wyiie--79, 4 t in ols 1 ie Donin e ce sn t || it A en of Sn eranet in cheath in deousd wontment mhich mt ui C i¥ ininriously so far as the Pro. || other lives worthy of consideration in the out. " e * revtens y s t 0 | hadusted very. injat fouels 89 \| laying diatricts, but the Government could not &econded_ by Mr,. Evanturel:----" That this | yince was concerned, and that it would have | | assume the responsibility of dealing with them -- House, while approving the policy of granting ; }u.-c'nl{ar 1}|.mn:.m the mLcu-nri of the local lilut»-' at the present time. !lbbfulkl] aid '.0.'"'3{'{";"}",; "'.'0""'*1'"'.':1" lm"lgalys' } iad the Province continued to grant aid in m » is of the opinion that trovincial ard should also ; the old manner. Of course lhchgl'anting of MR,. BALFOUR'S OPPOSITION, at the same time be granted to deserving | aid in this way by the Domixion Gov-- & GOVERNMENT sUPPORTEB OPPOSEs THE -- railway projects in the older counties on condi. ernment relieved the Provincial exchequer RAILWAY POLICY. tion that at least an equivalent amount is from direct contributions to raitways, but There was a luli of some minutes afterthe Eranted out of public funds of the Dominion in othorwise the Dominion railway policy had ; Speaker had read the motion of the Treasurer ®id thereof. . s been a most ruinous and disastrous policy for ; in favor of going into coiminiitee. Then Mr. After reading the motion, Mr. Balfour called Ontario. 4 Balfour rose_ and with -- some nervous OUt, "Lost on the same division," and was so The hon.Treasurer here referred incidentally hesitation and a striking absence of his | declared. # to a statement in the morning papers to the er-- | usual vehemence of manner expressed his| 1t was then moved in amendment to the feet that the Dominion Premier had announc-- | | dissent from the resolutious submitted. He | Amendment by Mr, Fraser, seconded by Mr. ed, in reply to a deptuation asking for railway | had been, he said, a loyal and constant sup. | HArGY, aid, that the Itominion Government aid to | porterof the Government for years, but he I'hat all wordg of the amendment after the railways was confined to the oldersections of | could not support them in this matter. The | first word "that" be omitted, and instead there-- lh_q country, and, continuing, argued that hon,. gentléeman then read to the House a lis, | Of there be inserted these words :-- | everything went to show that it was unneces. | of the grants paid by the Provincial Govern. All words of the original question after the | sary and _ would be unwise on _ the | ment to the various counties of the Province, | Word "that" be struck out, and instead thereof | | .p,xl\rt of the Local Government to | | This alsofshowed, according to hisreading, that | th¢ following be inserted :-- 1 ) the policy of granting aid to the older | the only three counties in the Province that did I'his House, approving . of a reasonnblel sections of the Province, but that it was +| not receive railway aid aro Essex, Lennox and | Amount of Provincial aid being given to need. }| ; necessary, if the newer sections of the country | Proscott. They have therofor been ioft out in | F1 and desirable colonisation railways within | were to be developed, that the Provincial Gov. | the cold while others have been in receipts of | this Province, do forthwith resolve itself into ' ernment should take up again the policy of | large grants. EKssex, with its population of | 2 COMmittce to consider the resolutions relat: | | granting aid to railways projected in those , | 50.000, if treated fairly ought to have received | NS 10 railway aid heretofore ordered to be d;:"yr;.(;gs_ s (| at least railway grants amonnting to $235,000. considered in committee of the whole House, he hon, gentloman here discussed briefly | | It is all nonsense to tell the people of | 3MA that Mr. Speaker do accordingly now | ; the amounts paid on account of the grants and Essex that they do not require or leaye the chair. - n[:?d"' good his contention that, viewed from | | deserve a railway, because the farmers then The amendment to the amendment was then | } is standpoint, too, Ontario had received far . | fee! that their future depends on railway copn. | C&Fried on the following division :-- | ind h'{':.ll'il just share of Dominion patronage | | struction,. Mr. Balfour then said that all opher YEas.--Allan, Armstrong, Ballantine, Blezard, | | Hl'll:; '.'".(',' 'l(l) fl .l."\\ ay8. _ o | | counties are satisfied because they wore simniy Bronson. Cald well, Chisholm, Clarke (Welling-- ! | | bel'l:'.:'f "l(' or some time, continued Mr.Ross, | | aided. The Ministers of tho Crown represented ton}, Conmee, Cruess, Dack. Dance, Davis, | been a feeling in favor of the re--opening of the | | counties that received large railway granis : _ | Drury. Foll, Ferguson, Field, Fraser, Freeman, | _| | railway D'ol'hfy of the Government so far Simcoe, $450,000: Huron. $277,000; Oxfora, | Garson, Gibson (Hamilton), Gibson (Muron), 1 | g;th;tco"(;).nf:crl'x;l-.l the _ newer sections $186,000 ; Middiesex, $125,000! Leeds & Gren-- Gilmour, Gouid, Grabam, Gutbric, Ilm'('ourt,' n rong 1e tnh:". ol it H;;"rt were varions objec-- ville, 215.000; Wentworth, _ 161,000. Mr. Hardy, Lyon, McKay, McLaughlin, MceMahon, 1 Aitherto. . Of '_P?t'i{ aving beeon taken up Balfour then rolated at some length his rela-- | Mack, Marter, '""Sler-,.'"l"t'r. Morin. Mowat, | of the polic 'lvflui' \luhrq'::\s'un.s for the deferment , | tion to his constiivency. He was elected on l\,hu-my. 0 Lpl'lnor, Picaud, Phelps, Phelps, r\'A.II'l-'\);\)hl('li'l which l"L Government was now | | the distinct understanding thai he should pre-- Prestod, Rayside, Itoss (Hurop), Ioss (Middle-- | / l-u'u:- \'Ul'liuxi'of "lls the u.ll.aelllcd state of a | vail upon the Government to grant aid for raji ' ""** Simith (Frontenac), Smith (York), Snider, | on bectod that L ts lf»r((fl-l!m-l.)'v It could not be | Sprague, Stratton, Waters, Wood (Brant)--54, To be constracted ouml'lllht:;[\»a'l;l_dtmq railways | , NAys--Balfour, Blyth, Claney, Clarke, H. E. tended to be its DOGuindS P thul'i.:. w::l;n:s cnkn. , (Toronto), Craig, Creighton, l-:vanlyrel, French, grants that would hm'é the cll'cél of ci:l:a:::-':u': 1 l\lla'l-l\"u""' y ]lgdson. 1. Meve 'hfl'"s' kssc the value of timber and ininerals that dic'l | m ".l!llhtl"'-, "L"i')hm."' M"ed-".h' Mcxf not beiong to the Province Appl t Sravart. Posler. T Ailuet i ioi i Nke These objections were _ now f rl:ll)ul:)l\ll:t;l' t i;fl\'}':'\l't. )l Ol\'\l'c-'it fe glallll(',\'. Wiloughby, h ood id Ove 4 4 A nd, | astings}, Wylie--28. l lnke l}:,e'_ Gove !:l:f!l(.nt (.?r)cludud that the The House went into committee and the reso-- oc h.'dlhe re ""l'l';mhumm of its railway l lutions were passed neso C ad come, 6 » s a « p C * Y it was, proposed to "M";"flilc"l? Co"\'.glotf the roads | A bili was afterwards introduced by the been anried but for the sefoiment o ts | Provincial--Freasurer to give effect to the | dispute in question. One of th'el.::)" "-(.)'rq ,L]h" C D ico j Ontario& Itainy River railway, part of 'v&hic'li t "l|If lonee then 'sdjcurned about hail past &nln lhrou.lz;l l{no disputed territory, and the welve. ier was the Nipissin & J : [\Wihe + *eenerenormunmt oeniunteratterteemintite 1 part of which \\n's in ll.fe&éz;]r;l\?fgr:i'?grm"l)""")' T T m'»l!*llh ofithc HMeight of Lands. y$ veing i e scheme the Governme eolonisation scheme. it wal:lt RT&?'?::&:!"{. C the purpose of bringing into the oL and | giving railway facilities to songe | _ of the nower sections _ of _ the b'}','.'w ] vince,. 'The hon, gentieman showed how l on could be done by a railway in the way of !?;i"ch Ing into the market lumber toat but for K ways would rot in the forest, by pointin T out that the Canada Atlantic railway in fiy s .'.)m' had brought into the market lnmber gf';}':-rs, nature to the value of over $2.000.000 P re * pointed out that on this basis very large ',."f turns might be expocted to the Government i account of its present proposed expenditure. _' Mr. Koss then prucecSed to discuss ot} points in the proposed policy, first takin 1,'" which proposes "that inasmuch as lhg 'co':lt * s struction of colonisation railways will promotc the settlement and increass the value of SA tain unsettied lands of the Province; and 10"' much as it is desirable that a portinn of utl!lns p | swid lands should be set apart and sold for the :

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